This provides an MATLAB code implementation for the paper "Low-rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition via the Truncated Nuclear Norm and a Sparse Regularizer".
The folder "LRSD-TNNSR" contains the codes for the following three sub-folders:-
synthetic data: contains the experiments of the synthetic data, you can run "demo.m" to achieve the result of an example.
face image shadow removal: contains the experiments of the face image shadow removal, you can run "demo.m" to achieve the result of an example.
video background subtraction: contains the experiments of the video background subtraction, you can run "demo.m" to achieve the result of an example.
References: Xue, Z., Dong, J., Zhao, Y. et al. Vis Comput (2018).
If you have any questions or comments regarding this package, or if you want to report any bugs or unexpected error messages, please send an e-mail to