International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
Cybersecurity teams may fortify their defences against a wide range of threats and assaults with ... more Cybersecurity teams may fortify their defences against a wide range of threats and assaults with the use of artificial intelligence (AI), which automates mundane tasks, improves reaction times, and increases accuracy. This article analyses the literature systematically and presents a comprehensive examination of AI use cases for cybersecurity. This paper looks at the opportunities and challenges that AI brings to cybersecurity. The necessity of strengthening cybersecurity measures because of the growth of the complexity of cyber threats has led to the extended application of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity. This research also analyses the factors that hinder the successful deployment of AI in cybersecurity, including data quality, bias in machine learning, interpretability of decisions made by the AI systems and the ability of AI to learn new threats in the future. Furthermore, the study raises the question of what exactly AI adds to cybersecurity: threat detection and analysis, predictive analysis, automation of analysis, and quicker response to threats. This paper’s analysis of the benefits and risks of AI for cybersecurity is intended for stakeholders interested in optimising the role of AI while also being mindful of its imperfections. The outcomes indicate the imperative to have effective measures for addressing barriers and more effectively leverage AI for improving frameworks for cybersecurity.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
In an effort to increase positioning accuracy in difficult circumstances, this study examined the... more In an effort to increase positioning accuracy in difficult circumstances, this study examined the use of machine learning (ML) approaches to improve GNSS ambiguity resolution. Performance indicators, such MSE, RMSE, MAE, and R 2 , were used to assess two machine learning models: K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT). GBDT achieved R 2 score of 1.00, the lowest MSE (0.000 meters), RMSE (0.0010 meters), and MAE (0.0007 meters) from the training phase, making it the best performance. With an MSE of 0.000 meters, an RMSE of 0.0049 meters, a MAE of 0.0031 meters, and a R 2 of 1.00, KNN also demonstrated impressive performance. GBDT maintained its exceptional accuracy throughout the testing phase, with an MSE of 0.000 meters, RMSE of 0.0010 meters, MAE of 0.0007 meters, and an R 2 of 1.00. KNN performed competitively, with an MSE of 0.000 meters, RMSE of 0.0050 meters, MAE of 0.0032 meters, and R 2 of 1.00. These comprehensive results demonstrate the usefulness of machine learning approaches, notably GBDT and KNN, in greatly enhancing GNSS ambiguity resolution. Such developments are critical for overcoming the obstacles given by urban canyons, dense vegetation, and other obscuring settings that have previously hampered GNSS location technologies.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the h... more This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the hypodermis layer, under physiological conditions. By examining the heat transfer from skeletal muscles to the skin surface, we explored the impact of muscle contractions on thermal dynamics. The mathematical equations are simplified using a conversion from Eulerian to Lagrangian variables, and boundary conditions are imposed. The findings indicate that skeletal muscle temperature decreases over time, with higher metabolic rates accelerating this decline, while increased blood perfusion rates decelerate it. Additionally, we model the temperature distribution in skeletal muscle during rhythmic contractions, employing bioheat transfer equations that incorporate muscle physiology, blood perfusion, and metabolic heat generation. Numerical methods are used to solve the model, providing insights into temperature distribution patterns influenced by contraction frequency and intensity. These results have significant implications for applications in sports science, medical diagnostics, and therapeutic interventions.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
Jatropha curcas is considered as an alternative energy source to help solve the energy crisis and... more Jatropha curcas is considered as an alternative energy source to help solve the energy crisis and environmental issues.A study on the physicochemical properties of Sudanese Jatropha curcas seed oil to evaluate as a source to produce biodiesel. The oil was obtained by chemical extraction and by mechanical pressing. The oil content in seeds was found to be about 30% (w/v). Physicochemical properties of Sudanese J. curcas seed oil: 1-(chemical extract) are: Density (0.91744, at 15 0C) biodiesel, 0.88 g/cm3 , specific gravity (0.91834), kinematic viscosity (35.36 mm2/5 at 40 0C) biodiesel 1.9-6.0 mm2/5, ; water content (0.0) biodiesel Max 0.05% ; flash point, 1850C) biodiesel Min 130 OC. ; cloud point, (0oC); pour point (-6oC); micro carbon residue (0.15%). 2-(pressing extract) are: (26.6%) (13.3%) acid number and & free fatty acid (0.91784 g/cm3) density at 15oC, (0.91874) specific gravity, and showed high value (35.73 mm2/5) kinematic viscosity at 40, (0.1%) water content, (208 oC) flash point, (3o C) cloud point, (-3o C) pour point, (0.2 %) micro carbon residue. The present study shows similar results color stability 1.5 and copper corrosion 1a for both chemical and pressing extract oil. The physicochemical properties of Sudanese jatropha cursas seed oil within the range of standards of biodiesel, but kinematic viscosity and free fatty acids are very high, so can be modified to decrease them.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the h... more This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the hypodermis layer, under physiological conditions. By examining the heat transfer from skeletal muscles to the skin surface, we explored the impact of muscle contractions on thermal dynamics. The mathematical equations are simplified using a conversion from Eulerian to Lagrangian variables, and boundary conditions are imposed. The findings indicate that skeletal muscle temperature decreases over time, with higher metabolic rates accelerating this decline, while increased blood perfusion rates decelerate it. Additionally, we model the temperature distribution in skeletal muscle during rhythmic contractions, employing bioheat transfer equations that incorporate muscle physiology, blood perfusion, and metabolic heat generation. Numerical methods are used to solve the model, providing insights into temperature distribution patterns influenced by contraction frequency and intensity. These results have significant implications for applications in sports science, medical diagnostics, and therapeutic interventions.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
Wrongly considered a "weed", Couchgrass is a tenacious grass whose rhizome (underground stems) co... more Wrongly considered a "weed", Couchgrass is a tenacious grass whose rhizome (underground stems) contains many compounds with diuretic, draining and purifying properties. This fiber is traditionally used to improve the characteristics of the soil for earth constructions. This study is intended to physically characterize couchgrass fibers (ELYTRIGIA REPENS). The fibers, collected in AGOE DALIKO in Togo, cut into pieces of dimensions of approximately 3 to 5 cm, underwent identification tests, physical and water characterizations. Couchgrass fibers have an apparent density of 0.49 and an absolute density of 1.6. They become saturated with water after an imbibition time of 2.5 h and lose their water after drying times of 128 h, 80 h and 3 h at exposure temperatures of 29°C, 32°C and 140°C. After 2 h to 3 h, couch grass fibres completely lose their properties. This study has highlighted the sensitivity of couch grass fibres to water and heat, allowing provisions to be made regarding their use as reinforcing fibres for earth constructions.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
The study area is located in Khartoum, Khartoum State, central Sudan. The research dealt with stu... more The study area is located in Khartoum, Khartoum State, central Sudan. The research dealt with studying the ancient depositional environments, architecture, facies types, and sedimentary paleogeography of the Omdurman Formation (Upper-Cretaceous), northern part of the Khartoum Basin. Few studies were conducted in the study area, so this study will add more clarity to the Basin, fieldwork was conducted, geological observations were recorded, in addition to grain size analysis was done by using the sieve analysis technique. Lithofacies analysis indicates that the Omdurman Formation contains matrix-supported conglomerate (Gm), trough cross-bedded sandstone facies (St), plane cross-bedded sandstone facies (Sp), laminated silt facies (Fl), and massive mudstone facies. (Fm). In this member (Al-Markhiyat) coarse facies are common and some fine facies appear such as the alluvial facies (Fl) and the massive mudstone facies (Fm). This facies was deposited by braided, slightly meandering rivers characterized by shallow channels. The second, which is the bottom, is called the Umbada Member, as this member shows fining upward facies sequences of vertically accumulated sediments of channels and islands. The depositional model of the Omdurman Formation can be represented by a coarse-upward depositional cycle that appears to be controlled by internal and external factors.
This present research consists in realizing a model of cold room for the conservation of pharmace... more This present research consists in realizing a model of cold room for the conservation of pharmaceutical products in the health center of Porédaka in Mamou in the Republic of Guinea. During this realization, we used the components necessary for its installation, then we chose the experimental model and then, proceed to the cutting and assembly. The prototype produced works with three temperature ranges which are defined as follows: from the point of operation for the conservation of pharmaceutical products, there are cold rooms whose conservation in ambient temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C, those of refrigeration whose temperature ranges vary from 2 ° C to 8 ° and finally those whose operating temperature varies between -20 ° C and -80 ° C (freezing). Considering all these temperature ranges that our prototype supports, we can say that three cold rooms have been made in one.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
The aim of this work is to carry out a numerical analysis of the radiative, conductive and convec... more The aim of this work is to carry out a numerical analysis of the radiative, conductive and convective transfers in the walls of a 2D cold room in order to determine the temperature variation from outside to inside. The device, powered by photovoltaic solar panels installed above the roof via a refrigeration unit, is adjoined by a technical room. The cold store, including the technical room, measuring 5.10 m × 3.00 m × 2.60 m, rests on concrete blocks some 40 cm above the ground, creating a hollow space. Its main purpose is to reduce rising damp. A program was developed in Matlab software to calculate the global radiation received on each wall, including the roof. Thus, for each month from March to May, we calculated the global flux received by the walls on a typical day of the corresponding month. This report presents the computational simulation model implemented using COMSOL Multiphysics, CFD (Computational Fluids Dynamic) software for thermo-fluid-dynamic simulations. We were able to obtain a maximum temperature of 315 K for the outer face and 280.14 K for the inner face. The results of this numerical analysis are validated with those of the program developed on Matlab
In the Global scenario of communication, Internet of Things provides the better way to interact w... more In the Global scenario of communication, Internet of Things provides the better way to interact with. Healthcare system using IoT is the combination of advance conceptual form of multidisciplinary engineering and medical field which benefit the innovations towards health-care systems. At present scenario, IoT is often incorporated with remote health monitoring solutions, for those who require regular attention such as aged patients and patient with severe conditions. Heavy traffic conditions have always become a burden to ambulance services which results sometimes fatal to critical condition patients. By considering the situation smart ambulance is a solution for the remote observation of patient's body parameters. Here, two innovative ideas have been proposed where an IoT based vehicle takes automatic control actions during emergency inside the ambulance which would be a life savior of patients during hospitalization and incorporation of medical drones to supply the lifesaving drugs inside the ambulance tracking from the nearest location at the shortest period of time. After incorporation with several cases the system comes out with the efficiency of 95%. With this proposed system society will get benefitted specially during the ongoing covid19 pandemic situation by maintaining social distancing.
Evapotranspiration (ETo) is a complex, dynamic and non-linear hydrological process. Accurate esti... more Evapotranspiration (ETo) is a complex, dynamic and non-linear hydrological process. Accurate estimation of ETo has long been an eminent topic of interest in the research community for its importance in effective planning and sustainable water resource management. Although the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (PM) equation has been accepted as a standard equation for ETo measurement, the primary concern that inhibits the applicability of this equation is the requirement for all the climatological variables, which might not be available at a given location. Owning to the remarkable success and accuracy achieved by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in almost every sphere, scientists have proposed the usage AI models for ETo prediction as an alternate to the conventional methods. The artificial intelligence approach emerges as the best possible solution to map the relationships between climatic parameters and ET, even with limited knowledge of the interactions between variables. The results from the publications published over the last few years for ETo prediction using AI under varied agro-climatic scenarios have been analysed and synthesized. The advantages and disadvantages of the established AI techniques have been discussed in each subsection. The characteristics of the basic artificial intelligence models are also explored in this paper. Some of the derived insights and major findings are discussed. A research vision for the novice researchers in the applicability of the aforementioned techniques, in context of ETo prediction, but also be helpful as a compilation of the AI modelling studies for ETo prediction for the established water resource engineers and hydrologists.
The COVID-19 pandemic affect healthcare professionals around the globe. Psychological effects in ... more The COVID-19 pandemic affect healthcare professionals around the globe. Psychological effects in countries like Afghanistan are higher as compare to other countries where such illnesses are still stigmatized and untreated. Therefore, this research is conducted to examine the prevalence and associated features of anxiety and depression in workers of Nangarhar public health hospital during COVID-19 outbreak. For accomplishment of research objective, a descriptive, cross-sectional research of n=359 healthcare workers were conducted from September 15 to December 15, 2020 in Nangarhar public health hospital. Anxiety and depression were assessed using the General Anxiety Disorder-7 and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 instruments, respectively. The Chi-squared test was used to evaluate the association between demographic variables age, gender, education, designation, job experience, and COVID-19 exposure with anxiety and depression. The outcomes indicated that doctors were more likely than other health care professionals to suffer from anxiety and depression; 61.5% severe anxiety and 76.9% severe depression with p value 0.000. Furthermore, depression and mild to moderate anxiety were found high in females whereas severe anxiety and depression was found high in males: 69.2% of sever anxiety and 76.9% of severe depression with p value 0.000. In sum doctors who deal with patients with COVID-19 are more likely to experience significant anxiety and depression. Early detection and supportive treatment are critical to ensuring that clinical and paramedical personnel allocated to patient care have access to physical and mental health services.
Clinical decision making is a complex task for physicians since it requires the utmost accuracy o... more Clinical decision making is a complex task for physicians since it requires the utmost accuracy of diagnosis. This paper proposes a medical decision support system based on Genetic Algorithm and Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) for the diagnosis of diabetes on a Pima Indian Diabetes dataset of UCI machine learning repository. The proposed system uses Genetic algorithm selects a more significant feature subset from the given feature set of the dataset and uses Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) for The results show the classification accuracy of the proposed system outperforms that of various existing systems. The performance of the proposed system is analyzed using various parameters like classification accuracy, using 10 -fold crossvalidation and confusion matrix.
Wireless sensor networks are becoming very popular from daily life to environmental monitoring, a... more Wireless sensor networks are becoming very popular from daily life to environmental monitoring, agriculture, health care, home automation and many more. The survey on these types of networks showed that, the deployment of such sensor networks has dramatically improved in recent years and will boost in the future due to the release of two standards by IEEE and ZigBee Alliance, named as IEEE 802.15.4 standard and ZigBee standard respectively. This is because ZigBee is the only unique standard developed for low-power, a low-cost, low-data rate based wireless technology network, that provides network security, and application support services operating on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) Layer wireless standard. Therefore, it will be beneficial to study the performance of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee sensor networks so that, various solutions can be introduced to improve the quality of such networks. In this paper, the analysis of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee netw...
Repair and rehabilitation mean restoring the damaged structures to make them fit for serviceabili... more Repair and rehabilitation mean restoring the damaged structures to make them fit for serviceability condition. Rehabilitation of structurally deteriorated RC structures is one of the major tasks for the construction industries worldwide. Use of properly selected repair materials can solve this tough task. Durable repair can be obtained only by matching the properties of the base concrete with those of the repair material intended for use. The selection of repair materials is based on their properties, dimensional stability, modulus of elasticity, permeability, chemical resistance, adhesion with parent concrete, coefficient of thermal expansion, easy to use. This study mainly focusing on different repair technology with different materials and testing’s.
Personnel Scheduling or rostering problem is an assignment of shifts to employees. An efficient w... more Personnel Scheduling or rostering problem is an assignment of shifts to employees. An efficient way of crew scheduling can save the scheduling cost for an organizations by means of using minimum manpower. And mostly cost incurred is due to employees assigned for performing a given task so this cost can be saved by optimizing the process of personnel scheduling. This paper describes a tabu search based heuristic algorithm which is applied on bus driver scheduling problem. Solution to this problem is an assignment of duties such that each employee should know when to work and also which task to perform while working. Finding the solution of this problem is minimization of the overall employees needed to cover all the shifts in the schedule and total service time and total scheduling cost while satisfying all the constraints.
This project deals with design and analysis of connecting rod. The existing connecting rod is man... more This project deals with design and analysis of connecting rod. The existing connecting rod is manufactured using carbon steel. The model of connecting rod is carried out using pro E software and analysis is carried out using ansys 14 software. Finite element analysis of connecting rod is done using forged steel. The parameters like von mises stress, strain, deformation and weight reduction were done in ansys software. Forged steel has increased stiffness, reduced weight and reduce stress and stiffer than other material.
Nanotechnologies as well as Nano scale technologies refer to the broad range of research and appl... more Nanotechnologies as well as Nano scale technologies refer to the broad range of research and applicati ons whose common trait is size. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in medicine, electro nics, biomaterials and energy production. One nanometre (nm) is one billionth, or 109, of a meter which means nano metre to a meter is the same as that of a marble to the size of the earth. Green chemistry, also called sustainable che mistry encourages the design of products and proces ses which minimize the use and generation of hazardous substa nces. In this article the applications of Nanotechn ology in different fields are summarized that reduce or elim inate the use or generation of toxic materials and also the synthesis of Nano material and their uses are discu ssed. However the people’s opinion about Nanotechnology throughout the world differs regarding its safe sus tainability in future.
This paper outline the business viability of Distributed or Stand-alone hybrid power system consi... more This paper outline the business viability of Distributed or Stand-alone hybrid power system consisting of Biomass and Diesel versus Traditional Top down grid connected solar power generation. The environment considered in this paper is for RE. It emphasizes and recommends the use of localized renewable hybrid power generation system in order to ascertain a reliable and self sufficient system. The localized renewable system also positively influences the macro economic conditions of area by way of optimization of the components size and the capital investment. The main power source of the energy system is considered as biomass generator and suitable supported by Diesel Generators. The NREL HOMER package is used for optimization realization. The Business viability of Stand-alone hybrid power system consisting of Biomass and Diesel versus Traditional Top down grid connected solar power is done on the basis of Net per unit revenue collected post factoring Transmission, distribution, bil...
In this paper, MOD 16 up counter has been implemented using Cadence front end tools. Verilog RTL ... more In this paper, MOD 16 up counter has been implemented using Cadence front end tools. Verilog RTL has been used for writing the code of counter. The functionality of counter has been tested by writing the testbench of counter and observing its output waveform. Synthesized circuit and gate level netlist is generated by the synthesis tool. It also gives area, power and timing report which is satisfactory for the current design. Finally, physical design of counter is done which includes stages like floorplanning, power planning, placement, clock tree synthesis and routing. Setup time and hold time violations have been checked after routing stage. Total negative slack and worst negative slack have been found to be zero. Total power dissipation is 11767.597 nW and total area occupied by 13 cells of synthesized circuit is 88.200 units.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
Cybersecurity teams may fortify their defences against a wide range of threats and assaults with ... more Cybersecurity teams may fortify their defences against a wide range of threats and assaults with the use of artificial intelligence (AI), which automates mundane tasks, improves reaction times, and increases accuracy. This article analyses the literature systematically and presents a comprehensive examination of AI use cases for cybersecurity. This paper looks at the opportunities and challenges that AI brings to cybersecurity. The necessity of strengthening cybersecurity measures because of the growth of the complexity of cyber threats has led to the extended application of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity. This research also analyses the factors that hinder the successful deployment of AI in cybersecurity, including data quality, bias in machine learning, interpretability of decisions made by the AI systems and the ability of AI to learn new threats in the future. Furthermore, the study raises the question of what exactly AI adds to cybersecurity: threat detection and analysis, predictive analysis, automation of analysis, and quicker response to threats. This paper’s analysis of the benefits and risks of AI for cybersecurity is intended for stakeholders interested in optimising the role of AI while also being mindful of its imperfections. The outcomes indicate the imperative to have effective measures for addressing barriers and more effectively leverage AI for improving frameworks for cybersecurity.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
In an effort to increase positioning accuracy in difficult circumstances, this study examined the... more In an effort to increase positioning accuracy in difficult circumstances, this study examined the use of machine learning (ML) approaches to improve GNSS ambiguity resolution. Performance indicators, such MSE, RMSE, MAE, and R 2 , were used to assess two machine learning models: K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT). GBDT achieved R 2 score of 1.00, the lowest MSE (0.000 meters), RMSE (0.0010 meters), and MAE (0.0007 meters) from the training phase, making it the best performance. With an MSE of 0.000 meters, an RMSE of 0.0049 meters, a MAE of 0.0031 meters, and a R 2 of 1.00, KNN also demonstrated impressive performance. GBDT maintained its exceptional accuracy throughout the testing phase, with an MSE of 0.000 meters, RMSE of 0.0010 meters, MAE of 0.0007 meters, and an R 2 of 1.00. KNN performed competitively, with an MSE of 0.000 meters, RMSE of 0.0050 meters, MAE of 0.0032 meters, and R 2 of 1.00. These comprehensive results demonstrate the usefulness of machine learning approaches, notably GBDT and KNN, in greatly enhancing GNSS ambiguity resolution. Such developments are critical for overcoming the obstacles given by urban canyons, dense vegetation, and other obscuring settings that have previously hampered GNSS location technologies.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the h... more This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the hypodermis layer, under physiological conditions. By examining the heat transfer from skeletal muscles to the skin surface, we explored the impact of muscle contractions on thermal dynamics. The mathematical equations are simplified using a conversion from Eulerian to Lagrangian variables, and boundary conditions are imposed. The findings indicate that skeletal muscle temperature decreases over time, with higher metabolic rates accelerating this decline, while increased blood perfusion rates decelerate it. Additionally, we model the temperature distribution in skeletal muscle during rhythmic contractions, employing bioheat transfer equations that incorporate muscle physiology, blood perfusion, and metabolic heat generation. Numerical methods are used to solve the model, providing insights into temperature distribution patterns influenced by contraction frequency and intensity. These results have significant implications for applications in sports science, medical diagnostics, and therapeutic interventions.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
Jatropha curcas is considered as an alternative energy source to help solve the energy crisis and... more Jatropha curcas is considered as an alternative energy source to help solve the energy crisis and environmental issues.A study on the physicochemical properties of Sudanese Jatropha curcas seed oil to evaluate as a source to produce biodiesel. The oil was obtained by chemical extraction and by mechanical pressing. The oil content in seeds was found to be about 30% (w/v). Physicochemical properties of Sudanese J. curcas seed oil: 1-(chemical extract) are: Density (0.91744, at 15 0C) biodiesel, 0.88 g/cm3 , specific gravity (0.91834), kinematic viscosity (35.36 mm2/5 at 40 0C) biodiesel 1.9-6.0 mm2/5, ; water content (0.0) biodiesel Max 0.05% ; flash point, 1850C) biodiesel Min 130 OC. ; cloud point, (0oC); pour point (-6oC); micro carbon residue (0.15%). 2-(pressing extract) are: (26.6%) (13.3%) acid number and & free fatty acid (0.91784 g/cm3) density at 15oC, (0.91874) specific gravity, and showed high value (35.73 mm2/5) kinematic viscosity at 40, (0.1%) water content, (208 oC) flash point, (3o C) cloud point, (-3o C) pour point, (0.2 %) micro carbon residue. The present study shows similar results color stability 1.5 and copper corrosion 1a for both chemical and pressing extract oil. The physicochemical properties of Sudanese jatropha cursas seed oil within the range of standards of biodiesel, but kinematic viscosity and free fatty acids are very high, so can be modified to decrease them.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the h... more This study presents a theoretical model to investigate heat flow in human skin, focusing on the hypodermis layer, under physiological conditions. By examining the heat transfer from skeletal muscles to the skin surface, we explored the impact of muscle contractions on thermal dynamics. The mathematical equations are simplified using a conversion from Eulerian to Lagrangian variables, and boundary conditions are imposed. The findings indicate that skeletal muscle temperature decreases over time, with higher metabolic rates accelerating this decline, while increased blood perfusion rates decelerate it. Additionally, we model the temperature distribution in skeletal muscle during rhythmic contractions, employing bioheat transfer equations that incorporate muscle physiology, blood perfusion, and metabolic heat generation. Numerical methods are used to solve the model, providing insights into temperature distribution patterns influenced by contraction frequency and intensity. These results have significant implications for applications in sports science, medical diagnostics, and therapeutic interventions.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
Wrongly considered a "weed", Couchgrass is a tenacious grass whose rhizome (underground stems) co... more Wrongly considered a "weed", Couchgrass is a tenacious grass whose rhizome (underground stems) contains many compounds with diuretic, draining and purifying properties. This fiber is traditionally used to improve the characteristics of the soil for earth constructions. This study is intended to physically characterize couchgrass fibers (ELYTRIGIA REPENS). The fibers, collected in AGOE DALIKO in Togo, cut into pieces of dimensions of approximately 3 to 5 cm, underwent identification tests, physical and water characterizations. Couchgrass fibers have an apparent density of 0.49 and an absolute density of 1.6. They become saturated with water after an imbibition time of 2.5 h and lose their water after drying times of 128 h, 80 h and 3 h at exposure temperatures of 29°C, 32°C and 140°C. After 2 h to 3 h, couch grass fibres completely lose their properties. This study has highlighted the sensitivity of couch grass fibres to water and heat, allowing provisions to be made regarding their use as reinforcing fibres for earth constructions.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
The study area is located in Khartoum, Khartoum State, central Sudan. The research dealt with stu... more The study area is located in Khartoum, Khartoum State, central Sudan. The research dealt with studying the ancient depositional environments, architecture, facies types, and sedimentary paleogeography of the Omdurman Formation (Upper-Cretaceous), northern part of the Khartoum Basin. Few studies were conducted in the study area, so this study will add more clarity to the Basin, fieldwork was conducted, geological observations were recorded, in addition to grain size analysis was done by using the sieve analysis technique. Lithofacies analysis indicates that the Omdurman Formation contains matrix-supported conglomerate (Gm), trough cross-bedded sandstone facies (St), plane cross-bedded sandstone facies (Sp), laminated silt facies (Fl), and massive mudstone facies. (Fm). In this member (Al-Markhiyat) coarse facies are common and some fine facies appear such as the alluvial facies (Fl) and the massive mudstone facies (Fm). This facies was deposited by braided, slightly meandering rivers characterized by shallow channels. The second, which is the bottom, is called the Umbada Member, as this member shows fining upward facies sequences of vertically accumulated sediments of channels and islands. The depositional model of the Omdurman Formation can be represented by a coarse-upward depositional cycle that appears to be controlled by internal and external factors.
This present research consists in realizing a model of cold room for the conservation of pharmace... more This present research consists in realizing a model of cold room for the conservation of pharmaceutical products in the health center of Porédaka in Mamou in the Republic of Guinea. During this realization, we used the components necessary for its installation, then we chose the experimental model and then, proceed to the cutting and assembly. The prototype produced works with three temperature ranges which are defined as follows: from the point of operation for the conservation of pharmaceutical products, there are cold rooms whose conservation in ambient temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C, those of refrigeration whose temperature ranges vary from 2 ° C to 8 ° and finally those whose operating temperature varies between -20 ° C and -80 ° C (freezing). Considering all these temperature ranges that our prototype supports, we can say that three cold rooms have been made in one.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2024
The aim of this work is to carry out a numerical analysis of the radiative, conductive and convec... more The aim of this work is to carry out a numerical analysis of the radiative, conductive and convective transfers in the walls of a 2D cold room in order to determine the temperature variation from outside to inside. The device, powered by photovoltaic solar panels installed above the roof via a refrigeration unit, is adjoined by a technical room. The cold store, including the technical room, measuring 5.10 m × 3.00 m × 2.60 m, rests on concrete blocks some 40 cm above the ground, creating a hollow space. Its main purpose is to reduce rising damp. A program was developed in Matlab software to calculate the global radiation received on each wall, including the roof. Thus, for each month from March to May, we calculated the global flux received by the walls on a typical day of the corresponding month. This report presents the computational simulation model implemented using COMSOL Multiphysics, CFD (Computational Fluids Dynamic) software for thermo-fluid-dynamic simulations. We were able to obtain a maximum temperature of 315 K for the outer face and 280.14 K for the inner face. The results of this numerical analysis are validated with those of the program developed on Matlab
In the Global scenario of communication, Internet of Things provides the better way to interact w... more In the Global scenario of communication, Internet of Things provides the better way to interact with. Healthcare system using IoT is the combination of advance conceptual form of multidisciplinary engineering and medical field which benefit the innovations towards health-care systems. At present scenario, IoT is often incorporated with remote health monitoring solutions, for those who require regular attention such as aged patients and patient with severe conditions. Heavy traffic conditions have always become a burden to ambulance services which results sometimes fatal to critical condition patients. By considering the situation smart ambulance is a solution for the remote observation of patient's body parameters. Here, two innovative ideas have been proposed where an IoT based vehicle takes automatic control actions during emergency inside the ambulance which would be a life savior of patients during hospitalization and incorporation of medical drones to supply the lifesaving drugs inside the ambulance tracking from the nearest location at the shortest period of time. After incorporation with several cases the system comes out with the efficiency of 95%. With this proposed system society will get benefitted specially during the ongoing covid19 pandemic situation by maintaining social distancing.
Evapotranspiration (ETo) is a complex, dynamic and non-linear hydrological process. Accurate esti... more Evapotranspiration (ETo) is a complex, dynamic and non-linear hydrological process. Accurate estimation of ETo has long been an eminent topic of interest in the research community for its importance in effective planning and sustainable water resource management. Although the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (PM) equation has been accepted as a standard equation for ETo measurement, the primary concern that inhibits the applicability of this equation is the requirement for all the climatological variables, which might not be available at a given location. Owning to the remarkable success and accuracy achieved by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in almost every sphere, scientists have proposed the usage AI models for ETo prediction as an alternate to the conventional methods. The artificial intelligence approach emerges as the best possible solution to map the relationships between climatic parameters and ET, even with limited knowledge of the interactions between variables. The results from the publications published over the last few years for ETo prediction using AI under varied agro-climatic scenarios have been analysed and synthesized. The advantages and disadvantages of the established AI techniques have been discussed in each subsection. The characteristics of the basic artificial intelligence models are also explored in this paper. Some of the derived insights and major findings are discussed. A research vision for the novice researchers in the applicability of the aforementioned techniques, in context of ETo prediction, but also be helpful as a compilation of the AI modelling studies for ETo prediction for the established water resource engineers and hydrologists.
The COVID-19 pandemic affect healthcare professionals around the globe. Psychological effects in ... more The COVID-19 pandemic affect healthcare professionals around the globe. Psychological effects in countries like Afghanistan are higher as compare to other countries where such illnesses are still stigmatized and untreated. Therefore, this research is conducted to examine the prevalence and associated features of anxiety and depression in workers of Nangarhar public health hospital during COVID-19 outbreak. For accomplishment of research objective, a descriptive, cross-sectional research of n=359 healthcare workers were conducted from September 15 to December 15, 2020 in Nangarhar public health hospital. Anxiety and depression were assessed using the General Anxiety Disorder-7 and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 instruments, respectively. The Chi-squared test was used to evaluate the association between demographic variables age, gender, education, designation, job experience, and COVID-19 exposure with anxiety and depression. The outcomes indicated that doctors were more likely than other health care professionals to suffer from anxiety and depression; 61.5% severe anxiety and 76.9% severe depression with p value 0.000. Furthermore, depression and mild to moderate anxiety were found high in females whereas severe anxiety and depression was found high in males: 69.2% of sever anxiety and 76.9% of severe depression with p value 0.000. In sum doctors who deal with patients with COVID-19 are more likely to experience significant anxiety and depression. Early detection and supportive treatment are critical to ensuring that clinical and paramedical personnel allocated to patient care have access to physical and mental health services.
Clinical decision making is a complex task for physicians since it requires the utmost accuracy o... more Clinical decision making is a complex task for physicians since it requires the utmost accuracy of diagnosis. This paper proposes a medical decision support system based on Genetic Algorithm and Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) for the diagnosis of diabetes on a Pima Indian Diabetes dataset of UCI machine learning repository. The proposed system uses Genetic algorithm selects a more significant feature subset from the given feature set of the dataset and uses Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) for The results show the classification accuracy of the proposed system outperforms that of various existing systems. The performance of the proposed system is analyzed using various parameters like classification accuracy, using 10 -fold crossvalidation and confusion matrix.
Wireless sensor networks are becoming very popular from daily life to environmental monitoring, a... more Wireless sensor networks are becoming very popular from daily life to environmental monitoring, agriculture, health care, home automation and many more. The survey on these types of networks showed that, the deployment of such sensor networks has dramatically improved in recent years and will boost in the future due to the release of two standards by IEEE and ZigBee Alliance, named as IEEE 802.15.4 standard and ZigBee standard respectively. This is because ZigBee is the only unique standard developed for low-power, a low-cost, low-data rate based wireless technology network, that provides network security, and application support services operating on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) Layer wireless standard. Therefore, it will be beneficial to study the performance of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee sensor networks so that, various solutions can be introduced to improve the quality of such networks. In this paper, the analysis of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee netw...
Repair and rehabilitation mean restoring the damaged structures to make them fit for serviceabili... more Repair and rehabilitation mean restoring the damaged structures to make them fit for serviceability condition. Rehabilitation of structurally deteriorated RC structures is one of the major tasks for the construction industries worldwide. Use of properly selected repair materials can solve this tough task. Durable repair can be obtained only by matching the properties of the base concrete with those of the repair material intended for use. The selection of repair materials is based on their properties, dimensional stability, modulus of elasticity, permeability, chemical resistance, adhesion with parent concrete, coefficient of thermal expansion, easy to use. This study mainly focusing on different repair technology with different materials and testing’s.
Personnel Scheduling or rostering problem is an assignment of shifts to employees. An efficient w... more Personnel Scheduling or rostering problem is an assignment of shifts to employees. An efficient way of crew scheduling can save the scheduling cost for an organizations by means of using minimum manpower. And mostly cost incurred is due to employees assigned for performing a given task so this cost can be saved by optimizing the process of personnel scheduling. This paper describes a tabu search based heuristic algorithm which is applied on bus driver scheduling problem. Solution to this problem is an assignment of duties such that each employee should know when to work and also which task to perform while working. Finding the solution of this problem is minimization of the overall employees needed to cover all the shifts in the schedule and total service time and total scheduling cost while satisfying all the constraints.
This project deals with design and analysis of connecting rod. The existing connecting rod is man... more This project deals with design and analysis of connecting rod. The existing connecting rod is manufactured using carbon steel. The model of connecting rod is carried out using pro E software and analysis is carried out using ansys 14 software. Finite element analysis of connecting rod is done using forged steel. The parameters like von mises stress, strain, deformation and weight reduction were done in ansys software. Forged steel has increased stiffness, reduced weight and reduce stress and stiffer than other material.
Nanotechnologies as well as Nano scale technologies refer to the broad range of research and appl... more Nanotechnologies as well as Nano scale technologies refer to the broad range of research and applicati ons whose common trait is size. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in medicine, electro nics, biomaterials and energy production. One nanometre (nm) is one billionth, or 109, of a meter which means nano metre to a meter is the same as that of a marble to the size of the earth. Green chemistry, also called sustainable che mistry encourages the design of products and proces ses which minimize the use and generation of hazardous substa nces. In this article the applications of Nanotechn ology in different fields are summarized that reduce or elim inate the use or generation of toxic materials and also the synthesis of Nano material and their uses are discu ssed. However the people’s opinion about Nanotechnology throughout the world differs regarding its safe sus tainability in future.
This paper outline the business viability of Distributed or Stand-alone hybrid power system consi... more This paper outline the business viability of Distributed or Stand-alone hybrid power system consisting of Biomass and Diesel versus Traditional Top down grid connected solar power generation. The environment considered in this paper is for RE. It emphasizes and recommends the use of localized renewable hybrid power generation system in order to ascertain a reliable and self sufficient system. The localized renewable system also positively influences the macro economic conditions of area by way of optimization of the components size and the capital investment. The main power source of the energy system is considered as biomass generator and suitable supported by Diesel Generators. The NREL HOMER package is used for optimization realization. The Business viability of Stand-alone hybrid power system consisting of Biomass and Diesel versus Traditional Top down grid connected solar power is done on the basis of Net per unit revenue collected post factoring Transmission, distribution, bil...
In this paper, MOD 16 up counter has been implemented using Cadence front end tools. Verilog RTL ... more In this paper, MOD 16 up counter has been implemented using Cadence front end tools. Verilog RTL has been used for writing the code of counter. The functionality of counter has been tested by writing the testbench of counter and observing its output waveform. Synthesized circuit and gate level netlist is generated by the synthesis tool. It also gives area, power and timing report which is satisfactory for the current design. Finally, physical design of counter is done which includes stages like floorplanning, power planning, placement, clock tree synthesis and routing. Setup time and hold time violations have been checked after routing stage. Total negative slack and worst negative slack have been found to be zero. Total power dissipation is 11767.597 nW and total area occupied by 13 cells of synthesized circuit is 88.200 units.
Around the world, pollution of the air, water and soil, from municipal, industrial and agricultur... more Around the world, pollution of the air, water and soil, from municipal, industrial and agricultural operations continues to grow and the limited availability of non common man. The program of the 'four R's', which stands for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Renewable energy, has generally been accepted as a useful principle for waste handling and the use of renewable so face this threat successfully with the help of biogenous methane. This paper presents the use of biodegradable waste material of G.B. Pant University to produce biogas through biogas plant.
In this paper I presented my simulation work of simple circular pipe andnozzle in which included ... more In this paper I presented my simulation work of simple circular pipe andnozzle in which included modeling, meshing, pressure drop contour, velocity contour and vel fluent software. I also make the theoretical solution of given pressure drop problem and compare this both result.
Solar energy will be more relevant for developing countries whose energy requirements are increas... more Solar energy will be more relevant for developing countries whose energy requirements are increasing rapidly as a result of large-scale industrialization and growing population. Solar Flat plate collector is the main part of the solar system for tapping solar energy to some useful energy. The surface area installation of solar collector has been increased astonishingly in India as well as some other countries since last decade. From the present work the experimental data were generated from which effect o collector was studied and discussed.
In a little more than a decade since the inception of the Java language, the Java ecosystem has e... more In a little more than a decade since the inception of the Java language, the Java ecosystem has evolved into one that businesses around the world look to for secure, ro enterprise. Java was created to be exploited in highly distributed environments. The portability of the language meant that security had to be incorporated in the very first steps of Java applicati application users could be assured that the code they obtained was secure and had not been tampered with during transmission. This paper explains how to achieve that security. This paper explores the integrated Java platform security that results from the synergy of these two world JVM operates above the operating system security services, meaning that Java Security is actually implemented in the JVM run-time environment. The privileges to be given at the host operating system level to the Java applications execution streams are well established and fully controlled. The paper describes the Java security model as implemented in the z/OS JVM™. In this paper we are also discussin paper will give the brief description of RACF & its groups with respect to z/OS. In this paper we are trying to integrate the JAVA security with the security of an OS. This paper will explain about the OS Secu Abstract In a little more than a decade since the inception of the Java language, the Java ecosystem has evolved into one that businesses around the world look to for secure, robust, and manageable web-based applications that serve the enterprise. Java was created to be exploited in highly distributed environments. The portability of the language meant that security had to be incorporated in the very first steps of Java application development. This way, application users could be assured that the code they obtained was secure and had not been tampered with during transmission. This paper explains how to achieve that security. This paper explores the integrated Java platform ity that results from the synergy of these two world-class environments. Java security as implemented by the JVM operates above the operating system security services, meaning that Java Security is actually implemented in privileges to be given at the host operating system level to the Java applications execution streams are well established and fully controlled. The paper describes the Java security model as implemented in the z/OS JVM™. In this paper we are also discussing about various security levels paper will give the brief description of RACF & its groups with respect to z/OS. In this paper we are trying to integrate the JAVA security with the security of an OS. This paper will explain about the OS Secu
One of the most critical factors in developing pharmaceutical drug substances and analytical test... more One of the most critical factors in developing pharmaceutical drug substances and analytical test methods used to analyze pharmaceutical products should generate valid and meaningful data in terms of reliability, accuracy and precision, regardless of whether it is intended for acceptance, release, stability pharmacokinetic studies. Validation of an analytical method is a process that provides documented evidence that an analytical test method performs in an appropriate manner for the purposes for which it was intended. Method validation is a process used to confirm that the analytical procedure employed for a specific test is suitable for its intended use. Results from method validation can be used to judge the quality, reliability and consistence of analytical results; it is an integral part of any good a for method validation for compound evaluation.USP defines the steps for validation as accuracy, precision, linearity, ruggedness, robustness. Abstract
Today secure communications is increasingly more important to the intended communicators without ... more Today secure communications is increasingly more important to the intended communicators without being intercepted by eavesdroppers. Quantum cryptography promises to revolutioni the key distribution problem in cryptographic system by providing a secure communication channel between two parties with high security guaranteed by the fundamental lows of the physics. Quantum cryptography provides th solution that uses property of polarization to ensure that transmitted data is not disturbed. Basic protocols for QKD provide maximum 25% (B92 protocol) and 50% (BB84 and EPR) idealized efficiency receptively, which is not enough for secure transmission of shared key. This work provides the mechanism that enhances the data security in quantum cryptography during exchange of information by increasing the size of shared key up to 75%. The identity verification mechanism tries to provide maximum success for explanation of Quantum key distribution's EPR protocol is given. Using the EPR method, Alice and Bob could potentially store the prepared entangled particles and then measure them and create the key just going to use it, eliminating the problem of insecure storage. In the Next phase, proposed mechanism is described. The proposed mechanism combines EPR protocol at two stages, (1) from sender to receiver and then (2) from receiver to sender. Doubling EPR protocol enhances information reconciliation as well as privacy amplification. In future the proposed mechanism will be very beneficial where unconditional security is required during key and other secret information exchange.
This paper presents various aspects of mathematical approaches that are used to make analysis of ... more This paper presents various aspects of mathematical approaches that are used to make analysis of computer viruses . The theory of functions ,logics and the automata theory helps to understand the replicati viruses with this methodology leads to various detection strategies .
This paper describes the major characteristics of software engineering such as Maintainability, R... more This paper describes the major characteristics of software engineering such as Maintainability, Reliability, Complexity, Understandability, Reusability and Testability. These characteristics measure by some software metrics. There are many software metrics maintainability, Reliability, Complexity and Reusability of the software. Such characteristics can be measured with the help of Coupling, Cohesion, Cyclomatic Complexity, Inherita These characteristics are used to improve the quality, reliability and understandability of the software and reduced the complexity and cost of the software. Abstract This paper describes the major characteristics of software engineering such as Maintainability, Reliability, Complexity, Understandability, Reusability and Testability. These characteristics measure by some software metrics. There are many software metrics but in this paper our emphasis on those software metrics, which effects the maintainability, Reliability, Complexity and Reusability of the software. Such characteristics can be measured with the help of Coupling, Cohesion, Cyclomatic Complexity, Inheritance, and Comment Percentage and size metrics. These characteristics are used to improve the quality, reliability and understandability of the software and reduced the complexity and cost of the software.
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