I work in the Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences. During many years I study Quaternary small mammals from Eastern Europe and also from Middle Asia, Caucasus, and Portugal. I am Dr. Sci., leading scientific researcher. I organized and also participate in the several International and Russian projects.
Early Middle Pleistocene Fauna Of Fossil Rodents And Loess-Paleosol Series Of The Pekla Key Section (Taman Peninsula, Russia)
The history of the early Middle Pleistocene small mammal faunas of Eastern Europe is very complic... more The history of the early Middle Pleistocene small mammal faunas of Eastern Europe is very complicated. The early Middle Pleistocene which spanned from the Brunhes-Matuyama transition (772.9 ka BP, within MIS 19) till the beginning of the Likhvin Interglacial (424 ka BP, MIS 11) includes a number of interglacials and glaciations. Rodent species of the Tiraspolian faunal assemblage were found in the Chaudian fluvial deposits of the Cape Pekla section (northern coast of the Taman Peninsula). The evolutional level of the Pekla rodents are similar to those from the stratotype section of the Tiraspolian faunal assemblage in the Kolkotova Balka in Moldova (MIS 17) , which includes Eolagurus sp., Mimomys savini, Microtus (Terricola) arvalidens, Microtus (Alexandromys) ex gr. oeconomus and other species. The Pekla fauna also resembles the rodent fauna from famous English West Runton Freshwater Bed locality formed during the Cromerian Interglacial II and some other East and West European faunas. In the current work the entire loess-paleosol sequence of the Pekla section was described with five paleosols from the Middle to the Late Pleistocene. The sequence reflects the complexity of climatic fluctuations from the early Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene.
The palaeoenvironment of the Central Russian Plain during the last part of Valdai Glaciation based on small mammal datafrom the Late Palaeolithic site Byki 7 (Seim R. basin), 2022
The analysis of the Late Pleistocene small mammals' faunas from the three cultural layers of the ... more The analysis of the Late Pleistocene small mammals' faunas from the three cultural layers of the Late Palaeolithic site Byki 7 (the Seim River basin) consist of a combination of steppe and tundra species. Steppe species definitely prevail and include Ochotona pusilla, Marmota bobac, Spermophilus sp., Spalax microphthalmus, Ellobius talpinus, Lagurus lagurus and Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis. Tundra species (collared lemming and Siberian lemming) are only represented by a small amount of remains. The lack of forest dwellers in the Byki 7 small mammal assemblage indicates of the absence of a continuous forest zone on the Central Russian Plain during the end of the Valdai glaciation. The Eurasian geographical distribution of the Rodentia and Lagomorpha species represented in the Byki-7 assemblages, have been reconstructed for the period of deposition of the site. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the multilayer Late Palaeolithic Byki 7 site correlates with the second part of the Valdai Glaciation Maximum cooling (LGM) (22-17 ka BP). Based on the small mammal data the former palaeoenvironmental conditions of the non-analogue periglacial tundra-steppe are reconstructed.
Abstract. A more complex sequence of natural events and small mammal faunas is known from eastern... more Abstract. A more complex sequence of natural events and small mammal faunas is known from eastern Europe during the late Middle Pleistocene than from western Europe. The interval between the Likhvin (Holstein) Interglacial and the Dniepr (Saalian) Glaciation include a further two climatic cycles as compared to the western European sequence. Sediments of most of these cycles contain small mammal localities. The most secure correlation is between the Likhvinian and Holsteinian micromammalian faunas.
The analyse of pollen data from the 48 sections and 121 mammal localities of Eastern Europe relat... more The analyse of pollen data from the 48 sections and 121 mammal localities of Eastern Europe related to the Holocene optimum was carried out. The specifity of environmental condition was revealed
ABSTRACT The most thick and stratigraphically complete Quaternary sequences were complexly studie... more ABSTRACT The most thick and stratigraphically complete Quaternary sequences were complexly studied in the southern regions of the European Russia by group of specialists: A.Velichko and V.Udartsev studied lithology; S.Faustov and E.Virina – paleomagnetism; A.Markova – small mammals; N.Bolikhovskaya – palynology. The Quaternary deposits (~160 m thick) are located in the middle reaches of the Kuma River (East Caucasian Forelands) near Otkaznoye Village (44°19' N, 43°51' E). All analyses were carried out for two vertical profiles. Longest Profile I presents ~140 m thickness penetrated by a borehole on the interfluvial plateau (at ~245.5 m a.s.l.). Three sedimentary cycles are exposed here. The first cycle contains alluvial deposits (127.6–136.4 m) and subaerial strata including three well-developed paleosols (115.8–127.6 m); the second cycle presents alluvium (112.8–115.8 m) and subaerial formations with two paleosols (107.35–112.8 m). The third cycle presents alluvial-proluvial series (64.9–107.35 m) and a thick member of loessial deposits with 6 paleosols (1.4–64.9 m). The Matuyama-Brunhes reversal (~0.778 Ma) was found at 75 m a.s.l. The Jaramillo event was recognized within the Matuyama zone in the 103.0–113.0 m interval. According to pollen data, deposition of this interfluvial series took place during the Early–Upper Pleistocene and terminated in the formation of thick upper loess, which was deposited during the Dnieper Glaciation and during the first half of the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial. The results obtained from Upper Pleistocene deposits were completed by analysis of Valdai sediments of lower terraces of the Kuma R. Palynological characteristics of the deposits located below the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary are fragmentary and permit reconstruction of only some stages of the Early Pleistocene. Two phases were distinguished in the deposits related to the Jaramillo event. The first phase was characterized by cooling and aridization (steppe landscapes). The second phase was characterized by warming and increasing of humidity (broadleaf forests). Comprehensive palynological information provided a basis for reconstructing of flora evolution, vegetation and climate changes for 15 interglacial and cold stages of the Brunhes Chron. For the most part of this period the Terek-Kuma Lowland was occupied by interglacial forest-steppes or by periglacial forest-steppes. For the first time in Middle Pleistocene history (Likhvin Interglacial, MIS 11, Paleosol Complex IV) steppes became dominant here. More than a hundred of small mammal remains from PC IV were studied (Spermophilus pygmaeus, Spalax microphtalmus, Cricetus cricetus, Cricetulus migratorius, Eolagurus luteus volgensis, Lagurus lagurus, Microtus ex. gr. arvalis-socialis). Rodent fauna was attributed to Singilian-Gunkovian mammal assemblage and very characteristic to steppe landscapes. Dry steppes and semi-deserts that appeared occasionally in the Middle Kuma basin at some warm Early Pleistocene intervals assumed dominant importance during Mid-Late Pleistocene, firstly at the cryoxerotic stage of the Dnieper ice age (~MIS 6), and later at the same stage of the Valdai glacial epoch (~MIS 4-2). The vegetation at those stages were typical periglacial. Forest landscapes were dominant during five intervals. At the Muchkap Interglacial (~MIS 15) prevailed broad-leaved forests with participation of subtropical species. Broad-leaved forests (mesophytic or xerophytic) occupied the region during the interglacials corresponding to ~ MIS 9, MIS 7 and MIS 5. Some phases of the Kaluga cold epoch (~MIS 10) were marked by dominance of spruce and Siberian stone pine forests. The named five “forest” phases correspond to climate-induced rises of Caspian Sea level during the Mid-Late Pleistocene. Keywords: Quaternary, East Caucasian Forelands, environments.
Several characteristic species are present in this multilayered cave site, such as Ellobius ex gr... more Several characteristic species are present in this multilayered cave site, such as Ellobius ex gr. tancrei, Meriones libycus selunguricus, Alticola argentatus, Microtus (Neodon) ex gr. juldaschi and others together with numerous Acheulian artefacts and the remains of molars and a fragment o f the skull of Homo erectus. The fauna most likely is of Middle Pleistocene age.
the analysis of small mammals and freshwater mollusks from fluvial deposits of VI terrace of Dnie... more the analysis of small mammals and freshwater mollusks from fluvial deposits of VI terrace of Dniester River in Levada section (Moldova,Transnistria) revealed the main characteristic of species composition and evolutional level of these remains. The faunas of this evolutional level existed during the Early Middle Pleistocene and could be correlated with MIS 17.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriya geograficheskaya
The geology and mammal and mollusk fauna from the Late Pleistocene locality Sanmanych (the single... more The geology and mammal and mollusk fauna from the Late Pleistocene locality Sanmanych (the single location of paleontological remains in the Manych basin) in Rostov region are discussed. The received data permit to reconstruct the climatic-environmental condition during the Early Khvalynian transgression in the Manych basin. This transgression was dated by 14 C in the interval between 16–12 kyr BP. As a result of the formation of a Cascade of Eurasian Basins for the first time in the Late Pleistocene Caspian waters of the Khvalynian Sea had flooded to the Manych depression and the Manych-Kerch strait was originated during that time. The marine mollusks appeared in the Manych basin together with Caspian Sea water. The salinity of Khvalynian basin was close to the same of the Caspian Sea (10–12%) and the water temperature was lower than recent one, what confirms by the fact that mollusk’ shells were two-three times smaller than the modern ones of the same species. The analysis of the ...
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriya geograficheskaya
The Middle Palaeolithic site Betovo was discovered in the early 1970s by L.M. Tarasov, who summar... more The Middle Palaeolithic site Betovo was discovered in the early 1970s by L.M. Tarasov, who summarized data on paleoecology and habitat conditions on this site in a number of publications. However, the stratigraphic position of the deposits containing the cultural layer remained rather uncertain due to the fact that in the sections of the site it was not possible to identify the reference loess-soil horizons and data on the age of the cultural layer were not obtained. A comprehensive study of the site, renewed since 2007 under the direction of archaeologist A. K. Ocherednoi in the frame of the Verkhnyaya Desna expedition of the Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS, permit to detail the deposition rhythmic during the Late Pleistocene and the stratigraphic position of the cultural layers in different parts of the site. By received 14 C data, the site was inhabited in the range of 28.5–36.0 cal kyr BP (calibrated dates), i.e., belongs to the end of the Valdai megainterstadi...
Mammal faunas in Europe at the end of the Early - Beginning of the Middle Pleistocene, 2016
In this paper the authors analysed data of small and large mammal faunas of Europe within the int... more In this paper the authors analysed data of small and large mammal faunas of Europe within the interval from the Jaramillo palaeomagnetic event to the beginning of the Early Middle Pleistocene (1.07 - 0.7 Ma BP)
The small fauna from Arapovichi section (Desna River basin) was analised. The mammal remains wer... more The small fauna from Arapovichi section (Desna River basin) was analised. The mammal remains were fou7nd in the deposits of the Bryansk paleosol (the end of MIS 3). The species composition includes the tundra and steppe species. The forest species are absent. The environment of the periglacial tundra-steppe was reconstructed
Early Middle Pleistocene Fauna Of Fossil Rodents And Loess-Paleosol Series Of The Pekla Key Section (Taman Peninsula, Russia)
The history of the early Middle Pleistocene small mammal faunas of Eastern Europe is very complic... more The history of the early Middle Pleistocene small mammal faunas of Eastern Europe is very complicated. The early Middle Pleistocene which spanned from the Brunhes-Matuyama transition (772.9 ka BP, within MIS 19) till the beginning of the Likhvin Interglacial (424 ka BP, MIS 11) includes a number of interglacials and glaciations. Rodent species of the Tiraspolian faunal assemblage were found in the Chaudian fluvial deposits of the Cape Pekla section (northern coast of the Taman Peninsula). The evolutional level of the Pekla rodents are similar to those from the stratotype section of the Tiraspolian faunal assemblage in the Kolkotova Balka in Moldova (MIS 17) , which includes Eolagurus sp., Mimomys savini, Microtus (Terricola) arvalidens, Microtus (Alexandromys) ex gr. oeconomus and other species. The Pekla fauna also resembles the rodent fauna from famous English West Runton Freshwater Bed locality formed during the Cromerian Interglacial II and some other East and West European faunas. In the current work the entire loess-paleosol sequence of the Pekla section was described with five paleosols from the Middle to the Late Pleistocene. The sequence reflects the complexity of climatic fluctuations from the early Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene.
The palaeoenvironment of the Central Russian Plain during the last part of Valdai Glaciation based on small mammal datafrom the Late Palaeolithic site Byki 7 (Seim R. basin), 2022
The analysis of the Late Pleistocene small mammals' faunas from the three cultural layers of the ... more The analysis of the Late Pleistocene small mammals' faunas from the three cultural layers of the Late Palaeolithic site Byki 7 (the Seim River basin) consist of a combination of steppe and tundra species. Steppe species definitely prevail and include Ochotona pusilla, Marmota bobac, Spermophilus sp., Spalax microphthalmus, Ellobius talpinus, Lagurus lagurus and Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis. Tundra species (collared lemming and Siberian lemming) are only represented by a small amount of remains. The lack of forest dwellers in the Byki 7 small mammal assemblage indicates of the absence of a continuous forest zone on the Central Russian Plain during the end of the Valdai glaciation. The Eurasian geographical distribution of the Rodentia and Lagomorpha species represented in the Byki-7 assemblages, have been reconstructed for the period of deposition of the site. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the multilayer Late Palaeolithic Byki 7 site correlates with the second part of the Valdai Glaciation Maximum cooling (LGM) (22-17 ka BP). Based on the small mammal data the former palaeoenvironmental conditions of the non-analogue periglacial tundra-steppe are reconstructed.
Abstract. A more complex sequence of natural events and small mammal faunas is known from eastern... more Abstract. A more complex sequence of natural events and small mammal faunas is known from eastern Europe during the late Middle Pleistocene than from western Europe. The interval between the Likhvin (Holstein) Interglacial and the Dniepr (Saalian) Glaciation include a further two climatic cycles as compared to the western European sequence. Sediments of most of these cycles contain small mammal localities. The most secure correlation is between the Likhvinian and Holsteinian micromammalian faunas.
The analyse of pollen data from the 48 sections and 121 mammal localities of Eastern Europe relat... more The analyse of pollen data from the 48 sections and 121 mammal localities of Eastern Europe related to the Holocene optimum was carried out. The specifity of environmental condition was revealed
ABSTRACT The most thick and stratigraphically complete Quaternary sequences were complexly studie... more ABSTRACT The most thick and stratigraphically complete Quaternary sequences were complexly studied in the southern regions of the European Russia by group of specialists: A.Velichko and V.Udartsev studied lithology; S.Faustov and E.Virina – paleomagnetism; A.Markova – small mammals; N.Bolikhovskaya – palynology. The Quaternary deposits (~160 m thick) are located in the middle reaches of the Kuma River (East Caucasian Forelands) near Otkaznoye Village (44°19' N, 43°51' E). All analyses were carried out for two vertical profiles. Longest Profile I presents ~140 m thickness penetrated by a borehole on the interfluvial plateau (at ~245.5 m a.s.l.). Three sedimentary cycles are exposed here. The first cycle contains alluvial deposits (127.6–136.4 m) and subaerial strata including three well-developed paleosols (115.8–127.6 m); the second cycle presents alluvium (112.8–115.8 m) and subaerial formations with two paleosols (107.35–112.8 m). The third cycle presents alluvial-proluvial series (64.9–107.35 m) and a thick member of loessial deposits with 6 paleosols (1.4–64.9 m). The Matuyama-Brunhes reversal (~0.778 Ma) was found at 75 m a.s.l. The Jaramillo event was recognized within the Matuyama zone in the 103.0–113.0 m interval. According to pollen data, deposition of this interfluvial series took place during the Early–Upper Pleistocene and terminated in the formation of thick upper loess, which was deposited during the Dnieper Glaciation and during the first half of the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial. The results obtained from Upper Pleistocene deposits were completed by analysis of Valdai sediments of lower terraces of the Kuma R. Palynological characteristics of the deposits located below the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary are fragmentary and permit reconstruction of only some stages of the Early Pleistocene. Two phases were distinguished in the deposits related to the Jaramillo event. The first phase was characterized by cooling and aridization (steppe landscapes). The second phase was characterized by warming and increasing of humidity (broadleaf forests). Comprehensive palynological information provided a basis for reconstructing of flora evolution, vegetation and climate changes for 15 interglacial and cold stages of the Brunhes Chron. For the most part of this period the Terek-Kuma Lowland was occupied by interglacial forest-steppes or by periglacial forest-steppes. For the first time in Middle Pleistocene history (Likhvin Interglacial, MIS 11, Paleosol Complex IV) steppes became dominant here. More than a hundred of small mammal remains from PC IV were studied (Spermophilus pygmaeus, Spalax microphtalmus, Cricetus cricetus, Cricetulus migratorius, Eolagurus luteus volgensis, Lagurus lagurus, Microtus ex. gr. arvalis-socialis). Rodent fauna was attributed to Singilian-Gunkovian mammal assemblage and very characteristic to steppe landscapes. Dry steppes and semi-deserts that appeared occasionally in the Middle Kuma basin at some warm Early Pleistocene intervals assumed dominant importance during Mid-Late Pleistocene, firstly at the cryoxerotic stage of the Dnieper ice age (~MIS 6), and later at the same stage of the Valdai glacial epoch (~MIS 4-2). The vegetation at those stages were typical periglacial. Forest landscapes were dominant during five intervals. At the Muchkap Interglacial (~MIS 15) prevailed broad-leaved forests with participation of subtropical species. Broad-leaved forests (mesophytic or xerophytic) occupied the region during the interglacials corresponding to ~ MIS 9, MIS 7 and MIS 5. Some phases of the Kaluga cold epoch (~MIS 10) were marked by dominance of spruce and Siberian stone pine forests. The named five “forest” phases correspond to climate-induced rises of Caspian Sea level during the Mid-Late Pleistocene. Keywords: Quaternary, East Caucasian Forelands, environments.
Several characteristic species are present in this multilayered cave site, such as Ellobius ex gr... more Several characteristic species are present in this multilayered cave site, such as Ellobius ex gr. tancrei, Meriones libycus selunguricus, Alticola argentatus, Microtus (Neodon) ex gr. juldaschi and others together with numerous Acheulian artefacts and the remains of molars and a fragment o f the skull of Homo erectus. The fauna most likely is of Middle Pleistocene age.
the analysis of small mammals and freshwater mollusks from fluvial deposits of VI terrace of Dnie... more the analysis of small mammals and freshwater mollusks from fluvial deposits of VI terrace of Dniester River in Levada section (Moldova,Transnistria) revealed the main characteristic of species composition and evolutional level of these remains. The faunas of this evolutional level existed during the Early Middle Pleistocene and could be correlated with MIS 17.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriya geograficheskaya
The geology and mammal and mollusk fauna from the Late Pleistocene locality Sanmanych (the single... more The geology and mammal and mollusk fauna from the Late Pleistocene locality Sanmanych (the single location of paleontological remains in the Manych basin) in Rostov region are discussed. The received data permit to reconstruct the climatic-environmental condition during the Early Khvalynian transgression in the Manych basin. This transgression was dated by 14 C in the interval between 16–12 kyr BP. As a result of the formation of a Cascade of Eurasian Basins for the first time in the Late Pleistocene Caspian waters of the Khvalynian Sea had flooded to the Manych depression and the Manych-Kerch strait was originated during that time. The marine mollusks appeared in the Manych basin together with Caspian Sea water. The salinity of Khvalynian basin was close to the same of the Caspian Sea (10–12%) and the water temperature was lower than recent one, what confirms by the fact that mollusk’ shells were two-three times smaller than the modern ones of the same species. The analysis of the ...
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriya geograficheskaya
The Middle Palaeolithic site Betovo was discovered in the early 1970s by L.M. Tarasov, who summar... more The Middle Palaeolithic site Betovo was discovered in the early 1970s by L.M. Tarasov, who summarized data on paleoecology and habitat conditions on this site in a number of publications. However, the stratigraphic position of the deposits containing the cultural layer remained rather uncertain due to the fact that in the sections of the site it was not possible to identify the reference loess-soil horizons and data on the age of the cultural layer were not obtained. A comprehensive study of the site, renewed since 2007 under the direction of archaeologist A. K. Ocherednoi in the frame of the Verkhnyaya Desna expedition of the Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS, permit to detail the deposition rhythmic during the Late Pleistocene and the stratigraphic position of the cultural layers in different parts of the site. By received 14 C data, the site was inhabited in the range of 28.5–36.0 cal kyr BP (calibrated dates), i.e., belongs to the end of the Valdai megainterstadi...
Mammal faunas in Europe at the end of the Early - Beginning of the Middle Pleistocene, 2016
In this paper the authors analysed data of small and large mammal faunas of Europe within the int... more In this paper the authors analysed data of small and large mammal faunas of Europe within the interval from the Jaramillo palaeomagnetic event to the beginning of the Early Middle Pleistocene (1.07 - 0.7 Ma BP)
The small fauna from Arapovichi section (Desna River basin) was analised. The mammal remains wer... more The small fauna from Arapovichi section (Desna River basin) was analised. The mammal remains were fou7nd in the deposits of the Bryansk paleosol (the end of MIS 3). The species composition includes the tundra and steppe species. The forest species are absent. The environment of the periglacial tundra-steppe was reconstructed
Evolution of European Ecosystems duringPleistocene-Holocene transition (24-8 kyr BP), 2019
The evolution of ecosystems in Europe during 24 - 8 kyr BP based on the mammalian and floristic d... more The evolution of ecosystems in Europe during 24 - 8 kyr BP based on the mammalian and floristic data was revealed. The ecosystems of Europe for principal intervals of the second part of last glaciation and the Early Holocene were reconstructed. A more than 100 electronic maps with the mammalian and plant data for the interstadials and stadials of last glaciation and for the Preboreal and Boreal (Early Holocene)were constructed. The principal environmental and climatic changes during last 24 kyr BP were revealed.
The structure of the databases PALEOFAUNA and PALEOFLORA is presented. The maps of European mamma... more The structure of the databases PALEOFAUNA and PALEOFLORA is presented. The maps of European mammal and plant distribution related to the different intervals of the Late Pleistocene and the Early Holocene were constructed.
The principal changes in mammal ranges and the ranges of mammal assemblages during 24 - 8 kyr BP ... more The principal changes in mammal ranges and the ranges of mammal assemblages during 24 - 8 kyr BP in Europe were discussed
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
in the east), Spermophilus sp., Lemmus sibiricus, Dicrostonyx gulielmi, Microtus gregalis, M. arv... more in the east), Spermophilus sp., Lemmus sibiricus, Dicrostonyx gulielmi, Microtus gregalis, M. arvalis, and Larix (in the east), Picea, Pinus, Alnus, Ericales, Gramineae, Saxifragaceae, and Chenopodiaceae (in the east), Ephedra (in the east), Armeria (in the west) and
Small mammal fauna from Late Palaeolithic site Byki 7 (Seim basin): species composition, paleoreconstructions, 2021
Small mammal fauna from the Late Palaeolithic site Byki 7 (Seim R. basin) was investigated. The f... more Small mammal fauna from the Late Palaeolithic site Byki 7 (Seim R. basin) was investigated. The fauna includes only steppe and tundra species. The periglacial tundra-steppe environments were reconstructed
The mammalian faunas of Late Glacial - Holocene (Upper Don River basin), 2019
The Late Glacial - Holocene mammalian faunas from the settlements and natural localities of Upper... more The Late Glacial - Holocene mammalian faunas from the settlements and natural localities of Upper Don basin were analysed. The strong changes in the landscapes were revealed.
Institute of Geography, RAS, Moscow, Russia, amarkova@list.ru Betovo Palaeolithic site is situate... more Institute of Geography, RAS, Moscow, Russia, amarkova@list.ru Betovo Palaeolithic site is situated near the Betovo village in the Desna drainage basin (Briansk provinc Tarasov (1974. He attributed Betovo site to the Middle Palaeolithic. Dr. A.K.
The paper is concerned with the small mammal fauna evolution in Europe in the Middle Pleistocene.... more The paper is concerned with the small mammal fauna evolution in Europe in the Middle Pleistocene. The information on the faunas of the end of the Early Pleistocene have been also taken into consideration. The data available made possible identifying several stages in the small mammal evolution. Not all intervals within the Middle Pleistocene are provided with sufficient information for recognizing individual stages; that is particularly true for the cold periods of the Middle Pleistocene -the Donian and the Okian glaciations (=Elsterian, =Anglian). The stages of evolution of the East European faunas have been correlated with those of Western Europe. Based on the studies of small mammal localities, the biostratigraphic scheme has been developed; the principal phylogenetic lineages of Arvicolinae were traced. Problems of evolution of the European Middle Pleistocene small mammals and the synchronization of the principal stages of their evolution with geological and climatic events have been examined in many previous publications of European palaeontologists from the beginning of XX century. In this paper we try to analyze the main stages in the evolution of the European small mammal fauna referring to the period from the Jaramillo paleomagnetic event (the end of the Early Pleistocene 1.07 -0.99 Ma, ~MIS 26-30) till the end of the Middle Pleistocene -till the beginning of Eemian (=Mikulino) Interglacial (MIS 5e) (~ 0,30 Ma). The ages of the temporal intervals were given according to oxygen isotope curve (Lisiecki and Raymo 2005). A significant number of global climatic events, glaciations and interglacials, correspond to this period. We tried to recognize the response of the small mammal faunas to the different climatic events during the Middle Pleistocene, to synchronize the faunas of Eastern Europe with those of Western Europe, to examine the principal evolutional changes in the different phylogenetic lineages of Arvicolinae during the Middle Pleistocene. On the Russian Plain most of localities are found in great geological sequences studied not only paleontologically, but also by several methods including paleomagnetic stratigraphy. Those supplementary data help to determine the stratigraphic position of mammal faunas. A Kamenkian =Reinsdorf= Parfleet Interglacial (MIS 9)(0,337-0,300 Ma) The most characteristic to this interval are Lagurus ex gr. transiens -lagurus (=L. chosaricus), Arvicola chosaricus, Microtus gregalis, Microtus arvalis, Microtus oeconomus. In steppe lemmings of the Lagurus genus the 'lagurus' morphotype is dominant in faunas of the Khozarian type. The locality of Schöningen 13-II, Layers 13-II-2, II-3, II-4 includes Arvicola terrestris cantianus, Microtus (Terricola) subterraneus, M. arvalis, M. agrestis, M. oeconomus, M. (Stenocranius) gregalis, Apodemus sylvaticus and others. Geological data and the Arvicolinae morphological characteristics gave grounds for dating the fauna to an interglacial younger than Holsteinian -to Reinsdorf one correlatable with MIS 9 (van Kolfschoten 2014)
Two unique Eemian small mammal faunas related to liman and marine deposits of the Black Sea prese... more Two unique Eemian small mammal faunas related to liman and marine deposits of the Black Sea presented in this paper
The European large mammal fauna during the end of the Early Pleistocene - the Middle Pleistocene ... more The European large mammal fauna during the end of the Early Pleistocene - the Middle Pleistocene was analyzed with a help of statistic methods
The Karangatian transgression is a significant milestone in the Pleistocene history of the Azov-B... more The Karangatian transgression is a significant milestone in the Pleistocene history of the Azov-Black Sea (referred to here as the Pont); it was a large interglacial transgression by Mediterranean water that increased the level and salinity of the Pont above present values. Karangatian deposits are found almost everywhere across the Pont and are well studied by multidisciplinary methods. All researchers agree with their stratigraphic position and their possession of different fossil Mediterranean groups of organisms that do not live in the Pont today.
Papers by Anastasia K Markova