Kitle iletişim araçlarının algılama sürecine etki etmesi neticesinde, gerçeklik algısının değişeb... more Kitle iletişim araçlarının algılama sürecine etki etmesi neticesinde, gerçeklik algısının değişebildiği görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla, bu araçlarda yer alan haberlerin başlıca kaynağı olma gücünü elinde bulunduran iktidarlar, propaganda ve algı yönetimi çalışmalarıyla mesajlarını hedef kitleye iletebilmekte, amaca yönelik olarak hedef kitlenin algısını da etkileyebilmektedirler. Bu çalışma ile amaç, Soğuk Savaş döneminde haberin nasıl propaganda ve algı yönetimi aracı olarak kullanıldığını ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada, Norman Fairclough’un eleştirel söylem çözümlemesi yönteminden yararlanılarak, The New York Times ve The Washington Post gazetelerinin Soğuk Savaş döneminde yayımlamış oldukları antikomünist haberler analiz edilmiştir. Bu analizler ışığında, Soğuk Savaş döneminde, anti-komünist bir algı oluşturma amacıyla haberde ve haber içeriğinde propaganda unsurunun yaygın olarak kullanılmış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen haberlerden yola çıkarak, gerçek Soğuk Savaş amaçları açığa...
The governments that hold the power of being the premium news source of the media can convey thei... more The governments that hold the power of being the premium news source of the media can convey their messages to the target group by both propaganda and perception management activities; they can also affect the perception of the target group in accordance with the objective. The study which aimed to evaluate how the news is used as an instrument of propaganda and perception management by e United States in the Cold War era, the headlines of the Washington Post and the New York Times published on the 1953 Iranian Coup and the 1979 Soviet Union’s Invasion of Afghanistan are analyzed through Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis and it is detected that propaganda was widely used in the news and news content in order to establish an anti-communist perception in the Cold War era.
Inequalities between man and woman often stand out under the conditions of Turkey where patriarch... more Inequalities between man and woman often stand out under the conditions of Turkey where patriarchal society is adopted. Campaigns are done, laws are enacted on positive discrimination for women or at least for women’s participation in social life on equal terms with men in order to raise the awareness of society. Media is one of the most important institutions that build gender and besides enable us to see Its reflection clearly on individuals. But the term “social media”; which we have met in recent years thanks to new communication technologies, also helps us to achieve significant findings in this process. Especially in developing countries, people and institutions who are working in order to raise awareness in areas such as gender and gender equality, can not find enough space in the media and whereat have difficulty in attracting the attention of the society, so they prefer using social media tools due to Its amenities.
Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There a... more Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There are different theories that analyses globalization and Its effects; like sceptics and transformists. Except from the fact that there are different approaches, It is impossible to reject the impact of globalization on communication. It directly affects the way we communicate and also it transforms the connection between media and communication. Especially after the emergence of new technologies, we began to meet new concepts like “New Media”. These concepts have different features than mass media like, interaction, modularity and being asynchronous. In addition to this, many people started to use new media as a news source and social networking. Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time. This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media.
Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There a... more Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There are different theories that analyses globalization and Its effects; like sceptics and transformists. Except from the fact that there are different approaches, It is impossible to reject the impact of globalization on communication. It directly affects the way we communicate and also it transforms the connection between media and communication. Especially after the emergence of new technologies, we began to meet new concepts like “New Media”. These concepts have different features than mass media like, interaction, modularity and being asynchronous. In addition to this, many people started to use new media as a news source and social networking. Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time. This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media. Key Words: Social Media, New Media, Twitter, Journalism, Agenda Setting.
Ataerkil bir toplum yapısının benimsendiği Türkiye şartlarında, kadın erkek arasındaki eşitsizlik... more Ataerkil bir toplum yapısının benimsendiği Türkiye şartlarında, kadın erkek arasındaki eşitsizlikler sıkça gün yüzüne çıkmaktadır. Kadınlara yönelik pozitif ayrımcılık yapılması ve/veya kadınların en azından erkeklerle eşit koşullarda toplumsal hayata katılmaları yönünde kampanyalar düzenlenmekte, yasalar çıkartılmakta ve bu sayede toplumun bilinçlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Medya bu süreçte toplumsal cinsiyeti inşa eden ve devamında bireyler üzerindeki yansımalarını net bir şekilde görmemizi sağlayan önemli kurumlardan birisidir. Fakat yeni iletişim teknolojileri sayesinde son yıllarda tanıştığımız “sosyal medya” da bu süreçte önemli bulgular elde etmemize yardımcı olmaktadır. Özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, toplumsal cinsiyet ve kadın erkek eşitliği gibi alanlarda farkındalık yaratmaya çalışan, ancak medyada kendine yeterince yer bulamayan ve dolayısıyla toplumun dikkatini çekmekte zorlanan kurum ve kişiler, sağladığı kolaylıklar sebebiyle sosyal medya araçlarını tercih etmektedir. Buradan yola çıkarak; hazırlanan çalışma ile Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi bünyesinde kurulan Kadın Erkek Fırsat Eşitliği Komisyonu üyelerden 7 tanesi rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle seçilmiş ve bir sosyal medya mecrası olan Twitter hesapları, 2014 yılının Ekim ayındaki paylaşımları üzerinden İçerik Analizi yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Üyelerin rastgele seçimi esnasında her partiden birer kadın ve erkek üyenin olmasına özen gösterilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, seçilen örneklemlerin Twitter hesaplarında ne gibi paylaşımlar yaptıkları ve kadın erkek arasındaki eşitliğin sağlanması konusunda ne gibi söylemlerde bulundukları içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak irdelenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Sosyal Medya, Twitter, Siyaset
Kitle iletişim araçlarının algılama sürecine etki etmesi neticesinde, gerçeklik algısının değişeb... more Kitle iletişim araçlarının algılama sürecine etki etmesi neticesinde, gerçeklik algısının değişebildiği görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla, bu araçlarda yer alan haberlerin başlıca kaynağı olma gücünü elinde bulunduran iktidarlar, propaganda ve algı yönetimi çalışmalarıyla mesajlarını hedef kitleye iletebilmekte, amaca yönelik olarak hedef kitlenin algısını da etkileyebilmektedirler. Bu çalışma ile amaç, Soğuk Savaş döneminde haberin nasıl propaganda ve algı yönetimi aracı olarak kullanıldığını ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada, Norman Fairclough’un eleştirel söylem çözümlemesi yönteminden yararlanılarak, The New York Times ve The Washington Post gazetelerinin Soğuk Savaş döneminde yayımlamış oldukları antikomünist haberler analiz edilmiştir. Bu analizler ışığında, Soğuk Savaş döneminde, anti-komünist bir algı oluşturma amacıyla haberde ve haber içeriğinde propaganda unsurunun yaygın olarak kullanılmış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen haberlerden yola çıkarak, gerçek Soğuk Savaş amaçları açığa...
The governments that hold the power of being the premium news source of the media can convey thei... more The governments that hold the power of being the premium news source of the media can convey their messages to the target group by both propaganda and perception management activities; they can also affect the perception of the target group in accordance with the objective. The study which aimed to evaluate how the news is used as an instrument of propaganda and perception management by e United States in the Cold War era, the headlines of the Washington Post and the New York Times published on the 1953 Iranian Coup and the 1979 Soviet Union’s Invasion of Afghanistan are analyzed through Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis and it is detected that propaganda was widely used in the news and news content in order to establish an anti-communist perception in the Cold War era.
Inequalities between man and woman often stand out under the conditions of Turkey where patriarch... more Inequalities between man and woman often stand out under the conditions of Turkey where patriarchal society is adopted. Campaigns are done, laws are enacted on positive discrimination for women or at least for women’s participation in social life on equal terms with men in order to raise the awareness of society. Media is one of the most important institutions that build gender and besides enable us to see Its reflection clearly on individuals. But the term “social media”; which we have met in recent years thanks to new communication technologies, also helps us to achieve significant findings in this process. Especially in developing countries, people and institutions who are working in order to raise awareness in areas such as gender and gender equality, can not find enough space in the media and whereat have difficulty in attracting the attention of the society, so they prefer using social media tools due to Its amenities.
Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There a... more Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There are different theories that analyses globalization and Its effects; like sceptics and transformists. Except from the fact that there are different approaches, It is impossible to reject the impact of globalization on communication. It directly affects the way we communicate and also it transforms the connection between media and communication. Especially after the emergence of new technologies, we began to meet new concepts like “New Media”. These concepts have different features than mass media like, interaction, modularity and being asynchronous. In addition to this, many people started to use new media as a news source and social networking. Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time. This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media.
Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There a... more Globalization is a term which shapes the societies and the systems in an expeditious way. There are different theories that analyses globalization and Its effects; like sceptics and transformists. Except from the fact that there are different approaches, It is impossible to reject the impact of globalization on communication. It directly affects the way we communicate and also it transforms the connection between media and communication. Especially after the emergence of new technologies, we began to meet new concepts like “New Media”. These concepts have different features than mass media like, interaction, modularity and being asynchronous. In addition to this, many people started to use new media as a news source and social networking. Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time. This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media. Key Words: Social Media, New Media, Twitter, Journalism, Agenda Setting.
Ataerkil bir toplum yapısının benimsendiği Türkiye şartlarında, kadın erkek arasındaki eşitsizlik... more Ataerkil bir toplum yapısının benimsendiği Türkiye şartlarında, kadın erkek arasındaki eşitsizlikler sıkça gün yüzüne çıkmaktadır. Kadınlara yönelik pozitif ayrımcılık yapılması ve/veya kadınların en azından erkeklerle eşit koşullarda toplumsal hayata katılmaları yönünde kampanyalar düzenlenmekte, yasalar çıkartılmakta ve bu sayede toplumun bilinçlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Medya bu süreçte toplumsal cinsiyeti inşa eden ve devamında bireyler üzerindeki yansımalarını net bir şekilde görmemizi sağlayan önemli kurumlardan birisidir. Fakat yeni iletişim teknolojileri sayesinde son yıllarda tanıştığımız “sosyal medya” da bu süreçte önemli bulgular elde etmemize yardımcı olmaktadır. Özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, toplumsal cinsiyet ve kadın erkek eşitliği gibi alanlarda farkındalık yaratmaya çalışan, ancak medyada kendine yeterince yer bulamayan ve dolayısıyla toplumun dikkatini çekmekte zorlanan kurum ve kişiler, sağladığı kolaylıklar sebebiyle sosyal medya araçlarını tercih etmektedir. Buradan yola çıkarak; hazırlanan çalışma ile Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi bünyesinde kurulan Kadın Erkek Fırsat Eşitliği Komisyonu üyelerden 7 tanesi rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle seçilmiş ve bir sosyal medya mecrası olan Twitter hesapları, 2014 yılının Ekim ayındaki paylaşımları üzerinden İçerik Analizi yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Üyelerin rastgele seçimi esnasında her partiden birer kadın ve erkek üyenin olmasına özen gösterilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, seçilen örneklemlerin Twitter hesaplarında ne gibi paylaşımlar yaptıkları ve kadın erkek arasındaki eşitliğin sağlanması konusunda ne gibi söylemlerde bulundukları içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak irdelenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Sosyal Medya, Twitter, Siyaset
Papers by Dilhan Apak
Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time.
This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media.
Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time.
This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media.
Key Words: Social Media, New Media, Twitter, Journalism, Agenda Setting.
Buradan yola çıkarak; hazırlanan çalışma ile Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi bünyesinde kurulan Kadın Erkek Fırsat Eşitliği Komisyonu üyelerden 7 tanesi rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle seçilmiş ve bir sosyal medya mecrası olan Twitter hesapları, 2014 yılının Ekim ayındaki paylaşımları üzerinden İçerik Analizi yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Üyelerin rastgele seçimi esnasında her partiden birer kadın ve erkek üyenin olmasına özen gösterilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, seçilen örneklemlerin Twitter hesaplarında ne gibi paylaşımlar yaptıkları ve kadın erkek arasındaki eşitliğin sağlanması konusunda ne gibi söylemlerde bulundukları içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak irdelenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Sosyal Medya, Twitter, Siyaset
Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time.
This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media.
Due to this reason, these new media tools are defined under the name of “Social Media”. As a result of the widespread use of social media mediums, mass media companies have begun to invest more on digital & mobile platforms and applications. “Twitter” is one of those popular social media platforms that has been used extensively by people all around the world since 2006. It allows Its users to share texts, images and data limited to 140 characters. Besides, It is possible to receive and send message free of cost in real time.
This paper aims to analyse the interaction between social meda and journalism through the use of Twitter by the Morning News Programs in Turkey. Randomly selected Morning News Programs’ Twitter accounts were analysed between 14-18 December 2015 by Content Analysis Method. The target is to examine If these programs can set an agenda and create interaction with their audiences and follwers through the use of their Twitter accounts. Furthermore, Agenda Setting and Framing theories determine the limits of this research. Because new technologies gives us the opportunity to measure the popularity of the social media mediums; selected programs were analysed according to their Twitter sharings such as tweets, hashtags and retweets under the titles of social events, politics, economy, daily life and media.
Key Words: Social Media, New Media, Twitter, Journalism, Agenda Setting.
Buradan yola çıkarak; hazırlanan çalışma ile Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi bünyesinde kurulan Kadın Erkek Fırsat Eşitliği Komisyonu üyelerden 7 tanesi rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle seçilmiş ve bir sosyal medya mecrası olan Twitter hesapları, 2014 yılının Ekim ayındaki paylaşımları üzerinden İçerik Analizi yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Üyelerin rastgele seçimi esnasında her partiden birer kadın ve erkek üyenin olmasına özen gösterilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, seçilen örneklemlerin Twitter hesaplarında ne gibi paylaşımlar yaptıkları ve kadın erkek arasındaki eşitliğin sağlanması konusunda ne gibi söylemlerde bulundukları içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak irdelenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Sosyal Medya, Twitter, Siyaset