안녕하세요 🤚, 4년차 프론트엔드 개발자 최혁 입니다.
- E-mail: tmfvmehek@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Hyuck Choi
- Github : woosi8
- Portfolio : FrontEnd
- React WebSite: Legal Tech Project
- CSS_Compilation: compile simple css examples
- Scroll Show: Scroll animation by Jquery
- Clone Web Site with Jquery: clone a desined site with Jquery
- Grid: WinForm basic grid sample and responsive web
- JS_Compilation: compile Accordian,Drag and Drop and Hover by Vanila Javascript
- JS_Games: built Games(lottery,baseball, rock scissor paper) by Vanila Javascript
- JS_ChracterShow: working on
- Card_maker: Login, Logout, image update, card update, maintain information
- Youtube: clone youtube api by Postman
- Weld_Project: Weld Check Project