Java JWT: JSON Web Token for Java and Android
Sep 24, 2024 - Java
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. The claims in a JWT are encoded as a JSON object that is used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature (JWS) structure or as the plaintext of a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) structure, enabling the claims to be digitally signed or integrity protected with a Message Authentication Code (MAC) and/or encrypted.
Java JWT: JSON Web Token for Java and Android
🔑 Sample Spring boot application secured using JWT auth in custom header(X-Auth-Token).
Spring Security Refresh Token using JWT in Spring Boot example with HttpOnly Cookie - Expire and Renew JWT Token
Example of REST API with JWT authentication using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Jersey and Jackson.
AWS Cognito JWT parser and validator.
Designed a REST API for Blogging Application, which provides all the basic funtionalities for Online Blogging using JAVA with SpringBoot, Hibernate, Maven, J.D.B.C and MySQL Database as a part of learning curve in Masai School.
Proof of concepts : JWT(JSON Web Token) Authentication with jsp/servlet
API RESTful Java com Spring Boot e Spring Security e banco de dados MySQL.
KLIMU es un sistema de análisis y predicción de eventos climáticos adversos que afectan a la salud de la población. El sistema hará uso de una inteligencia artificial que se encargará de predecir estos eventos y generará alertas que serán transmitidas a los usuarios.
An Appoov token integration example forJava with the Spring framework. Article:
From zero to JWT hero in Spring Boot Servlet app
JWT token based authorization system
Wrap Java Objects as JWT and Sign or encrypt. Also support JWT tokens.
Ejemplo para poder obtener access token y refresh token con spring security y jwt
A user authentication with JWT implementation.
I present here a different implementation of the previous project It uses the Spring Boot version 2.0.4.RELEASE. The main difference is the use of JWT instead of basic tokens. Moreover the JWT are signed using an asymetric key.
Um microsserviço para autenticação JWT com regras e perfil de usuários.
Backend Development for a Blogging Application.
Created by M. Jones, J. Bradley, N. Sakimura
Released May 2015