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File Entity Reference


  • size (integer, positive, non-zero): Size of file in bytes. Eg: 1048576.
  • md5 (string): MD5 hash in lower-case hex. Eg: "d41efcc592d1e40ac13905377399eb9b".
  • sha1 (string): SHA-1 hash in lower-case hex. Not technically required, but the most-used of the hash fields and should always be included. Eg: "f013d66c7f6817d08b7eb2a93e6d0440c1f3e7f8".
  • sha256: SHA-256 hash in lower-case hex. Eg: "a77e4c11a57f1d757fca5754a8f83b5d4ece49a2d28596889127c1a2f3f28832".
  • urls: An array of "typed" URLs. Order is not meaningful, and may not be preserved.
    • url (string, required): Eg: "https://example.edu/~frau/prcding.pdf".
    • rel (string, required): Eg: "webarchive", see vocabulary below.
  • mimetype (string): Format of the file. If XML, specific schema can be included after a +. Example: "application/pdf"
  • content_scope (string): for situations where the file does not simply contain the full representation of a work (eg, fulltext of an article, for an article-journal release), describes what that scope of coverage is. Eg, entire issue, corrupt file. See vocabulary below.
  • release_ids (array of string identifiers): references to release entities that this file represents a manifestation of. Note that a single file can contain multiple release references (eg, a PDF containing a full issue with many articles), and that a release will often have multiple files (differing only by watermarks, or different digitizations of the same printed work, or variant MIME/media types of the same published work).
  • extra (object with string keys): additional metadata about this file
    • path: filename, with optional path prefix. path must be "relative", not "absolute", and should use UNIX-style forward slashes, not Windows-style backward slashes

URL rel Vocabulary

  • web: generic public web sites; for http/https URLs, this should be the default
  • webarchive: full URL to a resource in a long-term web archive
  • repository: direct URL to a resource stored in a repository (eg, an institutional or field-specific research data repository)
  • academicsocial: academic social networks (such as academia.edu or ResearchGate)
  • publisher: resources hosted on publisher's website
  • aggregator: fulltext aggregator or search engine, like CORE or Semantic Scholar
  • dweb: content hosted on distributed/decentralized web protocols, such as dat:// or ipfs:// URLs

content_scope Vocabulary

This same vocabulary is shared between file, fileset, and webcapture entities; not all the fields make sense for each entity type.

  • if not set, assume that the artifact entity is valid and represents a complete copy of the release
  • issue: artifact contains an entire issue of a serial publication (eg, issue of a journal), representing several releases in full
  • abstract: contains only an abstract (short description) of the release, not the release itself (unless the release_type itself is abstract, in which case it is the entire release)
  • index: index of a journal, or series of abstracts from a conference
  • slides: slide deck (usually in "landscape" orientation)
  • front-matter: non-article content from a journal, such as editorial policies
  • supplement: usually a file entity which is a supplement or appendix, not the entire work
  • component: a sub-component of a release, which may or may not be associated with a component release entity. For example, a single figure or table as part of an article
  • poster: digital copy of a poster, eg as displayed at conference poster sessions
  • sample: a partial sample of the entire work. eg, just the first page of an article. distinct from truncated
  • truncated: the file has been truncated at a binary level, and may also be corrupt or invalid. distinct from sample
  • corrupt: broken, mangled, or corrupt file (at the binary level)
  • stub: any other out-of-scope artifact situations, where the artifact represents something which would not link to any possible in-scope release in the catalog (except a stub release)
  • landing-page: for webcapture, the landing page of a work, as opposed to the work itself
  • spam: content is spam. articles, webpages, or issues which include incidental advertisements within them are not counted as spam