Colophon - or what this site is built with
In publishing, a colophon (/ˈkɒləfən, -fɒn/) is a brief statement containing information about the publication of a book such as an "imprint" (the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication).
Colophon (publishing) - Wikipedia
A colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies.
Colophon - IndieWeb
- The site is built with Eleventy, using Nunjucks templating engine.
- The HTML and CSS, including the Nunjucks templating, have been hand-crafted.
- I use Notion as my headless CMS, writing blog posts and Weeklies in it and then bringing them to the site with a custom script, using notion-render and bunch of custom render functions.
- Eleventy's Global Data Files feature is fantastic and I use it extensively, storing data in JSON files in the repository.
- For code syntax highlighting, I use Prism.js.
- To provide blog stats, I use Robb Knight's wonderful Eleventy Post Graph plugin.
- Pagefind powers the search on this site.
- I have built custom Raycast workflows to initialize Snacks entries into the repository.
- I provide an RSS feed so you can subscribe to my blog
- I've built a Mastodon integration to provide comment option for selected blog posts.
- I rely on to receive Webmentions for my site.