JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes
Mar 1, 2025 - TypeScript
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. The claims in a JWT are encoded as a JSON object that is used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature (JWS) structure or as the plaintext of a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) structure, enabling the claims to be digitally signed or integrity protected with a Message Authentication Code (MAC) and/or encrypted.
JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes
💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Build ECommerce Website Like Amazon By React & Node & MongoDB
JWT auth service using Spring Boot, Spring Security and MySQL
Angular Full Stack project built using Angular, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for WEB API in Delphi. Supports RESTful and JSON-RPC WEB APIs development.
A super fast CLI tool to decode and encode JWTs built in Rust
基于SpringBoot+Shiro+Redis+Jwt+Thymeleaf+MyBatis 开发的后台用户、角色、权限、会员管理、RestFul、Token和前台用户登录注册以及前后台用户分离的脚手架
JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for Graphene Django
A lightweight JWT implementation with ZERO dependencies for Cloudflare Workers.
JWT utilities module based on the jsonwebtoken package 🔓
A MERN stack skeleton web application [Full-Stack React Projects]
A Fake API with JWT Authentication using json-server and jsonwebtoken
A tool to test security of json web token
Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Deno or the browser.
Ecommerce application back-end codes
A fast and simple JWT implementation for Go
The goal of this project is to implement an application called movie-app to manage movies. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called movie-api and a font-end React application called movie-ui. Besides, we will use OAuth2 (Social Login) to secure both applications.
The goal of this project is to implement an application called order-app to manage orders. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called order-api and a font-end React application called order-ui. Besides, we will use JWT Authentication to secure both applications.
Created by M. Jones, J. Bradley, N. Sakimura
Released May 2015