Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
A região marinha entre o norte da Ilha de Santa Catarina e o continente, em Santa Catarina, tem s... more A região marinha entre o norte da Ilha de Santa Catarina e o continente, em Santa Catarina, tem sido considerada pelos órgãos de fiscalização ambiental como uma baía e, portanto, como área de restrição à pesca de arrasto de camarões, de acordo com a Portaria n° 51/83, da extinta Superintendência do Desenvolvimento da Pesca (SUDEPE). Essa Portaria, que permanece válida, proíbe essa modalidade de pesca em baías do Estado, mas não define o limite geográfico dessas baías, tornando legalmente insegura a atividade de centenas de pescadores artesanais da região. O debate sobre a determinação dos limites da chamada “Baía Norte” de Florianópolis foi incrementado a partir da construção participativa do Plano de Manejo da Área de Proteção Ambiental do Anhatomirim (APAA), publicado em 2013. Em setembro de 2014, pescadores artesanais de arrasto de camarões foram autuados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), por estarem pescando dentro dos limites da ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
The franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) is a coastal dolphin endemic to the western Sout... more The franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) is a coastal dolphin endemic to the western South Atlantic Ocean. The dolphin is listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List, with incidental catches in gillnet fisheries the greatest conservation concern for this species. Insights into the feeding habits of this dolphin are essential to understand its distribution, movements and use of habitat, which are fundamental for effective management of the species. The feeding habits of franciscana dolphins were investigated from analyses of stomach contents of animals incidentally caught by two fishing operations from southern and northern regions of the southern Brazilian coast. In this study we investigate the existence of intrapopulation (sexual maturity and sex-related) variation in the diet of the franciscana dolphin, evaluating the spatial (northern and southern geographic areas) and seasonal influences. The analyses were based on Linear and Generalized Linear Models (LM and GLM). The ma...
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
Foram amostrados 2.702 bonitos-listrados (Katsuwonus pelamis) desembarcados no porto de Niterói-R... more Foram amostrados 2.702 bonitos-listrados (Katsuwonus pelamis) desembarcados no porto de Niterói-RJ, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2007, com comprimentos furcais (Lf) entre 40,1 e 85,6 cm e pesos (Wt) entre 1,0 kg (1° e 2° trimestres) e 11,3 kg (2° trimestre). As maiores médias de comprimento e peso foram registradas no 4° trimestre (61,4 cm e 4,9 kg, respectivamente) e as menores no 1° trimestre (57,2 cm e 3,1 kg). A relação entre o comprimento furcal e peso total, para sexos agrupados, foi: Wt= 3,817 x 10-6Lf3,3773 (n=2026; r2= 0,8716). As médias dos fatores de condição (K) variaram de 0,0062, no 3° trimestre, a 0,0221 no 2° trimestre. As maiores capturas foram observadas nos meados do verão até o início do outono, principalmente compostas por peixes com mais de três anos de idade. Os desembarques de atuns e afins, em 2007, no estado do Rio de Janeiro pela frota atuneira de vara e isca-viva, situaram-se ao redor de 4.484 t, sendo 3.982 t de bonito-listrado e 502 t das demais espécies...
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
O presente trabalho visa mostrar alguns aspectos da pesca amadora das espécies de robalo Centropo... more O presente trabalho visa mostrar alguns aspectos da pesca amadora das espécies de robalo Centropomus undecimalis e Centropomus parallelus, na Baía da Babitonga, localizada no norte de Santa Catarina. Para descrição da pescaria e levantamento dos dados do perfil socioeconômico dos pescadores amadores, foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas e semiestruturadas (Gil, 1999) e observações “in situ”. Entre setembro de 2004 e outubro de 2006, foram entrevistados 417 pescadores amadores embarcados em 23 saídas a campo. Para avaliação das capturas, foram aplicados formulários durante o 2° semestre de 2006, em duas marinas situadas em pontos diferentes da baía, sendo amostradas 860 embarcações, para 2.184 pescadores atuantes. Foram distribuídos questionários em pousadas na localidade de Palmital, em Garuva-SC, com o objetivo de se obter informações sobre a composição e características dos grupos de pescadores, sendo que apenas 62 pessoas responderam. Os resultados indicaram que o pescador ...
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha, 2021
Foram monitorados, entre 2015 e 2017, 225 dias de mar e 775 lances nas pescarias industriais de a... more Foram monitorados, entre 2015 e 2017, 225 dias de mar e 775 lances nas pescarias industriais de arrasto-de-parelha, arrasto-duplo para linguado, arrasto-duplo para abrótea/merluza e arrasto-simples para cabrinha, a partir do embarque de observadores científicos do CEPSUL/ICMBio no sul do Brasil, cujo objetivo foi obter informações sobre as operações e áreas de pesca, assim como das capturas, principalmente das espécies ameaçadas de extinção, quase ameaçadas e com dados insuficientes. No arrasto-de-parelha, foram capturadas 201,565 t (três viagens; 184 arrastos), sendo estocadas 25 espécies, principalmente corvina, castanha, goete e maria-mole. A “mistura” foi composta por 68 espécies e a captura rejeitada média em peso foi de 36%. No arrasto-duplo para linguado, capturou-se 94,350 t (duas viagens; 179 arrastos), com mais de 25 espécies estocadas; sendo as principais: linguado, castanha, maria-mole e cabrinha. A “mistura” variou em cada viagem, apresentando a captura rejeitada média...
The present study reports the occurrence of the bearded brotula Brotula barbata in four different... more The present study reports the occurrence of the bearded brotula Brotula barbata in four different localities off southern Brazil. These records extend the species' known distribution limit southwards, beyond Rio de Janeiro, to the state of Rio Grande do Sul (30° 50' S). Morphometric and meristic data for the specimens reported herein are provided and discussed. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
Between 1995-2009 hammerhead sharks were sampled from the landings ofthe industrial fleets based ... more Between 1995-2009 hammerhead sharks were sampled from the landings ofthe industrial fleets based in the harbours of Itajaí and Navegantes, SC State,and Ubatuba, SP State, Brazil. In this case, fishing boats which operated with gillnetslonglines and trawls along the southern Brazilian Economic Exclusive Zone and internationaladjacent waters were targeted. A total of 2483 and 353 S. lewini and S. zygaena carcasses respectively were sexed, measured and converted to total lengths (LT). Additionallyinformation about, year, season, latitude/longitude and local depth (m) from the catches,by fishing category, were obtained. During the considered period, intense fishing mortalityover pups was caused by gillnets and trawls operating on shallow waters (≤20m) and overjuveniles along the continental shelf (>20m and ≤200m). Additionally, adults were exploitedby driftnets and longlines along the shelf border and slope (>200m). Therefore,both hammerhead species are exploited at all life-stage...
The genus Kogia, which comprises only two extant species, Kogia sima and Kogia brevi-ceps, repres... more The genus Kogia, which comprises only two extant species, Kogia sima and Kogia brevi-ceps, represents one of the least known groups of cetaceans in the global ocean. In some coastal regions, however, stranding events of these species have been relatively common over the last decades. Stranding provides the opportunity to investigate the biology of these cetaceans and to explore the epidemiological aspects associated with the mortality of the organisms found on the beach. A number of disturbances (including pelagic fisheries, chemical pollution, boat strikes, and noise pollution) have been confirmed to pose a particu-lar threat to the Kogia species. However, no study has yet investigated potential relation-ships between environmental conditions and stranding events. Here we analyse how a
A avaliação do estado de conservação de espécies da fauna brasileira, atribuição do Instituto Chi... more A avaliação do estado de conservação de espécies da fauna brasileira, atribuição do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), tem representado um esforço imenso e qualificado, agregando centenas de pesquisadores de diferentes instituições. Entretanto, neste processo, ainda é um desafio o envolvimento do conhecimento ecológico local (CEL) de usuários das espécies, o que tende a possibilitar tanto um arcabouço maior de informações para a avaliação quanto a ampliação da articulação social e institucional para a conservação. Essas possibilidades também são almejadas para a gestão participativa de unidades de conservação (UCs), visando maior eficiência e eficácia de suas metas em suas regiões de influência. Neste trabalho, relata-se a aplicação de uma metodologia que pode ser útil nestes dois escopos – no processo de avaliação do estado de conservação de espécies da fauna e na gestão de UCs. A partir da identificação, por pescadores artesanais, de 68 espécies aquá...
Catch data are the most basic information to be collected for managing fisheries everywhere. Howe... more Catch data are the most basic information to be collected for managing fisheries everywhere. However, in many regions around the globe, including Brazil, this information is not available with satisfactory quality. The objective of the initiative described in this paper was to compile a countrywide database of marine commercial catch data in its original form (only landings) and a reconstructed version (which includes artisanal, industrial, recreational, and subsistence landings, as well as major discards) and to analyze historical trends. The basis for the country-wide database of marine catch statistics compiled here were the national official bulletins published in Brazil for the period 1950 to 2010. They represent an update of previous databases compiled for 1980-2000 and later for 1950-2004. These databases were revised and extended to include the whole period from 1950 to 2010 and all 17 coastal states in Brazil, from Amapá to Rio Grande do Sul. Estimates for recreational and ...
The stomach content of a male, immature dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata subsp.) str... more The stomach content of a male, immature dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata subsp.) stranded in September of 2008 in southern Brazil revealed a large consumption of the Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus), probably in multiple feeding events. Stable isotopes signals from kidney and liver samples of the whale are consistent with values for this squid species, and prey size indicates consumption over spawning aggregations near the continental slope off southern Brazil. The present record adds a new prey species for dwarf minke whale and reinforces the hypothesis that some baleen whales could feed in middle latitudes of the Brazilian coast.
The list of Crustacean species from the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, comprises 518 v... more The list of Crustacean species from the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, comprises 518 valid species, distributed in 17 orders and 152 families. This amount corresponds to 0.75% of the Crustacea worldwide and about 20% of Brazilian species. The order Decapoda is the most represented, with 280 species. The families of Decapoda with the greatest number of species recorded were: Aeglidae (19), Palaemonidae (13) and Portunidae (13). In addition, the occurrence of 19 species distributed in the orders Cyclopoida (1), Podocopida (2) and Decapoda (16) is reported for the first time. Exotic species (9) are distributed in four different orders - Isopoda (6), Calanoida (1), Thoracica (1) and Decapoda (1).
... 1992» and larval surveys (Haimovici et ed., 1995). The life cycle of/, argentinus is approxim... more ... 1992» and larval surveys (Haimovici et ed., 1995). The life cycle of/, argentinus is approximately one year (Hatanaka, 1988; Rodhouse and Hatfield. 1990: Arkhipkin. 1990). ... 1981: Koronkiewicz. 1986: Brunetti. 1988: Rodhousc and Hatfield, 1990), are shown in Figure 10. ...
ABSTRACT Cephalopods of 49 species and 25 families were collected in two surveys with midwater an... more ABSTRACT Cephalopods of 49 species and 25 families were collected in two surveys with midwater and bottom trawls in May-July, 1999 and June-July 2000 off Brazilian slope, aboard of the french research vessel Thalassa. The ship was at the service for the Bahia State, in collaboration with the REVIZEE (living resources of the Brazilian economic zone) program. Overall 51 mid-water and 67 bottom fishing hauls, 24 and 61 of which had cephalopods in the catch. Yields were low and no fishing potential for cephalopods was detected but the study area showed a considerable richness of species. The catch of the midwater hauls included 4230 cephalopods of 12 species and a mean weight of 2.5 g among which Abralia veranyi, A. redfeldi, juveniles of Loligo plei and of Illex sp were dominant. In the bottom trawls hauls 1123 specimens of 42 species weighting in mean 163.5 g were caught. The most abundant species were Pholidoteuthis adami, Illex coindetti, Ornithoteuthis antillarum and Histioteuthis corona corona. Higher densities occurred between 500 a 1500 m depth and diversity (number of species) increased with depth ranges. Multivariate analysis showed some changes in the species composition with increasing latitudes. Several species recorded formerly in the northern hemisphere up to the Caribbean Sea were found in the central Brazilian slope, as Rossia tortugaensis, Rossia (bullisi), Nectoteuthis pourtalesi, Benthoctopus oregonae e Illex coindetti. Species as Moroteuthis robsoni and Moroteuthis ingens, formerly known for higher latitudes, were shown to attain low latitudes in deep waters. Vampyroteuthis infernalis, Cirroteuthis muellei e Cirroteuthis magna were first recorded for the southwestern Atlantic.
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
A região marinha entre o norte da Ilha de Santa Catarina e o continente, em Santa Catarina, tem s... more A região marinha entre o norte da Ilha de Santa Catarina e o continente, em Santa Catarina, tem sido considerada pelos órgãos de fiscalização ambiental como uma baía e, portanto, como área de restrição à pesca de arrasto de camarões, de acordo com a Portaria n° 51/83, da extinta Superintendência do Desenvolvimento da Pesca (SUDEPE). Essa Portaria, que permanece válida, proíbe essa modalidade de pesca em baías do Estado, mas não define o limite geográfico dessas baías, tornando legalmente insegura a atividade de centenas de pescadores artesanais da região. O debate sobre a determinação dos limites da chamada “Baía Norte” de Florianópolis foi incrementado a partir da construção participativa do Plano de Manejo da Área de Proteção Ambiental do Anhatomirim (APAA), publicado em 2013. Em setembro de 2014, pescadores artesanais de arrasto de camarões foram autuados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), por estarem pescando dentro dos limites da ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
The franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) is a coastal dolphin endemic to the western Sout... more The franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) is a coastal dolphin endemic to the western South Atlantic Ocean. The dolphin is listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List, with incidental catches in gillnet fisheries the greatest conservation concern for this species. Insights into the feeding habits of this dolphin are essential to understand its distribution, movements and use of habitat, which are fundamental for effective management of the species. The feeding habits of franciscana dolphins were investigated from analyses of stomach contents of animals incidentally caught by two fishing operations from southern and northern regions of the southern Brazilian coast. In this study we investigate the existence of intrapopulation (sexual maturity and sex-related) variation in the diet of the franciscana dolphin, evaluating the spatial (northern and southern geographic areas) and seasonal influences. The analyses were based on Linear and Generalized Linear Models (LM and GLM). The ma...
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
Foram amostrados 2.702 bonitos-listrados (Katsuwonus pelamis) desembarcados no porto de Niterói-R... more Foram amostrados 2.702 bonitos-listrados (Katsuwonus pelamis) desembarcados no porto de Niterói-RJ, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2007, com comprimentos furcais (Lf) entre 40,1 e 85,6 cm e pesos (Wt) entre 1,0 kg (1° e 2° trimestres) e 11,3 kg (2° trimestre). As maiores médias de comprimento e peso foram registradas no 4° trimestre (61,4 cm e 4,9 kg, respectivamente) e as menores no 1° trimestre (57,2 cm e 3,1 kg). A relação entre o comprimento furcal e peso total, para sexos agrupados, foi: Wt= 3,817 x 10-6Lf3,3773 (n=2026; r2= 0,8716). As médias dos fatores de condição (K) variaram de 0,0062, no 3° trimestre, a 0,0221 no 2° trimestre. As maiores capturas foram observadas nos meados do verão até o início do outono, principalmente compostas por peixes com mais de três anos de idade. Os desembarques de atuns e afins, em 2007, no estado do Rio de Janeiro pela frota atuneira de vara e isca-viva, situaram-se ao redor de 4.484 t, sendo 3.982 t de bonito-listrado e 502 t das demais espécies...
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
O presente trabalho visa mostrar alguns aspectos da pesca amadora das espécies de robalo Centropo... more O presente trabalho visa mostrar alguns aspectos da pesca amadora das espécies de robalo Centropomus undecimalis e Centropomus parallelus, na Baía da Babitonga, localizada no norte de Santa Catarina. Para descrição da pescaria e levantamento dos dados do perfil socioeconômico dos pescadores amadores, foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas e semiestruturadas (Gil, 1999) e observações “in situ”. Entre setembro de 2004 e outubro de 2006, foram entrevistados 417 pescadores amadores embarcados em 23 saídas a campo. Para avaliação das capturas, foram aplicados formulários durante o 2° semestre de 2006, em duas marinas situadas em pontos diferentes da baía, sendo amostradas 860 embarcações, para 2.184 pescadores atuantes. Foram distribuídos questionários em pousadas na localidade de Palmital, em Garuva-SC, com o objetivo de se obter informações sobre a composição e características dos grupos de pescadores, sendo que apenas 62 pessoas responderam. Os resultados indicaram que o pescador ...
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha, 2021
Foram monitorados, entre 2015 e 2017, 225 dias de mar e 775 lances nas pescarias industriais de a... more Foram monitorados, entre 2015 e 2017, 225 dias de mar e 775 lances nas pescarias industriais de arrasto-de-parelha, arrasto-duplo para linguado, arrasto-duplo para abrótea/merluza e arrasto-simples para cabrinha, a partir do embarque de observadores científicos do CEPSUL/ICMBio no sul do Brasil, cujo objetivo foi obter informações sobre as operações e áreas de pesca, assim como das capturas, principalmente das espécies ameaçadas de extinção, quase ameaçadas e com dados insuficientes. No arrasto-de-parelha, foram capturadas 201,565 t (três viagens; 184 arrastos), sendo estocadas 25 espécies, principalmente corvina, castanha, goete e maria-mole. A “mistura” foi composta por 68 espécies e a captura rejeitada média em peso foi de 36%. No arrasto-duplo para linguado, capturou-se 94,350 t (duas viagens; 179 arrastos), com mais de 25 espécies estocadas; sendo as principais: linguado, castanha, maria-mole e cabrinha. A “mistura” variou em cada viagem, apresentando a captura rejeitada média...
The present study reports the occurrence of the bearded brotula Brotula barbata in four different... more The present study reports the occurrence of the bearded brotula Brotula barbata in four different localities off southern Brazil. These records extend the species' known distribution limit southwards, beyond Rio de Janeiro, to the state of Rio Grande do Sul (30° 50' S). Morphometric and meristic data for the specimens reported herein are provided and discussed. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha
Between 1995-2009 hammerhead sharks were sampled from the landings ofthe industrial fleets based ... more Between 1995-2009 hammerhead sharks were sampled from the landings ofthe industrial fleets based in the harbours of Itajaí and Navegantes, SC State,and Ubatuba, SP State, Brazil. In this case, fishing boats which operated with gillnetslonglines and trawls along the southern Brazilian Economic Exclusive Zone and internationaladjacent waters were targeted. A total of 2483 and 353 S. lewini and S. zygaena carcasses respectively were sexed, measured and converted to total lengths (LT). Additionallyinformation about, year, season, latitude/longitude and local depth (m) from the catches,by fishing category, were obtained. During the considered period, intense fishing mortalityover pups was caused by gillnets and trawls operating on shallow waters (≤20m) and overjuveniles along the continental shelf (>20m and ≤200m). Additionally, adults were exploitedby driftnets and longlines along the shelf border and slope (>200m). Therefore,both hammerhead species are exploited at all life-stage...
The genus Kogia, which comprises only two extant species, Kogia sima and Kogia brevi-ceps, repres... more The genus Kogia, which comprises only two extant species, Kogia sima and Kogia brevi-ceps, represents one of the least known groups of cetaceans in the global ocean. In some coastal regions, however, stranding events of these species have been relatively common over the last decades. Stranding provides the opportunity to investigate the biology of these cetaceans and to explore the epidemiological aspects associated with the mortality of the organisms found on the beach. A number of disturbances (including pelagic fisheries, chemical pollution, boat strikes, and noise pollution) have been confirmed to pose a particu-lar threat to the Kogia species. However, no study has yet investigated potential relation-ships between environmental conditions and stranding events. Here we analyse how a
A avaliação do estado de conservação de espécies da fauna brasileira, atribuição do Instituto Chi... more A avaliação do estado de conservação de espécies da fauna brasileira, atribuição do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), tem representado um esforço imenso e qualificado, agregando centenas de pesquisadores de diferentes instituições. Entretanto, neste processo, ainda é um desafio o envolvimento do conhecimento ecológico local (CEL) de usuários das espécies, o que tende a possibilitar tanto um arcabouço maior de informações para a avaliação quanto a ampliação da articulação social e institucional para a conservação. Essas possibilidades também são almejadas para a gestão participativa de unidades de conservação (UCs), visando maior eficiência e eficácia de suas metas em suas regiões de influência. Neste trabalho, relata-se a aplicação de uma metodologia que pode ser útil nestes dois escopos – no processo de avaliação do estado de conservação de espécies da fauna e na gestão de UCs. A partir da identificação, por pescadores artesanais, de 68 espécies aquá...
Catch data are the most basic information to be collected for managing fisheries everywhere. Howe... more Catch data are the most basic information to be collected for managing fisheries everywhere. However, in many regions around the globe, including Brazil, this information is not available with satisfactory quality. The objective of the initiative described in this paper was to compile a countrywide database of marine commercial catch data in its original form (only landings) and a reconstructed version (which includes artisanal, industrial, recreational, and subsistence landings, as well as major discards) and to analyze historical trends. The basis for the country-wide database of marine catch statistics compiled here were the national official bulletins published in Brazil for the period 1950 to 2010. They represent an update of previous databases compiled for 1980-2000 and later for 1950-2004. These databases were revised and extended to include the whole period from 1950 to 2010 and all 17 coastal states in Brazil, from Amapá to Rio Grande do Sul. Estimates for recreational and ...
The stomach content of a male, immature dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata subsp.) str... more The stomach content of a male, immature dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata subsp.) stranded in September of 2008 in southern Brazil revealed a large consumption of the Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus), probably in multiple feeding events. Stable isotopes signals from kidney and liver samples of the whale are consistent with values for this squid species, and prey size indicates consumption over spawning aggregations near the continental slope off southern Brazil. The present record adds a new prey species for dwarf minke whale and reinforces the hypothesis that some baleen whales could feed in middle latitudes of the Brazilian coast.
The list of Crustacean species from the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, comprises 518 v... more The list of Crustacean species from the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, comprises 518 valid species, distributed in 17 orders and 152 families. This amount corresponds to 0.75% of the Crustacea worldwide and about 20% of Brazilian species. The order Decapoda is the most represented, with 280 species. The families of Decapoda with the greatest number of species recorded were: Aeglidae (19), Palaemonidae (13) and Portunidae (13). In addition, the occurrence of 19 species distributed in the orders Cyclopoida (1), Podocopida (2) and Decapoda (16) is reported for the first time. Exotic species (9) are distributed in four different orders - Isopoda (6), Calanoida (1), Thoracica (1) and Decapoda (1).
... 1992» and larval surveys (Haimovici et ed., 1995). The life cycle of/, argentinus is approxim... more ... 1992» and larval surveys (Haimovici et ed., 1995). The life cycle of/, argentinus is approximately one year (Hatanaka, 1988; Rodhouse and Hatfield. 1990: Arkhipkin. 1990). ... 1981: Koronkiewicz. 1986: Brunetti. 1988: Rodhousc and Hatfield, 1990), are shown in Figure 10. ...
ABSTRACT Cephalopods of 49 species and 25 families were collected in two surveys with midwater an... more ABSTRACT Cephalopods of 49 species and 25 families were collected in two surveys with midwater and bottom trawls in May-July, 1999 and June-July 2000 off Brazilian slope, aboard of the french research vessel Thalassa. The ship was at the service for the Bahia State, in collaboration with the REVIZEE (living resources of the Brazilian economic zone) program. Overall 51 mid-water and 67 bottom fishing hauls, 24 and 61 of which had cephalopods in the catch. Yields were low and no fishing potential for cephalopods was detected but the study area showed a considerable richness of species. The catch of the midwater hauls included 4230 cephalopods of 12 species and a mean weight of 2.5 g among which Abralia veranyi, A. redfeldi, juveniles of Loligo plei and of Illex sp were dominant. In the bottom trawls hauls 1123 specimens of 42 species weighting in mean 163.5 g were caught. The most abundant species were Pholidoteuthis adami, Illex coindetti, Ornithoteuthis antillarum and Histioteuthis corona corona. Higher densities occurred between 500 a 1500 m depth and diversity (number of species) increased with depth ranges. Multivariate analysis showed some changes in the species composition with increasing latitudes. Several species recorded formerly in the northern hemisphere up to the Caribbean Sea were found in the central Brazilian slope, as Rossia tortugaensis, Rossia (bullisi), Nectoteuthis pourtalesi, Benthoctopus oregonae e Illex coindetti. Species as Moroteuthis robsoni and Moroteuthis ingens, formerly known for higher latitudes, were shown to attain low latitudes in deep waters. Vampyroteuthis infernalis, Cirroteuthis muellei e Cirroteuthis magna were first recorded for the southwestern Atlantic.
Resumo Illex argentinus se distribui entre o sul da Argentina, onde é objeto de uma intensa pesca... more Resumo Illex argentinus se distribui entre o sul da Argentina, onde é objeto de uma intensa pescaria, e o sudeste do Brasil. No sul do Brasil, é um importante componente da trama tró-fica do talude superior. Identificado como um recurso pesqueiro potencial na década de 1970, apenas a partir de 2000 tornou-se objeto de uma pescaria dirigida por parte de arrasteiros-duplos nacionais e arrasteiros-simples estrangeiros arrendados. Trata-se de uma espécie de ciclo de vida anual e, na Região Sudeste-Sul brasileira, grupos de calamares atingem a maturação sexual com diferentes tamanhos e desovam em diversas épocas do ano. O estoque explorado de forma dirigida corresponde ao grupo de desovantes de inver-no e primavera que atingem maior tamanho e que tem as áreas de alimentação no Uru-guai e norte da Argentina. Esse estoque apresenta grandes flutuações interanuais em sua biomassa. Avalia-se que seu potencial pesqueiro pode atingir vários milhares de toneladas em alguns anos e ser insignificante em outros. Essa variabilidade interanual da biomassa, e a falta de evidências de que a pesca com atração luminosa é efetiva na região, não justifi-cam a construção de uma frota específica para sua pesca. O manejo deve ter como meta evitar que a combinação de exploração intensa e condições ambientais adversas leve a colapsos do recrutamento. O estabelecimento de quotas de captura ou de períodos de fechamento da pesca poderia ser realizado através do acompanhamento da evolução da abundância das coortes nas áreas de pesca. Considerando que a exploração do calamar-argentino no sul do Brasil implica em um impacto sobre o recrutamento dos estoques tam-bém explorados no Uruguai e Argentina, o recurso deveria ser objeto de um manejo com-partilhado entre esses países. Esse manejo demandaria, de forma prioritária, estudos con-juntos dos três países, visando a um melhor conhecimento da estrutura populacional e dos ciclos migratórios. Distribuição O calamar-argentino, Illex argentinus, se distribui desde o litoral do Rio de Janeiro até o extremo sul da Argentina [1, 2]. No Brasil, as diversas fases do ciclo de vida ocorrem 19 SÉRIE REVIZEE – SCORE SUL
Cephalopods of 49 species and 25 families were collected in two surveys with midwater and bottom ... more Cephalopods of 49 species and 25 families were collected in two surveys with midwater and bottom trawls in May-July, 1999 and June-July 2000 off Brazilian slope, aboard of the french research vessel Thalassa. The ship was at the service for the Bahia State, in collaboration with the REVIZEE (living resources of the Brazilian economic zone) program. Overall 51 mid-water and 67 bottom fishing hauls, 24 and 61 of which had cephalopods in the catch. Yields were low and no fishing potential for cephalopods was detected but the study area showed a considerable richness of species. The catch of the midwater hauls included 4230 cephalopods of 12 species and a mean weight of 2.5 g among which Abralia veranyi, A. redfeldi, juveniles of Loligo plei and of Illex sp were dominant. In the bottom trawls hauls 1123 specimens of 42 species weighting in mean 163.5 g were caught. The most abundant species were Pholidoteuthis adami, Illex coindetti, Ornithoteuthis antillarum and Histioteuthis corona corona. Higher densities occurred between 500 a 1500 m depth and diversity (number of species) increased with depth ranges. Multivariate analysis showed some changes in the species composition with increasing latitudes. Several species recorded formerly in the northern hemisphere up to the Caribbean Sea were found in the central Brazilian slope, as Rossia tortugaensis, Rossia (bullisi), Nectoteuthis pourtalesi, Benthoctopus oregonae e Illex coindetti. Species as Moroteuthis robsoni and Moroteuthis ingens, formerly known for higher latitudes, were shown to attain low latitudes in deep waters. Vampyroteuthis infernalis, Cirroteuthis muellei and Cirroteuthis magna were first recorded for the southwestern Atlantic.
The cephalopods chapter in the first edition of "Seashells of Brazil" (Rios, 1985) by Haimovici (... more The cephalopods chapter in the first edition of "Seashells of Brazil" (Rios, 1985) by Haimovici (1985) included 26 species mostly based in bibliography (Voss, 1964, Palacio 1977, Roper et al., 1984) and a survey by Haimovici and Andriguetto (1986). In the second edition of Rios´s "Seashells of Brazil, 2nd Edition" (Rios, 1994), by Haimovici, Perez and Santos (1994), the number of species increased to 42 , due to additional information on the coastal cephalopod fauna of the continental shelf and upper slope of the Southeern region and revision of museum collections (Haimovici and Perez, 1991a, 1991b, Haimovici, Perez e Costa 1990, Perez e Haimovici, 1991, 1993). This third edition includes 86 species. Most of the new records were from a survey on the upper and middle slope of Central Brazil (Haimovici et al 2007), the identification of cephalopods from stomach contents of a large number of marine mammals, fishes, seabirds and other cephalopods from Southern Brazil (Santos e Haimovici 2002) and Northeastern Brazil (Vaske, 2005), paralarvae collected in plankton surveys in Northeastern Brazil (Haimovici, Piatkowski and Santos, 2002), deep sea commercial fishing (Perez, Martins and Santos 2004), bottom and midwater surveys in Southern Brazil (Haimovici Santos and Fischer. em prep) shallow water octopods from the Oceanic islands along Northeastern Brazil (Leite and Haimovici, 2006). Two species species Paraeledone charcoti (Joubin, 1905) and Paraeledone turqueti Joubin, 1905), cited for Brazil in the former editions of Seashells of Brazil were excluded from the present list as the location of the stations in which they were collected was wrongly stated (Scarabino 2003).
Papers by Roberta Aguiar
and June-July 2000 off Brazilian slope, aboard of the french research vessel Thalassa. The ship was at the service for the Bahia State, in collaboration with the REVIZEE (living resources of the Brazilian economic zone) program. Overall 51 mid-water and 67 bottom fishing hauls, 24 and 61 of which had cephalopods in the catch. Yields were low and no fishing potential for cephalopods was detected but the study area showed a considerable richness of species. The catch of the midwater hauls included 4230 cephalopods of 12 species and a mean weight of 2.5 g among which Abralia veranyi, A. redfeldi, juveniles of Loligo plei and of Illex sp were dominant. In the bottom trawls hauls 1123 specimens of 42 species weighting in mean 163.5 g were caught. The most abundant species were Pholidoteuthis adami, Illex coindetti, Ornithoteuthis antillarum and Histioteuthis corona corona. Higher densities occurred between 500 a 1500 m depth and diversity (number of species) increased with depth ranges. Multivariate analysis showed some changes in the species composition with increasing latitudes. Several species recorded formerly in the northern hemisphere up to the Caribbean Sea were found in the central Brazilian slope, as Rossia tortugaensis, Rossia (bullisi), Nectoteuthis pourtalesi, Benthoctopus oregonae e Illex coindetti. Species as Moroteuthis robsoni and Moroteuthis ingens, formerly known for higher latitudes, were shown to attain low latitudes in deep waters. Vampyroteuthis infernalis, Cirroteuthis muellei and Cirroteuthis magna were first recorded for the southwestern Atlantic.