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BoxBilling Cookbook

Cookbook Version Dependency Status Code Climate Build Status

Chef cookbook to install and configure BoxBilling, invoice and client management software.


Supported Platforms

This cookbook has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Amazon Linux
  • CentOS >= 6.0
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • RedHat
  • Ubuntu

Please, let us know if you use it successfully on any other platform.

Required Cookbooks

Required Applications

  • Ruby 1.9.3 or higher.


Attribute Default Description
node['boxbilling']['version'] '4.19.1' BoxBilling version (See below for BoxBilling version 3 installation).
node['boxbilling']['download_url'] calculated BoxBilling download URL.
node['boxbilling']['required_packages'] %w(unzip) BoxBilling required packages.
node['boxbilling']['php_packages'] calculated BoxBilling required PHP packages.
node['boxbilling']['dir'] '/srv/www/boxbilling' BoxBilling installation directory.
node['boxbilling']['server_name'] node['fqdn'] BoxBilling server name.
node['boxbilling']['cron_enabled'] true Whether to enable BoxBilling cron job.
node['boxbilling']['headers'] {} BoxBilling HTTP headers to set as hash.
node['boxbilling']['ssl'] true Whether to enable SSL in BoxBilling.
node['boxbilling']['encrypt_attributes'] false Whether to encrypt BoxBilling attributes containing credential secrets.
node['boxbilling']['web_server'] 'apache' Web server to use: 'apache' or 'nginx'
node['boxbilling']['admin']['email'] calculated BoxBilling admin email.
node['boxbilling']['admin']['pass'] calculated BoxBilling admin password.
node['boxbilling']['config']['timezone'] 'America/New_York' BoxBilling timezone. See PHP supported timezones.
node['boxbilling']['config']['db_host'] 'localhost' BoxBilling database host.
node['boxbilling']['config']['db_name'] 'boxbilling' BoxBilling database name.
node['boxbilling']['config']['db_user'] 'boxbilling' BoxBilling database user.
node['boxbilling']['config']['db_password'] calculated BoxBilling database user password.
node['boxbilling']['config']['url'] calculated BoxBilling URL.
node['boxbilling']['config']['license'] nil BoxBilling license key (required). Go to BoxBilling order page to get a new license.
node['boxbilling']['config']['locale'] 'en_US' BoxBilling locale.
node['boxbilling']['config']['sef_urls'] false Whether to enable BoxBilling search engine friendly URLs.
node['boxbilling']['config']['debug'] calculated Whether to enable BoxBilling debug mode.
node['boxbilling']['api_config']['require_referer_header'] true Whether to enable require referer header in the API.
node['boxbilling']['api_config']['allowed_ips'] [] BoxBilling allowed IP addresses to access the API. Empty array will allow all IPs to access the API.
node['boxbilling']['api_config']['rate_span'] 3600 BoxBilling API time span for limit in seconds.
node['boxbilling']['api_config']['rate_limit'] 1000 BoxBilling API requests allowed per time span.
node['boxbilling']['mysql']['server_root_password'] calculated BoxBilling MySQL root password.
node['boxbilling']['mysql']['server_debian_password'] calculated BoxBilling MySQL debian user password.
node['boxbilling']['mysql']['server_repl_password'] calculated BoxBilling MySQL repl user password.

The HTTPS Certificate

This cookbook uses the ssl_certificate cookbook to create the HTTPS certificate. The namespace used is node['boxbilling']. For example:

node.default['boxbilling']['common_name'] = 'boxbilling.example.com'
node.default['boxbilling']['config']['license'] = '...' # BB_LICENSE key
include_recipe 'boxbilling'

See the ssl_certificate namespace documentation for more information.

Encrypted Attributes

This cookbook can use the encrypted_attributes cookbook to encrypt the secrets generated during the Chef Run. This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled setting the node['boxbilling']['encrypt_attributes'] attribute to true. For example:

include_recipe 'encrypted_attributes::users_data_bag'
node.default['boxbilling']['encrypt_attributes'] = true
node.default['boxbilling']['config']['license'] = '...' # BB_LICENSE key
inclure_recipe 'boxbilling'

This will create the following encrypted attributes:

  • node['boxbilling']['admin']['pass']: BoxBilling admin password.
  • node['boxbilling']['mysql']['root']: MySQL root user password.
  • node['boxbilling']['mysql']['debian']: MySQL debian user password.
  • node['boxbilling']['mysql']['repl']: MySQL repl user password.
  • node['boxbilling']['config']['db_password']: MySQL BoxBilling user password.

Read the chef-encrypted-attributes gem documentation to learn how to read them.



Installs and configures BoxBilling. Including the MySQL server if set to localhost.


Installs the requirementes to use the boxbilling_api resource.


Installs MySQL server for BoxBilling.



This resource uses the BoxBilling v2 Admin API with some modifications:

  • Some paths has been normalized, the action has been removed from the path and the resource action is issued instead.
  • The update action is simulated for some objects that do not support it, using delete and create.
  • All the action names has been simplified to create, update and delete.

Note: Keep in mind that some API calls require self-generated/auto-incremented MySQL identifiers. So their use can become difficult sometimes.

boxbilling_api Actions

  • request (default): Sends a HTTP raw API request.
  • create: Sends a create action to the API object.
  • update: Sends an update action to the API object.
  • delete: Send a delete action to the API object.

boxbilling_api Parameters

Parameter Default Description
path name BoxBilling API relative path. For example: 'admin/product'.
data {} Data to send as hash.
debug calculated Whether to enable debug mode.
ignore_failure false Ignore API HTTP errors.


You need a valid BoxBilling license key to use this cookbook. You can get a new license in the BoxBilling order page.

Including in a Cookbook Recipe

You can simply include it in a recipe:

# in your recipe
node.default['boxbilling']['config']['license'] = '...' # BB_LICENSE key
include_recipe 'boxbilling'

Don't forget to include the boxbilling cookbook as a dependency in the metadata:

# metadata.rb
depends 'boxbilling'

Including in the Run List

Another alternative is to include it in your Run List:

  "name": "client.example.com",
  "[...]": "[...]",
  "normal": {
    "boxbilling": {
      "config": {
        "license": "BB_LICENSE"
  "run_list": [

Installing BoxBilling 3

To install BoxBilling version 3, you must change the node['boxbilling']['download_url'] attribute.

You can use GitHub to download the release. For example:

node.default['boxbilling']['config']['license'] = '...' # BB_LICENSE key
node.default['boxbilling']['download_url'] = 'http://files.zuazo.org/boxbilling-3.6.11.zip'

include_recipe 'boxbilling::default'

boxbilling::default Recipe Usage Example

node.default['boxbilling']['config']['license'] = '...' # BB_LICENSE key
include_recipe 'boxbilling::default'

boxbilling::api Recipe Usage Example

include_recipe 'boxbilling::api'

boxbilling::mysql Recipe Usage Example

include_recipe 'boxbilling::mysql'

boxbilling_api Resource Usage Example

Below is a fairly complete real example:

# =============================================================================
# Products
# =============================================================================

# Disable "Domains registration and transfer" product
boxbilling_api 'admin/product Domains registration and transfer' do
  path 'admin/product'
    id: 1,
    status: 'disabled'
  action :update

# =============================================================================
# News
# =============================================================================

# Delete some default blog news
(1..3).each do |id|
  boxbilling_api "admin/news delete #{id}" do
    path 'admin/news'
    data id: id
    action :delete

# New blog post
# boxbilling_api 'admin/news' do
#   data(
#     id: 4,
#     content: 'Blog post content...',
#     title: 'My first blog post',
#     # image: 'http://www.yourdomain.com/image.jpg',
#     status: 'active'
#     # created_at: '2012-01-01',
#     # updated_at: '2012-01-01'
#   )
#   action :create
# end

# =============================================================================
# Knowledge Base
# =============================================================================

# Disable some default articles
(1..3).each do |id|
  boxbilling_api 'admin/kb/article #{id}' do
    path 'admin/kb/article'
      id: id,
      status: 'draft'
    action :update

# Create some categories
# boxbilling_api 'admin/kb/category 3' do
#   path 'admin/kb/category'
#   data(
#     id: 3,
#     title: 'New KB category',
#     description: 'New KB category content description'
#   )
#   action :create
# end

# Add some articles
# boxbilling_api 'admin/kb/article 4' do
#   path 'admin/kb/article'
#   data(
#     id: 4,
#     kb_article_category_id: 3,
#     title: 'My New Article',
#     status: 'active',
#     content: 'My article content...'
#   )
#   action :create
# end

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Settings > Client
# =============================================================================

boxbilling_api 'admin/extension/config' do
    ext: 'mod_client',
    allow_signup: 1,
    require_email_confirmation: 1,
    allow_change_email: 1,
    required: %w(last_name country city state address_1 postcode phone)
  action :update

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Settings > Currency settings
# =============================================================================

boxbilling_api 'admin/currency EUR' do
  path 'admin/currency'
    code: 'EUR',
    title: 'Euro',
    format: "{{price}} \u20AC"
  action :create

boxbilling_api 'admin/currency GBP' do
  path 'admin/currency'
    code: 'GBP',
    title: 'Pound Sterling',
    format: "\u00A3{{price}}"
  action :create

boxbilling_api 'admin/currency/set_default' do
  data code: 'EUR'

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Settings > Email
# =============================================================================

boxbilling_api 'admin/email/batch_template_generate'

# Reset a template
# boxbilling_api 'admin/email/template_reset client_password_reset_approve' do
#   path 'admin/email/template_reset'
#   data code: 'mod_client_password_reset_approve'
# end

# Create a new template
# boxbilling_api 'admin/email/template 1' do
#   path 'admin/email/template'
#   data(
#     id: 1,
#     enabled: 1,
#     category: 'client',
#     action_code: 'mod_client_password_reset_approve',
#     subject: '[{{ guest.system_company.name }}] Password Changed',
#     content: '...'
#   )
#   action :create
# end

# Update an existing template
# boxbilling_api 'admin/email/template 1' do
#   path 'admin/email/template'
#   data(
#     id: 1,
#     enabled: 1,
#     subject: '[{{ guest.system_company.name }}] Password Changed',
#     content: <<-EOF
# {% filter markdown %}
# Dear {{ c.first_name }} {{ c.last_name }},
# As you requested, your password for our client area has now been reset.
# Your new login details are as follows:
# Login at: {{"login"|link}}?email={{ c.email }}
# Email: {{ c.email }}
# Password: {{ password }}
# To change your password to something more memorable, after logging in go to 
# Profile &gt; Change Password.
# Edit your profile at {{ "me"|link }}
# {{ guest.system_company.signature }}
# {% endfilter %}
#     EOF
#   )
#   action :update
# end

# Email settings
# boxbilling_api 'admin/extension/config mod_email' do
#   path 'admin/extension/config'
#   data(
#     ext: 'mod_email',
#     log_enabled: 1,
#     mailer: 'smtp', # sendmail | smtp
#     smtp_host: smtp_host,
#     smtp_port: 587,
#     smtp_username: smtp_username,
#     smtp_password: smtp_password,
#     smtp_security: 'tls',
#   )
#   action :update
# end

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Settings > Invoice settings
# =============================================================================

# Set next invoice number
# IMPORTANT: this must be run only once, will cause duplicated invoice numbers
boxbilling_api 'admin/system/params invoice starting_number' do
  path 'admin/system/params'
  data invoice_starting_number: '1'
  action :nothing

boxbilling_api 'admin/system/params invoice settings' do
  path 'admin/system/params'
    invoice_issue_days_before_expire: 14,
    invoice_due_days: 5,
    invoice_auto_approval: 1,
    remove_after_days: 0,
    invoice_series: 'PRO-N',
    invoice_series_paid: 'N',
    # negative_invoice | credit_note | manual
    invoice_refund_logic: 'credit_note',
    funds_min_amount: 10,
    funds_max_amount: 200
  action :update
  notifies :update, 'boxbilling_api[admin/system/params invoice starting_number]'

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Settings > Orders settings
# =============================================================================

boxbilling_api 'admin/extension/config mod_order' do
  path 'admin/extension/config'
    ext: 'mod_order',
    # from_expiration_date | from_today | from_greater
    order_renewal_logic: 'from_expiration_date',
    batch_suspend_reason: ''
  action :update

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Settings > System settings
# =============================================================================

boxbilling_api 'admin/system/params system settings' do
  path 'admin/system/params'
    company_name: 'Testing Labs, Ltd',
    company_logo: '',
    company_email: 'testing@testing.com',
    company_tel: '1234567890',
    company_address_1: 'Somewhere',
    company_number: 'B12345678',
    company_vat_number: 'EU12345678',
    company_account_number: 'BANK-1234',
    company_signature: 'Testing signature'
  action :update

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Domain registration/management
# =============================================================================

# Delete default domain TLD
boxbilling_api 'admin/servicedomain/tld' do
  data tld: '.com'
  action :delete

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Payment gateways
# =============================================================================

boxbilling_api 'admin/invoice/gateway Custom' do
  path 'admin/invoice/gateway'
    id: 1,
    enabled: 0,
    test_mode: 0
  action :update

# boxbilling_api 'admin/invoice/gateway PayPal' do
#   path 'admin/invoice/gateway'
#   data(
#     id: 2,
#     enabled: 1,
#     config: {
#       email: paypal_email
#     },
#     accepted_currencies: %w(EUR USD GBP),
#     test_mode: 0
#   )
#   action :update
# end

boxbilling_api 'admin/invoice/gateway AlertPay' do
  path 'admin/invoice/gateway'
    id: 3,
    enabled: 0,
    test_mode: test_mode
  action :update

# =============================================================================
# Configuration > Tax
# =============================================================================

# Enable taxes
boxbilling_api 'admin/system/params taxes' do
  path 'admin/system/params'
  data tax_enabled: 1
  action :update

# It deletes all the taxes and regenerate them instead of checking if they
# previously exists. Notified by boxbilling_api[admin/invoice/tax]
boxbilling_api 'admin/invoice/tax_setup_eu' do
    name: 'VAT EU12345678',
    taxrate: 21
  action :nothing

boxbilling_api 'admin/invoice/tax' do
    id: 9, # important, must match tax id when usign auto generated/increment
    name: 'EU12345678',
    taxrate: 21,
    country: 'ES'
  action :create
  notifies :request, 'boxbilling_api[admin/invoice/tax_setup_eu]'



ChefSpec Matchers


Helper method for locating a boxbilling_api resource in the collection.

resource = chef_run.boxbilling_api('admin/system/params')
  .to notify('boxbilling_api[admin/system/params invoice starting_number]')


Assert that the Chef Run makes a boxbilling_api request.

expect(chef_run).to request_boxbilling_api(path)


Assert that the Chef Run makes a boxbilling_api create request.

expect(chef_run).to create_boxbilling_api(path)


Assert that the Chef Run makes a boxbilling_api update request.

expect(chef_run).to update_boxbilling_api(path)


Assert that the Chef Run makes a boxbilling_api delete request.

expect(chef_run).to delete_boxbilling_api(path)


Please do not hesitate to open an issue with any questions or problems.



See TODO.md.

License and Author

Author: Raul Rodriguez (raul@onddo.com)
Author: Xabier de Zuazo (xabier@zuazo.org)
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2015, Xabier de Zuazo
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Onddo Labs, SL.
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.