Sets up the Zsh shell integration for Homebrew.
Also defines Homebrew aliases.
The following can be removed from your ~/.zshrc
, since this module will
already take care of it:
eval "$(/path/to/brew shellenv)"
auto uninstalls formulae that are no longer needed.brewc
cleans the cache.brewC
scrubs the cache, including downloads for the latest versions.brewd
checks your system for potential problems.brewe
edits given formula.brewi
shows information about given formula.brewI
installs given formula.brewl
lists installed formulae.brewL
lists installed formulae that don't depend on other installed formula.brewo
lists outdated installed formulae.brewr
reinstalls given formula.brews
performs a search of formula names.brewS
manages background services with macOS' launchctl daemon manager.brewu
updates Homebrew and all formulae.brewU
upgrades outdated and unpinned formulae.brewx
uninstalls a given formula.brewX
deletes all installed versions of given formula.
edits given cask.caski
shows information about given cask.caskI
installs given cask.caskl
lists installed casks.casko
lists outdated installed casks.caskr
reinstalls given cask.casks
performs a search of cask tokens.caskU
upgrades given cask or all outdated casks, if none given.caskx
uninstalls given cask.caskX
uninstalls even if given cask does not appear to be present.caskz
zaps all files associated with given cask.
This module should be sourced first, before any other, so commands installed via Homebrew are available to the other modules when needed.