Agent activity overview

  • Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital or Genesys Cloud EX license
  • Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, or Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I license
  • Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud EX, Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I, or Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II licenses for alternative shifts 
  • Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I, Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital, or Genesys Cloud EX for work plan bid 
  • UI > Agent Activity > View permission

    At least one of the following permissions:

    • Workforce Management > Agent Schedule > View
    • Gamification > Scorecard > View
    • Gamification > Leaderboards > View
    • Learning > Assignment > View
    • Coaching > Appointment > Participate
    • Quality > Evaluation > Edit Agent Sign-off (for evaluation widgets)

    The following permission for agents to participate in shift trades:

    • Workforce Management > Agent Shift Trade Request > Participate permission

    The following permissions for agents to submit alternative shift requests:

    • Workforce Management > Agent Alternative Shift > Submit permission 

    The following permissions for agents to submit work plan bid: 

    • Workforce Management > Agent Work Plan Bid > Submit permission 

    The Agent Activity view enables both agents and supervisors to view widgets related to their roles. 

    Click the image to enlarge.

    Agent Activity overview

    The agent activity view enables you to see various data directly related to your schedule, tasks, and performance immediately. At a glance, the agent activity view provides the current summary of your off-queue information in one location. 

    From the agent activity view, agents can view their current or upcoming schedule, scorecard, leaderboard, and coaching appointments. For examples, agents can:

    • See today’s schedule
    • Stay in adherence and conformance (take breaks at the specified time)
    • View manager evaluations and provide feedback
    • Meet supervisor for coaching
    • View your performance compared against objectives and peer performance in My Performance
    • Get up to date on new policies and procedures
    • Complete work-related learning content on personal development


    The Supervisor activity view displays widgets that help you take relevant actions directly without having to navigate to a view every time you want the details. You can navigate directly to the view by clicking each widget for more details and perform detailed administration tasks. The widgets available in this view are:

    • Insights Summary
    • Real-Time Adherence
    • Learning Performance
    • Coaching Compliance
    • Learning Compliance

    For more information about the supervisor view, see Supervisor activity overview.

    The agent activity view displays multiple tabs, which enable you to perform specific actions. For more information, click each title.

    The overview tab displays information about your evaluations, personal bests, assigned modules, scorecards, and your assigned, in progress, and completed coaching appointments.

    Today’s schedule

    The schedule shows all your activities for the day, including the start time for each activity. To see your full schedule, click View full schedule. Your schedule updates in real time. For more information about viewing your schedule, see My Schedule view.

    • The cards that you see in the Overview tab depend on your permissions. 
    • You can rearrange the cards to suit your personal use. For more information, see the Rearrange the data in the Overview tab section below.

    Evaluation Summary

    The evaluation summary card shows details about aggregate evaluation scores. It includes: 

    • This week – Sunday to Saturday
    • This month – Calendar month

    The information listed per interval is:

    • Average total score
    • Average critical score
    • Number of scored evaluations
    • Day span or month
    • Date preference:
      • Release date (default) – The date on which the evaluation was released to you
      • Created date – The date on which the evaluation was generated
      • Conversation date – The date of the conversation
    • Form selection menu: All forms or a specific form

    Evaluations Due for Review

    The evaluations due for review card shows recent evaluations (30 days old or less), that are released and await your review and acknowledgment. The card includes individual evaluations pending review with the following attributes:

    • Form name
    • Media type, Queue, Conversation Date
    • Evaluator
    • Evaluation total score

    For each evaluation in the list, you can review its data, provide comments, and acknowledge that you assessed the evaluation. 

    Scorecard Summary

    The scorecard summary card shows metrics and points based on your assigned gamification profile. It includes:

    • Your daily points total
    • Your all-time total number of points
    • Your average number of points for the day of the week
    • Overall average points of all agents assigned to the same gamification profile as you

    The trends show daily points over the interval. A dotted line represents your average number of points for the interval.

    Personal Best

    The personal bests card shows your personal best points for a day, week, and month. You can also see the agents that are assigned to the same gamification profile as you and have the best day, week, and month.

    Note: If agents move from one gamification profile to another, agents retain their personal bests. However, the overall profile bests appear based on the current gamification profile that they are a part of. Overall bests from historical gamification profiles are not visible.

    Coaching Appointments

    The coaching appointments card shows your future coaching appointments. For more information, see My Development view

    Assigned Modules

    The assigned modules card shows the modules assigned to you. For more information, see My Development view.   

    Rearrange the data in the Overview tab

    Agents can configure the layout of the Agent Activity View.

    1. Select Activity > Overview.
    2. Click the rearrange icon.
      The Overview cards appear gray with a thin blue border.
    3. Click the card that you want to move and drag it to the preferred location.
    4. Click Done Editing.
      To cancel your changes, click Cancel.

    • After you click the Done Editing button, you cannot revert to the precious cards layout.
    • Genesys Cloud currently does not support configuring the layout of the widgets by keyboard.

    The Insights view enables supervisors to gain insights about an agent’s performance between two specific dates. As a supervisor, you can access a single and comparative view of how each agent on your team performs on all key measures:

    • Compared with their goals and objectives
    • Compared with self over time
    • Compared with their peer group

    For more information, see Agent activity insights.

    The scorecard tab shows metrics and points based on your assigned gamification profile. It includes these metrics:

    • Monthly attendance
    • Daily points total
    • Points for every metric in the gamification profile that you are assigned

    Monthly Attendance

    The monthly attendance card shows this information:

    • Current day
    • Days you are scheduled or not scheduled
    • Days you are present or absent
    • Days with evaluation scores and points available, highlighted with a red dot and the hover text “Quality score available” 

    You can change the month to see your attendance for other months.

    Click the image to enlarge.

    Monthly attendance view

    Daily Points Total

    The daily points total card shows your:

    • Total daily points
    • Maximum point goal
      A blue asterisk indicates that you have not reached the target. If you reach the maximum points, you receive a gold asterisk.
    • Day of week average

    This card also shows trends for your daily points total over 4 or 13 weeks. 


      The punctuality card shows the points awarded to you for following your schedule. 

      You can see the schedule for a particular date, the number of points you earned per activity, and the maximum points possible. 

      • X indicates that activity started outside the minimum for “Good” threshold
      • ✓ indicates that activity was between Perfect and Good
      • ★ indicates that activity was on time and within Perfect range
      • Actual and target start times


      Each metric card shows your performance against the defined metric objective for a configured KPI.

      You can see the points for a particular date, the number of points you earned, and the maximum points possible.

      • Zones as defined in the gamification profile that you are assigned
      • Threshold values as defined in the gamification profile that you are assigned
      • Point values as defined in the gamification profile that you are assigned
      • Agent’s performance:
        • If on target, ★ is golden
        • If not on target, ★ is clear

      Note: If you click a metric objective, you can flip it to inspect its details: definition name, unit, precision, media type, initial direction, and queues.

      Flip metrics on scorecard to see metric details

      The leaderboards tab displays the point leaders in the same gamification profile as you, including all profile members’ rank based on the profile’s metrics.

       You can select one of the following date intervals to use when you view the leaderboard:

      • Today (Default)
      • Yesterday
      • This week
      • Last week
      • This month
      • Last month

      You can also select a custom range through a date interval picker. You can select the metric to view when you view the leaderboard.

      You can search the name of an agent to find their leaderboard listing.

      Leaderboards have a limit of 300 agents. Agents that did not log in or did not earn points do not show up on the leaderboard.

      The Schedule tab displays today’s schedule and tomorrow’s schedule. This tab also enables you to view schedules by week, month, or year and also allows you to submit shift trades, time-off requests, and adherence exceptions. You can also copy a schedule link to send to other users or applications. 

      Note: Agents can view their workforce management schedules and submit or view time-off requests from an Android device or iOS device. To download the mobile application, Genesys Tempo™, see Mobile apps for workforce management schedules.

      For more information about managing schedules, time-off requests, and settings in a mobile app, see:

      This table describes the actions that you can perform from the Schedule tab.

      Function Description
      Workforce management agent shift trade

      The Shift Trades icon enables you to work with shift trades, specify whether to allow other agents to send shift trade offers to you, and view the following shift trade information:

      • Posted Trades For Week. This list includes shift trades that other agents created in the current week and that you match. 
      • My Trades. This list includes all of your shift trades that are either unmatched or pending administrator review for any week.
      • Completed Trades. This list shows all of your canceled, denied, approved, and expired shift trades from the last two weeks.
      Workforce management agent time off The Time-Off Requests icon allows you to perform these time-off related tasks:
      • Submit a time-off request
      • View your approved and pending time-off requests
      • Cancel eligible time-off requests
      Workforce management adherence exceptions

      The Exceptions section displays more infrequent activities in your schedule. These activities include Training, Meeting, and Time Off. To view exceptions, click Exceptions .

      Workforce management copy schedule URL The Copy URL icon enables you to obtain a shareable link to your workforce management schedule and synchronize it with Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or other third-party calendars that support iCalendar subscriptions.

      Shift trades

      You can work with shift trades posted by other agents and trades posted by yourself using the alternative shift options, specify whether to allow other agents to send shift trade offers to you, and view the following shift trade information:

      • Offered Trades – This list includes shift trades that other agents created in the current week and that you match.
      • My Trades – This list includes all of your shift trades that are either unmatched or pending administrator review for any week.
      • Completed Trades – This list shows all of your canceled, denied, approved, and expired shift trades from the last two weeks.

      For more information about shift trades, see Navigate the Shift Trades panel.

      Time-off requests

      The My Time Off panel enables you to perform these time-off related tasks. 

      • Submit a time-off request
      • View your approved and pending time-off requests
      • Cancel eligible time-off requests

      For more information about time-off requests, see Agent time-off requests

      Out of adherence notifications

      You are out of schedule adherence when your scheduled activities do not match your actual activities. You can also be out of adherence if you are on-queue but not part of a management unit or a schedule. When you are out of adherence, a notification appears on your schedule. 

      For more information, see View out of adherence notifications.

      Access your schedule

      To access your schedule from the agent activity dashboard:

      1. From the agent activity view, click the Schedule tab. 
      2. To see the most current data, click Refresh . This view does not update automatically. 
      3. To view the complete schedule, click View full schedule.

      You can set the schedule’s granularity to either one minute or five minutes based on the granularity settings made by your administrator. For more information, see Per minute granularity overview.

      Use the Work Plan tab to view the upcoming, current, and past bids that the agent chooses. You can also view the ranking preferences provided by the agent for a particular bid. Based on the agent selection, when the schedule is published, the agent work plan generates automatically.

      Access your work plan

      To access work plan bid details from the agent activity dashboard, perform the following steps:

      • From the agent activity view, click the Work Plan tab.
      • To see the most current data, click Refresh . This view does not update automatically. View the details required from the corresponding sections.

      Work Plans tab

      The Work Plan Bids Status page displays the details of bidding cycle window is open. To select work plans, perform the following steps:

      1. In the Work Plans tab, click Select Work Plans. The Work Plan Bid page opens.
      2. In the Rank field, mark the rankings of the work plan as per preference.
      3. Use the Auto Rank button to rank the work plans automatically, or manually rank the work plans. You can make this preference for one work plan or to all.
      4. Click Submit.

      The work plan preferences are submitted. You can modify the work plan preferences until the bidding window opens.

      The Work Plan Bids Status page displays the following three sections. Click the image to enlarge.

      This page displays the work plan bid statuses.

      The following table explains the sections on the Work Plan Bid Status page and the fields available in each section.

      Section Description
      Next Bidding Cycle

      View details of the upcoming bidding cycle, such as open date and work plan effective date. Click the image to enlarge.

      Displays the details of the upcoming bidding cycle which the agent cn select.

      • The Open Date field displays the date on which the next bidding cycle starts and the number of hours that remain for the next bidding cycle.
      • The Work Plan Effective From field displays the date on which the work plan starts. 
      Bidding Cycle Closed

      View details of the date on which the bidding cycle is set for closure. Click the image to enlarge.

      This section displays the details of bidding cycles closed recently.

      • The Closed Date field displays the date when the bidding cycle closes. 
      • The Work Plan effective from field displays the date when the work plan is effective.
      • The Status field displays the status of the bid.
      • Click the View Ranked button to view the rankings of the last bid. The Work Plan Bid page displays bid details, preferred ranking, and agent preference is listed. This page also shows displays about the days, work hours, and minimum and maximum paid hours. Click the image to enlarge. Work plan bids page displays the bid details along with the rankings and preference. 
      Allocated Work Plan Details

      You can view the details of the allocated work plan day wise.