Hello there, I'm Dacian Stroia, also known as Zademn in the online world. I'm an applied researcher in ML and cryptography. I like GNNs, FHE and Rust.
- facto-rs - Small factorization library in Rust
- A ML monitoring PoC
- Small Rust projects: Game of life in Rust, Ray tracing in one weekend, AoC2021, CryptoPals - partially
- Small Zig projects: Ray tracing in one weekend
- Detoxitweet - An extension for classifying the toxicity of the tweets (team of 3 people, hackaton).
- General cryptography
- Network science and GNN labs - I currently teach them at my university
- My crust of rust implementations
- PUGCN paper reimplemented in Pytorch + some extra models I tried out.
- KMeans in Rust
- FBNet reimplemented in Pytorch Geometric as practice.
- Server and Client - phone app that allows you to track friend locations in real time (team of 2 people).
- Healthcheck app - An app that allows you to do healthchecks for different devices (team of 2 people).
- AtomC-compiler - A compiler for a C subset.
- omnet++ schedulers - Some schedulers implemented in omnet++.