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forked from gene-git/wg_tool

Tool to manage wireguard configs for server and users.


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Tool to manage wireguard configs for server and users.


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If on Arch can build using the PKGBUILD provided which is also available in the AUR.

To build it manually, clone the repo and do:

    rm -f dist/*
    python python -m build --wheel --no-isolation
    ./scripts/do-install /


  • Run Time :

    • python (3.9 or later)
    • wireguard-tools
    • nftables (for wireguard server postup.nft)
    • tomli_w (aka python-tomli_w )
    • netaddr (aka python-netaddr )
    • python-qrcode
    • If python < 3.11 : tomli (aka python-tomli)
  • Building Package:

    • git
    • build (aka python-build)
    • intaller (aka python-installer)
    • wheel (aka python-wheel)
    • poetry (aka python-poetry)
    • rsync

Interesting, New or Coming Soon


  • -mod, --mod_users
    Modify existing user:profile(s). Use with -dnsrch and -dnslin

  • -dnsrch, --dns_search
    Adds the list DNS_SEARCH from server config to client DNS search list.
    DNS_SEARCH in server.conf should contain a list of dns domains for dns search.
    Use together with -add for new user:profile or with -mod with existing profile.

  • -dnslin, --dns_linux
    Use together with -add for new user:profile or with -mod with existing profile. Linux Only To bring up wireguard on a linux client one uses

       wg-quick up <user-prof.conf> 
       wg-quick down <user-prof.conf> 

For example to add dns search and use dns_linux on existing user profile. First edit configs/server/server.conf and add list of seach domains :

    DNS_SEARCH = ['sales.example.com', 'example.com']
    wg-tool -mod -dnsrch -dns_linux bob:laptop

By default wg-quick uses resolvconf to manage dns resolv.conf. If you prefer, or dont use resolvconf then use this option. But only use with Linux - it will not work for other clients (Android, iOS, etc)

With this option the usual DNS rows in in the conf file are replaced with PostUp and PostDown.
PostUp saves existing resolv.conf, and installs the one needed by wireguard. PostDown restores the original saved resolv.conf.

To use this the script wg-peer-updn, available in the scripts directory must be in /etc/wireguard/scripts for the client. The installer for the wg_tool package installs the script - but clients without this package should be provided both the user-profile.conf as well as the supporting script wg-peer-updn.

Useful: Report from running wg server showing user:profile names

  • -rrpt
    Same as -rpt, but runs wg show for you. This obviously only works when run on the vpn server. Will advise if current server is out of sync with current config and therefore needs updating and/or restarting

    wg-tool -rrpt

This feature solves a long standing problem with native wireguard reports which burden the administrator with mapping IPs or public keys to a user profile. This eliminates any need for schemes, such as Vanity keys, attempting to map public keys to something more palatable.


Tool to manage wireguard configs for server and users.

It also guarantees that server and user configs are kept properly synchronized.
Handles key creation whenever needed, such as adding user/profile or doing key rollover.

In a nutshell to setup and use wireguard vpn one needs a server and each client gets a configuration, either in the form of a text based .conf file or a QR code. QR codes work nicely for wireguard phone app, for example, where the app uses on board camera to read the the QR code. For computer clients, the conf file is the simplest. The server and client keys share common information which mst be kept synchronized. This includes shared public keys, pre-shared keys for added security along with network information (IPs, Ports and DNS).

The tool uses a file based configuration database kept under the config directory. This provides all the inputs the tool needs to generate the server and client configs. The latter are saved into the wg-config/server and wg-config/users directories for server and clients respectively.

The wg server config, wg-config/server/wg0.conf should be installed, as usual, in /etc/wireguard.

Each user can have 1 or more profiles. For example bob may have bob:phone and bob:laptop. The configs to share with each profile is saved into, in this example, wg-config/users/bob as bob-phone.conf, bob-phone-qr.png, bob-laptop.conf and bob-laptop-qr.png. These are provided to the user - bob in this case.

For computer clients running Linux, there are 2 kinds of configs available. The standard config where the DNS infomation in config is used by wg-quick. wg-quick, in turn, relies on resolvconf.

The alternative, which is definitely my preference, is to use the --dns_linux option in which wg-quick uses the wg-peer-updn script (provided here) via PostUp/PostDown. This saves the current dns resolv.conf file when VPN is brought up using wg-quick up, instalsl the VPN dns into /etc/resolv.conf and restores prior resolv.conf when VPN is deactivated (wg-quick down).

For convenience, previous configs are saved with .prev extension making it easy to compare with a prior version. It can be useful after making changes to diff the two configs.

Key features:

  • simplifies wireguard administration. ( server and users )
  • guarantees server and user configs remain synchronized.
  • handles key creation when needed
  • users can have multiple profiles (bob:laptop bob:phone etc)
  • users and/or profiles can be marked active/inactive
  • takes output of 'wg show' and shows connections by user/profile name.
    Includes check that server is up to date or may need restart with new wg0.conf This solves a minor annoyance in a simple way.
  • can import existing user/profiles

Wireguard server and user configs share several common variables, such as public keys, hostname and listening ports, and therefore it's crucial they are consistent.

wg-tool uses a single source of data which is used to populate the actual configs wireguard needs; this approach guarantees they are always consistent with one another. It also simplifies managment significantly. Common tasks are handled by the tool in a convenient way. For example, It is very straightforward to add users or user profiles, roll keys or make users or profiles active or inactive.

Using wg show on the wireguard server shows any (known) connected users identified by their ip address and their public key. You can use the -rpt option to parse that output and provide the associated user and profile names. It also indicates whether the user and the profile are marked active (by showing (+) or (-) beside the name. If an inactive user is connected, it may be time ensure the server is running the latest wg0.config.

By convention the config files for wireguard itself will be referred to as wg-configs. These are the outputs of wg-tool. We refer to the configuration files for wg-tool itself simply as configs. Directory structure for all the configuration files follow this simple rule.

Specifically, the wireguard server config file, wg0.conf, will be located in wg-configs/server/wg0.conf. All the user QR codes and '.conf' files will be under wg-configs/users/

Laying out this directory structure in a bit more detail:

  • wg-tool configs (our inputs):

  • wireguard configs (our outputs):


Each file is a symlink to an actual file kept under a db directory at the same level as the sylinks. This allows us to keep history as far back as we choose. There are options to choose sepately the amount of history to keep for configs and wg-configs. The default values are 5 and 3 respectively in addition to current values.

Whenever a file is changed, for convenience, the previous version of each is kept and named xxx.prev. This allows for easy comparisons and makes it easy to revert if that were ever needed; though it should be pretty unlikely to be ever be the case.

On the output side each user can have multiple profiles - each profile is a separate access to the vpn. As an example, user jane may have a phone profile and a laptop profile. Each profile will provide a wireguard .conf file along with an image file of its QR code. These 2 files provide the standard wireguard configs users use.

Aside from the QR image files, all the text files are in standard TOML format.

Getting Started

There are 2 ways to get started; either create a new suite of users/profiles or import existing wireguard user.conf files. You can add users or new profiles for existing users at any time. This is very easy and explained below using the --add-user option. You can also import a user at any time, though it's primarily useful when first setting up wg-tool.

If you already have wireguard running then importing is the simplest and best way to proceed. If you're starting from scratch then wg-tool will create new users and profiles for you.

Either way it's pretty straightforward.

Step 1 - Create Server Config

In either case the first step is to create a valid server config file. The best way to do that is to run:

    wg-tool --init

This creates a template in : configs/server/server.conf.

This file must be edited and changed to reflect your own network settings etc. These are all wireguard standard fields, The key fields to edit are:

  • Address
    This is the internal wg cidr mask on the server IP address

  • Hostname and ListenPort
    wg server hostname as seen from internet and port chosen

  • Hostname_Int ListenPort_Int
    wg server hostname and port as seen on internal network.
    Useful for testing wg while inside the network.

  • PrivateKey, PublicKey
    If you have exsiting wg server, change these to your current keys.
    If not they are freshly generated by --init. and can be safely used.

  • PostUp PostDown
    If you want to use the nftables provided by wg-tool - just copy postup.nft from the scripts directory. Change the 3 network variables at top for your setup.

  • DNS
    List of dns servers to be used by wg - typical VPN setup uses internal network DNS

The nftables sample script, scripts/postup.nft, should be copied to /etc/wireguard/scripts.

Again, remember to edit the network variables at the top of the script to match your network. In my case, I want to provide users with access to internet as well as internal network. So the system firewall forwards vpn traffic to the wireguard server which runs on the inside. This script provides access to internet and lan as long as the wireguard server host that access. If your wg server is in the DMZ then it probably only has access to DMS net and internet.

Edit the 3 variables at the top of postup.nft for your own server.

  • vpn_net
    this cidr block must match whats in the server config

  • lan_ip lan_iface
    IP and interface of wireguard server

The list of active users is managed in this server.conf file. This is generated and updated automatically. The tool provides options to add and remove users from the active list. If a user is inactive, none of their profiles will be in server wg0.conf. If a user is active then only their active profiles will be provided to wg0.conf

Each user config has its own list active profiles. It too is managed by the tool. N.B. the active users and active profiles lists, only affect whether they are included in the seerver wg0.conf file. Nothing else. No user or profile is removed when a user and/or profile is inactive.

Step 2 - import and/or add users and profiles

Now that the server config is ready, we can add users and their profiles.

Each user can have 1 or more profiles. wg-tool keeps each user's data in a single file, which holds all that users profiles. It also has a list of currently active profiles.

If a profile is active, it will be put in wireguards wg0.conf server config, otherwise it won't.

Wireguard QR codes and .conf files are always created for every user/profile regardless whether it is active or not.

Each user has their own namespace, so profile names can be same for different users.

Adding new users and profiles.

Users and profiles can be created at any time. They can be created in bulk or one user at a time. For example this command:

    wg-tool --add_user bob:phone,desk,ipad jane:phone,laptop

creates 2 users. bob gets 3 profiles : phone, desk and ipad while jane gets 2 profiles: phone and laptop.

If you don't provide a profile name, the default profile main will be used.

At this point you should now have server config supporting these 5 user profiles and the corresponding wireguard QR codes and .conf files under wg-configs/users

You can get list of all users and their profiles :

    wg-tool --list_users

The (+) or (-) after a user or profile name indicates active or inactive.

Importing existing users and profiles

The tool can import 1 user:profile at a time. This is done using:

    wg-tool --import_user \<user.conf\> user_name:profile_name

where <user.conf> is the standard wireguard conf file (the text version of the QR code). And the user_name and profile_name are what you want them to be known as now.

What worked for me was to copy all those existing wireguard user.conf files into ./old/ and then make a little shell script like the sample scripts/import_users. Script just imports each profile 1 at a time.

Then run the shell script. End result should be working wg0.conf functionally identical to what you currently have. In addition a new set of user-profile.conf and associated qr codes. All found in wg-configs/

As above you may want to see a list of users/profiles:

    wg-tool --list_users

And compare a user profile conf or 2 with existing ones - QR codes will be different, but contain the same informateion. You can check this for bob's laptop QR by doing this:

zbarimg wg-configs/users/bob/bob-laptop-qr.png

which is available in the zbar package. It should match the corresponding user.conf file in wg-configs/users/bob/bob-laptop.conf

Managing Server and Users/Profiles : Making Changes

I recommend avoiding manually editing the TOML input files, but if you do for some reason, then run wg-tool - it should detect your changes and update wg-configs.

Pretty much everything you may need to do should be available using wg-tool.

    wg-tool --help

gives list of options.


Many options take user/profiles as additional input. users/profiles are to be given on command line :


or user:prof oe user_1:prof_1,prof_2 user2 user_3:laptop,tablet

Summary of available options.

    positional arguments:
    users                user_1[:prof1,prof2,...] user_2[:prof_1,prof_2]

  • -h, --help
    Show this help message and exit

  • -i, --init
    Initialize and creat server config template. Please edit to match your server settings.

  • wkd, --work_dir
    Set working directory. Default is ./ This is is the directory holding all configs.

  • -add, --add_users
    Add user(s) and/or user profiles user:prof1,prof2,...

  • -mod, --mod_users
    Modify existing user:profile(s). Use with -dnsrch and -dnslin

  • -dnsrch, --dns_search
    Adds the list DNS_SEARCH from server config to client DNS search list. DNS_SEARCH in server.conf should contain a list of dns domains for dns search and Use together with -add for new user:profile or with -mod with existing profile.

  • -dnslin, --dns_linux
    Linux Only Use together with -add for new user:profile or with -mod with existing profile. To bring up wireguard as a linux client one uses

     wg-quick up \<user-prof.conf\> 
     wg-quick down \<user-prof.conf\> 

For example to add dns search and use dns_linux on existing user profile. First edit configs/server/server.conf and add list of seach domains :

    DNS_SEARCH = ['sales.example.com', 'example.com']
    wg-tool -mod -dnsrch -dns_linux bob:laptop

By default wg-quick uses resolvconf to manage dns resolv.conf. If you prefer, or dont use resolvconf then use this option. But only use with Linux - it will not work for other clients (Android, iOS, etc)

With this option the usual DNS rows in in the conf file are replaced with PostUp and PostDown.
PostUp saves existing resolv.conf, and installs the one needed by wireguard. PostDown restores the original saved resolv.conf.

To use this the script wg-peer-updn, available in the scripts directory must be in /etc/wireguard/scripts for the client. The installer for the wg_tool package installs the script - but clients without this package should be provided both the user-profile.conf as well as the supporting script wg-peer-updn.

  • -int, --int_serv
    With --add_users uses internal wireguard server

  • -uuk, --upd_user_keys
    Generate new set of keys for existing user(s). This is public and private key pair along with new pre-shared key.

  • -usk, --upd_serv_keys
    Generate new pair of server keys. NB This affects all users as they all use the server public key.

  • -all, --all_users
    Some opts (e.g. upd_user_keys) may apply to all users/profiles when this is turned on.

  • -act, --active
    Mark one or more users or user[:profile, profile...] active

  • -inact, --inactive
    Mark one or more users or user[:profile, profile...] inactive

  • -imp, --import_user
    Import a standard wg user conf file into the spcified user_name:profile_name This is for one single user:profile

  • -keep, --keep_hist
    How much config history to keep (default 5)

  • -keep_wg, --keep_hist_wg
    How much wg-config history to keep (default 3)

  • -sop, --save_opts
    Together with --keep_hist and/or --keep_hist_wg to save these values as new defaults.

  • -rrpt, --run_show_rpt
    Run "wg show" and generate report of users, profiles. Also checks for consistency with current settings.

  • -rpt, --show_rpt
    Same as -rrpt only reads file containing the output of wg show If file is name stdin, then it reads from stdin.

  • -l, --list_users
    Summary of users/profiles - sorted by user.

  • -det, --details
    Adds more detail to -l and -rrpt. For -l report will also include details about each profile. For -rrpt report will show all user:profiles known to running server, not just those for which it has a recent connection.

  • -v, --verb
    Adds more verbose output.

Key Rollover

wg-tool makes key rollover particularly simple - at least as far as updating keys and regenerating user and/or server configs with the new keys. Its equally simple to update keys on a per user basis as well - just specify them on command line.

To roll the server keys run:

    wg-tool --upd_serv_keys

This will naturally update all user profiles with the new server public key.

To roll all user keys run:

    wg-tool --upd_user_keys

or as usual you can specify which profiles to generate the new keys for.

    wg-tool --upd_user_keys  [user:prof1,prof2 user2 ..]

As per usual, a change to any user profiles will generate a corresponding new server wg0.conf file

Distribution of the updated config/QR code to each user is not addressed by the tool. Continue to use existing methods - encyrpted email, in person display of QR code etc. ...


  • Config changes are tracked by modification times.
    For existing user/profiles without a saved value of mod_time, the last change date-time of the config file is used and saved. These mod times are displayed when using -l and -l -det.


wg_tool was created by Gene C. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Tool to manage wireguard configs for server and users.







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  • Python 96.6%
  • Shell 3.4%