Covid 19 vaccination slot checker. checks the availability of the next four days for a given Pincode every 5 minutes and will send an email notification as soon as a slot becomes available. 😄 😄 The application fetches Pincodes and email addresses from a google sheet which is associated with a google form.
Here is the link to register:
The application fetches Pincodes and email addresses from a google sheet which is associated with a google form. The google form is associated with your Google account.
It will checks the availability of the next four days for a given Pincode every 5 minutes and will send an email notification as soon as a slot becomes available
crontab is used to trigger the application every 5 mins. cron signature:
*/5 * * * *
git clone
Google sheet API credentials need to be generated to run the application. All the information for the same is available at
With help of the above link, you will be able to generate a token.json file.
Provide all the necessary env variables in the .env file. After that run the below commands
npm install --save
node app.js
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Made with love in INDIA 🇮🇳