Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) Potensi Persawahan menggunakan Laravel 9, Livewire, Mapbox, dan Leaflet.
Oct 2, 2023 - SCSS
Livewire is a is a full-stack framework for Laravel that utilizes SSR and AJAX to dynamically load content from the server side without reloading the page. When using Livewire, you will create Livewire "components" that render a discrete portion of your UI and expose methods and data that can be invoked and interacted with from your application's frontend. Unlike other JavaScript frameworks like Vue and React, it doesn't just come with a client-side part but does most of its logic server-side.
Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) Potensi Persawahan menggunakan Laravel 9, Livewire, Mapbox, dan Leaflet.
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