НТИ-2022. Научная информация в современном мире: глобальные вызовы и национальные приоритеты. материалы 10-ой научной конференции с международным участием, посвященной 70-летию ВИНИТИ РАН
Proceedings of 24th Scientific Conference “Scientific Services & Internet – 2022”
The work is a development of the research conducted by the authors in the field of creating a Com... more The work is a development of the research conducted by the authors in the field of creating a Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK). The CDSSK is a digital information structure aggregating heterogeneous polythematic information related to scientific knowledge and including a set of subspaces related to various thematic scientific areas. The sources of the CDSSK content are existing information systems, such as the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the Unified Catalog of Geographical Names, the National Electronic Library, etc. A distinctive features of the CDSSK are (a) data support in a structure that complies with the rules of the semantic WEB, and (b) the ability to process a wide range of polythematic queries and provide the ability to navigate through heterogeneous resources using semantic links between them. The real design of the CDSSK should begin with the formation of the ontology of space as a whole and its individual subspaces. In this paper, a hierarchical stru...
The architecture of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) is determined by its... more The architecture of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) is determined by its functions and objectives. CDSSK includes a set of subspaces related to various scientific fields. The unity of subspaces is provided by unified principles for constructing subspaces and ontological connections between their objects. Each subspace includes digital objects, metadata containing facts related to objects, and subject ontologies that provide advanced searches and navigation through space. All information is reflected in the CDSSK according to the rules of the "semantic WEB". The content of each subspace includes a core (time-tested reliable scientific results) and a superstructure - new scientific results that have passed preliminary examination.
The role of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) in the development of educat... more The role of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) in the development of educational technologies is considered. CDSSK is being implemented by a number of Russian organizations as a digital environment of a new generation for the purpose of providing information for scientific research, education, popularization of science and preservation of scientific heritage. The CDSSK structure provides for the formation and support of special components related to secondary and higher education. One of the elements related to education in the structure of the CDSSK is a scientific virtual exhibition. Such an exhibition can be dedicated both to a specific person and a scientific event in general. Virtual exhibitions combine a variety of resources related to the presented topic (biographies of scientists, related museum and archival materials, copies of films, interactive multimedia resources). The paper presents the basic principles of constructing the CDSSK educational compon...
Interdisciplinary thematic projects implemented by means of the electronic library "Scientif... more Interdisciplinary thematic projects implemented by means of the electronic library "Scientific heritage of Russia" allow integrating objects of various nature (printed publications, archival documents, multimedia objects) into a single thematic resource and making it accessible to users. The approaches to the formation of interdisciplinary thematic collections in the digital space of scientific knowledge are investigated. Algorithms for the formation and presentation of a digital interdisciplinary collection are presented. The method of creation and presentation of virtual collections in the information environment of the electronic library "Scientific heritage of Russia". The main types of sections present in most projects are indicated. The main stages of the formation of an interdisciplinary collection in the digital space of knowledge have been formed and described, including the composition of the collection sections, sources for presenting collection materi...
Научно-техническая информация. Серия 1: Организация и методика информационной работы, 2020
На примере тематической области «Микробиология» рассматриваются методологические аспекты формиров... more На примере тематической области «Микробиология» рассматриваются методологические аспекты формирования единого цифрового пространства научных знаний (ЕЦПНЗ), а также основные универсальные классы объектов («персоны», «публикации», «патенты / авторские свидетельства», «архивные документы», «организации») и классы, специфичные для микробиологии («базы данных и коллекции микроорганизмов», «штаммы микроорганизмов»). При выборе профилей метаданных объектов предлагается использовать 10-летний опыт электронной библиотеки «Научное наследие России» и набор атрибутов, принятых для описания штаммов и коллекций в Национальном биоресурсном центре - «Всероссийская коллекция промышленных микроорганизмов» (НБЦ ВКПМ). Описывается методология создания базового рубрикатора как основы предметной онтологии. Практическая реализации этой методологии на примере микробиологии позволила объединить терминологические массивы разных информационных источников с разными системами классификации в единый массив. Для...
Научно-техническая информация. Серия 1: Организация и методика информационной работы, 2020
Рассматриваются принципиальные особенности и подходы к формированию Единого цифрового пространств... more Рассматриваются принципиальные особенности и подходы к формированию Единого цифрового пространства научных знаний (ЕЦПНЗ). Отмечено, что работы по формированию единой среды информационных ресурсов, а далее - знаний ведутся почти четверть века. Приведены нормативные документы, направленные на разработку данной проблемы; отмечено, что существует неоднозначность в подходах к определению единого пространства. Актуализировано определение, сформулированы основные принципиальные особенности пространства знаний, в числе которых отмечены: необходимость включения достоверной фундаментальной и научно-популярной информации; наличие ряда подпространств, связанных между собой, относящихся к отдельным научным направлениям. Проанализированы ресурсы, составляющие основную базу для формирования ЕПЦНЗ. Показаны основные начальные направления работ. Отмечено, что данное научное направление должно стать ключевым в решении задач, поставленных перед научным сообществом в рамках национального проекта «Наук...
The task of forming a digital space of scientific knowledge (DSSK) is analyzed in the paper. The ... more The task of forming a digital space of scientific knowledge (DSSK) is analyzed in the paper. The difference of this concept from the general concept of the information space is considered. DSSK is presented as a set containing objects verified by the world scientific community. The form of a structured representation of the digital knowledge space is a semantic network, the basic organization principle of which is based on the classification system of objects and the subsequent construction of their hierarchy, in particular, according to the principle of inheritance. The classification of the objects that make up the content of the DSSK is introduced. A model of the central data collection system is proposed as a collection of disjoint sets containing digital images of real objects and their characteristics, which ensure the selection and visualization of objects in accordance with multi-aspect user requests. The concept of a user collection is defined, and a hierarchical classifica...
The paper is presents approaches to solving the problem of creating realistic interactive 3D web-... more The paper is presents approaches to solving the problem of creating realistic interactive 3D web-collections of museum exhibits. The presentation of 3D-models of objects based on oriented polygonal structures is considered. The method of creating a virtual collection of 3D-models using interactive animation technology is described. It is also shown how a full-fledged 3D-model is constructed on the basis of individual exposure frames using photogrammetry methods. The paper assesses the computational complexity of constructing realistic 3D-models. For the creation of 3D-models in order to provide them to a wide range of users via the Internet, the so-called interactive animation technology is used. The paper presents the differences between the representations of full-fledged 3D-models and 3D-models presented in the form of interactive multiplication. The technology of creating 3D-models of objects from the funds of the State Biological Museum named K.A Timiryazev and the formation on...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019
This paper studies the problem of building a modern information society as a task of forming a vi... more This paper studies the problem of building a modern information society as a task of forming a virtual knowledge space. This task can be implemented on the IT platform of a digital library, which ensures the formation and provision of information resources in various areas to general public users. It shows how electronic copies of objects of a library, archive and museum storage represented in the form of texts, graphic images, and audio/video objects, including 3D-models, can be integrated using digital library facilities. The concept of a hierarchical level of electronic objects is introduced. The definitions of objects of various levels are given and the principles of work with objects of each level are formulated. The hierarchical representation of electronic objects in a digital library environment is proposed. A distinction between thematic, theme-specific, and interdisciplinary collections is shown. The information environment for forming subtheme collections is represented as a set of databases created by information fund holders. This environment is distributed and unified in terms of the software and hardware used, as well as in terms of a set of requirements for digital images being formed. The paper formulates the basic principles of forming collections of various levels in a digital library environment and reflects the developed digital solutions that ensure their implementation. For each hierarchical level, it gives examples of objects and collections provided on the portal of the Scientific Heritage of Russia Digital Library (SHR DL) and formed in compliance with the proposed principles and digital solutions. In particular, the paper describes in detail the thematic collection of publications in mathematics being a database formed through LibMeta DBMS; interdisciplinary collection “Garden of Life” created in collaboration with one of the Russian museums, and some other collections.
НТИ-2022. Научная информация в современном мире: глобальные вызовы и национальные приоритеты. материалы 10-ой научной конференции с международным участием, посвященной 70-летию ВИНИТИ РАН
Proceedings of 24th Scientific Conference “Scientific Services & Internet – 2022”
The work is a development of the research conducted by the authors in the field of creating a Com... more The work is a development of the research conducted by the authors in the field of creating a Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK). The CDSSK is a digital information structure aggregating heterogeneous polythematic information related to scientific knowledge and including a set of subspaces related to various thematic scientific areas. The sources of the CDSSK content are existing information systems, such as the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the Unified Catalog of Geographical Names, the National Electronic Library, etc. A distinctive features of the CDSSK are (a) data support in a structure that complies with the rules of the semantic WEB, and (b) the ability to process a wide range of polythematic queries and provide the ability to navigate through heterogeneous resources using semantic links between them. The real design of the CDSSK should begin with the formation of the ontology of space as a whole and its individual subspaces. In this paper, a hierarchical stru...
The architecture of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) is determined by its... more The architecture of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) is determined by its functions and objectives. CDSSK includes a set of subspaces related to various scientific fields. The unity of subspaces is provided by unified principles for constructing subspaces and ontological connections between their objects. Each subspace includes digital objects, metadata containing facts related to objects, and subject ontologies that provide advanced searches and navigation through space. All information is reflected in the CDSSK according to the rules of the "semantic WEB". The content of each subspace includes a core (time-tested reliable scientific results) and a superstructure - new scientific results that have passed preliminary examination.
The role of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) in the development of educat... more The role of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) in the development of educational technologies is considered. CDSSK is being implemented by a number of Russian organizations as a digital environment of a new generation for the purpose of providing information for scientific research, education, popularization of science and preservation of scientific heritage. The CDSSK structure provides for the formation and support of special components related to secondary and higher education. One of the elements related to education in the structure of the CDSSK is a scientific virtual exhibition. Such an exhibition can be dedicated both to a specific person and a scientific event in general. Virtual exhibitions combine a variety of resources related to the presented topic (biographies of scientists, related museum and archival materials, copies of films, interactive multimedia resources). The paper presents the basic principles of constructing the CDSSK educational compon...
Interdisciplinary thematic projects implemented by means of the electronic library "Scientif... more Interdisciplinary thematic projects implemented by means of the electronic library "Scientific heritage of Russia" allow integrating objects of various nature (printed publications, archival documents, multimedia objects) into a single thematic resource and making it accessible to users. The approaches to the formation of interdisciplinary thematic collections in the digital space of scientific knowledge are investigated. Algorithms for the formation and presentation of a digital interdisciplinary collection are presented. The method of creation and presentation of virtual collections in the information environment of the electronic library "Scientific heritage of Russia". The main types of sections present in most projects are indicated. The main stages of the formation of an interdisciplinary collection in the digital space of knowledge have been formed and described, including the composition of the collection sections, sources for presenting collection materi...
Научно-техническая информация. Серия 1: Организация и методика информационной работы, 2020
На примере тематической области «Микробиология» рассматриваются методологические аспекты формиров... more На примере тематической области «Микробиология» рассматриваются методологические аспекты формирования единого цифрового пространства научных знаний (ЕЦПНЗ), а также основные универсальные классы объектов («персоны», «публикации», «патенты / авторские свидетельства», «архивные документы», «организации») и классы, специфичные для микробиологии («базы данных и коллекции микроорганизмов», «штаммы микроорганизмов»). При выборе профилей метаданных объектов предлагается использовать 10-летний опыт электронной библиотеки «Научное наследие России» и набор атрибутов, принятых для описания штаммов и коллекций в Национальном биоресурсном центре - «Всероссийская коллекция промышленных микроорганизмов» (НБЦ ВКПМ). Описывается методология создания базового рубрикатора как основы предметной онтологии. Практическая реализации этой методологии на примере микробиологии позволила объединить терминологические массивы разных информационных источников с разными системами классификации в единый массив. Для...
Научно-техническая информация. Серия 1: Организация и методика информационной работы, 2020
Рассматриваются принципиальные особенности и подходы к формированию Единого цифрового пространств... more Рассматриваются принципиальные особенности и подходы к формированию Единого цифрового пространства научных знаний (ЕЦПНЗ). Отмечено, что работы по формированию единой среды информационных ресурсов, а далее - знаний ведутся почти четверть века. Приведены нормативные документы, направленные на разработку данной проблемы; отмечено, что существует неоднозначность в подходах к определению единого пространства. Актуализировано определение, сформулированы основные принципиальные особенности пространства знаний, в числе которых отмечены: необходимость включения достоверной фундаментальной и научно-популярной информации; наличие ряда подпространств, связанных между собой, относящихся к отдельным научным направлениям. Проанализированы ресурсы, составляющие основную базу для формирования ЕПЦНЗ. Показаны основные начальные направления работ. Отмечено, что данное научное направление должно стать ключевым в решении задач, поставленных перед научным сообществом в рамках национального проекта «Наук...
The task of forming a digital space of scientific knowledge (DSSK) is analyzed in the paper. The ... more The task of forming a digital space of scientific knowledge (DSSK) is analyzed in the paper. The difference of this concept from the general concept of the information space is considered. DSSK is presented as a set containing objects verified by the world scientific community. The form of a structured representation of the digital knowledge space is a semantic network, the basic organization principle of which is based on the classification system of objects and the subsequent construction of their hierarchy, in particular, according to the principle of inheritance. The classification of the objects that make up the content of the DSSK is introduced. A model of the central data collection system is proposed as a collection of disjoint sets containing digital images of real objects and their characteristics, which ensure the selection and visualization of objects in accordance with multi-aspect user requests. The concept of a user collection is defined, and a hierarchical classifica...
The paper is presents approaches to solving the problem of creating realistic interactive 3D web-... more The paper is presents approaches to solving the problem of creating realistic interactive 3D web-collections of museum exhibits. The presentation of 3D-models of objects based on oriented polygonal structures is considered. The method of creating a virtual collection of 3D-models using interactive animation technology is described. It is also shown how a full-fledged 3D-model is constructed on the basis of individual exposure frames using photogrammetry methods. The paper assesses the computational complexity of constructing realistic 3D-models. For the creation of 3D-models in order to provide them to a wide range of users via the Internet, the so-called interactive animation technology is used. The paper presents the differences between the representations of full-fledged 3D-models and 3D-models presented in the form of interactive multiplication. The technology of creating 3D-models of objects from the funds of the State Biological Museum named K.A Timiryazev and the formation on...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019
This paper studies the problem of building a modern information society as a task of forming a vi... more This paper studies the problem of building a modern information society as a task of forming a virtual knowledge space. This task can be implemented on the IT platform of a digital library, which ensures the formation and provision of information resources in various areas to general public users. It shows how electronic copies of objects of a library, archive and museum storage represented in the form of texts, graphic images, and audio/video objects, including 3D-models, can be integrated using digital library facilities. The concept of a hierarchical level of electronic objects is introduced. The definitions of objects of various levels are given and the principles of work with objects of each level are formulated. The hierarchical representation of electronic objects in a digital library environment is proposed. A distinction between thematic, theme-specific, and interdisciplinary collections is shown. The information environment for forming subtheme collections is represented as a set of databases created by information fund holders. This environment is distributed and unified in terms of the software and hardware used, as well as in terms of a set of requirements for digital images being formed. The paper formulates the basic principles of forming collections of various levels in a digital library environment and reflects the developed digital solutions that ensure their implementation. For each hierarchical level, it gives examples of objects and collections provided on the portal of the Scientific Heritage of Russia Digital Library (SHR DL) and formed in compliance with the proposed principles and digital solutions. In particular, the paper describes in detail the thematic collection of publications in mathematics being a database formed through LibMeta DBMS; interdisciplinary collection “Garden of Life” created in collaboration with one of the Russian museums, and some other collections.
Innovations are the key factor of the competitiveness of any modern business. This paper gives th... more Innovations are the key factor of the competitiveness of any modern business. This paper gives the systematized results of investigations on the data warehouse technology with an automatic data replenishment from heterogeneous sources. The data warehouse is suggested to contain information about objects having a signicant innovative potential. The selection mechanism for such information is based on quantitative evaluation of the objects innovativeness, in particular their technological novelty and relevance for them. The article presents the general architecture of the data warehouse, describes innovativeness indicators, considers Theory of Evidence application for processing incomplete and fuzzy information, denes basic ideas of measurement pro- cessing procedure to compute probabilistic values of innovativeness components, summarizes using evolutional approach in forming the linguistic model of object archetype, gives information about an experimental check if the model developed is adequate. The results of these investigations can be used for business planning, forecasting technological development, investment project expertise.
This article presents main results of the pilot study of approaches to the subject information se... more This article presents main results of the pilot study of approaches to the subject information search based on automated semantic processing of mass scientific and technical data. The authors focus on technology of building and qualification of search queries with the following filtering and ranking of search data. Software architecture, specific features of subject search and research results application are considered.
Papers by Alexander N. Sotnikov