Talking honestly, didn't expect such result

Well, counting all the money i've earned with hard work

Talking honestly, didn't expect such result

Bitcoin is the currency of the future

Figuring out if this the right amount

Troubled looking young indian woman holding money bills and talking on the phone

Getting along with business and chatting at the same time

What could i say? hard work gets payed back

Cash is becoming a thing of the past

Counting all the money after hard work is done

Bitcoin is the currency of the future

Cash is becoming a thing of the past

Become part of new economy, man

Being involved in digital era makes you feel part of this modertn world

Become a part of all this blockchaine system, it's a future

Handsome young guy talking on the laptop and holding a nem coin

Become digital, 'cause it's the future

Everyone should become a part of cryptocurrency sphere

Get involved, don't wait any longer

Focused on deciding some important work stuff

Young indian woman holding money bills and talking on the phone

What could i say? hard work gets payed back

Wanna join the rich club, huh?