The article addresses the issue of the formation of artistic values in students in the process of choreographic training from different perspectives: general-pedagogical, teleological and methodological. In general-pedagogical plan, the... more
The article addresses the issue of the formation of artistic values in students in the process of choreographic training from different perspectives: general-pedagogical, teleological and methodological. In general-pedagogical plan, the formation of value orientations is analyzed from the perspective of humanistic education, in teleological plan – from the perspective of educational finalities, in methodological plan – from the perspective of new educations and educational strategies: awareness formation, organization of educational action, stimulation. The level of manifestation of the artistic values of the research group indicated a significant difference from the initial testing to the final testing. Experimental validation is stipulated in tables and figures.
Studiul abordează o largă paletă de interpretări ale dansul hostropăț<br> din cadrul repertoriul formațiilor de dans din Republica Moldova.<br> hostropăț – reprezintă un dans ceremonial ce însoţeşte diverse acte<br>... more
Studiul abordează o largă paletă de interpretări ale dansul hostropăț<br> din cadrul repertoriul formațiilor de dans din Republica Moldova.<br> hostropăț – reprezintă un dans ceremonial ce însoţeşte diverse acte<br> ritualice din cadrul nunţii tradiţionale, fiind o expresie a unui limbaj<br> specific de comunicare care a determinat însăşi estetica dansului, formele<br> sale de expresie, normele stilistice ale repertoriului făcând parte<br> din sistemul de valori al culturii populare. De asemenea sunt abordate<br> unele aspecte de ritual și de divertisment ale dansului hostropăț, evidenţiindu-<br> se importanţa practicii profesionale coregrafice și rolul formațiilor<br> de dans din cadrul instituţiilor culturale a activităţii tradiţionale<br> artistice de amatori. Autoarea îşi focalizează atenţia pe configurarea<br> aparatului metodologic al cercetării repertoriului formațiilor de dans ca<br> paradigmă a unei noi...
In the present article, the author has as main objective the argumentation of the necessity of studying and<br> valorising the folk dance, namely the hora, in the context of its integration into the modern society. To this... more
In the present article, the author has as main objective the argumentation of the necessity of studying and<br> valorising the folk dance, namely the hora, in the context of its integration into the modern society. To this end,<br> the historical, as well as the inter-disciplinary methods of approaching the problem are used, insisting on the documentation<br> of the sources of the emergence of dance, on its valorisation, especially of the hora, in the artistic life<br> of society, but also in the didactic process.<br> Starting from the essence of the dance art, especially of the folk dance, as a decisive part of the man's life in<br> the village, the specificity of the hora in the Romanian space and its research perspective are emphasized, in consonance<br> with the investigations carried out by the researchers in this field. From the point of view of valorising<br> the dance hora, other genres of art (literature, music) are mentio...
The given paper elucidates one of the main professional skills of a dancer / performer - artistic expressiveness. Following the analysis of several studies in the field of choreographic art dedicated to expressiveness and methods of its... more
The given paper elucidates one of the main professional skills of a dancer / performer - artistic expressiveness. Following the analysis of several studies in the field of choreographic art dedicated to expressiveness and methods of its development in choreographic creation, the concept of expressiveness is revealed by defining it in different types of art, cultural studies, philosophy, etc. The most complex description of the component of artistic expressiveness is present in classical, folk and modern dance, where the conditions of its formation and development are exposed in the practical classes of classical, folk and modern dance. The stated issue was researched in a study was conducted over three years of university studies at cycle I (Bachelor).
Th e study addresses a wide range of interpretations of (H)ostropat dance from the repertoire of dance groups in the Republic of Moldova in the XXI century. (H)ostropat — represents a ceremonial dance that accompanies various ritual acts... more
Th e study addresses a wide range of interpretations of (H)ostropat dance from the repertoire of dance groups in the Republic of Moldova in the XXI century. (H)ostropat — represents a ceremonial dance that accompanies various ritual acts in the traditional wedding, being an expression of a specific language of communication that determined the very aesthetics of the dance, its forms of expression, stylistic norms of the repertoire, etc. The (H)ostropat dance, being part of the value system of popular culture, with some aspects of ritual and entertainment, highlights the importance of professional choreographic practice and the role of dance groups in cultural institutions of traditional amateur artistic activity. Th e author focuses her attention on the configuration of the methodological apparatus of researching the repertoire of dance groups as a paradigm of a new stylistic direction and cultural identity in the realm of contemporary choreographic art. It is found that the tendenc...