- Washington DC
(UTC -05:00)
- Pro
website-v2 Public
Forked from appdevumd/website-v2A futuristic App Dev website!
BTEEnhanced Public
Addon to WorldEdit which provides features for the purpose of making building faster.
BTEDiscordAddon Public
DiscordSRV hook that provides info on Discord from the Minecraft server
Summit Public archive
iOS/Android mobile app for students with StudentVue
studentvue.js Public
Forked from jwmarb/studentvue.jsA library that provides an easy solution to using StudentVUE's official API
react-navigation Public
Forked from react-navigation/react-navigationRouting and navigation for your React Native apps
TypeScript UpdatedApr 25, 2023 -
BTELinked Public
Simple plugin that links BTE website roles to Discord roles. Possibly more features to come
docs Public
BTE Northeast documentation: Building tips, tricks, etc.
documentation Public
Unofficial documentation related to BuildtheEarth
VanillaTerra Public
Implements terra commands from t++ for a vanilla server
terraplusplus Public
Forked from BuildTheEarth/terraplusplusA feature-rich fork of Terra121 focusing on performance.
DiscordLogger Public
Logging MC -> Discord
DiscordSRV Public
Forked from DiscordSRV/DiscordSRVDiscord bridging plugin for block game https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discordsrv.18494/