RPP Bilingual
RPP Bilingual
RPP Bilingual
NPM : 19144600014
Kelas : A2-19
1. A 6. B
2. C 7. C
3. D 8. A
4. D 9. D
5. A 10. D
b. Penilaian
1. Penilaian Sikap (Afektif)
Penilaian Sikap Spiritual
Instrumen : Lembar Observasi sikap spiritual
Kelas : ………………………………………
Keterangan :
1 : Sangat Baik 3 : Cukup
2 : Baik 4 : Perlu Bimbingan
Keterangan Kriteria
(Apa yang didapat siswa pada akhir pembelajaran)
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat memahami materi sistem tata surya, benda-benda langit yang
mengelilingi matahari serta karakteristik planet-planet.
Dengan menampilkan gambar sistem tata surya, siswa mampu memahami sistem tata surya, benda-
benda langit yang mengelilingi matahari serta karakteristik planet-planet.
Unit 1
Kegiatan Mengajar/Belajar
Pelajaran 1
Pemanasan : Mari kita berpikir (Power Point). Gambaran umum pengetahuan
Pengetahuan sebelumnya : Memulai bagan , siswa melihat dan mendengarkan
penjelasan sistem tata surya
Permainan : Untuk menguji pemahaman mereka, para pengajar memainkan
permainan menantang
Mengakhiri pelajaran : Siswa berpikir tentang benda-benda yang ada dilangit
Glosarium : Saatnya memikirkan kata-kata yang belum diketahui siswa. Salah satu
siswa tulis (dikertas) kata-kata yang mereka putuskan untuk dipilih.
Pelajaran 2
Memulai rutinitas : Apa yang dapat kalian ingat? Pertanyaan.
Apa pengertian sistem tata surya?
Apa saja Apa saja Benda-benda langit yang mengelilingi matahari?
Apa saja Karakteristik planet-planet?
Seluruh kelas : sistem tata surya
Materi : Mengklasifikasikan siste tata surya. (Berbicara dan menulis)
Aktivitas berpikir : Siswa harus memutuskan (dengan bantuan selebaran) dimana
beberapa sistem tata surya. Kemudian berpasangan dengan teman sebangku,
kemudian mereka mengklasifikasikan. Aktivitas berpikir : Guru bertanya ,
bagaimana menurutmu penjelasan tentang sistem tata surya? Apa saja benda-benda
langit yang mengelilingi matahari? Serta apa saja karakteristik planet-planet?
Mengakhiri pelajaran : Saatnya memikirkan kata-kata baru yang tidak diketahui
siswa salah satu siswa menuliskan di kertas kata-kata yang mereka pilih.
Penilaian diri
Guru memantau kegiatan kelompok dan individu
Siswa berhasil memainkan permainan
Interaksi pembelajaran dengan pasangannya
Partisipasi siswa dalam semua tugas dan aktivitas
Siswa melengkapi kesenjangan informasi
Siswa melengkapi lembar penilaian diri
Fokus pada pembelajaran ini adalah pada Bahasa
Bahasa untuk guru
Mari kita rangkum apa yang kita lakukan pada pembelajaran hari ini
Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang sistem tata surya?
Apa yang kamu ketahui benda-benda langit yang mengelilingi matahari??
Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang karakteristik planet-planet ?
- Laptop
- Proyektor
- Pena
- Media gambar tentang tata surya
Jika ini adalah pertama kalinya siswa mempelajari tentang sistem tata surya dalam Bahasa
Inggris, guru perlu focus pada pembangunan kepercayaan diri siswa, ketenangan dan rasa
pencapain. Sementara hasil individu akan bervariasi, menyediakan berbagai alat
pembelajaran scaffolded akan mendorong partisipasi dan keterlibatan pelajar.
1. Components of the Learning Implementation Plan
a. Subject Identity
Natural Science
b. Core Competency
1. Accept, practice and respect the teachings of the religion they adhere to.
2. Demonstrate honest, disciplined, polite, confident, caring and responsible
behavior in interacting with family, friends, teachers, neighbors and the country.
3. Understanding factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge at
the basic level by observing, asking and trying based on curiosity about himself,
God's creatures and their activities and the objects they find at home, at school
and at the playground.
4. Demonstrate the skills to think and act creatively, productively, critically,
independently, collaboratively and communicatively. In clear, systematic, logical
and critical language in aesthetic works in movements that reflect children's
behavior according to their stage of development.
c. Basic competencies
3.7 Describe the solar system and the characteristics of the members of the solar
4.7 Make a model of the solar system.
d. Indicator
3.7.1 Explaining the solar system and the characteristics of the members of the solar
3.7.2 Understand about the solar system and the characteristics of the members of the
solar system.
4.7.1 Order the planets in the solar system according to their distance from the sun.
e. Learning objectives
1. By extracting information from the text, students are able to explain the solar
system and the characteristics of the members of the solar system.
2. Students are able to sort the planets in the solar system according to their distance
from the sun.
f. Time Allocation
10 minutes
g. Approach
h. Method
Lectures, discussions, questions and answers, simulations and assignments
i. Learning Media
1. Media images of the solar system
2. PowerPoint (PPT).
j. Learning Resources
1. Class VI Teacher's Book, Theme 9: Exploring Outer Space. Integrated Curriculum
Thematic Book 2013 (2018 Revision). Jakarta : Ministry of Education and Culture.
(Pg 63-69).
2. Class VI Student Book, Theme 9: Exploring Outer Space. Integrated Curriculum
Thematic Book 2013 (2018 Revision). Jakarta : Ministry of Education and Culture.
(Pg 74-85).
2. Factors that influence student learning
a. Learning Media
1. Media images of the solar system
2. Power Point (PPT).
b. Learning Resources
1. Class VI Teacher's Book, Theme 9: Exploring Outer Space. Integrated Curriculum
Thematic Book 2013 (2018 Revision). Jakarta : Ministry of Education and Culture.
(Pg 63-69).
2. Class VI Student Book, Theme 9: Exploring Outer Space. Integrated Curriculum
Thematic Book 2013 (2018 Revision). Jakarta : Ministry of Education and Culture.
(Pg 74-85).
c. Teaching Materials
Theme : Exploring Outer Space
Subtheme : Outer Space Objects
Learning : 1
Class : VI
The solar system is an arrangement of celestial bodies consisting of the sun and the
planets that surround it, with the sun as the center of the solar system.
Meteoroids are small celestial bodies that float in space at high speed and do not have
a specific trajectory. Meanwhile, meteors are meteoroids that are attracted by planets
and glow because they rub against the atmosphere of the planet that attracts them.
Comets are celestial bodies consisting of a collection of frozen dust and gas that
surround the sun in a very elliptical orbit. Comets are also often called comets.
Asteroids are small celestial bodies that orbit the sun in a certain path.
Satellites are companions of the planet, because satellites always accompany the
planet in its orbit around the sun.
There are eight planets in the solar system, namely:
The distance of this planet from the Sun is 57.9 million km. As a result, the planet
gets the most solar heat. Mercury's shape is always changing. Sometimes it's like a
full moon, sometimes it's like a half moon, and sometimes it's like a crescent moon.
This planet has no satellites.
This planet is always bright. The distance between this planet and the Sun is 108.2
million km. Venus is sometimes seen in the east before sunrise, so it is called the East
Star or Morning Star. Sometimes it is also seen in the west before sunset, so it is
called the Evening Star, Morning Star or West Star. This planet also has no satellites.
It is the only planet inhabited by living things. Earth evolves in 365 1/4 days. Two-
thirds of the earth's surface is covered by water. Earth has a gravitational force, so we
stay attached to it and are not thrown off. Earth has only one satellite, namely the
Mars is also called the red planet, because when viewed directly with the eye or with
binoculars, it appears reddish in color. The distance between this planet and the Sun is
249.1 million km. Mars evolves in 687 days. This planet has two satellites, namely
Phobos and Deimos.
This planet is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter's distance from the sun is
778 million km. Jupiter has 16 moons and it takes 11.9 years to evolve.
Saturn is a planet that is pleasing to the eye, because of the rings that surround it. The
planet looks yellowish. The distance of this planet from the Sun is 1.426 million km.
Evolving took 29.5 years. Saturn has 18 satellites.
The distance between this planet and the sun is 2,869 million km. Uranus evolved in
84 years and has 15 satellites.
Neptune's distance to the Sun is 4,490 million km, so it looks dim. However, the
planet is bright bluish in color. Neptune takes 165 years to evolve and has 8 moons.
3. Types of tasks that can be given
a. Student Worksheets
Name : ……………………………………….
Class : ……………………………………….
No. Presence : ……………………………………….
Multiple choice
1. The study of the solar system is ....
a. Astronomy c. SIG
b. Ecology d. Geophysics
2. Celestial bodies that revolve around a planet are called....
a. star c. Satellite
b. Comet d. Meteor
3. Phobos and Deimos are satellites that belong to the planet....
a. Jupiter c. Saturn
b. Uranus d. Mars
4. The rotation of a planet on its axis is called....
a. Revolution c. Style
b. gravity d. Rotation
5. The rotation of the planets around the sun is called ....
a. Revolution c. gravity
b. Style d. Rotation
6. The only planet in the solar system that humans can live in is...
a. Mercury c. Venus
b. Earth d. Mars
7. Saturn's two largest satellites are ....
a. Ganymede and Europe c. Titans and Phoebe
b. Phobos and Deimos d. Moon and Comet
8. Saturn's rings consist of ....
a. Fine dust, gravel and ice grains
b. Iron, silver and gold
c. Ice, coarse dust and aluminum
d. Gas, silver and gravel
9. The planets in the solar system do not collide because ....
a. Has its own weight
b. Has its own satellite
c. Has its own rotation
d. Has its own orbit
10. The planet that has the largest size is....
a. Mars c. Earth
b. Saturn d. Jupiter
1. A 6. B
2. C 7. C
3. D 8. A
4. D 9. D
5. A 10. D
b. Evaluation
1. Attitude Assessment (Affective)
Assessment of Spiritual Attitudes
Instrument: Observation sheet spiritual attitude
Class : ………………………………………
Observed Aspects
No Student's Responsible Self-confident Discipline Description
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Information :
1 : Very good 3 : Fair
2 : Good 4 : Need Guidance
solar system. Not yet able to Describe a small Describes most of Describe the
explain the solar part of the solar the changes in all of solar system in
system. system. the Solar System. detail.
About the Observations about Observations about Observations about Observations
characteristics the characteristics of the characteristics the Solar system (8 about the
of the solar the solar system (8 of the solar system planets) quite characteristics of
system (8 planets) with (8 planets) precisely. the solar system
planets) precision. inaccurately. (8 planets) with
Attitude of Does not appear Seemed less Tampak cukup Seemed
Curiosity. enthusiastic and enthusiastic and did antusias dan enthusiastic and
needs to be not raise ideas and terkadang asked lots of
motivated to come questions during the mengajukan ide dan ideas and
up with ideas and activity. pertanyaan selama questions during
questions. kegiatan. the activity.
Subjects : Science
Learning Material : Solar System
Class :6
What is the Solar System? Time: 1 Lesson
Be able to explain the solar system and its characteristics.
Able to sort the planets of the solar system according to their distance from the sun.
Assessment Criteria
Understand what the Solar System is all about
Able to understand and explain the solar system and its members
Able to understand and sort the planets of the solar system
(What am I planning)
Fill Cognition
What is the Solar System? The solar system is an arrangement of celestial bodies consisting of
What are the celestial objects the sun and the planets that surround it, with the sun as the center of
that revolve around the sun? the solar system.
What are the Characteristics of Celestial objects that revolve around the sun include: meteoroids,
the planets? comets, asteroids, satellites
Characteristics of the planets:
1. Mercury
- The planet's distance from the Sun is 57.9 million km
- This planet has no satellites.
2. Venus
- This planet always looks bright.
- Often called the East Star or Morning Star.
3. Earth
- A planet inhabited by living beings
- Earth has only one satellite, namely the Moon.
4. Mars
- It's called the red planet
- The distance of this planet from the Sun is 249.1 million km.
- Has two satellites, namely Phobos and Deimos.
5. Jupiter
- This planet is the largest planet in the solar system.
- Has 16 satellites
6. Saturn
- Has rings around it
- Has 18 satellites.
7. Uranus
- The distance between this planet and the sun is 2869 million
- Evolved in 84 years and has 15 satellites
8. Neptune
- The planet is bright bluish in color.
- Neptune has evolved in 165 years and has 8 satellites.
Understand that students can learn with the language used
Understand the components that make up a celestial body.
Teaching/Learning Activities
Lesson 1
Warm-up : Let's think (Power Point). Overview of knowledge
Prior knowledge: Starting with charts, students see and listen to an explanation of the
solar system
Games : To test their understanding, teachers play challenging games
Closing the lesson: Students think about the objects in the sky
Glossary : It's time to think of words that students don't know yet. One of the students
writes (on paper) the words they decide to choose.
Lesson 2
Starting a routine: What can you remember? Question.
What is the meaning of the solar system?
What are the celestial bodies that revolve around the sun?
What are the Characteristics of the planets?
Whole class : solar system
Material : Classifying the solar system system. (speaking and writing)
Thinking activity : Students must decide (with the help of a handout) where are some of
the solar systems. Then pair up with a seatmate, then they classify. Thinking activity: The
teacher asks, what do you think about the explanation of the solar system? What are the
celestial objects that revolve around the sun? And what are the characteristics of the
Ending the lesson : It's time to think of new words that the students don't know. One of
the students writes down the words they choose on a piece of paper.
The teacher monitors group and individual activities
Students succeed in playing the game
Learning interaction with their partners
Student participation in all assignments and activities
Students complete information gaps
Students complete a self-assessment sheet
The focus in this study is on Language
language for teachers
Let's summarize what we did in today's lesson
What do you know about the solar system?
What do you know about the celestial bodies that revolve around the sun?
What do you know about the characteristics of the planets?
- Laptops
- Projector
- Pen
- Media images about the solar system
If this is the first time students are learning about the solar system in English, teachers need
to focus on building students' confidence, calm and a sense of accomplishment. While
individual results will vary, providing a variety of scaffolded learning tools will encourage
learner participation and engagement.