Sura 1.
بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
[uredi]Sura I
[uredi]El-Ĥamdu Lillāhi Rabbi-l-`Alemīn (El-Fātiĥa: 2).
Er-Raĥmānir-Raĥīm (El-Fātiĥa: 3).
Māliki Yewmi-d-Dīn (El-Fātiĥa: 4).
'Īyāke Na`budu We 'Īyāke Nesta`īn (El-Fātiĥa: 5).
Ihdine-s-Sirāţa-l Musteqīm (El-Fātiĥa: 6).
Sirāţa-l-Lezīne 'En`amte `Aleyhim
Gayri-l Magdūbi `Aleyhim
We Le-d-Dāllīn (El-Fātiĥa: 7).
CHAPTER 1 THE OPENING AL-FĀTIḤAH ( الفاتحة ) 7 verses • revealed at Meccan
»The surah that is The Opening to the Quran and the straight way of God. Another common name of the surah is The [Lord’s] Praise (al-Ḥamd). It is seen to be a precise table of contents of the Quranic message and is important in Islamic worship, being an obligatory part of the daily prayer, repeated several times during the day.«
The surah is also known as The Exordium, The Opening Chapter, The Opening of the Book, The Prologue
1 بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ TOMISLAV DRETAR U ime Allaha onog koji čini milosrđe, Milosrdnog.
onog koji čini milosrđe,
- 2 Slava Bogu,
Gospodaru svjetova:
- 3 onom koji čini milosrđe,
- 4 Kralju Dana Suđenja.
- 5 Ti si onaj koga mi obožavamo,
ti si onaj
kome se molimo za pomoć.
- 6 Usmjeri nas na pravi put:
- 7 put onih koje si ti obasuo dobročinstvima;
a ne na put onih koji se izlažu tvojem gnjevu
ni onih zabludjelih.
CHAPTER 1 THE OPENING AL-FĀTIḤAH ( الفاتحة ) 7 verses • revealed at Meccan
»The surah that is The Opening to the Quran and the straight way of God. Another common name of the surah is The [Lord’s] Praise (al-Ḥamd). It is seen to be a precise table of contents of the Quranic message and is important in Islamic worship, being an obligatory part of the daily prayer, repeated several times during the day.«
The surah is also known as: The Exordium, The Opening Chapter, The Opening of the Book, The Prologue.
1 بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ TOMISLAV DRETAR U ime Allaha onog koji čini milosrđe, Milosrdnog.
2 الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ العالَمينَ TOMISLAV DRETAR Slava Allahu, Gospodaru svijeta:
3 الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ TOMISLAV DRETAR onom koji čini milosrđe, Milosrdnom,
4 مالِكِ يَومِ الدّينِ TOMISLAV DRETAR Kralju Dana Suđenja.
5 إِيّاكَ نَعبُدُ وَإِيّاكَ نَستَعينُ TOMISLAV DRETAR Ti si onaj koga mi obožavamo, ti si onaj kome se molimo za pomoć.
6 اهدِنَا الصِّراطَ المُستَقيمَ TOMISLAV DRETAR Usmjeri nas na pravi put:
7 صِراطَ الَّذينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِم غَيرِ المَغضوبِ عَلَيهِم وَلَا الضّالّينَ TOMISLAV DRETAR put onih koje si ti obasuo dobročinstvima; a ne na put onih koji se izlažu tvojem gnjevu ni onih zabludjelih.
Sura 1