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Yii Strings

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The package provides:

  • StringHelper that has static methods to work with strings;
  • NumericHelper that has static methods to work with numeric strings;
  • Inflector provides methods such as toPlural() or toSlug() that derive a new string based on the string given;
  • WildcardPattern is a shell wildcard pattern to match strings against;
  • CombinedRegexp is a wrapper that optimizes multiple regular expressions matching and MemoizedCombinedRegexp is a decorator that caches results of CombinedRegexp to speed up matching.


  • PHP 8.0 or higher.
  • mbstring PHP extension.


The package could be installed with Composer:

composer require yiisoft/strings

StringHelper usage

String helper methods are static so usage is like the following:

echo \Yiisoft\Strings\StringHelper::countWords('Strings are cool!'); // 3

Overall the helper has the following method groups.


  • byteLength
  • byteSubstring

File paths

  • baseName
  • directoryName


  • substring
  • replaceSubstring
  • startsWith
  • startsWithIgnoringCase
  • endsWith
  • endsWithIgnoringCase
  • findBetween
  • findBetweenFirst
  • findBetweenLast


  • truncateBegin
  • truncateMiddle
  • truncateEnd
  • truncateWords
  • trim
  • ltrim
  • rtrim


  • length
  • countWords

Lowercase and uppercase

  • lowercase
  • uppercase
  • uppercaseFirstCharacter
  • uppercaseFirstCharacterInEachWord

URL friendly base64

  • base64UrlEncode
  • base64UrlDecode


  • parsePath
  • split

NumericHelper usage

Numeric helper methods are static so usage is like the following:

echo \Yiisoft\Strings\NumericHelper::toOrdinal(3); // 3rd

The following methods are available:

  • toOrdinal
  • normalize
  • isInteger

Inflector usage

echo (new \Yiisoft\Strings\Inflector())
    ->toSlug('Strings are cool!'); // strings-are-cool

Overall the inflector has the following method groups.

Plurals and singulars

  • toPlural
  • toSingular


  • toTransliterated

Case conversion

  • pascalCaseToId
  • toPascalCase
  • toCamelCase

Words and sentences

  • toSentence
  • toWords
  • toHumanReadable

Classes and database tables

  • classToTable
  • tableToClass


  • toSlug

WildcardPattern usage

WildcardPattern allows a simple POSIX-style string matching.

use \Yiisoft\Strings\WildcardPattern;

$startsWithTest = new WildcardPattern('test*');
if ($startsWithTest->match('testIfThisIsTrue')) {
    echo 'It starts with "test"!';

The following characters are special in the pattern:

  • \ escapes other special characters if usage of escape character is not turned off.
  • * matches any string, including the empty string, except delimiters (/ and \ by default).
  • ** matches any string, including the empty string and delimiters.
  • ? matches any single character.
  • [seq] matches any character in seq.
  • [a-z] matches any character from a to z.
  • [!seq] matches any character not in seq.
  • [[:alnum:]] matches POSIX style character classes.

ignoreCase() could be called before doing a match() to get a case-insensitive match:

use \Yiisoft\Strings\WildcardPattern;

$startsWithTest = new WildcardPattern('test*');
if ($startsWithTest
    ->match('tEStIfThisIsTrue')) {
    echo 'It starts with "test"!';

CombinedRegexp usage

CombinedRegexp optimizes matching multiple regular expressions.

use \Yiisoft\Strings\CombinedRegexp;

$patterns = [
$regexp = new CombinedRegexp($patterns, 'i');
$regexp->matches('a5'); // true – matches the third pattern
$regexp->matches('A5'); // true – matches the third pattern because of `i` flag that is applied to all regular expressions
$regexp->getMatchingPattern('a5'); // '^a\d$' – the pattern that matched
$regexp->getMatchingPatternPosition('a5'); // 2 – the index of the pattern in the array
$regexp->getCompiledPattern(); // '~(?|first|second()|^a\d$()())~'

MemoizedCombinedRegexp usage

MemoizedCombinedRegexp caches results of CombinedRegexp in memory. It is useful when the same incoming string are matching multiple times or different methods of CombinedRegexp are called.

use \Yiisoft\Strings\CombinedRegexp;
use \Yiisoft\Strings\MemoizedCombinedRegexp;

$patterns = [
$regexp = new MemoizedCombinedRegexp(new CombinedRegexp($patterns, 'i'));
$regexp->matches('a5'); // Fires `preg_match` inside the `CombinedRegexp`.
$regexp->matches('first'); // Fires `preg_match` inside the `CombinedRegexp`.
$regexp->matches('a5'); // Does not fire `preg_match` inside the `CombinedRegexp` because the result is cached.
$regexp->getMatchingPattern('a5'); // The result is cached so no `preg_match` is fired.
$regexp->getMatchingPatternPosition('a5'); // The result is cached so no `preg_match` is fired.

// The following code fires only once matching mechanism.
if ($regexp->matches('second')) {
    echo sprintf(
        'Matched the pattern "%s" which is on the position "%s" in the expressions list.',


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The Yii Strings is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.

Maintained by Yii Software.

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