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Investigating the distribution of the value of travel time saving

Fosgerau, M., Investigating the distribution of the value of travel time saving, Transportation Research Part.B, Vol.40, pp.688-707, 2006.Fosgerauさんの論文は結構好きで地味なんだけどSPでずっと時間価値の研究をしている.いつもSPのデザインは…

Allowing for intra-respondent variations in coefficients estimated on repeted choice data

Hess, S. Rose, J.M., Allowing for intra-respondent variations in coefficients estimated on repeted choice data, Transportation Research Part.B, Vol.43, pp.708-719, 2009.繰り返し(パネル)データのintra-personalな異質性をmixed logitで扱おうと…

Value of time by time of day: A stated-preference study

Tseng, Y.-Y., Verhoef, E.T., Value of time by time of day: A stated-preference study, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.42, pp.607-618, 2008.この論文はとてもおもしろかった.というのも,よくあるのは移動中の時間価値を手段選択のパラメータか…

Choice models based on mixed discrete/continuous PDFs

J. Swait, Choice models based on mixed discrete/continuous PDFs, Transportation Research Part B, vol.43, pp.766-783, 2009.U_i = V_i + ε_i with probability q_i U_i = -∞ with probability 1 - q_i とすることで,混合分布として扱い,非補償型の意…

Information value and sequential decision-making in a transport setting: an experimental study

Denant-Boemont, L., Petiot, R., Information value and sequential decision-making in a transport setting: an experimental study, Transportation Research Part B, vol.37, pp.365-386, 2003.実験経済学的手法により情報価値(IV)を評価するという内容…

The information content of a stated choice experiment: A new method and its application to the value of a statistical life

J. Rouwendal, A. Blaeij, P. Rietveld, E. Verhoef, The information content of a stated choice experiment: A new method and its application to the value of a statistical life, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.44, pp.136-151, 2010.SPで時間…

Residential self-selection effects in an activity time-use behavior model

A.R.Pinjari, C.R.Bhat, D.A.Hensher, 2009, Residential self-selection effects in an activity time-use behavior model, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.43, Issue.7, pp.729-748.交通行動の分析だけでなく,住宅立地選択と活動時間選択を同時に扱…

Defensive purchasing, the safety (dis)advantage of light trucks, and motor-vehicle policy effectiveness

N. Brozovic', A.W. Ando, 2009, Defensive purchasing, the safety (dis)advantage of light trucks, and motor-vehicle policy effectiveness, Transportation Research Part.B, vol.43, Issue.5, 477–493.自動車の車種選択はその自動車の品質に対する選好…

Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms

M. Fosgerau, M. Bierlaire, 2009, Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms, Transportation Research Part.B, Vol.43, Issue.5,494-505.行動モデルの論文.これまでのVとεの和で表すRUMモデルに代わるものとして,積で表すモデルを提案す…

The constrained multinomial logit: A semi-compensatory choice model

F. Martinez, L, Gong, 2009. The constrained multinomial logit: A semi-compensatory choice model, Transportation Research Part B 43(3), 365-377.ロジットモデルにおける非補償型効用について.森川・倉内でも指摘されていた.implicit availability/…

Equivalent gap function-based reformulation and solution algorithm for the dynamic user equilibrium problem

C.C. Lu, H.S. Mahmassani, X. Zhou, 2009. Equivalent gap function-based reformulation and solution algorithm for the dynamic user equilibrium problem, Transportation Research Part B 43(3), 345-364.利用者均衡配分はBeckmann et al.(1956)のパイ…

Properties of system optimal traffic assignment with departure time choice and its solution method

A.H.F. Chow, 2009. Properties of system optimal traffic assignment with departure time choice and its solution method, Transportation Research Part B 43(3), 325-344.またもや配分.配分は出発時刻選択との内容が多いなぁ.この論文では動的システ…

Optimal infrastructure condition sampling over space and time for maintenance decision-making under uncertainty

R.G. Mishalani, L. Gong, 2009. Optimal infrastructure condition sampling over space and time for maintenance decision-making under uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B 43(3), 311-324.3つの不確実性.評価,予測,空間サンプリングが主な…

Markov models for Bayesian analysis about transit route origin-destination matrices

B. Li, 2009. Markov models for Bayesian analysis about transit route origin-destination matrices. Transportation Research Part B 43(3), 301-310. 公共交通経路のODマトリクスの推定.m次マルコフチェーンモデルで乗車・降車人数の関係を明らかにし…

Consistent node arrival order in dynamic network loading models

M. Blumberg, H. Bar-Gera, 2009. Consistent node arrival order in dynamic network loading models. Transportation Research Part B 43(3), 285-300.今日も配分.この号は配分の号なのかもしれない(涙). anticipated arrival order (AAO)の概念に従って…

On the morning commute problem in a coriddor network with multiple bottlenecks

W.Shen, H.M. Zhang, 2009. On the morning commute problem in a coriddor network with multiple bottlenecks: Its system-optimal traffic flow patterns and the realizeing tolling scheme. Transportation Research Part B 43(3), 267-284.均衡配分.…