Papua Conflict Analysis Based on Causes, Types and Actors of the Conflict, 2022
The conflict in Papua is one of the conflicts in Indonesia that has persisted for many years and ... more The conflict in Papua is one of the conflicts in Indonesia that has persisted for many years and until now has not found a bright spot. Cultural violence was experienced in 1971-1973, the Indonesian government carried out the Koteka operation. Stereotypes of non-Papuans against Papuans are still growing today, leading to racial/ethnic discrimination. The government also officially categorizes TPNPB-OPM as terrorists. In the case of the Papuan conflict, one of the factors that makes it a threat is the offensive power in which the separatist movement carried out by the OPM threatens the sovereignty or integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. In addition to the existence of a different culture in Papua which often leads to discrimination against the Papuan people, there are also differences in interests. One of them is political interests where the people who are members of the Papuan Organization want independence while the Unitary Republic of Indonesia still wants to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The conflict that occurred in Papua between the OPM separatist group in conflict with the Government was included in the type of vertical conflict. The conflict in Papua is also included in the type of Non-International Armed Conflict. The actors in conflict are the Free Papua Organization (OPM) and the Supporting State for the OPM (armed opposition group & armed non-stated actor) as well as the Indonesian Government, TNI, Polri, NGOs. To reconcile Papua is not only the task of the government, the community according to their respective fields can also contribute to support the peace process.
" White dan Wisdom (1985) dikutip oleh Brooks (1994) dalam buku “Manajemen Sumber Daya Manu... more " White dan Wisdom (1985) dikutip oleh Brooks (1994) dalam buku “Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Rumah Sakit , menyatakan bahwa rumah sakit adalah salah satu organisasi yang memiliki manajemen paling kompleks karena di dalamnya harus dikelola hubungan interpersonal yang terkait layanan yang diberikan di satu fihak dan teknologi yang selalu berkembang di fihak lain . Hubungan interpersonal perlu dibangun guna keberhasilan manajemen atau tujuan rumah sakit dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan. Tentu saja hal ini diperlukan kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dari manajemen rumah sakit. Secara intern keberhasilan membangun hubungan interpersonal(berkomunikasi yang baik) dapat menjadi salah satu tahap atau cara penyelesaian konflik yang mungkin timbul akibat kompleksitas manajemen rumah sakit, secara ektern kemampuan membangun hubungan interpersonal mampu membangun citra sebagai rumah sakit yang mempunyai kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang handal dan bermutu.
Didalam kenyataannya masalah komunikasi senantiasa muncul dalam proses organisasi ,sehingga pentingnya komunikasi dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi sangat dirasakan termasuk Rumah Sakit sebagai suatu organisasi. Komunikasi efektif sangat menentukan kelangsungan hidup dan kesehatan setiap organisasi,Chester Benard,presiden direktur Bell Telephone Company,New Jersey (1983:91) sebagaimana dikutip oleh Andre Hardjana dalam Audit Komunikasi menyimpulkan pemikirannya tentang peri kehidupan organisasi: dalam teori organisasi yang tuntas lagi menyeluruh, komunikasi pasti menduduki tempat sentral,karena struktur,keluasan jangkauan, dan ruang lingkupnya hampir sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh teknik-teknik komunikasi......Bahkan sesungguhnya spesialisasi dalam organisasi muncul dan terpelihara karena tuntutan komunikasi .Dalam manajemen organisasi, komunikasi diletakkan dalam bagian yang diberi nama Public Relation atau Hubungan Masyarakat(Humas). Humas merupakan bagian integral dari suatu organisasi. Meski keberadaan Humas atau Public Relation di Rumah Sakit-Rumah Sakit di Indonesia masih relatif baru, namun bagian Humas sangat memegang peranan penting dari keberadaan organisasi Rumah –Sakit."
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
Based on data on the arrest of perpetrators of terrorism, radicalism, and extremism among Central... more Based on data on the arrest of perpetrators of terrorism, radicalism, and extremism among Central Java youth through social media terror networks from 2003-2022 has increased. Security disturbances and non-military threats in the form of ideology can cause social conflicts that disturb religious, social, and political peace in real and virtual life. The Central Java NCTA Cyber Youth Peace Ambassador is present as an organization engaged in the issue of peace education through digital literacy skills to play an active role in filling social media with peace narratives, national insights, and alternative narratives in an effort to prevent conflict due to radicalism and terrorism for the sake of National Security in Java Middle. The purpose of this study is to analyze the actions and roles undertaken during 2017-2022. Qualitative research methods, and constructivism research paradigm. The theories used are role theory, peace education, conflict, counter-propaganda for preventing radic...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The role of Bawaslu in seeking supervision in order to prevent election violations for face ident... more The role of Bawaslu in seeking supervision in order to prevent election violations for face identity politics. Especially in the development of technology to mass media so public must understand the Post Truth era and not get carried away with false news. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze Bawaslu in preventing future election violations. This article was formed by researchers by collecting data from various sources, such as journal articles, books, reports and other related sources. Results study this shows that though there are challenges that must be faced by Bawaslu but Bawaslu already has six strategies that are used as guidelines in preventing election violations especially deal with identity politics. Based on Justice's six strategies be prepared and carried out by Bawaslu has put forward the prevention of identity politics and is quite effective and can continue until after the election.
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The territorial boundary conflict between West Lombok and Central Lombok districts in West Nusa T... more The territorial boundary conflict between West Lombok and Central Lombok districts in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province has been going on for several years, with various attempts being made to find an appropriate solution. This study aims to analyze the synergies carried out by the Provincial Government of NTB in handling boundary conflicts. The research method used is a case study with in-depth interviews with informants involved in handling boundary conflicts. The results of the study show that government synergy in resolving boundary conflicts involves the West Lombok Regency Government, Central Lombok Regency Government, community leaders, and other relevant agencies. The synergies carried out include facilitating meetings, strengthening the authority of the Border Dispute Resolution Team so that it has a large and strong capacity, approaching the community, coordinating the central government with local governments regarding border conflicts between Central Lombok and West Lomb...
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
National defense is organized to defend state sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the Unita... more National defense is organized to defend state sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and the safety of the entire nation from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state. In preparing the national defense, it is necessary to manage national resources by increasing the potential and capacity of the national defense force through human resources, natural/artificial resources, and infrastructure. The literature study was conducted to understand the utilization of national resources in supporting national defense. The various problems faced make the management of national resources complex. The results of the literature study are expected so that in the future the government can utilize the enormous potential contained in the potential human resources prepared early on to strengthen the main components, natural/man-made resources, with effective and efficient use to support national defense and national facilities ...
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
Irregular warfare requires a special strategy for handling it, one of which is through network-ce... more Irregular warfare requires a special strategy for handling it, one of which is through network-centric warfare where NCW is a concept of a command and control system applied in modern military operations, with interoperability capabilities for elements of military power that optimizes the use of defense-based computer network systems. this is done in the context of supporting war military operations and military operations other than war by taking into account aspects of support or availability of intelligence data and information (SIGINT, GEOINT MASINT, OSINT, HUMINT. This writing uses the literature study method by looking at several previous studies, books, and academic papers on existing laws and theoretical foundations to create new analytical results.
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
Nowadays, the existence of maritime security had developed increasingly due to the threat of tran... more Nowadays, the existence of maritime security had developed increasingly due to the threat of transnational crimes at sea. This security required countries to expand their maritime defense capabilities in preventing threats to national sovereignty and security. In developing maritime defense capabilities, maritime security theory was necessary to construct the basis of a country’s maritime defense strategy and policy. Thayer and Till were two maritime security theorists who made numerous contributions to expanding this concept. Therefore, this study was conducted to construct a comparison of their maritime security theory dealing with the strategic and practical implications for constructing the country’s maritime defense. To collect the data, a qualitative approach with a comparative descriptive method was employed in this study. The collected data were sourced from reliable sources such as books, journals, and articles related to the theory of maritime security and national sea def...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
This article aims to analyze and describe how many victims there are in the current Russia-Ukrain... more This article aims to analyze and describe how many victims there are in the current Russia-Ukraine war. Basically humanity is the basis of life anywhere. So the importance of presence of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as part of humanitarian law to deal with existing casualties. We can see how the war that occurred could not be finished simply. So besides focusing on the war, first aid is also needed for victims of the war. This article uses a qualitative approach with a literature review design related to the role of ICRC in this war. The data was collected by compiling sources from various kinds of literature such as reading books, websites and discussions with experts and competent groups. The results show that there were many casualties from both the Russian and Ukrainian sides in the war that took place. The ICRC as an important body in humanitarian law is needed to be able to carry out its duties properly.
There are several aspects that show weak coordination between the Regional Government of Southeas... more There are several aspects that show weak coordination between the Regional Government of Southeast Sulawesi and the Central Government in dealing with mining conflicts in Southeast Sulawesi. Thus, it takes a legality and agency that specifically works to achieve peace in support of National Security, because peace is one of the goals in the Sustainable Development Goals. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of peace in mining conflict resolution in Southeast Sulawesi in realizing national security. This study uses a qualitative method. Data were obtained from designated informants which were then analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study show that Southeast Sulawesi Province has been prepared to implement the goals of sustainable peace since 2021. In relation to the objectivity of peace, the National and Regional Working Groups have formulated a matrix to achieve peace. This can be seen from the alignment of the National Long-Term and Medium-T...
Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi T... more Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban hilang sebanyak 667 orang. BMKG membentuk tim sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana ke beberapa lokasi di Kota Palu, Kabupaten Sigi, dan Kabupaten Donggala yang bertujuan menenangkan masyarakat, berbagi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan menjelaskan sejarah bencana gempabumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah. Sosialisasi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh warga terdampak bencana, terlihat dari beberapa tokoh atau figur yang dituakan meminta agar sosialisasi dilakukan di tempat terbuka dan dihadiri banyak warga.
Multi Causal Role Model Analysis on Indonesian Labor Demonstration Against Omnibus Law
Multi Causal Role Model Instruments is a conflict analysis model that focuses on five categories,... more Multi Causal Role Model Instruments is a conflict analysis model that focuses on five categories, namely: reasons, targets, channels, triggers, catalysts. This analytical model is used to distinguish various conflict factors, analyze the content of the conflict, and facilitate the process of conflict transformation. The research method used is a literature study with a qualitative analysis method by analyzing the demonstration of workers against the Omnibus Law using Multi Causal Role Model Instruments. The results: (1) The cause of the conflict itself is clear because the community views the government as not being transparent in drafting and ratifying the Ciptaker Law and what is contained in the law tends to harm the community. (2) The target achieved in the labor demonstration is to pressure the government to issue a replacement regulation to annul the Ciptaker Law. (3) there are other parties who use the action as an arena to create riots such as destroying property and committing violence. (4) the trigger for the escalation of conflict in the event of the labor demonstration, namely pressure from economic problems due to the covid-19 pandemic, so that the Ciptaker Law, which is considered detrimental, is used as an outlet for public anger. (5) the demonstrations that occurred were driven by the same enthusiasm from all people in Indonesia as seen from the demonstrations taking place on the same day in various different cities in Indonesia. As a result of the conflict, the violence perpetrated during the labor action left 7 journalists injured. Therefore, it is necessary to involve Komnas HAM and the authorities in providing protection for the rights of the people involved in demonstrations.
The Peaceful Culture of the Indigenous People of the Baduy Tribe Indonesia in Maintaining Peace, 2022
Indonesia is a pluralistic country because its society consists of a collection of people or grou... more Indonesia is a pluralistic country because its society consists of a collection of people or groups characterized by ethnicities or tribes with different cultures from different backgrounds. In Indonesia, there are many alienated indigenous tribes, including the Baduy indigenous tribe. Culture, customs, and traditions are still thick in the life of the Baduy people. Three main things color the daily life of the baduy people: a superficial attitude toward life, being friendly to nature, and the spirit of independence. Baduy society from the past until now has been peaceful without violence in daily life. The Baduy people chose to live peacefully amid an increasingly complex reality, the values of peace and tolerance they lived on. The Baduy people are much wiser in caring for a culture of peace because their lives value and love the environment and the roots of the universe that support it. There is no compulsion to follow and keep the tradition of a peaceful life by them.
Papua Conflict Analysis Based on Causes, Types and Actors of the Conflict, 2022
The conflict in Papua is one of the conflicts in Indonesia that has persisted for many years and ... more The conflict in Papua is one of the conflicts in Indonesia that has persisted for many years and until now has not found a bright spot. Cultural violence was experienced in 1971-1973, the Indonesian government carried out the Koteka operation. Stereotypes of non-Papuans against Papuans are still growing today, leading to racial/ethnic discrimination. The government also officially categorizes TPNPB-OPM as terrorists. In the case of the Papuan conflict, one of the factors that makes it a threat is the offensive power in which the separatist movement carried out by the OPM threatens the sovereignty or integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. In addition to the existence of a different culture in Papua which often leads to discrimination against the Papuan people, there are also differences in interests. One of them is political interests where the people who are members of the Papuan Organization want independence while the Unitary Republic of Indonesia still wants to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The conflict that occurred in Papua between the OPM separatist group in conflict with the Government was included in the type of vertical conflict. The conflict in Papua is also included in the type of Non-International Armed Conflict. The actors in conflict are the Free Papua Organization (OPM) and the Supporting State for the OPM (armed opposition group & armed non-stated actor) as well as the Indonesian Government, TNI, Polri, NGOs. To reconcile Papua is not only the task of the government, the community according to their respective fields can also contribute to support the peace process.
" White dan Wisdom (1985) dikutip oleh Brooks (1994) dalam buku “Manajemen Sumber Daya Manu... more " White dan Wisdom (1985) dikutip oleh Brooks (1994) dalam buku “Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Rumah Sakit , menyatakan bahwa rumah sakit adalah salah satu organisasi yang memiliki manajemen paling kompleks karena di dalamnya harus dikelola hubungan interpersonal yang terkait layanan yang diberikan di satu fihak dan teknologi yang selalu berkembang di fihak lain . Hubungan interpersonal perlu dibangun guna keberhasilan manajemen atau tujuan rumah sakit dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan. Tentu saja hal ini diperlukan kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dari manajemen rumah sakit. Secara intern keberhasilan membangun hubungan interpersonal(berkomunikasi yang baik) dapat menjadi salah satu tahap atau cara penyelesaian konflik yang mungkin timbul akibat kompleksitas manajemen rumah sakit, secara ektern kemampuan membangun hubungan interpersonal mampu membangun citra sebagai rumah sakit yang mempunyai kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang handal dan bermutu.
Didalam kenyataannya masalah komunikasi senantiasa muncul dalam proses organisasi ,sehingga pentingnya komunikasi dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi sangat dirasakan termasuk Rumah Sakit sebagai suatu organisasi. Komunikasi efektif sangat menentukan kelangsungan hidup dan kesehatan setiap organisasi,Chester Benard,presiden direktur Bell Telephone Company,New Jersey (1983:91) sebagaimana dikutip oleh Andre Hardjana dalam Audit Komunikasi menyimpulkan pemikirannya tentang peri kehidupan organisasi: dalam teori organisasi yang tuntas lagi menyeluruh, komunikasi pasti menduduki tempat sentral,karena struktur,keluasan jangkauan, dan ruang lingkupnya hampir sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh teknik-teknik komunikasi......Bahkan sesungguhnya spesialisasi dalam organisasi muncul dan terpelihara karena tuntutan komunikasi .Dalam manajemen organisasi, komunikasi diletakkan dalam bagian yang diberi nama Public Relation atau Hubungan Masyarakat(Humas). Humas merupakan bagian integral dari suatu organisasi. Meski keberadaan Humas atau Public Relation di Rumah Sakit-Rumah Sakit di Indonesia masih relatif baru, namun bagian Humas sangat memegang peranan penting dari keberadaan organisasi Rumah –Sakit."
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
Based on data on the arrest of perpetrators of terrorism, radicalism, and extremism among Central... more Based on data on the arrest of perpetrators of terrorism, radicalism, and extremism among Central Java youth through social media terror networks from 2003-2022 has increased. Security disturbances and non-military threats in the form of ideology can cause social conflicts that disturb religious, social, and political peace in real and virtual life. The Central Java NCTA Cyber Youth Peace Ambassador is present as an organization engaged in the issue of peace education through digital literacy skills to play an active role in filling social media with peace narratives, national insights, and alternative narratives in an effort to prevent conflict due to radicalism and terrorism for the sake of National Security in Java Middle. The purpose of this study is to analyze the actions and roles undertaken during 2017-2022. Qualitative research methods, and constructivism research paradigm. The theories used are role theory, peace education, conflict, counter-propaganda for preventing radic...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The role of Bawaslu in seeking supervision in order to prevent election violations for face ident... more The role of Bawaslu in seeking supervision in order to prevent election violations for face identity politics. Especially in the development of technology to mass media so public must understand the Post Truth era and not get carried away with false news. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze Bawaslu in preventing future election violations. This article was formed by researchers by collecting data from various sources, such as journal articles, books, reports and other related sources. Results study this shows that though there are challenges that must be faced by Bawaslu but Bawaslu already has six strategies that are used as guidelines in preventing election violations especially deal with identity politics. Based on Justice's six strategies be prepared and carried out by Bawaslu has put forward the prevention of identity politics and is quite effective and can continue until after the election.
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The territorial boundary conflict between West Lombok and Central Lombok districts in West Nusa T... more The territorial boundary conflict between West Lombok and Central Lombok districts in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province has been going on for several years, with various attempts being made to find an appropriate solution. This study aims to analyze the synergies carried out by the Provincial Government of NTB in handling boundary conflicts. The research method used is a case study with in-depth interviews with informants involved in handling boundary conflicts. The results of the study show that government synergy in resolving boundary conflicts involves the West Lombok Regency Government, Central Lombok Regency Government, community leaders, and other relevant agencies. The synergies carried out include facilitating meetings, strengthening the authority of the Border Dispute Resolution Team so that it has a large and strong capacity, approaching the community, coordinating the central government with local governments regarding border conflicts between Central Lombok and West Lomb...
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
National defense is organized to defend state sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the Unita... more National defense is organized to defend state sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and the safety of the entire nation from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state. In preparing the national defense, it is necessary to manage national resources by increasing the potential and capacity of the national defense force through human resources, natural/artificial resources, and infrastructure. The literature study was conducted to understand the utilization of national resources in supporting national defense. The various problems faced make the management of national resources complex. The results of the literature study are expected so that in the future the government can utilize the enormous potential contained in the potential human resources prepared early on to strengthen the main components, natural/man-made resources, with effective and efficient use to support national defense and national facilities ...
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
Irregular warfare requires a special strategy for handling it, one of which is through network-ce... more Irregular warfare requires a special strategy for handling it, one of which is through network-centric warfare where NCW is a concept of a command and control system applied in modern military operations, with interoperability capabilities for elements of military power that optimizes the use of defense-based computer network systems. this is done in the context of supporting war military operations and military operations other than war by taking into account aspects of support or availability of intelligence data and information (SIGINT, GEOINT MASINT, OSINT, HUMINT. This writing uses the literature study method by looking at several previous studies, books, and academic papers on existing laws and theoretical foundations to create new analytical results.
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
Nowadays, the existence of maritime security had developed increasingly due to the threat of tran... more Nowadays, the existence of maritime security had developed increasingly due to the threat of transnational crimes at sea. This security required countries to expand their maritime defense capabilities in preventing threats to national sovereignty and security. In developing maritime defense capabilities, maritime security theory was necessary to construct the basis of a country’s maritime defense strategy and policy. Thayer and Till were two maritime security theorists who made numerous contributions to expanding this concept. Therefore, this study was conducted to construct a comparison of their maritime security theory dealing with the strategic and practical implications for constructing the country’s maritime defense. To collect the data, a qualitative approach with a comparative descriptive method was employed in this study. The collected data were sourced from reliable sources such as books, journals, and articles related to the theory of maritime security and national sea def...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
This article aims to analyze and describe how many victims there are in the current Russia-Ukrain... more This article aims to analyze and describe how many victims there are in the current Russia-Ukraine war. Basically humanity is the basis of life anywhere. So the importance of presence of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as part of humanitarian law to deal with existing casualties. We can see how the war that occurred could not be finished simply. So besides focusing on the war, first aid is also needed for victims of the war. This article uses a qualitative approach with a literature review design related to the role of ICRC in this war. The data was collected by compiling sources from various kinds of literature such as reading books, websites and discussions with experts and competent groups. The results show that there were many casualties from both the Russian and Ukrainian sides in the war that took place. The ICRC as an important body in humanitarian law is needed to be able to carry out its duties properly.
There are several aspects that show weak coordination between the Regional Government of Southeas... more There are several aspects that show weak coordination between the Regional Government of Southeast Sulawesi and the Central Government in dealing with mining conflicts in Southeast Sulawesi. Thus, it takes a legality and agency that specifically works to achieve peace in support of National Security, because peace is one of the goals in the Sustainable Development Goals. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of peace in mining conflict resolution in Southeast Sulawesi in realizing national security. This study uses a qualitative method. Data were obtained from designated informants which were then analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study show that Southeast Sulawesi Province has been prepared to implement the goals of sustainable peace since 2021. In relation to the objectivity of peace, the National and Regional Working Groups have formulated a matrix to achieve peace. This can be seen from the alignment of the National Long-Term and Medium-T...
Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi T... more Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban hilang sebanyak 667 orang. BMKG membentuk tim sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana ke beberapa lokasi di Kota Palu, Kabupaten Sigi, dan Kabupaten Donggala yang bertujuan menenangkan masyarakat, berbagi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan menjelaskan sejarah bencana gempabumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah. Sosialisasi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh warga terdampak bencana, terlihat dari beberapa tokoh atau figur yang dituakan meminta agar sosialisasi dilakukan di tempat terbuka dan dihadiri banyak warga.
Multi Causal Role Model Analysis on Indonesian Labor Demonstration Against Omnibus Law
Multi Causal Role Model Instruments is a conflict analysis model that focuses on five categories,... more Multi Causal Role Model Instruments is a conflict analysis model that focuses on five categories, namely: reasons, targets, channels, triggers, catalysts. This analytical model is used to distinguish various conflict factors, analyze the content of the conflict, and facilitate the process of conflict transformation. The research method used is a literature study with a qualitative analysis method by analyzing the demonstration of workers against the Omnibus Law using Multi Causal Role Model Instruments. The results: (1) The cause of the conflict itself is clear because the community views the government as not being transparent in drafting and ratifying the Ciptaker Law and what is contained in the law tends to harm the community. (2) The target achieved in the labor demonstration is to pressure the government to issue a replacement regulation to annul the Ciptaker Law. (3) there are other parties who use the action as an arena to create riots such as destroying property and committing violence. (4) the trigger for the escalation of conflict in the event of the labor demonstration, namely pressure from economic problems due to the covid-19 pandemic, so that the Ciptaker Law, which is considered detrimental, is used as an outlet for public anger. (5) the demonstrations that occurred were driven by the same enthusiasm from all people in Indonesia as seen from the demonstrations taking place on the same day in various different cities in Indonesia. As a result of the conflict, the violence perpetrated during the labor action left 7 journalists injured. Therefore, it is necessary to involve Komnas HAM and the authorities in providing protection for the rights of the people involved in demonstrations.
The Peaceful Culture of the Indigenous People of the Baduy Tribe Indonesia in Maintaining Peace, 2022
Indonesia is a pluralistic country because its society consists of a collection of people or grou... more Indonesia is a pluralistic country because its society consists of a collection of people or groups characterized by ethnicities or tribes with different cultures from different backgrounds. In Indonesia, there are many alienated indigenous tribes, including the Baduy indigenous tribe. Culture, customs, and traditions are still thick in the life of the Baduy people. Three main things color the daily life of the baduy people: a superficial attitude toward life, being friendly to nature, and the spirit of independence. Baduy society from the past until now has been peaceful without violence in daily life. The Baduy people chose to live peacefully amid an increasingly complex reality, the values of peace and tolerance they lived on. The Baduy people are much wiser in caring for a culture of peace because their lives value and love the environment and the roots of the universe that support it. There is no compulsion to follow and keep the tradition of a peaceful life by them.
International Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Feb 2, 2022
The development of technology caused the possibility of non-conventional war that can’t be predic... more The development of technology caused the possibility of non-conventional war that can’t be predicted by human’s intelligence. Cyber becomes the most vulnerable media for war. Because this media offers the attacker to hide its identity and attack anyone they want. In some case cyber-attack could cause stoppage of a country’s activity if cyber is one of the country’s most important thing. The cyber-war of Estonia in 2007 was the first and biggest cyber-war towards a country in history. The attack could cause the stoppage of the country’s activity. Russia was the only possible one to blame. In order to react to this case Estonia called NATO for help to finish the case.As the world went to 4.0 industrial revolution era, Indonesia needed to also be aware of cyber attacks. Therefore, Estonian Cyberattacks should become reflection and awareness for Indonesia in deterring possible cyberattacks in the future
42nd World Congress of the International Committee of Military Medicine
The fear that terrorists will turn ... more Abstract The fear that terrorists will turn to weapons of mass destruction is real. Even before September 11, 2001, we were reminded that our security could be compromised. In 1995 we saw it in Tokyo with the deadly nerve gas, sarin, released in a crowded Tokyo subway. 1984 in The Dallas, Salmonella typhimurium was used by the Rajneeshee religious cult to contaminate restaurant salad bars and a city water-supply tank. About 751 people were poisoned during a one-month period. This article will elaborate on the role of the military medicine at Bioterrorism attack. The aim of this study to describe the role of the military medicine to prevent Bioterrorism attack Military Medicine took part in the fight against Bioterrorism from the current pre and post-attack Bioterrorist and when attacking Bioterrorism,curative post Bioterrorism attack to do to hospitality and forensic process,decontamination area. Keywords: , Bioterrorism ,War of terror ,Military Medicine.
Books by Achmed Sukendro
Didalam kenyataannya masalah komunikasi senantiasa muncul dalam proses organisasi ,sehingga pentingnya komunikasi dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi sangat dirasakan termasuk Rumah Sakit sebagai suatu organisasi. Komunikasi efektif sangat menentukan kelangsungan hidup dan kesehatan setiap organisasi,Chester Benard,presiden direktur Bell Telephone Company,New Jersey (1983:91) sebagaimana dikutip oleh Andre Hardjana dalam Audit Komunikasi menyimpulkan pemikirannya tentang peri kehidupan organisasi: dalam teori organisasi yang tuntas lagi menyeluruh, komunikasi pasti menduduki tempat sentral,karena struktur,keluasan jangkauan, dan ruang lingkupnya hampir sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh teknik-teknik komunikasi......Bahkan sesungguhnya spesialisasi dalam organisasi muncul dan terpelihara karena tuntutan komunikasi .Dalam manajemen organisasi, komunikasi diletakkan dalam bagian yang diberi nama Public Relation atau Hubungan Masyarakat(Humas). Humas merupakan bagian integral dari suatu organisasi. Meski keberadaan Humas atau Public Relation di Rumah Sakit-Rumah Sakit di Indonesia masih relatif baru, namun bagian Humas sangat memegang peranan penting dari keberadaan organisasi Rumah –Sakit."
Papers by Achmed Sukendro
Didalam kenyataannya masalah komunikasi senantiasa muncul dalam proses organisasi ,sehingga pentingnya komunikasi dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi sangat dirasakan termasuk Rumah Sakit sebagai suatu organisasi. Komunikasi efektif sangat menentukan kelangsungan hidup dan kesehatan setiap organisasi,Chester Benard,presiden direktur Bell Telephone Company,New Jersey (1983:91) sebagaimana dikutip oleh Andre Hardjana dalam Audit Komunikasi menyimpulkan pemikirannya tentang peri kehidupan organisasi: dalam teori organisasi yang tuntas lagi menyeluruh, komunikasi pasti menduduki tempat sentral,karena struktur,keluasan jangkauan, dan ruang lingkupnya hampir sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh teknik-teknik komunikasi......Bahkan sesungguhnya spesialisasi dalam organisasi muncul dan terpelihara karena tuntutan komunikasi .Dalam manajemen organisasi, komunikasi diletakkan dalam bagian yang diberi nama Public Relation atau Hubungan Masyarakat(Humas). Humas merupakan bagian integral dari suatu organisasi. Meski keberadaan Humas atau Public Relation di Rumah Sakit-Rumah Sakit di Indonesia masih relatif baru, namun bagian Humas sangat memegang peranan penting dari keberadaan organisasi Rumah –Sakit."
The fear that terrorists will turn to weapons of mass destruction is real. Even before September 11, 2001, we were reminded that our security could be compromised. In 1995 we saw it in Tokyo with the deadly nerve gas, sarin, released in a crowded Tokyo subway. 1984 in The Dallas, Salmonella typhimurium was used by the Rajneeshee religious cult to contaminate restaurant salad bars and a city water-supply tank. About 751 people were poisoned during a one-month period.
This article will elaborate on the role of the military medicine at Bioterrorism attack. The aim of this study to describe the role of the military medicine to prevent Bioterrorism attack
Military Medicine took part in the fight against Bioterrorism from the current pre and post-attack Bioterrorist and when attacking Bioterrorism,curative post Bioterrorism attack to do to hospitality and forensic process,decontamination area.
Keywords: , Bioterrorism ,War of terror ,Military Medicine.