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ああ、魚介類の研究の話か、と思われるといけないので(いないよそんな奴)、この問題を取り上げたAngry Bearエントリから、まずは用語の解説部分を引用してみる*1

In the field of macroeconomics there is a much deeper division between macroeconomics as practiced at universities closer to the great lakes than to an Ocean (Fresh water economics) and that practiced at universities closer to Oceans (Salt water economics). The geography has shifted some as Fresh water economics has been exported. I’d consider Professor Robert Barro at Harvard to be brackish (with, he reports, noticed salty contamination in the first 6 months after he moved from U. Rochester) and the economics department at the University of Pompeu Fabra (in Barcelona) seems to be distilled. It is a little difficult to explain the disagreement to non economists. Frankly, I think this is because non-economists have difficulty believing that any sane person would take ffresh water economics seriously.

Roughly Fresh water economists consider general equilibrium models with complete markets and symmetric information to be decent approximations to reality. Unless they are specifically studying bounded rationality they assume rational expectations, that everyone knows and has always known every conceivable conditional probability. I’ve only met one economists who claims to believe that people actually do have rational expectations (and I suspect he was joking). However, the fresh water view is that it usually must be assumed that people have rational expectations.







Finally I have a view of how people can devote so much effort to working out the implications of assumptions which almost no ordinary people would find other than nonsensical if they understood them. Fresh water economics uses difficult mathematical tools. Students in fresh water graduate programs have to learn a huge amount of math very fast. It is not possible to do so if one doesn't set aside all doubt as to the validity of the approach. Once the huge investment has been made it is psychologically difficult to decide that it was wasted. Hence the school gets new disciples by forcing students to follow extremely difficult courses. Last I hear very few graduate students at U Minnesota came from the USA. Undergrads over there know what the program is like. If my information is not out of date, innocents from abroad are the new blood of fresh water economics.



言われてみると、日本の経済学界にも「new blood of fresh water economics」に相当する顔ぶれがいることに思い当たる。まあ、チリのシカゴ・ボーイズを持ち出すまでもなく、淡水学派が世界に影響力を広げているのは今に始まった話ではない、とも思うが…。

また、ワルドマンは、少し前には「シカゴの水には何が入っているのか?」というエントリを立てて(Economist's View経由)、ファーマやベッカーを強烈に皮肉っている。

I think there is another contributing factor to the silliness in Chicago. The arguments for the stimulus are basically straight from Keynes. You and other supporters basically state that macroeconomics has made no progress in 70 years on how to address the current situation. Now aside from questions of left vs right, that is deeply offensive to economists in Chicago who are proud of that universities role in the rational expectations revolution.

I think that aside from hostility to public spending and to the idea that the government can improve on market outcomes there is also a deep deep hostility to Keynes, Hicks, Samuelson (the macro-economist) etc. I mean if you had a disease, and your trusted physician didn’t know what do do with it and someone argued that your 4 humors were out of balance and the solution was something that seems to have worked once in the past, how would you react ?

I think that a little voice screams “that’s nonsense” whenever they hear about “multipliers” and “fiscal stimulus.” The strangest contributions are those of Fama and Becker who aren’t macroeconomists and who are just sure that Keynes was totally wrong, don’t remember exactly why, but are sure it is something obvious.






But, in terms of fiscal-stimulus proposals, it would be unfortunate if the best Team Obama can offer is an unvarnished version of Keynes's 1936 "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money." The financial crisis and possible depression do not invalidate everything we have learned about macroeconomics since 1936.

Robert J. Barro: Government Spending Is No Free Lunch - WSJ



*1:cf. Wikipediaにも説明がある
