Staked Gov – stGov
– is the easiest way to get rewards from Staker, a governance staking system.
stGov is a convenient liquid token wrapper on top of Staker. Governance token holders can stake their tokens for stGov. stGov automates claiming rewards and delegating governance power. It's like what stETH does for ETH staking.
- Stake governance tokens to receive
. - Optionally, delegate the governance token voting power
- The
contract deposits the governance tokens in staker.stGov
assigns the voting power to the holder's chosen delegate, if any. Otherwise, it assigns the voting power using the default delegation strategy - The delegation strategy can be configured by governance. This keeps the default voting power aligned with the DAO and mitigates capture risk.
- The
contract claims Staker's rewards daily. - The rewards are auctioned off for more of the governance token, which is added to each user's staked position. e.g. a balance of
100 stGov
might grow to100.5 stGov
Holders can redeem their stGOV
for the underlying governance token at any time.
For further documentation, see Tally's docs.
direction TB
state "LST Contract" as LST {
state "Core Methods" as CoreMethods {
direction LR
stake: "stake()"
transfer: "transfer()"
unstake: "unstake()"
state "Owner Methods" as OwnerMethods {
direction LR
setPayoutAmount: "setPayoutAmount()"
setFeeParameters: "setFeeParameters()"
state "Strategy Admin Methods" as StrategyMethods {
direction LR
setDefaultDelegatee: "setDefaultDelegatee()"
setDelegateeGuardian: "setDelegateeGuardian()"
state "Searcher Methods" as SearcherMethods {
claimRewards: "claimAndDistributeReward()"
Stakers --> CoreMethods
Owner --> OwnerMethods
DelegateAdmin --> StrategyMethods
Searchers --> SearcherMethods: "Distribute rewards"
LST --> GovernanceStaking
To generate gas reports run the following command.
make gas
This will overwrite the gas report json, which can be checked in alongside changes to the core contracts to track impact on the gas used by important user actions.
Note that the gas report tests must be run with the --isolate
flag in order to generate results that reflect reality.