International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 2012
... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, ther... more ... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, therefore, that man has been rated as the noblest among the creation (Mirza Nasir Ahmad, 1972: 68). ...
The doctrine of judicial precedent, which states that the court must stand by what has been decid... more The doctrine of judicial precedent, which states that the court must stand by what has been decided in a case when deciding a new case by a judge in court, is commonly known among the countries that practice common law system as a strong tool for preserving uniformity in judicial decisions among courts, but in the recent past, the operation of the doctrine is said to differ from the above, thereby resulting into disparities in pronouncement of judicial decisions especially among courts of co-ordinate jurisdiction. This paper makes an expository study of compliance with judicial precedent in all categories of courts in Malaysia and Nigeria with a view to knowing the areas of compliance and non-compliance with judicial precedent.It also makes suggestionfor better compliance with judicial precedent so as to achievemoreuniformity in judicial decisions.Based ondoctrinal research approach, this paper observed poor compliance with the practice of horizontal precedentwithin the Federal cour...
Introduction: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease. The annual incidence of the disease ... more Introduction: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease. The annual incidence of the disease varies across the globe and it is more common in tropical region. Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES) are chosen for this study since their activities involved rigorous military exercise which can expose them to leptospiral infection from the environment. Objective: To determine the seroprevalence and the level of knowledge, attitude and practice on leptospirosis as well as stress among PALAPES in UPM. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted among 131 PALAPES. The study was conducted from September, 2014 to September 2015. PALAPES are students of UPM who were enrolled in to the military training during their stay on the university campus. Simple random sampling was conducted using computer generated random number of three digits. Information about the socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practice with the stress level were obtained using self-admin...
In the outbreak of infectious diseases in the immediate environment, a more rapid notifiable and ... more In the outbreak of infectious diseases in the immediate environment, a more rapid notifiable and surveillance system is needed to track pandemics and make rapid decisions thereby reducing the spread of communicable diseases. With systems like Google Earth, providing marvellous geo visualization tools and a wider opportunity to explore complex Geospatial crowd sourcing. These system is now moving towards citizens science (citizens who act as observers), thereby engaging the general public in the trend. Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) or Geospatial Crowd sourcing is a kind of phenomena whereby the users of the web are generating the healthcare information for the geo web. The aim of this study is to propose a framework based on existing geospatial mashups services to create a crowd sourcing web application service to alert people in disease outbreak situation, help and rescue people in that location. The methodology used in this study makes it possible for the crowd to dissem...
This study is design to investigate the risk factors and preventive measures in building construc... more This study is design to investigate the risk factors and preventive measures in building construction projects in Abuja FCT, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The study was carried out in the entire building construction project in Abuja, Nigeria. A total of 116 respondents comprising 58 contractors and 58 registered site engineers were used as population of the study. A structured questionnaire containing sixty six (66) items was developed by the researcher and used for the study. Cronbach Alpha, Mean and Standard Deviation were used as the statistical tools to analyze the data, while ttest statistic was employed to test the null hypothesis of the study at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed among others that contracting companies should identify and adequately quantify project risk factors. Adding a risk premium to quotation and time estimation has to be su...
... Page 2. (J h AL BELL0 not hias the outcome of the test. Also. imputation ... The first. three... more ... Page 2. (J h AL BELL0 not hias the outcome of the test. Also. imputation ... The first. three estimators are pararnetric and t,he other five arc noii-pa.ramet,ric: for fiirt,lier details seeToussaint (1974), Hand (1986) antl McLachlan ( 1992). Section ...
The quality of TVE graduates from technological institutions has been a subject of major concern ... more The quality of TVE graduates from technological institutions has been a subject of major concern for most industries in Nigeria. Most industries in Nigeria complaint on TVE graduates as possessing low level skills required for employment in industries and lack of confidence in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. This paper discussed extensively on TVE institutions and industry partnership as a necessity for graduates' skills acquisition. It outlined the concept of TVE and also discussed on the present status of TVE in Nigeria. The causes of a skill gap between the industries and TVE institutions were further explained. The paper also highlights on how to bridge the gap between the industries and TVE institutions. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations made in order to establish linkage between the industries and TVE institutions amongst which are: that TVE institutions and local industries should collaborate to organize seminars and workshops where they will shar...
A great political thinker, Aristotle, while giving analogical description of the nature of humank... more A great political thinker, Aristotle, while giving analogical description of the nature of humankind opined that, "Man is, by nature, a political animal." and that, "he who is not is either a Priest or a beast, most especially the latter." This analogy implies that there is politics wherever you meet more than two people in a discussion. However, such confabulation could be regarded as periphery politics of matrimonial, religious, associational or mercantile interests but not partisanship, which needs political parties as vehicles to gain access into the corridors of power. Democracy may be seen as the bedrock of partisan politics because the intention of the players is to take control of government. However, against this general assumption, this is not the limit of democracy as it could be applied in administration and policy implementation. This paper, therefore, intends to explain how democracy works in the operation of the National Open University of Nigeria in pursuance of the National Policy on Education, especially its mission to extend access to education to otherwise disadvantaged Nigerians, including those who are behind the bars, through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL). The paper also discusses the challenges and offers some solution.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1993
This paper examines the performance of rank transform approach (RT) in eight commonly used error ... more This paper examines the performance of rank transform approach (RT) in eight commonly used error rate methods (three parametric and five non-parametric) in two-group discriminant analysis using homoscedastic normal and non-normal populations. Question arising in some non-parametric error rate estimators is addressed. Monte Carlo results indicate that the efficiency of RLDF (a linear function of ranked training samples that corresponds
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1993
The problem of incomplete training data crops up fairly frequently in discriminant analysis. A ti... more The problem of incomplete training data crops up fairly frequently in discriminant analysis. A time-honoured solution is to impute (fill in) data to the missing values. Working under the assumption that missing values are missing at random (MAR), this paper examines the effects of imputed values on the classification performance of linear (LDF)-, quadratic (QDF)-, and kernel (KDF)-discriminant functions. Five
... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, ther... more ... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, therefore, that man has been rated as the noblest among the creation (Mirza Nasir Ahmad, 1972: 68). ...
Edited by JUDY V. GRABINER All books, monographs, journal articles, and other publications (inclu... more Edited by JUDY V. GRABINER All books, monographs, journal articles, and other publications (including films and other multisensory materials) relating to the history of mathematics are abstracted in the Abstracts Department. The Reviews Department prints extended reviews of selected publications.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1993
A wide variety of strategies for coping with the problem of missing values, which frequently aris... more A wide variety of strategies for coping with the problem of missing values, which frequently arises in multivariate data, have been proposed and tried over the years. One popular and important strategy is to estimate the missing values themselves in some way, usually achieved by imputation techniques. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, this paper investigates the relative performance of five deterministic imputation techniques using normal and non-normal data with several factors that may affect their efficiency. The imputation techniques are: mean substitution method (MSM), EM algorithm (EM), Dear's principal component method (DPC), general iterative principal component method (GIP) and singular value decomposition method (SVD), GIP is a refined, iterative version of DPC, developed to overcome certain problems with the latter. Although results indicate that no single imputation technique is best overall in all combinations of factors studied, MSM and DPC behave erratically; when the intercorrelation among the variables is moderate or high, they performed worse than the iterative imputation techniques-EM, SVD, and GIP-which, under this condition, are equally efficient. An illustrative real data example is given.
Bootstrap is a time-honoured distribution-free approach for attaching standard error to any stati... more Bootstrap is a time-honoured distribution-free approach for attaching standard error to any statistic of interest, but has not received much attention for data with missing values especially when using imputation techniques to replace missing values. We propose a proportional bootstrap method that allows effective use of imputation techniques for all bootstrap samples. Five detcnninistic imputation techniques are examined and particular emphasis is placed on the estimation of standard error for correlation coefficient. Some real data examples are presented. Other possible applications of the proposed bootstrap method are discussed.
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D171972 / BLDSC - British Library... more SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D171972 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 2012
... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, ther... more ... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, therefore, that man has been rated as the noblest among the creation (Mirza Nasir Ahmad, 1972: 68). ...
The doctrine of judicial precedent, which states that the court must stand by what has been decid... more The doctrine of judicial precedent, which states that the court must stand by what has been decided in a case when deciding a new case by a judge in court, is commonly known among the countries that practice common law system as a strong tool for preserving uniformity in judicial decisions among courts, but in the recent past, the operation of the doctrine is said to differ from the above, thereby resulting into disparities in pronouncement of judicial decisions especially among courts of co-ordinate jurisdiction. This paper makes an expository study of compliance with judicial precedent in all categories of courts in Malaysia and Nigeria with a view to knowing the areas of compliance and non-compliance with judicial precedent.It also makes suggestionfor better compliance with judicial precedent so as to achievemoreuniformity in judicial decisions.Based ondoctrinal research approach, this paper observed poor compliance with the practice of horizontal precedentwithin the Federal cour...
Introduction: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease. The annual incidence of the disease ... more Introduction: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease. The annual incidence of the disease varies across the globe and it is more common in tropical region. Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES) are chosen for this study since their activities involved rigorous military exercise which can expose them to leptospiral infection from the environment. Objective: To determine the seroprevalence and the level of knowledge, attitude and practice on leptospirosis as well as stress among PALAPES in UPM. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted among 131 PALAPES. The study was conducted from September, 2014 to September 2015. PALAPES are students of UPM who were enrolled in to the military training during their stay on the university campus. Simple random sampling was conducted using computer generated random number of three digits. Information about the socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practice with the stress level were obtained using self-admin...
In the outbreak of infectious diseases in the immediate environment, a more rapid notifiable and ... more In the outbreak of infectious diseases in the immediate environment, a more rapid notifiable and surveillance system is needed to track pandemics and make rapid decisions thereby reducing the spread of communicable diseases. With systems like Google Earth, providing marvellous geo visualization tools and a wider opportunity to explore complex Geospatial crowd sourcing. These system is now moving towards citizens science (citizens who act as observers), thereby engaging the general public in the trend. Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) or Geospatial Crowd sourcing is a kind of phenomena whereby the users of the web are generating the healthcare information for the geo web. The aim of this study is to propose a framework based on existing geospatial mashups services to create a crowd sourcing web application service to alert people in disease outbreak situation, help and rescue people in that location. The methodology used in this study makes it possible for the crowd to dissem...
This study is design to investigate the risk factors and preventive measures in building construc... more This study is design to investigate the risk factors and preventive measures in building construction projects in Abuja FCT, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The study was carried out in the entire building construction project in Abuja, Nigeria. A total of 116 respondents comprising 58 contractors and 58 registered site engineers were used as population of the study. A structured questionnaire containing sixty six (66) items was developed by the researcher and used for the study. Cronbach Alpha, Mean and Standard Deviation were used as the statistical tools to analyze the data, while ttest statistic was employed to test the null hypothesis of the study at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed among others that contracting companies should identify and adequately quantify project risk factors. Adding a risk premium to quotation and time estimation has to be su...
... Page 2. (J h AL BELL0 not hias the outcome of the test. Also. imputation ... The first. three... more ... Page 2. (J h AL BELL0 not hias the outcome of the test. Also. imputation ... The first. three estimators are pararnetric and t,he other five arc noii-pa.ramet,ric: for fiirt,lier details seeToussaint (1974), Hand (1986) antl McLachlan ( 1992). Section ...
The quality of TVE graduates from technological institutions has been a subject of major concern ... more The quality of TVE graduates from technological institutions has been a subject of major concern for most industries in Nigeria. Most industries in Nigeria complaint on TVE graduates as possessing low level skills required for employment in industries and lack of confidence in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. This paper discussed extensively on TVE institutions and industry partnership as a necessity for graduates' skills acquisition. It outlined the concept of TVE and also discussed on the present status of TVE in Nigeria. The causes of a skill gap between the industries and TVE institutions were further explained. The paper also highlights on how to bridge the gap between the industries and TVE institutions. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations made in order to establish linkage between the industries and TVE institutions amongst which are: that TVE institutions and local industries should collaborate to organize seminars and workshops where they will shar...
A great political thinker, Aristotle, while giving analogical description of the nature of humank... more A great political thinker, Aristotle, while giving analogical description of the nature of humankind opined that, "Man is, by nature, a political animal." and that, "he who is not is either a Priest or a beast, most especially the latter." This analogy implies that there is politics wherever you meet more than two people in a discussion. However, such confabulation could be regarded as periphery politics of matrimonial, religious, associational or mercantile interests but not partisanship, which needs political parties as vehicles to gain access into the corridors of power. Democracy may be seen as the bedrock of partisan politics because the intention of the players is to take control of government. However, against this general assumption, this is not the limit of democracy as it could be applied in administration and policy implementation. This paper, therefore, intends to explain how democracy works in the operation of the National Open University of Nigeria in pursuance of the National Policy on Education, especially its mission to extend access to education to otherwise disadvantaged Nigerians, including those who are behind the bars, through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL). The paper also discusses the challenges and offers some solution.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1993
This paper examines the performance of rank transform approach (RT) in eight commonly used error ... more This paper examines the performance of rank transform approach (RT) in eight commonly used error rate methods (three parametric and five non-parametric) in two-group discriminant analysis using homoscedastic normal and non-normal populations. Question arising in some non-parametric error rate estimators is addressed. Monte Carlo results indicate that the efficiency of RLDF (a linear function of ranked training samples that corresponds
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1993
The problem of incomplete training data crops up fairly frequently in discriminant analysis. A ti... more The problem of incomplete training data crops up fairly frequently in discriminant analysis. A time-honoured solution is to impute (fill in) data to the missing values. Working under the assumption that missing values are missing at random (MAR), this paper examines the effects of imputed values on the classification performance of linear (LDF)-, quadratic (QDF)-, and kernel (KDF)-discriminant functions. Five
... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, ther... more ... ISLAMIC APPROACH TO THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Dr. AbdulMajeed Hassan Bello* _____ ... It is, therefore, that man has been rated as the noblest among the creation (Mirza Nasir Ahmad, 1972: 68). ...
Edited by JUDY V. GRABINER All books, monographs, journal articles, and other publications (inclu... more Edited by JUDY V. GRABINER All books, monographs, journal articles, and other publications (including films and other multisensory materials) relating to the history of mathematics are abstracted in the Abstracts Department. The Reviews Department prints extended reviews of selected publications.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1993
A wide variety of strategies for coping with the problem of missing values, which frequently aris... more A wide variety of strategies for coping with the problem of missing values, which frequently arises in multivariate data, have been proposed and tried over the years. One popular and important strategy is to estimate the missing values themselves in some way, usually achieved by imputation techniques. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, this paper investigates the relative performance of five deterministic imputation techniques using normal and non-normal data with several factors that may affect their efficiency. The imputation techniques are: mean substitution method (MSM), EM algorithm (EM), Dear's principal component method (DPC), general iterative principal component method (GIP) and singular value decomposition method (SVD), GIP is a refined, iterative version of DPC, developed to overcome certain problems with the latter. Although results indicate that no single imputation technique is best overall in all combinations of factors studied, MSM and DPC behave erratically; when the intercorrelation among the variables is moderate or high, they performed worse than the iterative imputation techniques-EM, SVD, and GIP-which, under this condition, are equally efficient. An illustrative real data example is given.
Bootstrap is a time-honoured distribution-free approach for attaching standard error to any stati... more Bootstrap is a time-honoured distribution-free approach for attaching standard error to any statistic of interest, but has not received much attention for data with missing values especially when using imputation techniques to replace missing values. We propose a proportional bootstrap method that allows effective use of imputation techniques for all bootstrap samples. Five detcnninistic imputation techniques are examined and particular emphasis is placed on the estimation of standard error for correlation coefficient. Some real data examples are presented. Other possible applications of the proposed bootstrap method are discussed.
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D171972 / BLDSC - British Library... more SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D171972 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo
Papers by Abdul Bello