This is a tool for simulating interval data and benchmarking tool for interval retrieval.
segmeter currently supports two modes of operation: sim
(e.g., simulate) and bench
(e.g., benchmark).
In the sim
mode, segmeter generates a synthetic dataset of intervals and writes it to a file. In the bench
segmeter reads a dataset of intervals from a file and evaluates the performance of a given interval retrieval algorithm.
In the simulation mode, segmeter generates of intervals (reference) and their corresponding basic and complex queries. This can be used as follows:
segmeter sim -o DATADIR [-h] [-n INVLNUMS] [-m MAX_CHROMLEN] [-c SIMNAME] [-g GAPSIZE] [-i INTVLSIZE]
Argument | Description |
-o, --datadir | output folder for the benchmark/simulation results. Note this also serves as input folder for the benchmarking |
-n, --intvlnums | Number of intervals to simulate (should be divisible by 10). Can be a comma separated list of intervals (for different datasets). Can be abbreviated for thousands, millions (e.g., 10K, 1M). Default is 10. |
-m, --max_chromlen | maximum length (in base pairs) of the simulated chromosomes. The default maximum length is set to one billion (e.g., 1000000000). In this is exceeded in the simulation, segmeter creates new scaffolds. |
-c, --simname | name of the simulation, used for the output folder |
-g, --gapsize | random size of the gaps (min and max) between the intervals. Default is 100-5000 |
-i, --intvlsize | random size (min and max) of the intervals. Default is 100-10000 |
This will generates output files in the 'DATADIR/simname/BED' folder. The files are in BED format (currently the only supported format) and can be used for benchmarking. In particular, the filers are located in the following folders:
DATADIR/simname/BED/ref/ # reference intervals
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/ # basic queries
DATADIR/simname/BED/complex/ # complex queries
In addition, segmeter generates for each specified INTVLNUM
, a file with the length of each simulated chromosome (DATADIR/simname/BED/<INTVLNUM>_chrlens.txt
and the number of intervals per chromosome (DATADIR/simname/BED/<INTVLNUM>_chrnums.txt
contains the reference intervals. This is a BED4 file with the interval ID in the fourth column.
For each value in INTVLNUMS
, there is a corresponding file with the intervals.
contains the basic queries. In total, segmeter generates ten basic queries for each interval in the reference.
For each value in INTVLNUMS
, there is a corresponding folder with the basic queries. In each folder, there is a subfolders for the different
types of basic queries:
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/perfect/ # perfect overlaps (boundaries are identical with reference)
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/5p-partial/ # partial overlaps on 5' end
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/3p-partial/ # partial overlaps on 3' end
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/contained/ # overlap is contained within the reference
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/enclosed/ # overlap encloses the reference
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/perfect-gap/ # perfect overlap with a gap between reference intervals
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/left-adjacent-gap/ # adjacent to the 5'-end of the interval (no overlap)
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/right-adjacent-gap/ # adjacent to the 3'-end of the interval (no overlap)
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/mid-gap1/ # random overlap with a gap
DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/mid-gap2/ # random overlap with a gap
In each of the subfolders, there is a BED4 file for each of the specified INTVLNUMS (e.g., DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/query/<query_type>/<INTVLNUM>.bed
In addition, the queries are subsample to 10-100% of the queries and stored in corresponding files (e.g., DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/query/<query_type>/INTVLNUM_<PERCENT>p.bed
In addition, the truth files are stored in DATADIR/simname/BED/basic/truth/<INTVLNUM>.bed
. These files contain the queries and their corresponding reference intervals. In each line
the query interval is followed by the reference interval. The reference interval is the interval that the query should overlap with. In the fourth column, the combined ID of the query and
reference interval is stored.
chr13 309 1623 chr13 584 4573 intvl_1_5p:intvl_1
chr13 3221 4662 chr13 584 4573 intvl_1_3p:intvl_1
chr13 1823 2593 chr13 584 4573 intvl_1_contained:intvl_1
chr13 519 4649 chr13 584 4573 intvl_1_enclosed:intvl_1
chr13 584 4573 chr13 584 4573 intvl_1_perfect:intvl_1
contains the complex queries. Currently, this only includes mult
queries which basically cover multiple reference intervals. According to the number of intervals that
are covered in a complex query, the queries are stored in deciles (e.g., DATADIR/simname/BED/complex/query/mult/<INTVLNUM>_<DECILE>bin.bed
). Again this contains the queries in BED4 format with and
identifier in the fourth column. Note that mult_13
indicates that this query covers 13 reference intervals:
chr12 45837 160962 mult_13
chr12 146101 264093 mult_14
chr12 87719 214921 mult_15
chr12 122976 259591 mult_16
chr14 20381 105691 mult_13
The truth files for the complex queries are stored in DATADIR/simname/BED/complex/truth/<INTVLNUM>.bed
. This consists of the query interval and the corresponding number of intervals that are covered by the query.
chr11 43495 63230 mult_2 2
chr11 106913 119696 mult_3 3
chr11 90920 113986 mult_4 4
chr11 136183 172964 mult_5 5
chr11 236310 283001 mult_6 6
In the benchmark mode, segmeter reads a dataset of intervals from a file and evaluates the performance of a given interval retrieval algorithm. This can be used as follows:
segmeter bench -o DATADIR [-h] [-n INTVLNUMS] [-s SUBSET] [-b BENCHNAME] [-c SIMNAME] [-t TOOL]
Argument | Description |
-o, --datadir | input/output folder for the simulation results. Note that this folder must contains a subfolder sim that contains the simulated interval data |
-n, --intvlnums | Number of intervals to benchmark. When multiple datasets are benchmark, this should be a comma separated list (same in in simulation). Note that this should have been simulated before. |
-s, --subset | subset (in percentage) of the intervals to use for benchmarking. Format should be either XX-YY or XX,YY-ZZ. If this is left empty, all subsets/deciles are used |
-b, --benchname | name of the benchmark, used for the output folder. This allows to perform multiple benchmarks |
-c, --simname | name of the simulation data that is being used. Note that this should be the same as the name of the simulation data that was used for the simulation |
-t, --tool | tool to benchmark. Currently, the following tools are supported: tabix , bedtools , bedtools_sorted , bedtools_tabix , bedops , bedmaps , giggle , granges , gia , bedtk , bedtk_sorted , igd , ailist , ucsc |
Note that bedtools_sorted
and bedtk_sorted
are the same as bedtools
and bedtk
, respectively, but the input files are sorted before the benchmarking.
In the case of bedtools_tabix
, the input files are sorted and indexed using tabix
for random access and the queried using bedtools
This generates a separate output folder for each benchmark tool in the folder DATADIR/bench/benchname/
with a subfolder for each INTVLNUM.
In additional subfolders (precision
and stats
), the precision and statistics are stored.
The precision is stored in a file DATADIR/bench/benchname/precision/<INTVLNUM>_<PERCENT>.txt
and the
statistics in DATADIR/bench/benchname/stats/<INTVLNUM>_<PERCENT>.txt
In the precision files, the precision of the tool on basic and complex queries is stored separately:
intvlnum subset TP FP TN FN Precision Recall F1
1000 10% 500 0 500 0 1.0 1.0 1.0
intvlnum bin distance
1000 10bin 0
The upper part of the file contains the precision, recall, and F1 score for the basic queries and subset (e.g., 10% of the queries). The lower part contains the distance which is the absolute difference between expected and observed number of intervals covered by the complex query. Note this only represents a decile (e.g., 10bin), in other words, the queries that cover 10% of the reference intervals per chromosome.
In the statistics files, the statistics of the tool on basic and complex queries is stored separately:
intvlnum data_type query_type time max_RSS(MB)
1000 basic perfect_100% 0.00279 1.2265625
1000 basic 5p-partial_100% 0.00261 1.22265625
1000 basic 3p-partial_100% 0.00282 1.1640625
1000 basic enclosed_100% 0.00255 1.2265625
1000 basic contained_100% 0.00294 1.22265625
1000 basic perfect-gap_100% 0.00329 1.2265625
1000 basic left-adjacent-gap_100% 0.00244 1.1640625
1000 basic right-adjacent-gap_100% 0.00211 1.1640625
1000 basic mid-gap1_100% 0.00215 1.2265625
1000 basic mid-gap2_100% 0.0022 1.2265625
1000 complex mult_100bin 0.00193 1.2265625
The file contains the time and memory usage of the tool for each query type and subset. The time is in seconds and the memory usage in MB.
In additon, we provide a ready-to-use Docker container that has segmeter preconfigured. It can be found at dockerhub. We provide three different containers that can be used for the different tools.
Container | Tools | Container tag |
giggle | giggle | segmeter:giggle-latest |
others | AIList, BEDops, bedtools, bedtk, IGD, tabix, UCSC utils | segmeter:others-latest |
rust-tools | gia, granges | segmeter:rust-tools-latest |
This can used with the following commands:
docker run -it -d -v /folder/on/host/:/folder/in/container/ yanglabinfo/segmeter:<container_tag> /bin/bash
docker exec <container_id> segmeter <args>
Segmeter is provided as docker container that can be pulled using singularity pull docker://yanglabinfo/segmeter
, which creates the segmeter_latest.sif
Consequently, this can be used with singularity exec segmeter_latest.sif segmeter <args>