Papers by Bryzgalin A Evgeniy
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics, Oct 25, 2022
За последние десятилетия в интернет-пространстве широко распространилась альтруистическая киберде... more За последние десятилетия в интернет-пространстве широко распространилась альтруистическая кибердеятельность просвещающих онлайн-волонтеров, делящихся с другими интернет-пользователями полезными знаниями. Личностно-групповые особенности такого просоциального поведения, на которое ключевое влияние оказывает реализация ценностей, на данный момент недостаточно изучены психологической наукой. Данное исследование продолжает психологический анализ ценностно-ориентационной сферы онлайн-просветителей, ограничиваясь компетентными e-волонтерами интернет-энциклопедии «Википедия» (N = 92) и вопрос-ответного онлайн-проекта «Ответы» (N = 113). Проведенный с применением пересмотренного портретного опросника ценностей Ш. Шварца (PVQ-R2R) в адаптации Т.П. Бутенко, Д.С. Седовой и А.С. Липатовой, а также методики «Ценностные ориентации» О.И. Моткова и Т.А. Огневой (вариант 2) опрос позволил охарактеризовать членов обеих групп как личностей, продуктивно ориентированных на нетождественную по формату информационно-просоциальную интернет-деятельность в ракурсе трансфинитного альтруизма, для претворения которого в референтных для них онлайн-сообществах созданы оптимальные внеиерархически-паритетные условия, стимулирующие вольность индивидуальной самореализации. Показано, что при высокой гомогенности ценностных профилей авторов «Википедии» и участников «Ответов» базальное значение для них имеет процессуальная по своему характеру внутренняя ценностная самодетерминация, поскольку внешняя слабо корреспондирует с их свободолюбивым образом жизни. Делается вывод, что продолженная линия теоретико-эмпирических исследований имеющегося в интернет-пространстве пестрого контингента волонтеров-просветителей позволит путем понимания их личностно-групповой специфики заложить фактический фундамент, эвентуально способный привести к глобальному сплочению людей в целях широкомасштабной амплификации знаний как одной из высших ценностей человечества
Over the past decades, altruistic cyber activities of online education volunteers who share useful knowledge with other Internet users have become widespread in the Internet space. Personal and group features of such prosocial behavior, which is strongly influenced by the realization of values, have not been sufficiently studied by psychological science so far. This study continues the psychological analysis of the value-orientation sphere of online educators, focusing on competent education volunteers who deal with the Internet encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (N = 92) and the question-answer (Q&A) online project “Otvety” (N = 113). The following tools were used in the work: the revised Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-R2R) by Sh. Schwartz adapted by T.P. Butenko, D.S. Sedova and A.S. Lipatova and the Value Orientations Techniques developed by O.I. Motkov and T.A. Ogneva (version 2). The results of the analysis provide sufficient grounds to characterize the members of both groups as indivi- duals who are productively oriented towards informational and pro-social Internet activities that are not identical in format from the perspective of transfinite altruism, for the implementation of which optimal non-hierarchical-parity conditions have been created in their reference online communities, stimulating liberty in the process of individual self-realization. It is shown that, with a high homogeneity of the value profiles of the Wikipedia authors and Q&A “Otvety” service experts, the internal value-related self-determination (procedural in nature) has a basal meaning for them, since the external one, set in a heteronomous position, only weakly corresponds to their freedom-seeking way of life. It is concluded that the series of theoretical and empirical psychological studies of the diverse teams of online education volunteers will make it possible, by understanding their personal and group specifics, to lay a solid foundation, which can potentially lead to global unity of people with the prospect of large-scale amplification of knowledge as one of the highest human values
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics , Jul 25, 2022
Развитие интернета способствует активности волонтеров-просветителей, распространяющих в Сети разн... more Развитие интернета способствует активности волонтеров-просветителей, распространяющих в Сети разнообразную информацию. Данное исследование ограничивается виртуальными добровольцами, которые делятся в киберпространстве полезными знаниями. Хотя в психологической науке проблематика волонтерства представлена достаточно широко, волевые механизмы, побуждающие к просветительской онлайн-деятельности, исследованы слабо. Ведущую роль в развертывании подобного просоциального поведения играет специфика ценностно-ориентационной системы. Цель исследования - выявить и описать системы ценностей и ценностных ориентаций онлайн-просветителей, а именно представителей экспертного ядра онлайн-энциклопедии «Википедия» (N = 96) и вопрос-ответного онлайн-проекта «Ответы» (N = 47). В качестве инструментария применены опросники Ш. Шварца для изучения ценностей (SVS, PVQ) в адаптации В.Н. Карандашева, с помощью которых у экспертов «Википедии» и «Ответов» зафиксирована относительно однородная по признаку соподчиненности структура ценностей, складывающаяся в альтруистическую метанаправленность по автономно-заданной и ситуативно-различающейся диссеминации знаний. Данная структура адресована на оказание информационно-общественной пользы, регулируемой метаценностями самотрансцендентности и открытости к изменениям. Интерсубъективное (в плоскости нормативных идеалов и индивидуальных приоритетов) и межгрупповое (в ракурсе сообществ) ценностное сопоставление авторов «Википедии» и участников «Ответов» опционально показало, что первые в большей мере склонны избегать насыщенных взаимоотношений (социально косны), но гедонистичнее относятся к жизни, чем вторые. При этом их максимально сближает радикальное порицание любых факторов, мешающих социальной гармонии и ограничивающих свободу проявления себя как личности. Резюмируется, что дальнейшее осмысление личностно-групповых особенностей волонтеров-просветителей способно расширить рамки просвещения, поэтому в последующих исследованиях предлагается использовать преемственные психодиагностические методики, измеряющие ценностную специфику в психосоциальном контексте
The development of the Internet contributes to the activity of education volunteers who disseminate a variety of information on the Web. This study is limited to virtual volunteers who share useful knowledge in cyberspace. Although the issues of volunteering are covered quite widely in psychological science, the volitional mechanisms that encourage online educational activities have been poorly studied. The leading role in the deployment of such prosocial behavior is played by a specific value-orientation system. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the systems of values and value orientations of online educators, namely representatives of the expert core of the online encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (N = 96) and the question-answer (Q&A) online project “Otvety” (N = 47). The study is based on the value-specific (SVS, PVQ) methodology developed by Sh. Schwartz and adapted by V.N. Karandashev; the participants belong to the abovementioned expert core groups of online education volunteers. The results reveal their relatively homogeneous set of values, which is developing into an altruistic meta-orientation towards autonomously given and situationally different dissemination of knowledge aimed at providing information (as a public utility) and regulated by self-transcendence and openness to changes. Intersubjective (in terms of normative ideals and individual priorities) and intergroup (in terms of communities) valuerelated comparison of the study participants – Wikipedia authors and Q&A “Otvety” service experts – optionally show that the Wikipedians are more inclined to avoid saturated social relationships (being socially inert), however, are much more hedonistic about life than the Q&A-experts. At the same time, both groups are brought together as close as possible by the radical condemnation of any factors that interfere with social harmony and limit the freedom to manifest oneself as a person. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that further understanding of the personal and group characteristics of education volunteers can expand the scope of education; therefore, in subsequent studies, it is proposed to use successive psychodiagnostic methods that measure value specificity in a psychosocial context
Theoretical and Experimental Psychology, Aug 11, 2022
Актуальность. На текущий момент в научной психологии актуализировалась проблема множественности а... more Актуальность. На текущий момент в научной психологии актуализировалась проблема множественности академических позиций в отношении ценностно-смысловой сферы личности, которая требует от научно-психологического сообщества ответственного разрешения. Выход из этой проблемной ситуации видится в наращивании системно-аналитических исследований на эту тему. Цель исследования — попытка системного описания ключевых академических положений о личностных ценностях и смыслах. Метод. Применен мыслительный метод «анализа через синтез» (по С.Л. Рубинштейну и А.В. Брушлинскому). Из многочисленных отечественных и зарубежных публикаций по теме ценностей и смыслов автор выделял самые существенные (на его взгляд) части, интеграция которых позволила бы целостно изложить магистральные положения о ценностно-смысловой сфере личности. Результаты. Постулирована приоритетность ценностей и смыслов в направленности личности, рассмотрена специфика их генезиса, природа избирательности, характерность строения, принципы функционирования и реорганизационная динамика. Выводы. Теоретические обобщения по гетерогенным изысканиям ценностно-ориентационных и смысловых граней личности в разрезе индивидуального и группового своеобразия могут значительно поспособствовать устранению научных расхождений в объяснении мотивационно-волевых составляющих личностной направленности и тем самым позитивно сказаться на развитии психологической науки
Background. Currently there is a polymorphism of academic positions regarding the value-meaning sphere of personality. Uis issue requires a responsible resolution from the psychological community. Building up the system-analytical research on the topic is considered as the way out of this problematic situation. Objective of the study is to systematically describe the key academic statements on personal values and meanings. Methods. Ue study implemented a thinking method of “analysis through synthesis” (according to S.L. Rubinshtein and A.V. Brushlinsky). Ue author distinguished the most essential parts of the numerous works on values and meanings by Russian and foreign authors. Ue integration of these parts made it possible to holistically outline the main statements on the value-meaning sphere of personality. Results. Ue research allowed to postulate the dominant priority of values and meanings in the personality orientation, to consider the speciTcs of their genesis, the nature of selectivity, structural characteristics, principles of functioning, and reorganization dynamics. Conclusion. Ueoretical generalizations based on heterogeneous research on the value-oriented and meaning aspects of personality from the perspective of individual and group speciTcity can signiTcantly boost elimination of inconsistencies in explanations of the motivational-volitional components of personality orientation, and thus have a positive impact on the development of psychological science
The Emissia.Offline Letters, 2022
Впервые проведенное эмпирическое исследование жизненных целей представителей опытного ядра русско... more Впервые проведенное эмпирическое исследование жизненных целей представителей опытного ядра русскоязычного раздела интернет-энциклопедии «Википедия» и проекта «Ответы», выступающих в роли просвещающих онлайн-волонтеров, показало, что их мотивационная направленность преимущественно самодетерминируется гомогенными по соподчиненности внутриличностными потенциалами, а не внешними стимулами, для реализации которых в онлайн-сообществах «Википедии» и «Ответов» развернута психологическая атмосфера, поощряющая полномерную объективацию самодостаточности. Обнаружено, что компетентные авторы «Википедии» в сопоставлении с высокостатусными участниками «Ответов» гораздо конкретнее разграничивают персональные жизненные ориентиры, уверенно сообразуя ими свою жизнедеятельность
In an empirical study of the life goals of representatives of the experienced core of the Russian-language section of the online encyclopedia "Wikipedia" and the "Reply" project, acting as enlightening online volunteers, it is shown that their motivation is mainly self-determined by intrapersonal potentials that are homogeneous in subordination, and not by external stimuli, for the implementation of which a psychological atmosphere has been deployed in the online communities Wikipedia and the "Reply" project, encouraging the full-fledged objectification of self-sufficiency. It was found that competent authors of "Wikipedia", in comparison with high-status participants in the «Reply» project, distinguish personal life guidelines much more specifically, confidently matching their life activity with them
Baikal Research Journal, 2021
Детерминанты имеющей далекую историю зарождения, а также относительно многочисленное распростране... more Детерминанты имеющей далекую историю зарождения, а также относительно многочисленное распространение практики фетишистского трансвестизма вплоть до настоящего времени слабоизучены психологической наукой. В текущей работе на российской выборке фетишистких трансвеститов зрелого и молодого возраста (N = 120), опосредствованных виртуальной реальностью, в рамках нормы выполнено интернет-исследование степени выраженности их смысложизненного кризиса и специфики самоотношения, оказывающих глубокое систематическое воздействие на самоуправление жизненным процессом. Показано, что подавляющая часть фетишистких трансвеститов не испытывает переживаний смысложизненного кризиса, а их самоотношение расчленяется на дихотомические линии проявления - сбалансированность в условиях конфиденциальности и диссонанса в публичной среде. Установлено, что смысложизненный кризис обеспечивает благоприятствующий корригирующий эффект на самоуничижение, преграждая траекторию минимизации самоуничижения до анормального состояния методом самооправдания личного опыта фетишистского трансвестизма. Выявлено, что отсутствие смысложизненного кризиса характеризуется расширенной личностной пластичностью фетишистких трансвеститов в трансфобных социальных ситуациях, поддерживающей состояние их самоуважения на приемлемом уровне, тогда как их аутосимпатия как завуалированное измерение самоотношения контрастивно инкапсулирована от смысложизненного кризиса
The determinants of the long-standing and relatively widespread practice of fetishistic transvestites have been so far insufficiently researched by the psychological science. In the present paper on a Russian sample of fetishistic transvestites of mature and young age (N=120) mediated by virtual reality, an Internet study of the severity of their meaning life crisis and the specifics of self-attitude, which have a deep systematic impact on self-management of the life process, was carried out within the norm. It is shown that the overwhelming majority of fetishistic transvestites do not experience a meaning-life crisis, and their self-attitude is divided into dichotomous lines of manifestation – balance in conditions of confidentiality and dissonance in the public environment. It is established that the meaning-of-life crisis provides a favorable corrective effect on self-abasement, blocking the trajectory of minimizing self-abasement to an abnormal state by the method of self-justification of personal experience of fetishistic transvestism. It is revealed that the absence of a meaning-of-life crisis is characterized by the expanded personal plasticity of fetishistic transvestites in transphobic social situations, maintaining their state of self-esteem at an acceptable level, while their autosympathy as a veiled dimension of self-attitude is contrastively encapsulated from the meaning of life crisis
National Psychological Journal, Feb 28, 2020
Актуальность (контекст) тематики статьи. Мотивационные факторы виртуального волонтерства участник... more Актуальность (контекст) тематики статьи. Мотивационные факторы виртуального волонтерства участников онлайн-сообщества крупнейшей в мире интернет-энциклопедии «Википедия» (википедистов) консолидируют их личностные ресурсы для агрегации свободных знаний и активизируют научный интерес широкого круга междисциплинарных исследователей. Однако вопрос о движущих силах данного просоциального поведения до сих пор остается открытым. Цель. Предполагается, что для полноценного понимания детерминации онлайн-деятельности википедистов необходимо проанализировать те ценностные ориентации, которым они отдают персональное предпочтение. Поэтому целью исследования стало выявление универсальных ценностных ориентаций опытного межнационального ядра авторов Википедии. Описание хода исследования. На основании смысловых единиц, выведенных из предшествующего цикла разрозненных академических исследований практического опыта разработки Википедии, проводился контент-анализ транснационального письменного опроса 65 авторов полиязыковых википедических сегментов (83% мужчин и 17% женщин) со среднем стажем составления энциклопедических вики-статей 9,9 лет. Результаты исследования. Раскрыта свойственная авторам Википедии конститутивная система инвариантных ценностных ориентаций интернальной и экстернальной направленностей. Обнаружено, что в большинстве случаев википедисты находят целый ряд личностно значимых причин для участия в формировании Википедии, резонирующих с их внутренней сущностью. Выводы. К группе интернальных ценностных ориентаций википедистов относятся: саморазвитие (самосовершенствование, самоутверждение, самореализация), реципрокный (взаимный) альтруизм, тенденция к высокому качеству и систематизации знаний, удовольствие от созидания, автономия, рекреация (хобби, развлечение), смыслонаполнение, сохранение личного наследия. Группа экстернальных ценностных ориентаций включает: сохранение и развитие культурного наследия/языкового сегмента, продвижение и популяризация Википедии (ее идеологии и принципов), низкие трансакционные издержки и удобство (привлекательность) системы, аффилиация, социальная идентичность, улучшение мира («weltverbesserungs antrieb»), наведение мостов между культурами и языками. Детальное изучение выявленных ценностных ориентаций и иных психологических особенностей волонтеров Википедии может существенно расширить теоретические представления о функционировании этого сообщества и иметь прикладное значение для организации добровольческих практик по распространению знаний
Background. A wide circle of multidisciplinary researchers share interest in motivation factors of Wikipedians, i.e. virtual volunteers, members of the online world’s largest online encyclopedia «Wikipedia», who consolidate personal resources to manage comprehensive aggregation of free knowledge. Nevertheless, the question of the driving forces of this prosocial behaviour is still open. Objective. It is assumed that for a full understanding of the determined online activities of Wikipedians we need to analyze the value orientations to which they give personal preference. In accordance with this, the following goal was set: to identify the shared values of the experienced transnational core of Wikipedia authors. Design. Based on the semantic units derived from previous cycles of disparate academic studies of Wikipedia’s practical development, we conducted a content analysis of a transnational survey. The recipients were 65 authors of multilingual Wikipedia segments (83% males and 17% females) with average experience of 9.9 years compilation of encyclopedic articles. Results. The constitutive system of invariant internal and external value orientations characteristic of Wikipedians is disclosed. It is found that in the most cases Wikipedians find a number of personal significant reasons for participating in the Wikipedia, the reasons resonating with their inner essence. Conclusion. The internal value orientations of Wikipedians include: self-development (self-improvement, self-assertion, self-realization); reciprocal (mutual) altruism; a tendency to high quality and systematization of knowledge; a pleasure of creation; autonomy; recreation (hobby, entertainment); meaningfulness; preservation of personal heritage. The external value orientations include: preservation and development of the cultural heritage / language segment; promotion and popularization of Wikipedia (its ideology and principles); low transaction costs and convenience (attractiveness) of the system; affiliation; social identity; improvement peace («Weltverbesserungs Antrieb»); building bridges between cultures and languages. It is summarized that a detailed study of the identified value orientations and also other psychological characteristics of Wikipedia volunteers can significantly expand theoretical concepts of functioning and the applied value for the organization of volunteer practices to disseminate knowledge as the highest value of humanity
Информационное общество: образование, наука, культура и технологии будущего (Internet and Modern Society - IMS 2019), Jun 19, 2019
Эмпирическое исследование экзистенциальной наполненности авторов русскоязычной Википедии (N=61) с... more Эмпирическое исследование экзистенциальной наполненности авторов русскоязычной Википедии (N=61) с помощью методики «Шкала экзистенции» А. Лэнгле , К. Орглер (адаптация И.Н. Майниной и А.Ю. Васанова ), операционализирующей феноменологическую теорию фундаментальных мотиваций личности по А. Лэнгле , показало, что википедисты способны гибко самодистанцироваться для эффективного осуществления деятельности, целенаправленно проявлять самотрансценденцию в интересах ценностно-смыслового отражения, испытывать гармоничную свободу в активном поиске возможностей, ответственно (с некоторой долей беспокойства) воплощать личные решения в жизнь, а также рационально ориентироваться во внутреннем и внешнем мире. Авторы Википедии постоянно стремятся к новым смыслам, однако зачастую переживают устойчивый смысловой дефицит, требующий своевременного восполнения, которое дифференцирует различия в направленности к целостной интегральной экзистенции: одна часть википедистов испытывает неопределенность смыслового жизненного пространства, возможно, используя интернет-энциклопедию как механизм компенсации; другая – проявляет разумную осторожность и избирательность в процессе экзистенциального насыщения
An empirical study of the existential fulfilment of the Russian-language Wikipedia authors (N = 61) was held using the “Existence Scale” technique suggested by A. Längle, C. Orgler (adaptation by I.N. Mainina and A.Yu. Vasanova). The method operationalizes the phenomenological theory of the individual’s motivation worked by A. Längle. The online study showed that Wikipedia authors are flexible enough to self-distance in order to effectively implement their activities, they are able to systematically and purposefully experience selftranscendence to get a valuable semantic expression, they feel harmonious freedom to go on searching for useful opportunities, they can responsibly (though not without some degree of concern) implement personal decisions into life, as well as quite rationally navigate in the internal and external universe. Wikipedia authors are constantly striving for new meanings, but often experience a long-living semantic deficit that requires timely completion, to differentiate various directions towards integral existentiallity: one part of the Wikipedia authors is experiencing uncertainty of the semantic life space, perhaps using the online encyclopedia as a compensation mechanism; the second part shows reasonable care and selectivity in the process of existential saturation
Ecopsychological research-6: ecology of childhood and psychology of sustainable development: collection of scientific article, Mar 17, 2020
Проводится анализ деятельности онлайн-волонтеров интернетэнциклопедии «Википедия» с точки зрения ... more Проводится анализ деятельности онлайн-волонтеров интернетэнциклопедии «Википедия» с точки зрения протекции знаний от фронтальной диффузии информационного мусора, перегружающего киберпространство. Констатируется, что массовое сплочение общественных сил в интересах экологизации знаний посредством Википедии принесет максимальную просветительскую пользу всему человечеству
The activity of online volunteers of the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is analyzed from the point of view of knowledge protection from frontal diffusion of informational garbage overloading cyberspace. It is stated that the massive rallying of social forces in the interests of greening knowledge through Wikipedia will bring the maximum enlightening benefit to all of humanity
Organizational Psychology, Jun 29, 2020
Цель. Проведён анализ важнейших академических источников, раскрывающих особенности дистантного пр... more Цель. Проведён анализ важнейших академических источников, раскрывающих особенности дистантного производства интернет-энциклопедии «Википедия» виртуальным практическим сообществом онлайн-волонтёров («википедистов»). Рассматриваются детали организационной структуры, распределённого взаимодействия и регуляторных этических принципов, характеризующих википедическое сообщество. Результаты. Отмечается высокая степень открытости процессов кооперативного сотрудничества в ходе подготовки и постоянного обновления базы статей, в настоящее время превосходящей своим объёмом все предшествующие энциклопедические издания. Выделяются и подробно раскрываются актуальные тенденции развития Википедии — такие, как электронная архивация всемирного культурного наследия и разработка доступной информационной основы для просвещения представителей разных народов на их национальных языках, то есть в глобальном масштабе. Выводы. Делается вывод, что изучение групповых и личностных особенностей авторов Википедии, а также выработанных и используемых ими механизмов и процедур согласованного оперирования компонентами классического и современного знания позволит существенно углубиться в понимание конкретных ресурсов, а также способов функционирования сетевой просоциальной активности индивидов. Ценность результатов. Данное направление исследований недостаточно развито в современных отечественных работах, а между тем оно должно быть признано перспективнымв плане расширения рамок гуманитарных дисциплин. На прикладном уровне представленные в работе развернутые данные об альтруистических аспектах творческой самореализации добровольческого состава участников Википедии могут способствовать интенсификации процессов стимуляции и консолидации членов информационного общества для достижения максимального результата в приращении и структурировании знаний как высшей ценности человечества. Научной новизной представленного теоретического обзора является ориентация на обобщение и систематизацию разрозненного фактического материала относительно психологической специфики координационного поведения википедистов, в отличие от имеющихся литературных обзоров, констатирующих в основном количественные показатели эксплуатации Википедии
The analysis of the most important academic sources revealing the specifics of the distant production of the Internet encyclopedia “Wikipedia” by the virtual practical community of online volunteers (Wikipedians). The details of the organizational structure, distributed interaction and regulatory ethical principles that characterize the Wikipedia community are considered. A high degree of openness of cooperation is noted during the preparation and constant updating of the database of articles, which currently exceeds all previous encyclopedic publications in its volume. Current trends in the development of Wikipedia, such as the electronic archiving of the World Cultural Heritage and the development of an accessible information basis for educating all the people in their national languages, i.e. on a global scale, are highlighted and disclosed in detail. It is concluded that the study of the group characteristics and personality traits of Wikipedia authors, as well as the mechanisms and procedures they developed to coordinate and handle the structural components of classical and modern knowledge, is helpful in understanding the particular resources and the ways of functioning of the network prosocial activity of individuals. This line of research is not sufficiently developed in the works of Russian scholars, and yet it should be recognized as promising in terms of expanding the scope of humanitarian disciplines. At the applied level, the presented detailed data referring to the altruistic aspects of creative self-realization of the Wikipedia volunteers can contribute to the intensification of the processes of stimulation and consolidation of the activists of the information society to achieve maximum results in the growth and structuring of knowledge as the highest value of humanity. The scientific novelty of the presented theoretical review is its orientation toward the generalization and systematization of disparate factual material regarding the psychological specificity of the coordination behavior of Wikipedists, in contrast to the available literature reviews that state mainly quantitative indicators of Wikipedia exploitation
Siberian Journal of Psychology, Jun 20, 2019
Осуществлена попытка систематического обзора наиболее приоритетных академических исследований про... more Осуществлена попытка систематического обзора наиболее приоритетных академических исследований процесса разработки Википедии, привлекательных для психологической науки. Обобщены и конкретизированы разрозненные факты о личностных и групповых характеристиках волонтерской деятельности авторов Википедии: структурная дифференциация вики-сообщества, динамика феномена «мудрость толпы», альтруистические и мотивационные аспекты просоциального поведения википедистов, а также проблематика вандализма при составлении энциклопедических статей
Wikipedia is the fullest online open source encyclopedia, even more, it is multi-language; the work on its content is fundamentally based on principally new methods of distant group cooperation. One of the most characteristic patterns in preparation of new items in encyclopedia is the participation of competent volunteers who are able to describe the knowledge base which is dynamically developing, while the publishers of diverse other encyclopedias traditionally invite acknowledged licensed experts to prepare the items within their narrow fields of competence. Unlike this tradition, the administrators of Wikipedia rely on human capital, namely on the unclaimed (earlier) competence of thousands of people who do not call themselves experts but are eager to share information, work out rules of joint authorship and editing, make technical corrections of the encyclopedia items – and devote significant part of their life to this hobby-like activity. That is why up-to-day analysis of this experience as well as a review of multidisciplinary investigations, held mostly within science studies, sociology or computer studies, is highly important for psychologists. The paper presents a systematic review of the first-priority academic studies related to the experience of wikipedians. For example, the structural differentiation of Wikipedia as a dissipative adhocracy system is shown as a sort of folksonomy: the would-be authors first adapt and after that start their enlightening activity through mechanisms of self-actualization and self transcendence which are believed to characterize the wikipedians’ own values and meanings. The analysis of processes of cumulation, reworking and keeping actual knowledge are profound for studies of the so-called transactive memory. The wisdom of crowd phenomenon is analyzed in the context of gaining a declared consensus while the participating wikipedians are antagonistic from the point of their cognitive dissimilarity. That is why neither quality nor safety of the Wikipedia information are comparable to the most highly qualified encyclopedias, such as the British Encyclopedia which are known to recruit the most well-known experts. We may conclude that to rely on competent volunteers’ participation means to be pragmatic, taking into consideration mechanisms of collective intelligence and collective thinking, which characterize the current state of the modern digital society. The analysis of the wikipedians’ motivation shows that it is often based on reciprocal altruism as well as other intrinsic motives, being opposed to extrinsic ones. When destructive Wikipedia related activity, such as vandalism, is found, it is usually taken as a deviant behavior, neighboring to the elements of the “dark triad” (i.e. psychopathy, narcissism or machiavellianism). The final conclusion says that the study of the specifics of the wikipedians’ personal traits and their prosocial behavior sufficiently enlarges the frontiers of current research in psychology
Conferences by Bryzgalin A Evgeniy
Материалы XXIX научно-практической конференции студентов Новомосковского филиала Университета Российской академии образования, 2014
Студенческие размышления, написанные в свободной текстовой форме для научно-практической конферен... more Студенческие размышления, написанные в свободной текстовой форме для научно-практической конференции, с гипотезой о том, что мир - это матрица. Постулируется, что развитие теории матрицы способно объединить академические и религиозные представления о происхождении и строении Вселенной
Student reflections, written in free text form for a scientific-practical conference, with the hypothesis that the world is a matrix. It is postulated that the development of matrix theory is able to combine academic and religious ideas about the origin and structure of the universe
Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «Ломоносов-2019», Apr 1, 2019
Википедия — некоммерческая онлайн-энциклопедия со свободным контентом - формируется усилиями авто... more Википедия — некоммерческая онлайн-энциклопедия со свободным контентом - формируется усилиями авторов-волонтеров (т. н. википедистами). В процессе составления энциклопедических текстов они демонстрируют сплоченную динамику взаимодействий . Энтузиасты распространения накопленных человечеством знаний безвозмездно ведут интенсивную просветительскую активность. Подобная энерго- и времязатратная деятельность, тем не менее, достаточно привлекательна: состав авторов постоянно пополняется новыми участниками. Интересна задача исследования побудительных причин такого просоциального поведения. Так, имеются предположения, что готовность авторов Википедии к кропотливому труду неразрывно связана со специфическими механизмами самодетерминации как характеристикой личности, выступающей источником и причиной собственного поведения. Интегрируя внутрипсихические потенциалы индивидуальной направленности (убеждения, желания, стремления и т. д.) в чувство «самости», человек независимо от влияния извне осуществляет выбор, автономно принимает решения, сохраняет стабильность личностных ориентаций, проявляет эффекты надситуативности и становится «автором» своей жизни. Исследования процессов самодетерминации применительно к составителям Википедии практически не представлены в психологической литературе, поэтому мы делаем попытку углубиться в понимание данного мотивационно-личностного комплекса. Цель этого исследования — определить характерные особенности и степень самодетерминированного поведения русскоязычного ядра авторов Википедии
Когнитивные исследования на современном этапе, Nov 19, 2018
Эмпирическое исследование когнитивного стиля аналитичность-холистичность у авторов русскоязычной ... more Эмпирическое исследование когнитивного стиля аналитичность-холистичность у авторов русскоязычной Википедии (N=85) с помощью методики AHS (адаптация В.В. Апановича, В.В. Знакова, Ю.И. Александрова) показало, что авторы Википедии из контрастных по данному конструкту групп чаще всего рассматривают мир рационально, трактуя его в виде сложной причинно-следственной структуры. Превалирующая часть авторов проявляет психологическую гибкость: осмысленное целеполагание и способность произвольно переключаться и перемещаться в разных направлениях в континууме между атрибутами аналитичности-холистичности
Authors of Wikipedia (N=85) were investigated in an online study using the cognitive style methodology AHS (adapted by V. Apanovich, V. Znakov and Yu. Alexandrov). The construct wholist/analytic style was measured. The results show that the Wikipedia authors are mostly rational and relate the outer world as a cause-and-effect logical structure. At the same time they are psychologically flexible in goal-setting, and movable in the continuum between the analytic and wholist markers
Личность в эпоху перемен: mobilis in mobile, Dec 17, 2018
Проведено эмпирическое исследование смысложизненных ориентаций у авторов русскоязычной Википедии ... more Проведено эмпирическое исследование смысложизненных ориентаций у авторов русскоязычной Википедии (N = 85) с помощью теста СЖО Д.А. Леонтьева. Авторы Википедии проявляют психологическую пластичность в нахождении смысла жизни, черпая его из прошлого (результативности жизни, или удовлетворенности самореализацией), настоящего (процесса жизни, или интереса и эмоциональной насыщенности жизни) и будущего (поставленных жизненных целей) на базе интернального локуса контроля
Цифровое общество в культурно-исторической парадигме, Oct 15, 2018
За счет широкомасштабной интернетизации сетевые технологии стали практически повсеместным явление... more За счет широкомасштабной интернетизации сетевые технологии стали практически повсеместным явлением, объединив между собой людей разнообразного психологического склада. Виртуальная реальность, как информационное тождество актуальной реальности в виде семиосферы (по терминологии Ю.М. Лотмана), обладает значительной притягательной силой, суть которой лежит в удовлетворении потребностей человека. Это способствует ускоренному росту числа интернет-пользователей, что видно по объему генерации больших данных. Относительно гуманистической теории иерархии потребностей А. Маслоу показано, что виртуальная реальность наполнена интернет-сервисами для удовлетворения всех актуализированных нужд: физиологических, в информационной безопасности, социальных, в уважении и признании, в самоактуализации. Овладевая орудиями в виде информации различного рода, в процессах экстериоризации и интериоризации (с позиций культурно-деятельностного подхода Л.С. Выготского) человек максимально расширяет границы для удовлетворения личностных потребностей
Due to large-scale Internetization, network technologies have become almost universal phenomenon, uniting together people of diverse psychological backgrounds. Virtual reality, as the information identity of the actual reality in the form of the semiosphere (in the terminology of Yu. M. Lotman), has a significant attractive power, the essence of which lies in the satisfaction of human needs. This contributes to an accelerated growth in the number of Internet users, as can be seen from the generation of big data. Concerning the humanistic theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it is shown that virtual reality is filled with Internet services to meet all actualized needs: physiological, in information security, social, in respect and recognition, in self-actualization. Mastering toolsin the form of information of various kinds, in the processes of exteriorization and internalization (from the standpoint of the cultural and activity approach of L.S. Vygotsky), a person maximally extends the boundaries to meet personal needs
Papers by Bryzgalin A Evgeniy
Over the past decades, altruistic cyber activities of online education volunteers who share useful knowledge with other Internet users have become widespread in the Internet space. Personal and group features of such prosocial behavior, which is strongly influenced by the realization of values, have not been sufficiently studied by psychological science so far. This study continues the psychological analysis of the value-orientation sphere of online educators, focusing on competent education volunteers who deal with the Internet encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (N = 92) and the question-answer (Q&A) online project “Otvety” (N = 113). The following tools were used in the work: the revised Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-R2R) by Sh. Schwartz adapted by T.P. Butenko, D.S. Sedova and A.S. Lipatova and the Value Orientations Techniques developed by O.I. Motkov and T.A. Ogneva (version 2). The results of the analysis provide sufficient grounds to characterize the members of both groups as indivi- duals who are productively oriented towards informational and pro-social Internet activities that are not identical in format from the perspective of transfinite altruism, for the implementation of which optimal non-hierarchical-parity conditions have been created in their reference online communities, stimulating liberty in the process of individual self-realization. It is shown that, with a high homogeneity of the value profiles of the Wikipedia authors and Q&A “Otvety” service experts, the internal value-related self-determination (procedural in nature) has a basal meaning for them, since the external one, set in a heteronomous position, only weakly corresponds to their freedom-seeking way of life. It is concluded that the series of theoretical and empirical psychological studies of the diverse teams of online education volunteers will make it possible, by understanding their personal and group specifics, to lay a solid foundation, which can potentially lead to global unity of people with the prospect of large-scale amplification of knowledge as one of the highest human values
The development of the Internet contributes to the activity of education volunteers who disseminate a variety of information on the Web. This study is limited to virtual volunteers who share useful knowledge in cyberspace. Although the issues of volunteering are covered quite widely in psychological science, the volitional mechanisms that encourage online educational activities have been poorly studied. The leading role in the deployment of such prosocial behavior is played by a specific value-orientation system. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the systems of values and value orientations of online educators, namely representatives of the expert core of the online encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (N = 96) and the question-answer (Q&A) online project “Otvety” (N = 47). The study is based on the value-specific (SVS, PVQ) methodology developed by Sh. Schwartz and adapted by V.N. Karandashev; the participants belong to the abovementioned expert core groups of online education volunteers. The results reveal their relatively homogeneous set of values, which is developing into an altruistic meta-orientation towards autonomously given and situationally different dissemination of knowledge aimed at providing information (as a public utility) and regulated by self-transcendence and openness to changes. Intersubjective (in terms of normative ideals and individual priorities) and intergroup (in terms of communities) valuerelated comparison of the study participants – Wikipedia authors and Q&A “Otvety” service experts – optionally show that the Wikipedians are more inclined to avoid saturated social relationships (being socially inert), however, are much more hedonistic about life than the Q&A-experts. At the same time, both groups are brought together as close as possible by the radical condemnation of any factors that interfere with social harmony and limit the freedom to manifest oneself as a person. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that further understanding of the personal and group characteristics of education volunteers can expand the scope of education; therefore, in subsequent studies, it is proposed to use successive psychodiagnostic methods that measure value specificity in a psychosocial context
Background. Currently there is a polymorphism of academic positions regarding the value-meaning sphere of personality. Uis issue requires a responsible resolution from the psychological community. Building up the system-analytical research on the topic is considered as the way out of this problematic situation. Objective of the study is to systematically describe the key academic statements on personal values and meanings. Methods. Ue study implemented a thinking method of “analysis through synthesis” (according to S.L. Rubinshtein and A.V. Brushlinsky). Ue author distinguished the most essential parts of the numerous works on values and meanings by Russian and foreign authors. Ue integration of these parts made it possible to holistically outline the main statements on the value-meaning sphere of personality. Results. Ue research allowed to postulate the dominant priority of values and meanings in the personality orientation, to consider the speciTcs of their genesis, the nature of selectivity, structural characteristics, principles of functioning, and reorganization dynamics. Conclusion. Ueoretical generalizations based on heterogeneous research on the value-oriented and meaning aspects of personality from the perspective of individual and group speciTcity can signiTcantly boost elimination of inconsistencies in explanations of the motivational-volitional components of personality orientation, and thus have a positive impact on the development of psychological science
In an empirical study of the life goals of representatives of the experienced core of the Russian-language section of the online encyclopedia "Wikipedia" and the "Reply" project, acting as enlightening online volunteers, it is shown that their motivation is mainly self-determined by intrapersonal potentials that are homogeneous in subordination, and not by external stimuli, for the implementation of which a psychological atmosphere has been deployed in the online communities Wikipedia and the "Reply" project, encouraging the full-fledged objectification of self-sufficiency. It was found that competent authors of "Wikipedia", in comparison with high-status participants in the «Reply» project, distinguish personal life guidelines much more specifically, confidently matching their life activity with them
The determinants of the long-standing and relatively widespread practice of fetishistic transvestites have been so far insufficiently researched by the psychological science. In the present paper on a Russian sample of fetishistic transvestites of mature and young age (N=120) mediated by virtual reality, an Internet study of the severity of their meaning life crisis and the specifics of self-attitude, which have a deep systematic impact on self-management of the life process, was carried out within the norm. It is shown that the overwhelming majority of fetishistic transvestites do not experience a meaning-life crisis, and their self-attitude is divided into dichotomous lines of manifestation – balance in conditions of confidentiality and dissonance in the public environment. It is established that the meaning-of-life crisis provides a favorable corrective effect on self-abasement, blocking the trajectory of minimizing self-abasement to an abnormal state by the method of self-justification of personal experience of fetishistic transvestism. It is revealed that the absence of a meaning-of-life crisis is characterized by the expanded personal plasticity of fetishistic transvestites in transphobic social situations, maintaining their state of self-esteem at an acceptable level, while their autosympathy as a veiled dimension of self-attitude is contrastively encapsulated from the meaning of life crisis
Background. A wide circle of multidisciplinary researchers share interest in motivation factors of Wikipedians, i.e. virtual volunteers, members of the online world’s largest online encyclopedia «Wikipedia», who consolidate personal resources to manage comprehensive aggregation of free knowledge. Nevertheless, the question of the driving forces of this prosocial behaviour is still open. Objective. It is assumed that for a full understanding of the determined online activities of Wikipedians we need to analyze the value orientations to which they give personal preference. In accordance with this, the following goal was set: to identify the shared values of the experienced transnational core of Wikipedia authors. Design. Based on the semantic units derived from previous cycles of disparate academic studies of Wikipedia’s practical development, we conducted a content analysis of a transnational survey. The recipients were 65 authors of multilingual Wikipedia segments (83% males and 17% females) with average experience of 9.9 years compilation of encyclopedic articles. Results. The constitutive system of invariant internal and external value orientations characteristic of Wikipedians is disclosed. It is found that in the most cases Wikipedians find a number of personal significant reasons for participating in the Wikipedia, the reasons resonating with their inner essence. Conclusion. The internal value orientations of Wikipedians include: self-development (self-improvement, self-assertion, self-realization); reciprocal (mutual) altruism; a tendency to high quality and systematization of knowledge; a pleasure of creation; autonomy; recreation (hobby, entertainment); meaningfulness; preservation of personal heritage. The external value orientations include: preservation and development of the cultural heritage / language segment; promotion and popularization of Wikipedia (its ideology and principles); low transaction costs and convenience (attractiveness) of the system; affiliation; social identity; improvement peace («Weltverbesserungs Antrieb»); building bridges between cultures and languages. It is summarized that a detailed study of the identified value orientations and also other psychological characteristics of Wikipedia volunteers can significantly expand theoretical concepts of functioning and the applied value for the organization of volunteer practices to disseminate knowledge as the highest value of humanity
An empirical study of the existential fulfilment of the Russian-language Wikipedia authors (N = 61) was held using the “Existence Scale” technique suggested by A. Längle, C. Orgler (adaptation by I.N. Mainina and A.Yu. Vasanova). The method operationalizes the phenomenological theory of the individual’s motivation worked by A. Längle. The online study showed that Wikipedia authors are flexible enough to self-distance in order to effectively implement their activities, they are able to systematically and purposefully experience selftranscendence to get a valuable semantic expression, they feel harmonious freedom to go on searching for useful opportunities, they can responsibly (though not without some degree of concern) implement personal decisions into life, as well as quite rationally navigate in the internal and external universe. Wikipedia authors are constantly striving for new meanings, but often experience a long-living semantic deficit that requires timely completion, to differentiate various directions towards integral existentiallity: one part of the Wikipedia authors is experiencing uncertainty of the semantic life space, perhaps using the online encyclopedia as a compensation mechanism; the second part shows reasonable care and selectivity in the process of existential saturation
The activity of online volunteers of the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is analyzed from the point of view of knowledge protection from frontal diffusion of informational garbage overloading cyberspace. It is stated that the massive rallying of social forces in the interests of greening knowledge through Wikipedia will bring the maximum enlightening benefit to all of humanity
The analysis of the most important academic sources revealing the specifics of the distant production of the Internet encyclopedia “Wikipedia” by the virtual practical community of online volunteers (Wikipedians). The details of the organizational structure, distributed interaction and regulatory ethical principles that characterize the Wikipedia community are considered. A high degree of openness of cooperation is noted during the preparation and constant updating of the database of articles, which currently exceeds all previous encyclopedic publications in its volume. Current trends in the development of Wikipedia, such as the electronic archiving of the World Cultural Heritage and the development of an accessible information basis for educating all the people in their national languages, i.e. on a global scale, are highlighted and disclosed in detail. It is concluded that the study of the group characteristics and personality traits of Wikipedia authors, as well as the mechanisms and procedures they developed to coordinate and handle the structural components of classical and modern knowledge, is helpful in understanding the particular resources and the ways of functioning of the network prosocial activity of individuals. This line of research is not sufficiently developed in the works of Russian scholars, and yet it should be recognized as promising in terms of expanding the scope of humanitarian disciplines. At the applied level, the presented detailed data referring to the altruistic aspects of creative self-realization of the Wikipedia volunteers can contribute to the intensification of the processes of stimulation and consolidation of the activists of the information society to achieve maximum results in the growth and structuring of knowledge as the highest value of humanity. The scientific novelty of the presented theoretical review is its orientation toward the generalization and systematization of disparate factual material regarding the psychological specificity of the coordination behavior of Wikipedists, in contrast to the available literature reviews that state mainly quantitative indicators of Wikipedia exploitation
Wikipedia is the fullest online open source encyclopedia, even more, it is multi-language; the work on its content is fundamentally based on principally new methods of distant group cooperation. One of the most characteristic patterns in preparation of new items in encyclopedia is the participation of competent volunteers who are able to describe the knowledge base which is dynamically developing, while the publishers of diverse other encyclopedias traditionally invite acknowledged licensed experts to prepare the items within their narrow fields of competence. Unlike this tradition, the administrators of Wikipedia rely on human capital, namely on the unclaimed (earlier) competence of thousands of people who do not call themselves experts but are eager to share information, work out rules of joint authorship and editing, make technical corrections of the encyclopedia items – and devote significant part of their life to this hobby-like activity. That is why up-to-day analysis of this experience as well as a review of multidisciplinary investigations, held mostly within science studies, sociology or computer studies, is highly important for psychologists. The paper presents a systematic review of the first-priority academic studies related to the experience of wikipedians. For example, the structural differentiation of Wikipedia as a dissipative adhocracy system is shown as a sort of folksonomy: the would-be authors first adapt and after that start their enlightening activity through mechanisms of self-actualization and self transcendence which are believed to characterize the wikipedians’ own values and meanings. The analysis of processes of cumulation, reworking and keeping actual knowledge are profound for studies of the so-called transactive memory. The wisdom of crowd phenomenon is analyzed in the context of gaining a declared consensus while the participating wikipedians are antagonistic from the point of their cognitive dissimilarity. That is why neither quality nor safety of the Wikipedia information are comparable to the most highly qualified encyclopedias, such as the British Encyclopedia which are known to recruit the most well-known experts. We may conclude that to rely on competent volunteers’ participation means to be pragmatic, taking into consideration mechanisms of collective intelligence and collective thinking, which characterize the current state of the modern digital society. The analysis of the wikipedians’ motivation shows that it is often based on reciprocal altruism as well as other intrinsic motives, being opposed to extrinsic ones. When destructive Wikipedia related activity, such as vandalism, is found, it is usually taken as a deviant behavior, neighboring to the elements of the “dark triad” (i.e. psychopathy, narcissism or machiavellianism). The final conclusion says that the study of the specifics of the wikipedians’ personal traits and their prosocial behavior sufficiently enlarges the frontiers of current research in psychology
Conferences by Bryzgalin A Evgeniy
Student reflections, written in free text form for a scientific-practical conference, with the hypothesis that the world is a matrix. It is postulated that the development of matrix theory is able to combine academic and religious ideas about the origin and structure of the universe
Authors of Wikipedia (N=85) were investigated in an online study using the cognitive style methodology AHS (adapted by V. Apanovich, V. Znakov and Yu. Alexandrov). The construct wholist/analytic style was measured. The results show that the Wikipedia authors are mostly rational and relate the outer world as a cause-and-effect logical structure. At the same time they are psychologically flexible in goal-setting, and movable in the continuum between the analytic and wholist markers
Due to large-scale Internetization, network technologies have become almost universal phenomenon, uniting together people of diverse psychological backgrounds. Virtual reality, as the information identity of the actual reality in the form of the semiosphere (in the terminology of Yu. M. Lotman), has a significant attractive power, the essence of which lies in the satisfaction of human needs. This contributes to an accelerated growth in the number of Internet users, as can be seen from the generation of big data. Concerning the humanistic theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it is shown that virtual reality is filled with Internet services to meet all actualized needs: physiological, in information security, social, in respect and recognition, in self-actualization. Mastering toolsin the form of information of various kinds, in the processes of exteriorization and internalization (from the standpoint of the cultural and activity approach of L.S. Vygotsky), a person maximally extends the boundaries to meet personal needs
Over the past decades, altruistic cyber activities of online education volunteers who share useful knowledge with other Internet users have become widespread in the Internet space. Personal and group features of such prosocial behavior, which is strongly influenced by the realization of values, have not been sufficiently studied by psychological science so far. This study continues the psychological analysis of the value-orientation sphere of online educators, focusing on competent education volunteers who deal with the Internet encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (N = 92) and the question-answer (Q&A) online project “Otvety” (N = 113). The following tools were used in the work: the revised Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-R2R) by Sh. Schwartz adapted by T.P. Butenko, D.S. Sedova and A.S. Lipatova and the Value Orientations Techniques developed by O.I. Motkov and T.A. Ogneva (version 2). The results of the analysis provide sufficient grounds to characterize the members of both groups as indivi- duals who are productively oriented towards informational and pro-social Internet activities that are not identical in format from the perspective of transfinite altruism, for the implementation of which optimal non-hierarchical-parity conditions have been created in their reference online communities, stimulating liberty in the process of individual self-realization. It is shown that, with a high homogeneity of the value profiles of the Wikipedia authors and Q&A “Otvety” service experts, the internal value-related self-determination (procedural in nature) has a basal meaning for them, since the external one, set in a heteronomous position, only weakly corresponds to their freedom-seeking way of life. It is concluded that the series of theoretical and empirical psychological studies of the diverse teams of online education volunteers will make it possible, by understanding their personal and group specifics, to lay a solid foundation, which can potentially lead to global unity of people with the prospect of large-scale amplification of knowledge as one of the highest human values
The development of the Internet contributes to the activity of education volunteers who disseminate a variety of information on the Web. This study is limited to virtual volunteers who share useful knowledge in cyberspace. Although the issues of volunteering are covered quite widely in psychological science, the volitional mechanisms that encourage online educational activities have been poorly studied. The leading role in the deployment of such prosocial behavior is played by a specific value-orientation system. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the systems of values and value orientations of online educators, namely representatives of the expert core of the online encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (N = 96) and the question-answer (Q&A) online project “Otvety” (N = 47). The study is based on the value-specific (SVS, PVQ) methodology developed by Sh. Schwartz and adapted by V.N. Karandashev; the participants belong to the abovementioned expert core groups of online education volunteers. The results reveal their relatively homogeneous set of values, which is developing into an altruistic meta-orientation towards autonomously given and situationally different dissemination of knowledge aimed at providing information (as a public utility) and regulated by self-transcendence and openness to changes. Intersubjective (in terms of normative ideals and individual priorities) and intergroup (in terms of communities) valuerelated comparison of the study participants – Wikipedia authors and Q&A “Otvety” service experts – optionally show that the Wikipedians are more inclined to avoid saturated social relationships (being socially inert), however, are much more hedonistic about life than the Q&A-experts. At the same time, both groups are brought together as close as possible by the radical condemnation of any factors that interfere with social harmony and limit the freedom to manifest oneself as a person. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that further understanding of the personal and group characteristics of education volunteers can expand the scope of education; therefore, in subsequent studies, it is proposed to use successive psychodiagnostic methods that measure value specificity in a psychosocial context
Background. Currently there is a polymorphism of academic positions regarding the value-meaning sphere of personality. Uis issue requires a responsible resolution from the psychological community. Building up the system-analytical research on the topic is considered as the way out of this problematic situation. Objective of the study is to systematically describe the key academic statements on personal values and meanings. Methods. Ue study implemented a thinking method of “analysis through synthesis” (according to S.L. Rubinshtein and A.V. Brushlinsky). Ue author distinguished the most essential parts of the numerous works on values and meanings by Russian and foreign authors. Ue integration of these parts made it possible to holistically outline the main statements on the value-meaning sphere of personality. Results. Ue research allowed to postulate the dominant priority of values and meanings in the personality orientation, to consider the speciTcs of their genesis, the nature of selectivity, structural characteristics, principles of functioning, and reorganization dynamics. Conclusion. Ueoretical generalizations based on heterogeneous research on the value-oriented and meaning aspects of personality from the perspective of individual and group speciTcity can signiTcantly boost elimination of inconsistencies in explanations of the motivational-volitional components of personality orientation, and thus have a positive impact on the development of psychological science
In an empirical study of the life goals of representatives of the experienced core of the Russian-language section of the online encyclopedia "Wikipedia" and the "Reply" project, acting as enlightening online volunteers, it is shown that their motivation is mainly self-determined by intrapersonal potentials that are homogeneous in subordination, and not by external stimuli, for the implementation of which a psychological atmosphere has been deployed in the online communities Wikipedia and the "Reply" project, encouraging the full-fledged objectification of self-sufficiency. It was found that competent authors of "Wikipedia", in comparison with high-status participants in the «Reply» project, distinguish personal life guidelines much more specifically, confidently matching their life activity with them
The determinants of the long-standing and relatively widespread practice of fetishistic transvestites have been so far insufficiently researched by the psychological science. In the present paper on a Russian sample of fetishistic transvestites of mature and young age (N=120) mediated by virtual reality, an Internet study of the severity of their meaning life crisis and the specifics of self-attitude, which have a deep systematic impact on self-management of the life process, was carried out within the norm. It is shown that the overwhelming majority of fetishistic transvestites do not experience a meaning-life crisis, and their self-attitude is divided into dichotomous lines of manifestation – balance in conditions of confidentiality and dissonance in the public environment. It is established that the meaning-of-life crisis provides a favorable corrective effect on self-abasement, blocking the trajectory of minimizing self-abasement to an abnormal state by the method of self-justification of personal experience of fetishistic transvestism. It is revealed that the absence of a meaning-of-life crisis is characterized by the expanded personal plasticity of fetishistic transvestites in transphobic social situations, maintaining their state of self-esteem at an acceptable level, while their autosympathy as a veiled dimension of self-attitude is contrastively encapsulated from the meaning of life crisis
Background. A wide circle of multidisciplinary researchers share interest in motivation factors of Wikipedians, i.e. virtual volunteers, members of the online world’s largest online encyclopedia «Wikipedia», who consolidate personal resources to manage comprehensive aggregation of free knowledge. Nevertheless, the question of the driving forces of this prosocial behaviour is still open. Objective. It is assumed that for a full understanding of the determined online activities of Wikipedians we need to analyze the value orientations to which they give personal preference. In accordance with this, the following goal was set: to identify the shared values of the experienced transnational core of Wikipedia authors. Design. Based on the semantic units derived from previous cycles of disparate academic studies of Wikipedia’s practical development, we conducted a content analysis of a transnational survey. The recipients were 65 authors of multilingual Wikipedia segments (83% males and 17% females) with average experience of 9.9 years compilation of encyclopedic articles. Results. The constitutive system of invariant internal and external value orientations characteristic of Wikipedians is disclosed. It is found that in the most cases Wikipedians find a number of personal significant reasons for participating in the Wikipedia, the reasons resonating with their inner essence. Conclusion. The internal value orientations of Wikipedians include: self-development (self-improvement, self-assertion, self-realization); reciprocal (mutual) altruism; a tendency to high quality and systematization of knowledge; a pleasure of creation; autonomy; recreation (hobby, entertainment); meaningfulness; preservation of personal heritage. The external value orientations include: preservation and development of the cultural heritage / language segment; promotion and popularization of Wikipedia (its ideology and principles); low transaction costs and convenience (attractiveness) of the system; affiliation; social identity; improvement peace («Weltverbesserungs Antrieb»); building bridges between cultures and languages. It is summarized that a detailed study of the identified value orientations and also other psychological characteristics of Wikipedia volunteers can significantly expand theoretical concepts of functioning and the applied value for the organization of volunteer practices to disseminate knowledge as the highest value of humanity
An empirical study of the existential fulfilment of the Russian-language Wikipedia authors (N = 61) was held using the “Existence Scale” technique suggested by A. Längle, C. Orgler (adaptation by I.N. Mainina and A.Yu. Vasanova). The method operationalizes the phenomenological theory of the individual’s motivation worked by A. Längle. The online study showed that Wikipedia authors are flexible enough to self-distance in order to effectively implement their activities, they are able to systematically and purposefully experience selftranscendence to get a valuable semantic expression, they feel harmonious freedom to go on searching for useful opportunities, they can responsibly (though not without some degree of concern) implement personal decisions into life, as well as quite rationally navigate in the internal and external universe. Wikipedia authors are constantly striving for new meanings, but often experience a long-living semantic deficit that requires timely completion, to differentiate various directions towards integral existentiallity: one part of the Wikipedia authors is experiencing uncertainty of the semantic life space, perhaps using the online encyclopedia as a compensation mechanism; the second part shows reasonable care and selectivity in the process of existential saturation
The activity of online volunteers of the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is analyzed from the point of view of knowledge protection from frontal diffusion of informational garbage overloading cyberspace. It is stated that the massive rallying of social forces in the interests of greening knowledge through Wikipedia will bring the maximum enlightening benefit to all of humanity
The analysis of the most important academic sources revealing the specifics of the distant production of the Internet encyclopedia “Wikipedia” by the virtual practical community of online volunteers (Wikipedians). The details of the organizational structure, distributed interaction and regulatory ethical principles that characterize the Wikipedia community are considered. A high degree of openness of cooperation is noted during the preparation and constant updating of the database of articles, which currently exceeds all previous encyclopedic publications in its volume. Current trends in the development of Wikipedia, such as the electronic archiving of the World Cultural Heritage and the development of an accessible information basis for educating all the people in their national languages, i.e. on a global scale, are highlighted and disclosed in detail. It is concluded that the study of the group characteristics and personality traits of Wikipedia authors, as well as the mechanisms and procedures they developed to coordinate and handle the structural components of classical and modern knowledge, is helpful in understanding the particular resources and the ways of functioning of the network prosocial activity of individuals. This line of research is not sufficiently developed in the works of Russian scholars, and yet it should be recognized as promising in terms of expanding the scope of humanitarian disciplines. At the applied level, the presented detailed data referring to the altruistic aspects of creative self-realization of the Wikipedia volunteers can contribute to the intensification of the processes of stimulation and consolidation of the activists of the information society to achieve maximum results in the growth and structuring of knowledge as the highest value of humanity. The scientific novelty of the presented theoretical review is its orientation toward the generalization and systematization of disparate factual material regarding the psychological specificity of the coordination behavior of Wikipedists, in contrast to the available literature reviews that state mainly quantitative indicators of Wikipedia exploitation
Wikipedia is the fullest online open source encyclopedia, even more, it is multi-language; the work on its content is fundamentally based on principally new methods of distant group cooperation. One of the most characteristic patterns in preparation of new items in encyclopedia is the participation of competent volunteers who are able to describe the knowledge base which is dynamically developing, while the publishers of diverse other encyclopedias traditionally invite acknowledged licensed experts to prepare the items within their narrow fields of competence. Unlike this tradition, the administrators of Wikipedia rely on human capital, namely on the unclaimed (earlier) competence of thousands of people who do not call themselves experts but are eager to share information, work out rules of joint authorship and editing, make technical corrections of the encyclopedia items – and devote significant part of their life to this hobby-like activity. That is why up-to-day analysis of this experience as well as a review of multidisciplinary investigations, held mostly within science studies, sociology or computer studies, is highly important for psychologists. The paper presents a systematic review of the first-priority academic studies related to the experience of wikipedians. For example, the structural differentiation of Wikipedia as a dissipative adhocracy system is shown as a sort of folksonomy: the would-be authors first adapt and after that start their enlightening activity through mechanisms of self-actualization and self transcendence which are believed to characterize the wikipedians’ own values and meanings. The analysis of processes of cumulation, reworking and keeping actual knowledge are profound for studies of the so-called transactive memory. The wisdom of crowd phenomenon is analyzed in the context of gaining a declared consensus while the participating wikipedians are antagonistic from the point of their cognitive dissimilarity. That is why neither quality nor safety of the Wikipedia information are comparable to the most highly qualified encyclopedias, such as the British Encyclopedia which are known to recruit the most well-known experts. We may conclude that to rely on competent volunteers’ participation means to be pragmatic, taking into consideration mechanisms of collective intelligence and collective thinking, which characterize the current state of the modern digital society. The analysis of the wikipedians’ motivation shows that it is often based on reciprocal altruism as well as other intrinsic motives, being opposed to extrinsic ones. When destructive Wikipedia related activity, such as vandalism, is found, it is usually taken as a deviant behavior, neighboring to the elements of the “dark triad” (i.e. psychopathy, narcissism or machiavellianism). The final conclusion says that the study of the specifics of the wikipedians’ personal traits and their prosocial behavior sufficiently enlarges the frontiers of current research in psychology
Student reflections, written in free text form for a scientific-practical conference, with the hypothesis that the world is a matrix. It is postulated that the development of matrix theory is able to combine academic and religious ideas about the origin and structure of the universe
Authors of Wikipedia (N=85) were investigated in an online study using the cognitive style methodology AHS (adapted by V. Apanovich, V. Znakov and Yu. Alexandrov). The construct wholist/analytic style was measured. The results show that the Wikipedia authors are mostly rational and relate the outer world as a cause-and-effect logical structure. At the same time they are psychologically flexible in goal-setting, and movable in the continuum between the analytic and wholist markers
Due to large-scale Internetization, network technologies have become almost universal phenomenon, uniting together people of diverse psychological backgrounds. Virtual reality, as the information identity of the actual reality in the form of the semiosphere (in the terminology of Yu. M. Lotman), has a significant attractive power, the essence of which lies in the satisfaction of human needs. This contributes to an accelerated growth in the number of Internet users, as can be seen from the generation of big data. Concerning the humanistic theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it is shown that virtual reality is filled with Internet services to meet all actualized needs: physiological, in information security, social, in respect and recognition, in self-actualization. Mastering toolsin the form of information of various kinds, in the processes of exteriorization and internalization (from the standpoint of the cultural and activity approach of L.S. Vygotsky), a person maximally extends the boundaries to meet personal needs