Control 3D Virtual Character through Tensroflow.js Posenet
Dec 3, 2022 - JavaScript
TensorFlow is an open source library that was created by Google. It is used to design, build, and train deep learning models.
Control 3D Virtual Character through Tensroflow.js Posenet
Remove Background from the picture using WebAssembly & TensorFlow.js
A tool for quickly training image classifiers in the browser
Chrome browser extension for using TensorFlow image recognition on web pages
Gesture Controlled Web based Game using Tensorflow Object Detection Api
Neuroevolution demo through TensorFlow.js, Neataptic, and Box2D
Tensorflow.JS Net Viewer
Tensorflow.js + Webpack + Babel + ESLint Development Environment. 🎉😎🚀
Play 2048 using Convolutional Neural network trained on your browser.
A simple example of tensorflow.js taken from codelab
Learn everything around ML
React app. Google Tensorflow image scene content recognition A.I right in your browser. load a local image for recognition
A web app which is able to recognize the object in images. (Flask backend, React frontend, Keras, Tensorflow)
🎤 A trainable sound-controlled maze game with TensorFlow.JS
[Side Project] - Project: Hand Gesture recognition
Train an neural network to identify digits written on a canvas
A simple TensorFlow image classifier in Javascript
Machine Learning Tokyo Tensorflow JS Workshop project
Play guess the drawing game with an AI instead of reals friends, much more interesting!
Created by Google Brain Team
Released November 9, 2015