2002, Issue sep20
- 27 Why do Americans still write checks?
by Gautam Gowrisankaran
2002, Issue oct4
- 29 Can the Phillips curve help forecast inflation?
by Kevin J. Lansing
2002, Issue oct25
- 32 Stock market volatility
by John Krainer
2002, Issue oct18
- 31 Learning from Argentina's crisis
by Ramon Moreno
2002, Issue oct11
- 30 Setting the interest rate
by Milton H. Marquis
2002, Issue nov8
- 33 Productivity in the Twelfth District
by Daniel J. Wilson
2002, Issue nov22
- 35 Recent trends in unemployment duration
by Robert G. Valletta
2002, Issue nov15
- 34 Riding the IT wave: surging productivity growth in the West
by Mary C. Daly
2002, Issue may31
- 17 Reforming China's banking system
by Ramon Moreno
2002, Issue may3
- 13 House price dynamics and the business cycle
by John Krainer
2002, Issue may24
- 16 Searching for value in the U.S. stock market
by Kevin J. Lansing
2002, Issue may17
- 15 Off-site monitoring of bank holding companies
by John Krainer & Jose A. Lopez
2002, Issue may10
- 14 Deposit insurance reform - when half a loaf is better
by Frederick T. Furlong & Simon H. Kwan
2002, Issue mar8
- 06 Recession in the West: not a rerun of 1990-1991
by Mary C. Daly & Lily Hsueh
2002, Issue mar29
- 09 What's behind the low U.S. personal saving rate?
by Milton H. Marquis
2002, Issue mar22
- 08 The changing budget picture
by Carl E. Walsh
2002, Issue mar15
- 07 Predicting when the economy will turn
by Prakash Loungani & Bharat Trehan
2002, Issue mar1
- 05 ETC (embodied technological change), etc
by Daniel J. Wilson
2002, Issue jun28
- 19 Towards a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism
by Mark M. Spiegel
2002, Issue jun14
2002, Issue jul5
- 20 Productivity in heart attack treatments
by Gautam Gowrisankaran
2002, Issue jul26
- 21 Trends in the concentration of bank deposits: the Northwest
by Elizabeth Laderman
2002, Issue jan25
- 02 What is operational risk?
by Jose A. Lopez
2002, Issue jan18
- 01 Competition and regulation in the airline industry
by Gautam Gowrisankaran
2002, Issue feb8
- 03 Is there a role for international policy coordination?
by Paul R. Bergin
2002, Issue feb22
- 04 Profile of a recession - the U.S. and California
by Mary C. Daly & Frederick T. Furlong
2002, Issue dec27
- 38 Financial issues in the Pacific Basin region: conference summary
by Reuven Glick
2002, Issue dec20
- 37 Bank security prices and market discipline
by Simon H. Kwan
2002, Issue dec13
- 36 The promise and limits of market discipline in banking
by Simon H. Kwan
2002, Issue aug9
- 23 Technical change and the dispersion of wages
by Bharat Trehan
2002, Issue aug23
- 25 Argentina's currency crisis: lessons for Asia
by Mark M. Spiegel
2002, Issue aug2
- 22 Using chain-weighted NIPA data
by Charles I. Jones
2002, Issue aug16
- 24 On the move: California employment law and high-tech development
by Robert G. Valletta
2002, Issue apr5
- 10 Inferring policy objectives from policy actions
by Richard Dennis
2002, Issue apr26
- 12 Is there a credit crunch?
by Simon H. Kwan
2002, Issue apr19
- 11 Macroeconomic models for monetary policy
by Glenn D. Rudebusch & Tao Wu
2001, Issue sep7
- 26 Transparency in monetary policy
by Carl E. Walsh
2001, Issue oct5
- 27 Natural vacancy rates in commercial real estate markets
by John Krainer
2001, Issue oct26
- 30 Banking and the business cycle
by John Krainer
2001, Issue oct19
- 29 Has a recession already started?
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
2001, Issue oct12
- 28 Unemployment and productivity
by Bharat Trehan
2001, Issue nov9
- 32 Information technology and growth in the Twelfth District
by Mary C. Daly
2001, Issue nov23
- 34 Financial instruments for mitigating credit risk
by Jose A. Lopez
2001, Issue nov2
- 31 Quantitative easing by the Bank of Japan
by Mark M. Spiegel
2001, Issue nov16
- 33 Rising junk bond yields: liquidity or credit concerns?
by Simon H. Kwan
2001, Issue may4
- 13 The science (and art) of monetary policy
by Carl E. Walsh
2001, Issue may25
- 16 Monetary policy and exchange rates in small open economies
by Richard Dennis
2001, Issue may18
- 15 Japan's new prime minister and the Postal Savings System
by Thomas F. Cargill & Naoyuki Yoshino
2001, Issue may11
- 14 The future of the new economy
by Charles I. Jones
2001, Issue mar.9
- 06 The return of the \\"Japan Premium\\" - trouble ahead for Japanese banks?
by Mark M. Spiegel
2001, Issue mar.30
- 08 How costly are IMF stabilization programs?
by Michael M. Hutchison
2001, Issue mar.23
- 07 Financial crises in emerging markets
by Reuven Glick & Ramon Moreno & Mark M. Spiegel
2001, Issue mar.2
- 05 How sluggish is the Fed?
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
2001, Issue jun15
- 18 Asset prices, exchange rates, and monetary policy
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
2001, Issue jun1
- 17 The stock market: what a difference a year makes
by Simon H. Kwan
2001, Issue jul6
- 19 Update on the economy
by Robert T. Parry
2001, Issue jul27
- 22 Productivity in banking
by Frederick T. Furlong
2001, Issue jul20
- 21 Capital controls and exchange rate stability in developing countries
by Reuven Glick & Michael M. Hutchison
2001, Issue jul13
- 20 Fiscal policy and inflation
by Betty C. Daniel
2001, Issue jan.19
- 02 Retail sweeps and reserves
by John Krainer
2001, Issue jan.12
- 01 Will inflation targeting work in developing countries?
by Kenneth Kasa
2001, Issue feb.9
- 04 Economic impact of rising natural gas prices
by Mary C. Daly
2001, Issue feb.2
- 03 Inflation: the 2% solution
by Milton H. Marquis
2001, Issue dec7
- 35 The U.S. economy after September 11
by Robert T. Parry
2001, Issue dec28
- 38 Subprime mortgage lending and the capital markets
by Elizabeth Laderman
2001, Issue dec21
- 37 Financial modernization and banking theories
by Simon H. Kwan
2001, Issue dec14
- 36 The economic return to health expenditures
by Charles I. Jones
2001, Issue aug31
- 25 Capital controls and emerging markets
by Ramon Moreno
2001, Issue aug24
- 24 Recent research on sticky prices
by Bharat Trehan
2001, Issue aug10
- 23 Federal Reserve banks' imputed cost of equity capital
by Jose A. Lopez
2001, Issue apr.6
- 09 What's different about banks - still?
by Milton H. Marquis
2001, Issue apr.27
- 12 Modeling credit risk for commercial loans
by Jose A. Lopez
2001, Issue apr.20
- 11 Rising price of energy
by Mary C. Daly & Frederick T. Furlong
2001, Issue apr.13
- 10 Uncertainties in projecting federal budget surpluses
by Kevin J. Lansing
2000, Issue sep8
- 26 Short-term international borrowing and financial fragility
by Mark M. Spiegel
2000, Issue sep29
- 29 Does pegging increase international trade?
by Ramon Moreno
2000, Issue sep22
- 28 Recent declines in work and income among men with disabilities
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Mary C. Daly & Andrew J. Houtenville
2000, Issue sep15
- 27 Tech stocks and house prices in California
by Frederick T. Furlong & John Krainer
2000, Issue oct6
- 30 Knightian uncertainty and home bias
by Kenneth Kasa
2000, Issue oct27
- 32 Has bank performance peaked?
by Simon H. Kwan
2000, Issue oct13
- 31 Monetary policy in a new environment: the U.S. experience
by Robert T. Parry
2000, Issue nov.3
- 33 The shipping news: Western exports rebound
by Carol D'Souza & Mary C. Daly
2000, Issue nov.24
- 35 Patterns in the foreign ownership of U.S. banking assets
by Jose A. Lopez
2000, Issue nov.10
- 34 Information technology and productivity
by Casey Cornwell & Bharat Trehan
2000, Issue may5
- 14 Small California banks holding on
by Elizabeth Laderman
2000, Issue may26
- 17 Why has the Fed been raising interest rates?
by Robert T. Parry
2000, Issue may19
- 16 Dollarization as a technology import
by Alan M. Taylor
2000, Issue may12
- 15 Three questions about \\"new economy\\" stocks
by Simon H. Kwan
2000, Issue mar31
- 10 The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and financial integration
by Frederick T. Furlong
2000, Issue mar3
- 06 Measuring available and underutilized labor resources
by Robert G. Valletta
2000, Issue mar24
- 09 Margin requirements as a policy tool?
by Simon H. Kwan
2000, Issue mar17
- 08 Uncertainty and monetary policy
by Carl E. Walsh
2000, Issue mar10
- 07 California's IPO gold rush
by Joe P. Mattey
2000, Issue jun23
- 20 Evaluating the stock market
by Bharat Trehan
2000, Issue jun2
- 18 The composition of international capital flows
by Kenneth Kasa
2000, Issue jun16
- 19 Japan's recession: is the liquidity trap back?
by Michael M. Hutchison
2000, Issue jul7
- 21 Exploring the causes of the Great Inflation
by Kevin J. Lansing
2000, Issue jul28
- 23 B2B e-commerce in residential mortgages
by Joe P. Mattey
2000, Issue jul21
- 22 What explains capital flows?
by Ramon Moreno
2000, Issue jan28
2000, Issue jan14
- 01 Measuring interest rate risk for mortgage-related assets
by Joe P. Mattey
2000, Issue feb4
- 03 Do currency unions increase trade? A \\"gravity\\" approach
by Andrew K. Rose
2000, Issue feb25
- 05 How fast can the new economy grow?
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
2000, Issue feb18
- 04 Volatility spillovers in the U.S. Treasury market
by Jose A. Lopez
2000, Issue dec.8
- 36 California IPO wealth effects: what's left?
by Frederick T. Furlong & Joe P. Mattey
2000, Issue dec.29
- 38 East Asia: recovery and restructuring
by Ramon Moreno
2000, Issue dec.22
- 37 Should we worry about the large U.S. current account deficit?
by Paul R. Bergin
2000, Issue aug25
- 25 Have Californians kept up in the 1990s?
by Mary C. Daly
2000, Issue aug11
- 24 Should central banks stabilize prices?
by Carl E. Walsh
2000, Issue apr7
- 11 Inflation targeting for the Bank of Japan?
by Mark M. Spiegel
2000, Issue apr28
- 13 Structural change and monetary policy
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
2000, Issue apr14
1999, Issue sep3
- 26 Who has benefited from California's recovery?
by Mary C. Daly & Heather Royer
1999, Issue sep24
- 29 Dollarization in Argentina
by Mark M. Spiegel
1999, Issue sep17
- 28 Early warning indicators of banking sector distress
by Michael M. Hutchison
1999, Issue sep10
- 27 Projecting budget surpluses
by Carl E. Walsh
1999, Issue oct8
- 30 Depreciations and recessions
by Ramon Moreno
1999, Issue oct29
- 33 Risks in the economic outlook
by Robert T. Parry
1999, Issue oct22
- 32 Rising bank risk?
by Frederick T. Furlong & Simon H. Kwan
1999, Issue oct15
- 31 Living wage ordinances
by Robert G. Valletta
1999, Issue nov26
- 36 Why attack a currency board?
by Kenneth Kasa
1999, Issue nov19
- 35 Are we globalized yet?
by Charles Engel
1999, Issue nov12
- 34 Rates of return from Social Security
by Kevin J. Lansing
1999, Issue may28
- 18 Output and inflation: a 100-year perspective
by Kevin J. Lansing & Jeffrey Thalhammer
1999, Issue may21
- 17 Bank of Japan purchases of risky assets: lessons from colonial America
by Mark M. Spiegel
1999, Issue may14
- 16 Changes in the business cycle
by Carl E. Walsh
1999, Issue mar5
- 08 How did the economy surprise us in 1998?
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
1999, Issue mar26
1999, Issue mar12
- 09 Economic activity and inflation
by Bharat Trehan
1999, Issue jun25
- 20 Understanding the Social Security debate
by Mary C. Daly
1999, Issue jun
- 19 Using CAMELS ratings to monitor bank conditions
by Jose A. Lopez
1999, Issue jul30
- 23 The Basel proposal for a new capital adequacy framework
by Jose A. Lopez
1999, Issue jul23
- 22 Recent research on job stability and security
by Robert G. Valletta
1999, Issue jul2
- 21 Supply shocks and the conduct of monetary policy
by Bharat Trehan
1999, Issue jan29
- 04 The goals of U.S. monetary policy
by John P. Judd & Glenn D. Rudebusch
1999, Issue jan22
- 03 Small business lending patterns in California
by John Beauchamp & John Krainer
1999, Issue jan15
- 02 East Asia's impact on regional growth in California
by Mary C. Daly
1999, Issue jan1
- 01 U.S. monetary policy: an introduction
by anonymous
1999, Issue feb26
- 07 How frequently should banks be examined?
by Jose A. Lopez
1999, Issue feb19
- 06 Distribution and employment impacts of raising the minimum wage
by Kenneth A. Couch
1999, Issue feb
- 05 A better CPI
by Brian Motley & Allison Wallace
1999, Issue dec31
- 38 Financial modernization and regulation
by Frederick T. Furlong & Simon H. Kwan
1999, Issue dec17
- 37 Is there a case for an Asian Monetary Fund?
by Andrew K. Rose
1999, Issue aug6
- 24 Hot and cold real estate markets in the San Francisco Bay Area
by John Krainer
1999, Issue aug20
- 25 A new view on cost savings in bank mergers
by Simon H. Kwan & James A. Wilcox
1999, Issue apr9
- 12 Time for a Tobin tax?
by Kenneth Kasa
1999, Issue apr30
- 15 Employment and wages in California's financial services sector
by Robert G. Valletta
1999, Issue apr23
- 14 The shrinking of Japanese branch business lending in California
by Elizabeth Laderman
1999, Issue apr2
- 11 Dealing with currency crises
by Ramon Moreno
1999, Issue apr16
- 13 Monetary policy and monetary institutions
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
1998, Issue sep4
- 26 Could Russia have learned from China?
by Kenneth Kasa
1998, Issue sep18
- 28 The natural rate, NAIRU, and monetary policy
by Carl E. Walsh
1998, Issue sep11
- 27 Cities and growth
by Kelly Ragan & Bharat Trehan
1998, Issue oct9
- 30 Mortgage interest rates, valuation, and prepayment risk
by Joe P. Mattey
1998, Issue oct3
- 29 Income inequality and mortality risk in the United States: is there a link?
by Mary C. Daly & Greg J. Duncan
1998, Issue oct23
- 32 Risk and return of banks' Section 20 securities affiliates
by Simon H. Kwan
1998, Issue oct16
- 31 How fast is modern economic growth?
by J. Bradford DeLong
1998, Issue nov6
- 33 Responding to Asia's crises
by Ramon Moreno
1998, Issue nov27
- 36 Slower growth in California: the role of manufacturing
by Mary C. Daly
1998, Issue nov20
- 35 East Asia's impact on Twelfth District exports
by Robert G. Valletta
1998, Issue nov13
- 34 Contractionary effects of devaluation
by Kenneth Kasa
1998, Issue may8
- 15 Financial services in the new century
by Robert T. Parry
1998, Issue may29
- 18 U.S. inflation targeting: pro and con
by Glenn D. Rudebusch & Carl E. Walsh
1998, Issue may22
- 17 Central bank inflation targeting
by Glenn D. Rudebusch & Carl E. Walsh
1998, Issue may15
- 16 Reasons for public support of research and development
by Joe P. Mattey
1998, Issue may1
- 14 The shadow of the Great Depression and the inflation of the 1970s
by J. Bradford DeLong
1998, Issue mar6
- 07 Is it time to look at M2 again?
by Kelly Ragan & Bharat Trehan
1998, Issue mar27
- 10 East Asia's effect on the Twelfth District
by Mary C. Daly
1998, Issue mar20
- 09 A currency board for Indonesia?
by Mark M. Spiegel
1998, Issue mar13
- 08 On the transition to a fully funded Social Security system
by Timothy Cogley
1998, Issue jun26
- 20 The baby boom, the baby bust, and asset markets
by Timothy Cogley & Heather Royer
1998, Issue jun19
- 19 Does the stock market prefer Republican administrations?
by James R. Booth & Lena Chua Booth
1998, Issue jul3
- 21 The separation of banking and commerce
by John Krainer
1998, Issue jul24
- 23 New view of bank consolidation
by Frederick T. Furlong
1998, Issue jul17
- 22 Capital flows and exchange rates in the Pacific Basin
by Reuven Glick
1998, Issue jan30
- 3 The budget deficit
by J. Bradford DeLong
1998, Issue jan23
- 2 Trends in Twelfth District banking in 1997
by Elizabeth Laderman & Jennifer Martinez
1998, Issue jan16
- 1 Export competition and contagious currency crises
by Chan Guk Huh & Kenneth Kasa
1998, Issue feb6
- 4 The new output-inflation trade-off
by Carl E. Walsh
1998, Issue feb27
- 06 Prospects for the U.S. and California economies
by Robert T. Parry
1998, Issue feb13
- 05 The 1997 Nobel Prize in economics
by John Krainer
1998, Issue dec25
- 38 Describing Fed behavior
by John P. Judd & Glenn D. Rudebusch
1998, Issue dec11
- 37 Can the stock market save Social Security?
by Kevin J. Lansing
1998, Issue aug7
- 24 What caused East Asia's financial crisis?
by Ramon Moreno
1998, Issue aug28
- 25 How do currency crises spread?
by Reuven Glick & Andrew K. Rose
1998, Issue apr24
- 13 Bank charters vs thrift charters
by Simon H. Kwan
1998, Issue apr17
- 12 Health insurance and the U.S. labor market
by Thomas C. Buchmueller & Robert G. Valletta
1998, Issue apr10
- 11 Long-run determinants of East Asian real exchange rates
by Menzie D. Chinn
1997, Issue sep19
- 27 What is the optimal rate of inflation?
by Timothy Cogley
1997, Issue sep12
- 26 The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street gets her independence
by Carl E. Walsh
1997, Issue sep
- 25 Rising wage inequality in the U.S
by Robert G. Valletta
1997, Issue oct31
- 32 The October '87 crash ten years later
by Robert T. Parry
1997, Issue oct3
- 28 Japanese trade deficits?
by Kenneth Kasa
1997, Issue oct24
- 31 Federal subsidies in banking: the link to financial modernization
by Frederick T. Furlong
1997, Issue oct17
- 30 Assessing the benefits of economic growth
by Mary C. Daly
1997, Issue oct10
- 29 A new paradigm?
by Bharat Trehan
1997, Issue nov7
- 33 Lessons from Thailand
by Ramon Moreno
1997, Issue nov21
- 35 NAIRU: is it useful for monetary policy?
by John P. Judd