Tugas Ruptur
Tugas Ruptur
Tugas Ruptur
1.3 Kinesiologi
Tendo Achilles merupakan bagian dari kompleks unit. Myotendinous yang
membentang di 3 sendi. Ketika otot otot dari tendo Achilles berkontraks maka lutut akan
fleksi, pergelangan kaki plantar fleksi dan supinasi subtalus.
Rasa sakit mendadak dan berat dapat dirasakan di bagian belakang pergelangan kaki atau
Terlihat bengkak dan kaku serta tampak memar dan kelemahan
Sebuah kesenjangan atau depresi dapat dilihat di tendon sekitar 2 cm di atas tulang tumit
Tumit tidak dapat digerakan turun atau naik
Robekan terjadi karena adanya trauma abduksi. Robekan dapat bersama-sama dengan
lepasnya fragmen kecil pada robekan ligamen lateral. Pengobatan seperti robekan ligamen lateral
Real-time, resolusi tinggi USG adalah murah, cepat, dan dinamis. Namun, sangat tergantung penafsir
karena memerlukan pelatihan dan pengalaman untuk benar menafsirkan gambar. . Gel USG
digunakan untuk
memastikan bahwa jumlah energi yang optimal dikembalikan ke
transduser penyelidikan, memungkinkan gambar dinamis dan panorama baik dari tendon. Serat
kolagen membujur di
Tendon Achilles mencerminkan energi ultrasonik, dan frekuensi tinggi
probe menunjukkan yang terbaik tendon
. Sebuah tendon yang normal muncul sebagai
sebuah, hypoechogenic pita seperti gambar yang terkandung di antara dua
hyperechogenic band. Band-band dipisahkan ketika
tendon santai dan lebih kompak ketika tendon
di bawah ketegangan. Ketika tendon Achilles pecah, ultrasonografi menunjukkan diskontinuitas
tendon dengan echogenicity menurun atau meningkat, tergantung pada kronisitas dari pecah
Radiografi dapat lebih membantu dalam diagnosis oleh mengesampingkan diagnosis lain seperti
avulsions kalkanealis atau lainnya
In open surgery, the surgeon makes a single large incision in the back of the leg.
In percutaneous surgery, the surgeon makes several small incisions rather than one large
In both types of surgery, the surgeon sews the tendon back together through the incision(s). Surgery
may be delayed for about a week after the rupture, to let the swelling go down.
What To Expect After Surgery
After either type of surgery, you will likely wear a cast, walking boot, or similar device for 6 to 12
weeks. At first, the cast or boot is positioned to keep the foot pointed downward as the tendon
heals. The cast or boot is then adjusted gradually to put the foot in a neutral position (not pointing up
or down). Many health professionals recommend starting movement and weight -bearing exercises
early, before the cast or boot comes off. Your total recovery time will probably be as long as 6
Why It Is Done
This surgery is done to repair an Achilles tendon that has been torn into two pieces.
How Well It Works
In general:
Both open and percutaneous surgeries are successful. More than 80 out of 100 people who
have surgery for an Achilles tendon rupture are able to return to all the activities they did before the
injury, including returning to sports. 1
Although percutaneous surgery has traditionally been viewed as having higher rerupture rates
than open surgery, studies now show that the rerupture rates are similar. About 5 out of 100 people
who have surgery for an Achilles tendon rupture will rerupture after surgery. 2
Open surgery is more likely than percutaneous surgery to result in wound healing
problems. But damage to a nerve is more likely with percutaneous surgery. Newer techniques for
percutaneous surgery may make nerve damage less likely than when older techniques are used.
It is sometimes difficult to know how surgeries compare, because the ages and activities of those
having the surgeries differ. The success of your surgery can depend on your surgeon's experience, the
type of surgical procedure used, the extent of tendon damage, how soon after rupture the surgery is
done, and how soon your rehabilitation program starts after surgery and how well you follow it.
Talk to your surgeon about his or her surgical experience and success rate with the technique that
would best treat your condition.
The risks of Achilles tendon surgery include:
The possibility that the healed tendon will not be as strong as before the injury.
Wear the right shoes and sports shoes. The way a person walks, runs, and
jumps is related to their individual bio-mechanics: their bone, muscle, and
tendon structure. Achilles tendon injuries can be caused by common biomechanical issues such as high arches, low arches, having legs of slightly
different lengths, etc. Bio-mechanical issues can often be addressed by
wearing the right shoes: see Footwear .
Strengthen the leg muscles, particularly the calf muscles. Many people
with Achilles injuries have disproportionately weak calf muscles.Leg
exercises can be done without any equipment, with an elastic band pull, with
free weights, or with exercise machines. Good leg strengthening exercises
include: lunges, hip flexion band pulls, half (chair) squats, clean and press,
leg press, inner and outer thigh band pulls, leg raises, leg extensions, and leg
Test for injuries after working out. Using the thumb and forefinger, lightly
pinch different spots up and down the Achilles tendons. If the Achilles
tendons are not sore, great. If they are sore, this may be an indication of
Achilles tendinosis, which should be addressed right away.