Amalio Blanco is Professor of Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). He is also a guest professor at several Latin American Universities in the field of social psychology and community intervention to deal with the interpersonal, intergroup, and community after-effects of collective violence. The field in which he has developed his academic activity has been Social Psychology focused on intergroup bias as a source or collective violence, and psychosocial consequences (psychosocial trauma). He has authored books, several papers and books chapters on these issues
Health is a state of physical, social and psychological wellbeing, and not simply the absence of ... more Health is a state of physical, social and psychological wellbeing, and not simply the absence of illness". This definition, repeated ad infinitum since 1948, when it was adopted as its own by the World Health Organization (WHO), and although essentially sidelined by a large proportion of the disciplines traditionally responsible for the study of health, has taken on a new profile in the wake of two developments: on the one hand, the shift from a health model bound up with illness and focused on the presence within the subject of physical or psychological symptoms to a model revolving around the presence of indicators and conditions that promote and facilitate wellbeing, and following on from this, the realization that such a state of wellbeing can only apply to subjects within a particular set of socio-historical coordinates. The idea of a subject suspended in a vacuum, a biomedical subject within a biological psychiatry (Pérez, 2003, p. 13), propagated by traditional Clinical Psychology, is pure fiction. Such a subject does not exist: he would lack "humanity" (Johann F. Herbart), she would have no higher mental structure (Vygotsky), he would be incapable of developing as a person in the psychological sense of the term (Mead), she would lack identity, according to the proposals of Festinger and Tajfel. In a Psychology that claims to respond in a valid way to the challenges of today's world it is essential to take on board a simple assumption which enjoys solid theoretical and empirical support: that health is a state of wellbeing of a subject belonging to a socio-historical context. A concept of health revolving around conditions that promote wellbeing was what had been promised by Positive Psychology (Snyder & López, 2002). In its early form, and without the need to make it explicit, it fully embraced the WHO philosophy on making its goal the realization of "a change in the approach of
Interdependence Wellbeing Change Social commitment Community-group Applied to theory, research, a... more Interdependence Wellbeing Change Social commitment Community-group Applied to theory, research, and intervention, the term "psychosocial" is defined as an approach characterized by the relationships of interdependence and mutual influence between the various levels of reality in which daily life takes place. This idea began to take its first steps with the events that gave rise to the social sciences, psychology among them. Applied to social intervention, the psychosocial perspective is based on a simple premise: psychology is legitimized as an instrument to serve human wellbeing, both in its personal and collective dimension. It recognizes the constructed nature of reality and the social order, with the purpose of trying to change it when it leaves psychological damage and social destruction in its wake, using the social scenarios (community, group) as the agent and objective of change.
Empirical evidence shows that people's social representations about AIDS influences attitudes and... more Empirical evidence shows that people's social representations about AIDS influences attitudes and ever behavior toward AIDS victims. Working from this idea, we have developed the three empirical studies that are included in this research. In the frrst study we explore how knowledge about different illnesses is organized and where AIDS is placed in relation to other illness. In the second one we analyze the content of mental representations of AIDS and differences between expert and non-expert subjects. In the last study we investigate how prototipic knowledge about AIDS is used in general, and the differences between expert and no-expert subjects when making diagnosis and reacting to AIDS victims. The results show that although expert subjects have more information than non-expert, this fact does not affect the accuracy of the diagnosis. However it does lead to more positive attitudes than those reported by subject with less information about AIDS.
Este trabajo realiza una exploración pormenorizada de la producción de investigación y teoría sob... more Este trabajo realiza una exploración pormenorizada de la producción de investigación y teoría sobre psicología social en el contexto español. Las áreas fundamentales de investigación son: psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones, psicología social de la salud, psicología comunitaria y de los servicios sociales, investigación en medio ambiente, psicología jurídica y política, teoría y metateoría psicosocial, psicología social del lenguaje, investigación sobre emoción, procesos grupales e identidad social. Como conclusiones cabe destacar la importancia creciente de la psicología social en el entorno de la psicología española, la vinculación con problemas sociales específicos del contexto nacional y la paradójica escasa originalidad de las perspectivas teóricas y de investigación pujantes, fuertemente influidas por los patrones de la psicología social anglosajona. In this study, a detailed exploration is carried out of the production of research and theory in social psychology in the Spanish context. The main research areas are: Work and organizational psychology, social health psychology, community and social services psychology, environmental research, judicial and political psychology, psycosocial theory and meta-theory, social psychology of language, research on emotion, group processes and social identity. The growing importance of social psychology within the framework of Spanish psychology is emphasized, and the relation with specific social problems from the national context, and the paradoxically scarce originality of the theoretical perspectives and the leading research, strongly influenced by Anglo Saxon social psychology, is commented upon.
Dans cette étude, une exploration détaillée de la production en ce qui concerne la recherche et l... more Dans cette étude, une exploration détaillée de la production en ce qui concerne la recherche et la théorie en psychologie sociale a été effectuée. Les principaux secteurs de recherche sont : la psychologie du travail et des organisations, la psychologie sociale de la santé, la psychologie des services communautaires et sociaux, la recherche sur l’environnement, la psychologie judiciaire et politique, la théorie et la méta-théorie psychosociales, la psychologie sociale du langage, les recherches sur l’émotion, les processus de groupe et l’identité sociale. L’importance croissante de la psychologie sociale, dans le cadre de la psychologie espagnole est soulignée et la relation entre les problèmes sociaux suscités par le contexte national et l’originalité paradoxalement faible des perspectives théoriques et la recherche prédominante, fortement influencée par la psychologie sociale anglo-saxonne, font l’objet de commentaires.
Las relaciones interpersonales son el eje articulador de la existencia humana. Este es el argumen... more Las relaciones interpersonales son el eje articulador de la existencia humana. Este es el argumento central de este artículo escrito como respuesta de agradecimiento a la concesión de la Medalla de Oro de la Universidad Centroamericana 'José Simeón Cañas" de El Salvador (UCA) a su autor. En el contexto de una sociedad como la salvadoreña, estas relaciones atraviesan problemas que todavía las sitúan lejos de las relaciones de cooperación, confianza, reciprocidad y apoyo que caracterizan los contextos que favorecen la inclusión, la convivencia y la comunión mental entre las personas. Hay condiciones sociales externas al individuo que llevan dentro de sí la semilla de la discriminación, la exclusión, el ostracismo y la violencia. Estas condiciones han regado de víctimas la historia del pueblo salvadoreño al situarse en el polo opuesto de los rasgos que caracterizan la esencia de lo humano: el contacto, la conexión emocional, la compasión, la ayuda mutua; al situarse, en una pa...
The aim of this study was the design and validation of a Psychosocial Trauma Scale (PSTS). This i... more The aim of this study was the design and validation of a Psychosocial Trauma Scale (PSTS). This instrument tried to capture the following theoretical dimensions: Pre-traumatic Situation, Destruction of Fundamental Beliefs; Intergroup Emotions, and Family and Community Destruction. In a first phase, we gather evidence for the items designed through content validation with experts. In a second phase, we explore the structure with EFA, reducing the number of items. The last phase was a divergent validation, applying the short version of PSTS with other validation scales (symptomatology of post-traumatic stress, psychological well-being, and social well-being). METHOD. A cross-sectional study was conducted, consisting of 382 individuals affected by political violence: civil war in El Salvador, forced displacement from Colombia, and victims of state violence from Chile. RESULTS. The content validation utilized 81 forms with 146 original items. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the ...
En este artículo se aborda uno de los temas más preocupantes de la realidad salvadoreña: el maltr... more En este artículo se aborda uno de los temas más preocupantes de la realidad salvadoreña: el maltrato en términos de violencia, abandono, abuso sexual, explotación económica, negligencia, etc., que sufren miles deniñas, niños y adolescentes en un entorno, la familia, donde deberían encontrar protección, apoyo, afecto y seguridad emocional. El principal objetivo ha consistido en analizar la relación del maltrato con la huida de los y las menores a la calle y su posterior relación con la vida pandilleril y su eventual ingreso dentro de su estructura. Los participantes han sido 16 niñas, niños y adolescentes (8 chicos y 8 chicas) acogidos en tres centros de emergencia. La recogida de información se ha llevado a cabo a través de entrevistas en profundidad con las y los participantes. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis de partida, a saber, que el maltrato infantil en El Salvador es fruto de una cultura de la violencia que impregna la vida social, de una situación familiar caracteriza...
Based on Pettigrew and Meertens’ Blatant and Subtle Prejudice Scale (1995), a new scale for asses... more Based on Pettigrew and Meertens’ Blatant and Subtle Prejudice Scale (1995), a new scale for assessing the expression of prejudice is proposed in this article. The original scale has been changed in three ways: (a) items were rewritten to avoid double assertions, (b) three new items were considered to adequately measure the ‘denial of positive emotions’ component, and (c) biased wording of the ‘cultural differences’ domain items measuring perceived cultural differences rather than prejudices was removed. We used a representative sample of 500 participants living in Antofagasta, in Chile. Confirmatory factor and a hierarchical regression analyses support the proposed new scale. This instrument provides two measures: one general measure related to the intensity of prejudice expression and a second measure indicating the presence or absence of prejudice for each component type (Rejection, Intimacy, Values, Emotions, and Culture). The scale was confirmed for both genders; 45.2% of the pa...
This study analyses the papers published by Spanish social psychologists to determine whether the... more This study analyses the papers published by Spanish social psychologists to determine whether they address topics related with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Publications by Spanish institutions indexed by the Web of Science in the thematic category of “Social Psychology” were subjected to bibliometric analysis. The publications were classified by their relationship with the SDGs using OSDG, an open-source labelling tool, and an in-depth content analysis was performed to validate the results. A corpus of 1632 papers published by Spanish institutions between 1980 and 2020 was identified. Thirty-four percent of the papers address matters related with the SDGs; 23 % concern matters related with Goal 3 (good health and well-being), and 5 %, with Goal 5 (gender equality). Only 3 % are interventions to modify behaviour or change social environments. Conclusions: The review of these papers allows detecting to what extent the research conducted in Social Psychology contributes to...
In Ihis study, a detailed exploration is carried out of the production of research and theory ¡o ... more In Ihis study, a detailed exploration is carried out of the production of research and theory ¡o social psychology in Ihe Spanish contexr. The malo research areas are: Work and organizational psychology, social health psychology, comnmunity and social services psychology, environmental research, judicial and political psychology, psycosocial theory and meta-theoiy, social psychology of language, research on emotion, group processes and social identity. The growing importance of social psychology withiri the framework of Spanish psychology is emphasized, and the relation with specific social problems from te national context, and llie paradoxically scarce originality of te theoretical perapectives and the leading research, strongly influenced by Anglo Saxon social psychology, is commented upon. Este trabajo realiza una exploración pormenorizada de la producción de investigación y teoría sobre psicología social en el contexto español. Las áreas fundamentales de investigación son: psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones, psicología social de la salud, psicología comunitaria y de los servicios sociales, investigación en medio ambiente, psicología jurídica y política, teoría y metateoría psicosocial, psicología social del lenguaje, investigación sobre emoción, procesos grupales e identidad social. Como conclusiones cabe destacar la importancia creciente de la psicología social en el entorno de la psicología española, la vinculación con problemas sociales específicos del contexto nacional y la paradójica escasa originalidad de las perspectivas teóricas y de investigación pujantes, fuertemente influidas por los patrones de la paicologia social anglosajona.
Construyendo comunidades resilientes es un programa de intervencion dirigido a fomentar la resili... more Construyendo comunidades resilientes es un programa de intervencion dirigido a fomentar la resiliencia comunitaria en poblaciones victimas de violencia politica, con el objetivo de mejorar el estado de salud mental de las personas que participan en el. El diseno del programa parte del conocimiento de la afectacion psicosocial que padecen las personas que han vivido experiencias traumaticas colectivas, como la guerra y, en este caso particular, el desplazamiento forzado. Esta cartilla ofrece herramientas para trabajar con victimas del conflicto armado y una propuesta de actividades para fomentar procesos grupales, como cohesion, membrecia, conexion emocional y competencias comunitarias, entre otros.
This reseasch-explores the roleplaYedbyami~edem()tio~a1;experiellpe onpredíeting a specific risk.... more This reseasch-explores the roleplaYedbyami~edem()tio~a1;experiellpe onpredíeting a specific risk.behavior (getting intoayehicle kt:1n;lfci",gthattht:tlri~erhos,<1runk;excessive alcohol). Theseemotions could be different thantheevaluativ~componentofan attitude. A sample ofyoung people with experieaee in thisTi$.khehaviorrememberedtohave felt two opposite emotions (happiness andfear)before,dllring anda&rperforming it, This mixed emotional experience and attitudeare !bebest preqict0r.sofbehavioralint:ention. OUt' results indicate the importance ofconsideringemotionaléxperience asa moderator between attitude and behavioral intention. .
This article aims to provide researchers interested in using Ryff's Scales of Psychological Wellb... more This article aims to provide researchers interested in using Ryff's Scales of Psychological Wellbeing with additional information to make an informed decision on the scales and items to use. It builds on the discussion in the literature on the six factor structure of this measure. An alternative shortened version of this wellbeing measure (Van Dierendonck 2004). Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 629-643) was analyzed in a combined Spanish language sample from Spain and Columbia. Using confirmatory factor analysis, one-, two-, three-and six-factor models were compared. The results showed that indeed four out the six dimensions overlapped considerably. Nevertheless, the model that fit the data best was the six factor model with one underlying second order well-being factor, hereby confirming Ryff's model in a non-Anglo-Saxon culture. Keywords Well-being Á Measurement People have always been interested in the answer to the question: What is a good life? Frequently, the good life is directly connected to well-being and a happy life. Already in the age of the old Greeks, Aristotle wrote that the quest for happiness is the most important striving of men. Now-a-days, we see that the attention for the good life increases within the social sciences. Research into the good life has been encouraged by the seminal work of Ryff (1989a, b). She developed an integrated theoretical framework of well-being on the basis of an extensive literature review. The most important perspectives were: life span theories (e.g., Erikson 1959), clinical theories on personal growth (e.g., Maslow 1968; Rogers 1961; Allport 1961) and the criteria of positive mental health formulated by Jahoda (1958). In addition, she incorporated insights from her own research on development during the course of life (Ryff 1995; Ryff and Keyes 1995) and on an elaborate overview D. van Dierendonck (&)
Abstract: This study studied Subjective and Objective Psychological Well-being, andFatalism, Trau... more Abstract: This study studied Subjective and Objective Psychological Well-being, andFatalism, Trauma and Irrational Posttraumatic Cognitions, in adults displacedby socio-political violence, living in Barranquilla, Colombia. Outcomessuggest that people who ...
C ognitive, individual differences, and intergroup contact factors were examined in the formation... more C ognitive, individual differences, and intergroup contact factors were examined in the formation of attitudes about human rights and ethnic bias in two studies conducted in Spain. A 7-item scale measuring knowledge about human rights laws in Spain and the European Union was used in both studies. Participants were university students enrolled at the Universidad Autó noma de Madrid. In study one, participant (n~127) knowledge about human rights laws, intergroup contact, Right Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), and Gough's Prejudice/Tolerance (Pr/To) scale were examined in relationship to bias towards Gitanos. Findings revealed that knowledge about human rights and social status variables (gender and age) were not significant predictors of Gitano bias, whereas Pr/To, RWA, and contact were all (R 2~. 28) significant predictors of bias against Gitanos. Findings provided cross-cultural replication (Dunbar & Simonova, in press) of the relationship of Pr/To and RWA to Gitano bias. In study two, participant (n~100) knowledge and feelings (measured on a three-item semantic differential scale) about human rights laws, Pr/To, and RWA were examined in relation to strategies influencing peer attitudes about human rights on the Raven Social Influence Inventory (RSII) scale. Findings indicated that knowledge about human rights laws were correlated (r~.47, pv.001) with positive feelings about these laws. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis, controlling for knowledge about human rights laws and participants' social status, found that the Prejudice/Tolerance scale and feelings about human rights were related with both hard (R 2~. 11) and soft (R 2~. 08) social influence strategies influencing peer human rights attitudes on the RSII. Men and higher-scoring participants on Pr/To both employed more hard social influence strategies. Findings indicate that while knowledge of human rights laws is unrelated to ethnic bias, more accurate knowledge is correlated to more positive feelings about laws meant to protect the rights of ethnic minorities.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2007
Human rights are an essential element of a civil society. Attitudes about these laws and the role... more Human rights are an essential element of a civil society. Attitudes about these laws and the role of peer influence in shaping these attitudes, has not garnered much attention. This study examined the strategies individuals employ to influence a peers' beliefs about human rights laws in Spain. One hundred ninety-six participants at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid completed measures of human rights knowledge, feelings concerning human rights, political alienation, prejudice, sexism, and ethnic bias towards Gitanos (gypsies). Social power strategies to influence peers' attitudes about the rights of ethnic minorities (Gitanos) and women were measured on
Health is a state of physical, social and psychological wellbeing, and not simply the absence of ... more Health is a state of physical, social and psychological wellbeing, and not simply the absence of illness". This definition, repeated ad infinitum since 1948, when it was adopted as its own by the World Health Organization (WHO), and although essentially sidelined by a large proportion of the disciplines traditionally responsible for the study of health, has taken on a new profile in the wake of two developments: on the one hand, the shift from a health model bound up with illness and focused on the presence within the subject of physical or psychological symptoms to a model revolving around the presence of indicators and conditions that promote and facilitate wellbeing, and following on from this, the realization that such a state of wellbeing can only apply to subjects within a particular set of socio-historical coordinates. The idea of a subject suspended in a vacuum, a biomedical subject within a biological psychiatry (Pérez, 2003, p. 13), propagated by traditional Clinical Psychology, is pure fiction. Such a subject does not exist: he would lack "humanity" (Johann F. Herbart), she would have no higher mental structure (Vygotsky), he would be incapable of developing as a person in the psychological sense of the term (Mead), she would lack identity, according to the proposals of Festinger and Tajfel. In a Psychology that claims to respond in a valid way to the challenges of today's world it is essential to take on board a simple assumption which enjoys solid theoretical and empirical support: that health is a state of wellbeing of a subject belonging to a socio-historical context. A concept of health revolving around conditions that promote wellbeing was what had been promised by Positive Psychology (Snyder & López, 2002). In its early form, and without the need to make it explicit, it fully embraced the WHO philosophy on making its goal the realization of "a change in the approach of
Interdependence Wellbeing Change Social commitment Community-group Applied to theory, research, a... more Interdependence Wellbeing Change Social commitment Community-group Applied to theory, research, and intervention, the term "psychosocial" is defined as an approach characterized by the relationships of interdependence and mutual influence between the various levels of reality in which daily life takes place. This idea began to take its first steps with the events that gave rise to the social sciences, psychology among them. Applied to social intervention, the psychosocial perspective is based on a simple premise: psychology is legitimized as an instrument to serve human wellbeing, both in its personal and collective dimension. It recognizes the constructed nature of reality and the social order, with the purpose of trying to change it when it leaves psychological damage and social destruction in its wake, using the social scenarios (community, group) as the agent and objective of change.
Empirical evidence shows that people's social representations about AIDS influences attitudes and... more Empirical evidence shows that people's social representations about AIDS influences attitudes and ever behavior toward AIDS victims. Working from this idea, we have developed the three empirical studies that are included in this research. In the frrst study we explore how knowledge about different illnesses is organized and where AIDS is placed in relation to other illness. In the second one we analyze the content of mental representations of AIDS and differences between expert and non-expert subjects. In the last study we investigate how prototipic knowledge about AIDS is used in general, and the differences between expert and no-expert subjects when making diagnosis and reacting to AIDS victims. The results show that although expert subjects have more information than non-expert, this fact does not affect the accuracy of the diagnosis. However it does lead to more positive attitudes than those reported by subject with less information about AIDS.
Este trabajo realiza una exploración pormenorizada de la producción de investigación y teoría sob... more Este trabajo realiza una exploración pormenorizada de la producción de investigación y teoría sobre psicología social en el contexto español. Las áreas fundamentales de investigación son: psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones, psicología social de la salud, psicología comunitaria y de los servicios sociales, investigación en medio ambiente, psicología jurídica y política, teoría y metateoría psicosocial, psicología social del lenguaje, investigación sobre emoción, procesos grupales e identidad social. Como conclusiones cabe destacar la importancia creciente de la psicología social en el entorno de la psicología española, la vinculación con problemas sociales específicos del contexto nacional y la paradójica escasa originalidad de las perspectivas teóricas y de investigación pujantes, fuertemente influidas por los patrones de la psicología social anglosajona. In this study, a detailed exploration is carried out of the production of research and theory in social psychology in the Spanish context. The main research areas are: Work and organizational psychology, social health psychology, community and social services psychology, environmental research, judicial and political psychology, psycosocial theory and meta-theory, social psychology of language, research on emotion, group processes and social identity. The growing importance of social psychology within the framework of Spanish psychology is emphasized, and the relation with specific social problems from the national context, and the paradoxically scarce originality of the theoretical perspectives and the leading research, strongly influenced by Anglo Saxon social psychology, is commented upon.
Dans cette étude, une exploration détaillée de la production en ce qui concerne la recherche et l... more Dans cette étude, une exploration détaillée de la production en ce qui concerne la recherche et la théorie en psychologie sociale a été effectuée. Les principaux secteurs de recherche sont : la psychologie du travail et des organisations, la psychologie sociale de la santé, la psychologie des services communautaires et sociaux, la recherche sur l’environnement, la psychologie judiciaire et politique, la théorie et la méta-théorie psychosociales, la psychologie sociale du langage, les recherches sur l’émotion, les processus de groupe et l’identité sociale. L’importance croissante de la psychologie sociale, dans le cadre de la psychologie espagnole est soulignée et la relation entre les problèmes sociaux suscités par le contexte national et l’originalité paradoxalement faible des perspectives théoriques et la recherche prédominante, fortement influencée par la psychologie sociale anglo-saxonne, font l’objet de commentaires.
Las relaciones interpersonales son el eje articulador de la existencia humana. Este es el argumen... more Las relaciones interpersonales son el eje articulador de la existencia humana. Este es el argumento central de este artículo escrito como respuesta de agradecimiento a la concesión de la Medalla de Oro de la Universidad Centroamericana 'José Simeón Cañas" de El Salvador (UCA) a su autor. En el contexto de una sociedad como la salvadoreña, estas relaciones atraviesan problemas que todavía las sitúan lejos de las relaciones de cooperación, confianza, reciprocidad y apoyo que caracterizan los contextos que favorecen la inclusión, la convivencia y la comunión mental entre las personas. Hay condiciones sociales externas al individuo que llevan dentro de sí la semilla de la discriminación, la exclusión, el ostracismo y la violencia. Estas condiciones han regado de víctimas la historia del pueblo salvadoreño al situarse en el polo opuesto de los rasgos que caracterizan la esencia de lo humano: el contacto, la conexión emocional, la compasión, la ayuda mutua; al situarse, en una pa...
The aim of this study was the design and validation of a Psychosocial Trauma Scale (PSTS). This i... more The aim of this study was the design and validation of a Psychosocial Trauma Scale (PSTS). This instrument tried to capture the following theoretical dimensions: Pre-traumatic Situation, Destruction of Fundamental Beliefs; Intergroup Emotions, and Family and Community Destruction. In a first phase, we gather evidence for the items designed through content validation with experts. In a second phase, we explore the structure with EFA, reducing the number of items. The last phase was a divergent validation, applying the short version of PSTS with other validation scales (symptomatology of post-traumatic stress, psychological well-being, and social well-being). METHOD. A cross-sectional study was conducted, consisting of 382 individuals affected by political violence: civil war in El Salvador, forced displacement from Colombia, and victims of state violence from Chile. RESULTS. The content validation utilized 81 forms with 146 original items. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the ...
En este artículo se aborda uno de los temas más preocupantes de la realidad salvadoreña: el maltr... more En este artículo se aborda uno de los temas más preocupantes de la realidad salvadoreña: el maltrato en términos de violencia, abandono, abuso sexual, explotación económica, negligencia, etc., que sufren miles deniñas, niños y adolescentes en un entorno, la familia, donde deberían encontrar protección, apoyo, afecto y seguridad emocional. El principal objetivo ha consistido en analizar la relación del maltrato con la huida de los y las menores a la calle y su posterior relación con la vida pandilleril y su eventual ingreso dentro de su estructura. Los participantes han sido 16 niñas, niños y adolescentes (8 chicos y 8 chicas) acogidos en tres centros de emergencia. La recogida de información se ha llevado a cabo a través de entrevistas en profundidad con las y los participantes. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis de partida, a saber, que el maltrato infantil en El Salvador es fruto de una cultura de la violencia que impregna la vida social, de una situación familiar caracteriza...
Based on Pettigrew and Meertens’ Blatant and Subtle Prejudice Scale (1995), a new scale for asses... more Based on Pettigrew and Meertens’ Blatant and Subtle Prejudice Scale (1995), a new scale for assessing the expression of prejudice is proposed in this article. The original scale has been changed in three ways: (a) items were rewritten to avoid double assertions, (b) three new items were considered to adequately measure the ‘denial of positive emotions’ component, and (c) biased wording of the ‘cultural differences’ domain items measuring perceived cultural differences rather than prejudices was removed. We used a representative sample of 500 participants living in Antofagasta, in Chile. Confirmatory factor and a hierarchical regression analyses support the proposed new scale. This instrument provides two measures: one general measure related to the intensity of prejudice expression and a second measure indicating the presence or absence of prejudice for each component type (Rejection, Intimacy, Values, Emotions, and Culture). The scale was confirmed for both genders; 45.2% of the pa...
This study analyses the papers published by Spanish social psychologists to determine whether the... more This study analyses the papers published by Spanish social psychologists to determine whether they address topics related with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Publications by Spanish institutions indexed by the Web of Science in the thematic category of “Social Psychology” were subjected to bibliometric analysis. The publications were classified by their relationship with the SDGs using OSDG, an open-source labelling tool, and an in-depth content analysis was performed to validate the results. A corpus of 1632 papers published by Spanish institutions between 1980 and 2020 was identified. Thirty-four percent of the papers address matters related with the SDGs; 23 % concern matters related with Goal 3 (good health and well-being), and 5 %, with Goal 5 (gender equality). Only 3 % are interventions to modify behaviour or change social environments. Conclusions: The review of these papers allows detecting to what extent the research conducted in Social Psychology contributes to...
In Ihis study, a detailed exploration is carried out of the production of research and theory ¡o ... more In Ihis study, a detailed exploration is carried out of the production of research and theory ¡o social psychology in Ihe Spanish contexr. The malo research areas are: Work and organizational psychology, social health psychology, comnmunity and social services psychology, environmental research, judicial and political psychology, psycosocial theory and meta-theoiy, social psychology of language, research on emotion, group processes and social identity. The growing importance of social psychology withiri the framework of Spanish psychology is emphasized, and the relation with specific social problems from te national context, and llie paradoxically scarce originality of te theoretical perapectives and the leading research, strongly influenced by Anglo Saxon social psychology, is commented upon. Este trabajo realiza una exploración pormenorizada de la producción de investigación y teoría sobre psicología social en el contexto español. Las áreas fundamentales de investigación son: psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones, psicología social de la salud, psicología comunitaria y de los servicios sociales, investigación en medio ambiente, psicología jurídica y política, teoría y metateoría psicosocial, psicología social del lenguaje, investigación sobre emoción, procesos grupales e identidad social. Como conclusiones cabe destacar la importancia creciente de la psicología social en el entorno de la psicología española, la vinculación con problemas sociales específicos del contexto nacional y la paradójica escasa originalidad de las perspectivas teóricas y de investigación pujantes, fuertemente influidas por los patrones de la paicologia social anglosajona.
Construyendo comunidades resilientes es un programa de intervencion dirigido a fomentar la resili... more Construyendo comunidades resilientes es un programa de intervencion dirigido a fomentar la resiliencia comunitaria en poblaciones victimas de violencia politica, con el objetivo de mejorar el estado de salud mental de las personas que participan en el. El diseno del programa parte del conocimiento de la afectacion psicosocial que padecen las personas que han vivido experiencias traumaticas colectivas, como la guerra y, en este caso particular, el desplazamiento forzado. Esta cartilla ofrece herramientas para trabajar con victimas del conflicto armado y una propuesta de actividades para fomentar procesos grupales, como cohesion, membrecia, conexion emocional y competencias comunitarias, entre otros.
This reseasch-explores the roleplaYedbyami~edem()tio~a1;experiellpe onpredíeting a specific risk.... more This reseasch-explores the roleplaYedbyami~edem()tio~a1;experiellpe onpredíeting a specific risk.behavior (getting intoayehicle kt:1n;lfci",gthattht:tlri~erhos,<1runk;excessive alcohol). Theseemotions could be different thantheevaluativ~componentofan attitude. A sample ofyoung people with experieaee in thisTi$.khehaviorrememberedtohave felt two opposite emotions (happiness andfear)before,dllring anda&rperforming it, This mixed emotional experience and attitudeare !bebest preqict0r.sofbehavioralint:ention. OUt' results indicate the importance ofconsideringemotionaléxperience asa moderator between attitude and behavioral intention. .
This article aims to provide researchers interested in using Ryff's Scales of Psychological Wellb... more This article aims to provide researchers interested in using Ryff's Scales of Psychological Wellbeing with additional information to make an informed decision on the scales and items to use. It builds on the discussion in the literature on the six factor structure of this measure. An alternative shortened version of this wellbeing measure (Van Dierendonck 2004). Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 629-643) was analyzed in a combined Spanish language sample from Spain and Columbia. Using confirmatory factor analysis, one-, two-, three-and six-factor models were compared. The results showed that indeed four out the six dimensions overlapped considerably. Nevertheless, the model that fit the data best was the six factor model with one underlying second order well-being factor, hereby confirming Ryff's model in a non-Anglo-Saxon culture. Keywords Well-being Á Measurement People have always been interested in the answer to the question: What is a good life? Frequently, the good life is directly connected to well-being and a happy life. Already in the age of the old Greeks, Aristotle wrote that the quest for happiness is the most important striving of men. Now-a-days, we see that the attention for the good life increases within the social sciences. Research into the good life has been encouraged by the seminal work of Ryff (1989a, b). She developed an integrated theoretical framework of well-being on the basis of an extensive literature review. The most important perspectives were: life span theories (e.g., Erikson 1959), clinical theories on personal growth (e.g., Maslow 1968; Rogers 1961; Allport 1961) and the criteria of positive mental health formulated by Jahoda (1958). In addition, she incorporated insights from her own research on development during the course of life (Ryff 1995; Ryff and Keyes 1995) and on an elaborate overview D. van Dierendonck (&)
Abstract: This study studied Subjective and Objective Psychological Well-being, andFatalism, Trau... more Abstract: This study studied Subjective and Objective Psychological Well-being, andFatalism, Trauma and Irrational Posttraumatic Cognitions, in adults displacedby socio-political violence, living in Barranquilla, Colombia. Outcomessuggest that people who ...
C ognitive, individual differences, and intergroup contact factors were examined in the formation... more C ognitive, individual differences, and intergroup contact factors were examined in the formation of attitudes about human rights and ethnic bias in two studies conducted in Spain. A 7-item scale measuring knowledge about human rights laws in Spain and the European Union was used in both studies. Participants were university students enrolled at the Universidad Autó noma de Madrid. In study one, participant (n~127) knowledge about human rights laws, intergroup contact, Right Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), and Gough's Prejudice/Tolerance (Pr/To) scale were examined in relationship to bias towards Gitanos. Findings revealed that knowledge about human rights and social status variables (gender and age) were not significant predictors of Gitano bias, whereas Pr/To, RWA, and contact were all (R 2~. 28) significant predictors of bias against Gitanos. Findings provided cross-cultural replication (Dunbar & Simonova, in press) of the relationship of Pr/To and RWA to Gitano bias. In study two, participant (n~100) knowledge and feelings (measured on a three-item semantic differential scale) about human rights laws, Pr/To, and RWA were examined in relation to strategies influencing peer attitudes about human rights on the Raven Social Influence Inventory (RSII) scale. Findings indicated that knowledge about human rights laws were correlated (r~.47, pv.001) with positive feelings about these laws. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis, controlling for knowledge about human rights laws and participants' social status, found that the Prejudice/Tolerance scale and feelings about human rights were related with both hard (R 2~. 11) and soft (R 2~. 08) social influence strategies influencing peer human rights attitudes on the RSII. Men and higher-scoring participants on Pr/To both employed more hard social influence strategies. Findings indicate that while knowledge of human rights laws is unrelated to ethnic bias, more accurate knowledge is correlated to more positive feelings about laws meant to protect the rights of ethnic minorities.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2007
Human rights are an essential element of a civil society. Attitudes about these laws and the role... more Human rights are an essential element of a civil society. Attitudes about these laws and the role of peer influence in shaping these attitudes, has not garnered much attention. This study examined the strategies individuals employ to influence a peers' beliefs about human rights laws in Spain. One hundred ninety-six participants at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid completed measures of human rights knowledge, feelings concerning human rights, political alienation, prejudice, sexism, and ethnic bias towards Gitanos (gypsies). Social power strategies to influence peers' attitudes about the rights of ethnic minorities (Gitanos) and women were measured on
Papers by Amalio Blanco