Awesome Physics With Tcer Alina-2019 PDF
Awesome Physics With Tcer Alina-2019 PDF
Awesome Physics With Tcer Alina-2019 PDF
Fungsi – untuk mengukur ketumpatan cecair contohnya asid / susu getah
Panjang stem Panjang Julat skala yang luas
(Length of stem) (Long) (Wide range of scale)
Diameter stem Kecil Lebih sensitif / boleh ukur @ kesan perubahan
(Diameter of stem) (small) ketumpatan yang kecil
(More sensitive/ can measure @ detect small
changed in density)
Bahan untuk batang Kaca Tidak akan terkakis
(Material of stem) (glass) (Will not corrode)
Bilangan butir Plumbum Banyak Kedudukan tegak / mudah terapung
(No of lead shot) (Many) (Stay upright/ easy to floats)
Saiz bebuli udara Besar Mudah Terapung / daya apungan tinggi
(Size of air bulb) (big) (easy to floats/ high buoyant force)
6. JET
Kedudukan fo < uo < 2fo Hasilkan imej Besar, Songsang dan 1. Imej pertama –
Objek,uo Nyata (BSN) // RIM BSN @ RIM
Jarak Antara L > fo + fe Imej dapat terbentuk di depan kanta
kedua-dua kanta, d mata 2. Imej akhir –
Jarak antara imej u1 < fe Hasilkan imej yang besar / sebagai BSM (berbanding dengan
pertama dengan kanta pembesar/ menambah objek asal) / VIM
kanta mata, u1 pembesaran
Tempat simpanan Tempat sejuk Elakkan kulat/Avoid fungus
dan kering
Cermin Tambahan Cermin Tumpukan cahaya ke atas kanta
cekung objektif dan dapat imej yang lebih
Modification Explanation
Small size of scale Can detect smallest change in current
Mirror strip To avoid parallax error
Zero adjuster To avoid zero error
To adjust the pointer at the zero mark
Lighter needle (pointer) Easy to detect current
Sensitive to the change of current flow
Precautionary steps:
- make sure our eye perpendicular to the scale of ammeter to avoid
parallax error
- switch off the circuit the after taking the reading to avoid over heating
1. As a researcher, you are assigned to investigate the characteristic of several instrument that
can be used to measure the diameter of glass rod.
Table 1 shows the characteristic of four types of measuring instruments, P, Q, R and S.
Table 1
Characteristic Explanation
Smallest size of scale Can measure smallest size
Can detect small change in measurement
High Consistency Low relative deviation
High Accuracy Closer to the actual reading
No Zero error More accurate
Most suitable : instrument P Smallest size of scale
High Consistency
High Accuracy
No Zero error
Using the appropriate physics concepts, suggest and explain suitable designs or ways to
protect the satellite and its equipment:
Modification Explanation
Aerodynamic Reduce the air friction
Heat insulator To protect the capsule from heat or to reduce heat absorption
Parachute / wings To reduce the speed
High melting point Do not melt easily / can withstand high temperature
Light materials Less momentum / inertia
Strong material Do not break easily
2. Diagram 1 shows a car. Using appropriate physics concept, explain the modifications needed
to be done to the car so that it can be used as a safe racing car.
Diagram 1
Modification Explanation
Aerodynamic shape To reduce air friction
Light materials Can move in high speed // accelerate easily
Strong material Not easily to break
Tyre with more thread More grip // to increase the friction between the tyre
& the road
Spoiler To stabilize the car
Increase the power of the engine accelerate easily
Modification Explanation
The bumper of car is prone to crash It will increase the time impact to reduce the
impulsive force
The sitting space of the passengers To protect the passengers
is reinforced
Use safety belt It will hold the passengers from thrown in front due
to inertia
Use airbag Will inflate when accident occurs, the driver save
from hitting the steering
Antilock breaking system (ABS) Allow car to stop quickly on slippery road & prevent
from skidding
Strong steel struts Give good protection from side on collision
Tyre with tread Can stays contact with road // prevent slippery
4. Explain the suitable loaded lorry which can carry liquid, such as petrol.
Modification Explanation
Use ABS/air brake Lorry does not stop immediately
Increase the time for lorry to stop
Lorry does not skid
More friction with ABS
Prevent wheel lock // wheel does not lock
Prevent lorry spinning on wet surface
Use Two tyres // Double tyres // Can support heavy load
Many tyres //More than one Less damage to the road
Low pressure coz surface area is high
The load of lorry should be divide Does not shake easily
into many small tanks To increase stability
Far gap distance between tractor To prevent collisions between the trailer & the
and trailer tractor
To reduce force // velocity
Small belt behind lorry To discharge spark
Safety reason to prevent from burning the petrol
The load must be tied So it will not fall of from the lorry
5. Explain the design and how canoe which can travel faster and safer.
Modification Explanation
Shape Streamline // aerodynamic Reduce water resistance
Smooth surface body // coat with Reduce friction of body towards water
Low density material Lighter // easier to float // easy to carry and sail faster
Strong material of body and peddle Everlasting // not easily break
Wider peddle surface Greater force because more water are peddle out
Wear safety jacket Passenger can float and safe if they fall into water
Modification Explanation
Material used Does not break easily when pressure is applied
Must be strong
Shape of the rocket Can move with the least amount of friction //
aerodynamic reduce air resistance
Angle of launching So that the rocket can travel very far // maximum distance
launching is 45˚
Volume of water in the rocket To increase momentum // impulsive force
1/3 of the whole volume
Added structure for the motion of the Rocket can move smoothly and stable / does not wobble
rocket (berpusing)
Attach / fix fins at the tail of the rocket
7. Diagram 3 shows the structure of a jet engine for a small jet plane.
Diagram 3
Modification Reason
Use bigger blade // Increase the air intake
increase the number of blade //
increase the speed of blades
Blade made of strong material Can withstand strong pressure or it will
not break easily
Increase the number of fuel injection // More fuel to be burnt to produce
add more fuel injectors greater thrust
Increase the size of combustion More space for the fuel to be
chamber burnt
Decrease the diameter of the Exhaust gas ejected at higher velocity
nozzle // momentum
Modification Reason
Choose metal with high strength and Even under pressure the shape will not
hardness change easily
Frame of rocket is made of low density metal Lighter, can increase acceleration
Multistage rocket invented Each stage has burning fuel, pump and
combustion chamber.
It will slip off when of each chamber
completely burn.
When the mass decrease, the acceleration
Rocket need to carry a tank of oxygen To enable the combustion of fuel in space
Silver color rocket Reflect light efficiently so the temperature
of rocket will not rise
Cover the body of the rocket with layer of Friction between air and body will increase
heat insulator heat. The insulator will reduce heat
Aerodynamic shape Reduce air friction, move faster
9. Give suggestion to design a sailboat which can travel faster and smooth.
Modification Reason
Streamline // aerodynamic shape of board Reduce water resistance // increase lifting
Smooth surface board // coat with wax Reduce friction towards water
Low density material Lighter // easier to float and sail faster
Strong material Withstand strong winds // not easily
Wider sail Greater lifting force // more wind are
Waterproof sail Sail would not get wet easily
10. Modified the ship that can carry more and heavier load, move faster and safe while traveling.
Modification Reason
Streamline // aerodynamic shape of board Reduce water resistance // water friction
Low density material Lightweight
Has more than two stage plimsoll line Safe to travel on the fresh and salt water
Strong material Withstand strong force // not easily
Big size Can place more goods
Modification Reason
Wear glove Reduce painful of the player’s hands when
touching the ball with big impulsive force //
Use soft material for the glove Increase the time impact, reduce the
impulsive force
Wear cloth which is made from material with The cloth can absorb more heat when the
moderate specific heat capacity player is sweating to maintain temperature
of player
Base of shoes has stud Player give great pressure to make stud
sink into ground and give stronger support
without slipping
When catching the ball, the goal keeper To lengthen the time impact, to reduce the
should move his hands backwards impulsive force
The ball should have enough air pressure To shorter the time impact between the
inside foot and ball to increase the impulsive
force //
The ball has high speed and travel far
away // further
12. Using physics concept, suggest and explain suitable athlete’s attires, running, jumping, landing
techniques and other aspects to help the long jumper to jump further.
Modification Reason
Use tight and light suit Less air friction // easy to move // run
Less inertia
Use spike shoes Better grip support while running and
prevent slippery
The athlete have to sprint before jump Can increase the kinetic energy //
The athlete have to push the body in front Increase the elastic potential energy //
while jumping Able to increase longer distance of jumping
Athlete have bend the body during fall Increase the time impact to reduce the
impulsive force
13. Suggest how to increase the safety for motorbike racer to reduce injuries or accident.
Modification Reason
Use helmet To protect the head
Helmet with hard outer casing and soft inner Hard outer casing : reduce head injuries in
liner crash by spreading the impact
Modification Reason
Semicircular curve shape Exchange between kinetic energy and
gravitational potential energy easily
Smooth surface Reduce frictional force //
Easy to slide
The slope slightly increase and decrease Easy to oscillate cause by changing of
Use strong material such concrete of Withstand high impact such as high force
foundation of the track of jumping and landing
Soft layer at the surface Reduce impulsive force when landing //
Low risk if accident
15. Modified the passenger airplane to cargo airplane that need to carry more load, less use of
fuel, efficiency and safety to travel.
Modification Reason
Increase size of the body To increase the space
Increase the length of the wing To increase the up thrust
Increase the thickness of the body To stand higher pressure difference
Use a more powerful engine To overcome bigger inertia and do more
work per unit time
Increase the number of the tyres To support higher mass or pressure while
Protective bar between the cabin and the To prevent moving object to knock at the
pilot pilot while landing
Pilot has ejected seat during emergency To save the pilot if plane crash happened
Diagram 4
Modification Reason
Low density of motorcycle parts So that it is lighter
High engine power To produce high acceleration//
high resultant force
High spring constant // So that the spring is stiffer //
Stiffer spring Motorcycle bounce less //
less vibration
Wide tyre // smooth tyre To increase stability //
To reduce friction
High strength Spring is not easily broken
Modification Reason
Large force constant Will make strong spring
The spring will stiffer and not broken easily
Large diameter of wire Spring more stiffer
Large diameter coil of spring Spring more elastic
The spring made from steel or alloy Strong and not easily broken
The arrangement of spring is parallel Spring can withstand heavy load
Moderate natural frequency The spring will bouncing smoothly //
to reduce bumping
18. Explain the characteristic of material to be used for making the sole of jungle trekking shoes.
Modification Reason
Rubber sole Good impact absorber
Low density Light weight
Many stud Give extra grip
Low expansion effect Not loose easily and always fit
Excellent ability of stretch Comfortable to feet // foot can move
Bagaimana bola polisterina boleh berayun antara dua plat logam yang bercas.
1. Pada mulanya bola polisterina adalah neutral (bil cas sama)
2. Bila bola polisterina di sesarkan ke arah plat kiri (bercas positif) bola itu akan bercas positif.
3. Oleh kerana cas yang sama menolak maka bola polisterina akan ditolak ke arah plat kanan
(bercas negatif)
4. Sampai di plat kanan (negatif) bola itu pula akan dicaskan dengan cas negatif.
5. Cas yang sama menolak menyebabkan bola ditolak ke plat kiri semula.
6. Proses berulang.
Question 2:
When the spring is compressed, its length decreases and returns back
to its original length after compression force is removed due to elasticity
property of a material.
Based on the forces between atoms, explain why the spring is elastic.
Thermal equilibrium is a condition where two objects in contact has the same temperature
and with net flow of heat is zero.
Keseimbangan terma adalah keadaan di mana dua objek yang bersentuhan mempunyai suhu yang
sama dan dengan aliran haba bersih adalah sifar.
Handle / Pemegang
- poor heat conductor (plastic handle/wooden
Konduktor haba yang lemah (pemegang plastik/
pemegang kayu)
Cooking pot
Periuk memasak - absorption of heat slower
penyerapan haba lebih perlahan
Charles’ law
Hukum Charles
for a fixed mass of gas, the volume of gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature when the pressure of
!" !$ gas is kept constant.
=# untuk jisim gas tetap, isipadu gas adalah berkadar terus dengan suhu
mutlak apabila tekanan gas adalah malar.
#" $ T = (θ ºC + 273) K
Pressure law for a fixed mass of gas, the pressure of gas is directly
Hukum Tekanan proportional to its temperature when the volume of gas is kept
%" %$ untuk jisim gas yang tetap, tekanan gas adalah berkadar terus
dengan suhunya apabila isipadu gas adalah malar.
#" $
T = (θ ºC + 273) K
Explain how the vacuum cleaner is able to remove dust from the floor.
• Fan blows air out from vent
• Low pressure inside vacuum cleaner
• High pressure outside vacuum cleaner
• Different in pressure result sucking force
Using the knowledge of atmospheric pressure, explain how the liquid in the bottle can be sucked into the
dropper tube.
• Press the dropper
• Air inside the dropper is forced out
• Pressure inside the dropper decreases
• Atmospheric pressure pushes the liquid into the dropper tube
Explain how the handle is used to lift the load to its maximum
height and state how the load is lowered without using the
P# so f$ P$ so f#
fe (eyepiece lens) f# f$
D > fo + fe D = fo + fe
Diagram 1
Explain why the paper burns.
2. Explain why the diamond is sparkling when the ray of light pass through.
3. Explain how to use a concave mirror to heat up water in a container using solar energy.
4. Explain how you would estimate the focal length of a convex lens in your school laboratory.
5. Diagram 2 a ray of light directed perpendicularly at a side of the semicircular glass block.
The ray passes through the glass block to a point O before leaving the glass block. The
angle of incidence in the glass block is 30°.
- Increase the angle of incidence, i then angle of refraction, r will also increase
- Keep on increasing the angle of incidence until angle of refraction is 90°
- The angle of incidence is called critical angle
- Increase the angle of incidence more than the critical angle, the ray will be reflected.
6. Diagram 3 shows a stainless steel spoon. When you look at the spoon, you will see an
upright and virtual image of your face on one side of the curved surfaces but an inverted
image on the other side.
Diagram 3
Draw a ray diagram to explain how one side of the curved surface of the spoon form an
upright, virtual and diminished image?
(ii) Can a mirage be formed in very cold places like the Artic?
transferring energy from one location to another which is produced by an oscillating or vibration motion
memindahkan tenaga dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lain yang dihasilkan oleh gerakan berayun atau getaran
Gelombang melintang Gelombang membujur
Pattern of
The vibration of the particle in the medium The vibration of the particle in the medium is
is perpendicular to the direction of the parallel to the direction of the propagation of the
Direction of
propagation of the wave wave
Getaran zarah dalam medium yang Getaran zarah dalam medium yang selari dengan arah
Arah gerakan
berserenjang (900) dengan arah perambatan perambatan gelombang
Water wave, Light wave and Sound wave
Example Electromagnetic wave *need a medium (air, liquid, solid) to propagate
Gelombang air, gelombang cahaya dan Gelombang bunyi
gelombang elektromagnet *memerlukan medium (udara, cecair dan pepejal)
untuk merambat
Distance between two successive crest or Distance between two successive compression or
Wavelength trough rarefaction
Panjang Jarak di antara dua puncak atau palung yang Jarak di antara dua mampatan atau regangan yang
gelombang berturut-turut. berturut-turut.
Speed of wave
v = fl ms-1 v
To find frequency, f =
λ = ax
λ = wavelength of water waves
a = distance between two dippers
x = distance between two consecutive antinodal line or nodal line
D = distance between dippers and screen
The wavelength of monochromatic light can be found The wavelength of sound wave can be found by the
by the formula: formula:
When constructive occurs there will be a bright fringe. When constructive occurs there will be a loud sound.
When destructive occurs there will be a dark fringe. When destructive occurs there will be a soft sound.
What happens to x, when a double-slit with a bigger What happens to x, when a higher frequency is used?
separation is used?
x will decrease
λ ¯= a x ¯
What happens to x, when a red laser pen is replaced
by yellow laser pen?
x will decrease
ʎ yellow < ʎ red
λ ¯= a x ¯
State the relationship between wavelength and x. State the relationship between frequency and
ʎ decrease, x decrease wavelength.
higher frequency, lower wavelength
Radio waves Electrical oscillating circuit - Telecommunications
Gelombang Radio Litar pemancar elektrik Telekomunikasi
l = 10-1 - 105 m - Broadcasting : tv and radio transmission
Menghantar maklumat radio dan televisyen
Microwave Oscillating electrical charge in - Satellite transmissions
Gelombang Mikro a microwave transmitter komunikasi satelit
l = 10-3 – 10-1 m Pemancar gelombang mikro - Radar
Digunakan dalam radar
- Cooking
pemasakan makanan dengan ketuhar
gelombang mikro
Infrared Hot bodies, the sun and fires - Night vision
Sinar Inframerah Jasad panas dan sinaran Penglihatan malam
l = 10 – 10 m
-6 -3 matahari - Thermal imaging and physiotherapy
lampu inframerah digunakan dalam
- Remote controls
Alat kawalan
Visible light The sun, hot objects, light - Sight
Cahaya nampak bulbs, fluorescent tubes Penglihatan
l = 10 m-7 Api, jasad panas yang membara, - Photosynthesis in plants
tiub nyahcas dan sinaran proses fotosintesis
matahari - Photography
Ultraviolet radiation Very hot objects, the sun, - Identification of counterfeit notes
Sinar Ultraungu mercury vapor lamps Untuk mengesan wang kertas palsu
l = 10 – 10 m
-9 -7 Tiub discas dan jasad yang - Sentrilisation to destroy germs
sangat panas untuk pensterilan
X-ray x-ray tubes - Radiotherapy
Sinar- X Tiub sinar-X Radioterapi
l = 10-11 – 10-9 m - Detection of cracks in building
Mencari retakan dalam paip logam
Gamma rays Radioactive subtances - Cancer treatment
Sinar Gamma Bahan radioaktif Merawat kanser
l = 10-14 – 10-10 m - Sterilisation of equipment
- Pest control in agriculture
Kawalan perosak dalam pertanian
Like charge
Unlike charge
Neutral object
Electrical diagram
Circuit diagram
2. Diagram 11.1 shows a graph of potential difference against current for two materials, Y and
Z. One of the materials will be chosen as filament in a bulb.
Diagram 11.1
3. Explain why the bulb connected to two dry cells lights up brighter than one bulb connected to
one dry cell. Explain.
SBP • The two dry cells are connected in parallel
2008 • The effective e.m.f. remains the same
• The effective internal resistance of the two cells is smaller
• A larger current will flow through the bulb to make it brighter
Diagram 11.1
5. Diagram 12.1 shows a ping pong ball coated with thin metal foil placed between a pair of
parallel metal disc. When the E.H.T is switched on, an electric field is formed in between the
metal disc.
Diagram 12.1
Explain what will happen to the ping pong ball when it is brought to touch the metal disc
connected to positive terminal of EHT?
• Charges on the disc neutralize the negative charges on the ping pong ball
• Likes charges on the disc and the ball repelled each other
• The ball attracted by the positively charged disc
• The ball oscillates between the two plates
Diagram 10.5
Explain why a three pin plug is more suitable compared with a two pin plug.
• Two pin plug has no earth wire // three pin plug has earth wire
• using 2 pin plug, if there is leakage of current it will also flow through the metal body // using
3 pin plug if there is leakage of current it will flow to the ground
• The person who touches the metal body will experiences electric shock // using 3 pin plug,
the current will be earthed
• using 2 pin is not safe to the consumer // Using 3 pin plug is more safer to the consumer
PAHANG • A parallel circuit can run several devices using the full voltage of the supply.
2010 • If one device fails, the others will continue running normally
• If the device shorts, the other devices will receive no voltage, preventing overload damage.
• A failure of one component does not lead to the failure of the other components.
• More components may be added in parallel without the need for more voltage.
• Each electrical appliance in the circuit has its own switch.
8. Batteries with internal resistance connected in series and in parallel as shown in Diagram 10.3
will affect the brightness of the bulbs. Explain why.
Diagram 10.3
9. Diagram 12.1 shows a new packet of batteries with information about its characteristics.
Diagram 12.1
With the aid of a circuit diagram and a graph, explain how internal resistance of a battery can
be determined.
• correct graph
• The internal resistance is determine from the gradient of the graph.
Diagram 12.3
Describe the graph of the potential difference graph against current for constantan wire and
filament bulb. In your description, explain in terms of resistance and temperature.
No input
Dry cell
(d.c current)
Diagram 3 shows a trace on an oscilloscope for an a.c. source. The y-gain is set to 1.5 V cm-1 and the time
base is 2 ms cm-1.
Diagram 3
(d) Sketch the trace that will be displayed if the setting are changed to
(i) 1 V cm-1 and 2 ms cm-1
Role of doping
Atom receiver Atom donor
Majority Charge
Holes Free electrons
Minority Charge
Free electrons Holes
• The cell voltage greater than the junction • The cell voltage is lower than the junction
voltage. voltage.
• The depletion layer is narrow, and the • The depletion layer is wide, and the
resistance of diode decreases. resistance of diode increases.
• Hence a large current flows through the • Hence only a very small current (leakage
diode. current) flows through the diode.
• Bulb light up. • Bulb not light up.
• The current will only flow in the first half-cycle when the diode in forward bias.
• The current is blocked in the second half-cycle when the diode is in reverse bias.
Diagram 13
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) has a very low resistance when exposed to sunlight but very high
resistance when at nighttime.
Again to remember:
High resistance® Cause high potential difference
The arrangement of R1 resistor and LDR along AB is used as potential divider of the voltage.
3" 563
Voltage at R1 = (3 4563) × 12 V and Voltage at LDR = (3 4563) × 12 V
" "
1st: In daylight, the LDR has very low resistance as exposed to sunlight.
2nd: Low resistance of LDR will cause a smaller share of battery voltage across it.
3rd: This low voltage across the base-emitter does not switch the transistor on.
4th: Therefore, the transistor circuit is not complete and the lamp does not light up.
1st: In nightime, the LDR has very high resistance as the surrounding is dark.
2nd: High resistance of LDR will cause a high share of battery voltage across it.
3rd: This high voltage across the LDR will drive a base current through the
transistor and switch it on.
4th: Therefore, the transistor circuit is complete and the lamp lights up.
40 kΩ
R Capacitor
B 6 V dc
Microphone Y Q
10 kΩ
Diagram 14
1st: The microphone is to convert the sound energy into electrical energy. This
electrical energy will be sent to capacity.
2 : The capacitor will block the steady current and allow the a.c current to pass
through it.
3 : The small a.c current will pass to the base of transistor will cause a big
amplification to the output current.
Here, the transistor is act as current amplifier.
4th: The loudspeaker now converts the electrical signal back to sound energy again.
AND 0 0 0
gate X= A•B 0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
OR X= A +B 0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
0 1
NOT 1 0
NOT gate is different from
other logic gate as it has only X= A
one input with one output.
0 0 1
0 1 1
gate X= A • B 1 0 1
1 1 0
X= A ÅB 0 0 1
X-NOR 0 1 0
gate 1 0 0
1 1 1
AND Gate
OR Gate
Either one switch or both are closed will complete the circuit
Input 1 is closed will cause the bulb to switch off. Input 1 acts as current jumper
NOR Gate
Either one or both inputs closed will switch off the bulb
Alpha particles Beta particles Gamma rays
2 a 0
-1 b g
Positive charged , helium Electron Neutral electromagnet ray
nucleus He
+2 electric charges -1 electric charge 0
(1/20 ) x the speed of light, cc 3 % - 99 % of the speed of Speed of light
light , c
For a particular source, all α For a particular source β- Nil
Energy particle are emitted with the particle emitted have various
same KE KE
In an electric Bends to negative plate Bends to positive plate Does not bend , showing
field that it is neutral
Bends a little showing that it has Bend a lot showing that it Does not bend showing
a big mass. Direction of the has a small mass. Direction that it is neutral.
In magnetic field
bend indicates that it is positively of the bend indicates that it
charges is positively charged
Ionising power Strongest Intermediate Weakest
Penetrating Low Intermediate High
A thin sheet of paper A few millimeters of A few centimeters of lead
Stopped by
aluminium or concrete
A few centimetres A few metres A few hundred metres
Range in air
Z X ® ZA--42Y + 24 He A
Z X ® Z +A1Y + -10e A
Z X ® ZA X + g
Po ® 206
82 Pb + 2 He Pa ® 239
92 U + -1 e 82 Pb + 2 He + g
Po ® 206
210 4 239 0 210 4
84 91 84
EXAMPLE U ® 234 Co ® 2760Co + g
90Th + 2 He C ® 147 N + -10 e
238 4 14 60
92 6 27
Radioisotopes is unstable isotopes which emit radioactive rays // unstable isotopes which decay
which emit radioactive rays
1. Sodium iodide - to treat an overactive thyroid gland
and thyroid cancer
1 H + 13H ® 24He + 10n
Chain Reactions is a self – sustaining reaction in which the products of a reaction can initiate another
similar reaction.
Ø Read and follow the advice and instructions marked on radioactive sources, equipment and work
Ø Gloves must be worn any time an unsealed source is being used or whenever contamination is
likely to occur.
Ø Laboratory coats, long pants, and closed-toe footwear should be worn.
Ø Eating, drinking, applying cosmetic or storing food is prohibited.
Ø All work surfaces and storage areas should be covered with absorbent material to contain
radioactive material contamination.
Ø When using radioactive liquids, plastic or metal trays (stainless steel washes easily) should be
utilized to contain potential spills.
Ø Radioactive material, especially liquids, should be kept in unbreakable containers whenever
possible. If glass is used, a secondary container is necessary.
Ø Before eating or drinking, wash hands and forearms thoroughly.
Ø Stronger radioactive sources should be handled with robotic control systems behind steel,
concrete, lead or thick glass panels.
Ø Radiation badges containing photographic film should be worn to monitor exposure to radiation.
The film is regularly developed. The darkness of the film shows the level of exposure to radiation.
• Observed the reading on the scale without an absorber
• Put a piece of paper, aluminium and lead between the source and the
detector in turns
• For each kind absorber, record the reading on the rate meter
• Carry out the same procedure for the three substances
• α radiation will be stopped by all three kinds of absorber
• β radiation will be stopped by aluminium and lead
• γ will be stopped by lead only
2 a. Make sure the spring is not loaded beyond the elastic limit
(spring return to original length when load is taken off)
SPRING b. Make sure our eyes perpendicular to the reading of meter
rule to avoid parallax error
INFERENCE RV depends on MV
RV :
FV :
1. How to control manipulated variable?
2. How to control responding variable?
3. How to repeat experiment?
Different height in manometer
Length of mercury or sulfuric acid //
Length of trapped air
Number of pins attracted
Height of magnet bar released
Current flow
Distance of copper rod move
Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 show the conditions of identical metal boxes which are used to cover
a camera, tied to a big catfish in a river water and to a small shark in the sea water.
With the use of apparatus such as a thistle funnel, measuring cylinder and other apparatus,
describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated above.
Different height in manometer
VARIABLES MV : density
RV : different height in manometer
CV : depth of liquid
From the diagram above, state the procedure of the experiment which is the method of controlling
the manipulated variable , method of measuring the responding variable and repeat the experiment.
At least 2 statement
• Method how to control MV in this experiment
• Initial value must be stated
• Measuring instrument need to be stated
1. Set up the apparatus as shown on the diagram above.
2. The thistle funnel is lowered into the salt water with density 0.5 gcm-3 at
a depth 5.0 cm.
At least 2 statement
• Describe on how to measure RV
• Measuring instrument need to be stated
RV • State the formula if necessary
Repeat 4. The experiment is repeated by lowered the thistle funnel at different density
which are 1.0 gcm-3, 1.5 gcm-3, 2.0 gcm-3 and 2.5 gcm-3.
(MV) (RV)
1. Dynamo
(electromagnetic induction)
2. Wheel turns faster, light gets
brighter Height of
3. Turns faster (increase in magnet bar
rotation) " height of magnet bar release
4. Brighter " current
Transverse wave A wave in which the particles of the medium oscillate in the
direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave
(eg: water, light, all EM waves)
Longitudinal wave A wave in which the particles of the medium oscillate in the
direction parallel to the direction in which the wave moves
(eg: sound)
Wavefront An imaginary line that joins all identical points on a wave
One complete The to-and-fro motion of an object / particle from one
oscillation particular point
Amplitude, a The maximum displacement from the mean position of a
(SI unit : m) wave