Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global co... more Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global concern which can cause considerable negative environmental and socioeconomic consequences. Due to use of slowly degrading plastic materials in fishing gear construction, ALDFG can remain in marine environment for decades. Enclosed marine environments are particularly vulnerable for all types of pollution and anthropogenic effects, including pollution resulting from ALDFG. However, the extent of this problem is often not estimated. We estimated the level of ALDFG accumulated in a semi-enclosed coastal marine environment in the Gulf of Riga and along coastal areas of the Baltic Sea which are particularly susceptible to different types of marine pollution, including ALDFG. We based our results on a pragmatic approach of using existing ALDFG estimates. The results showed a potentially considerable amount of derelict fishing gear accumulated over the last decade, specifically gillnets and entangling nets and trap gear (2762 netting sheets (CI: 969-4976) and 1379 lost traps (CI: 473-2337)). Therefore, this study highlights the need for the fisheries management to implement adequate ALDFG monitoring mechanisms and subsequent clean-up operations to limit continuous pollution and ghost fishing.
Annals of DAAAM for ... & proceedings of the ... International DAAAM Symposium .., Dec 31, 2022
Current study provides evaluation of the processes for assessing the efficiency in the transport ... more Current study provides evaluation of the processes for assessing the efficiency in the transport cargo structure process based on real-time research using the same technologies and methods as well as offering new methods for assessing cargo diversification. The aim of this study was to confirm the importance of timely estimation of possibilities to diversify the cargo structure in order to take respective measures before the specified risks occur in the multimodal transport system by developing a methodological proposal for monitoring and assessment of the efficiency of the cargo structure as well as for measures and comparative assessments. Methods and materials: The principal materials used for the studies are as follows: various sources of literature, e.g. scholars' articles, research papers and the reports of institutions. The following suitable qualitative research methods have been used: monographic; analysis and synthesis; grouping, logical and abstractive constructional etc.
Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal e... more Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal energy, biomass and biofuels) are alternatives to fossil fuel that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, diversify energy supplies and reduce dependency on markets of unsustainable and volatile fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas. Wind energy is one of the renewable energy sources and is considered to be self-renewable as it is the result of the Sun’s activity. Using wind energy is a rapidly developing industry today, and more and more wind turbines are installed worldwide every year, land-based wind turbines being more widespread than offshore ones. In Latvia, spread of land-based wind parks is hampered by unsettled land ownership rights, while the deployment of wind parks in the sea is a new field for all Baltic States. The neighbouring countries Estonia and Lithuania have developed their own projects for offshore wind parks, therefore the topicality of the development of wind far...
Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global co... more Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global concern which can cause considerable negative environmental and socioeconomic consequences. Due to use of slowly degrading plastic materials in fishing gear construction, ALDFG can remain in marine environment for decades. Enclosed marine environments are particularly vulnerable for all types of pollution and anthropogenic effects, including pollution resulting from ALDFG. However, the extent of this problem is often not estimated. We estimated the level of ALDFG accumulated in a semi-enclosed coastal marine environment in the Gulf of Riga and along coastal areas of the Baltic Sea which are particularly susceptible to different types of marine pollution, including ALDFG. We based our results on a pragmatic approach of using existing ALDFG estimates. The results showed a potentially considerable amount of derelict fishing gear accumulated over the last decade, specifically gillnets and entangling nets and trap gear (2762 netting sheets (CI: 969-4976) and 1379 lost traps (CI: 473-2337)). Therefore, this study highlights the need for the fisheries management to implement adequate ALDFG monitoring mechanisms and subsequent clean-up operations to limit continuous pollution and ghost fishing.
Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal e... more Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal energy, biomass and biofuels) are alternatives to fossil fuel that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, diversify energy supplies and reduce dependency on markets of unsustainable and volatile fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas. Wind energy is one of the renewable energy sources and is considered to be self-renewable as it is the result of the Sun's activity. Using wind energy is a rapidly developing industry today, and more and more wind turbines are installed worldwide every year, land-based wind turbines being more widespread than offshore ones. In Latvia, spread of land-based wind parks is hampered by unsettled land ownership rights, while the deployment of wind parks in the sea is a new field for all Baltic States. The neighbouring countries Estonia and Lithuania have developed their own projects for offshore wind parks, therefore the topicality of the development of wind farms in the territorial waters of Latvia has also increased. Experts have proposed best options and their locations. When assessing possibilities for development of wind parks and their capacity, the following economic factors were evaluated: construction and connection costs, potential operational costs and energy prices. The aim of this study is to develop the methodology for calculating the area of a potential wind park by considering the safety distance to shipping routes and height of the wind turbines, as well as for calculating the potential capacity of a wind park.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2021
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and corrosion behaviour of physical vapour depos... more The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and corrosion behaviour of physical vapour deposited (PVD) TiAlN and TiCN coatings of 50 µm mesh shaped AISI 316 stainless steel were estimated under simulated marine conditions (3.5 wt. % NaCl solution). The coatings were prepared by creating adhesive Cr-CrN interlayer with the thickness of about 0.3 µm. The obtained thicknesses of produced coatings were measured to be in a range between 2 and 3.5 µm. The presence of protective coatings leads to corrosion potential (Ecorr ) shifting to more positive values as compared to the bare stainless steel. This effect indicates higher protection efficiency of coated steel under marine conditions. The protective behaviour of produced coating leads to the decreased corrosion current density (jcorr ) by indicating up to 40-fold higher polarization resistance as compared to resistance of the naturally formed oxide layer over the stainless steel. The Nyquist and Bode plots were obtained with the he...
The article analyses ports competitiveness. Due to increased demand, competition, the internal co... more The article analyses ports competitiveness. Due to increased demand, competition, the internal complexity of the process and requirements for high performance in the service market, ports must be able to effectively organize their business activities by offering nowadays appropriate range of services. With the aim of promoting the port position in the market they need to identify their own performance indicators and to develop strategic objectives and solutions to improve their competitiveness. There is a need for regular evaluation of the effectiveness of port operations in order to facilitate future growth.
Ports in the transport economy have an important role to play in the competitiveness of ports. Th... more Ports in the transport economy have an important role to play in the competitiveness of ports. There is an increasing climate of competition, which causes ports to invest in development and to improve their transport corridors, governance principles and pricing policies in order to strengthen international competitiveness of ports and to ensure that their management practices are in line with the positive international experience. In order to increase the efficiency of transport, to promote the use of environmentally friendly technologies and to improve the international competitiveness of port transport corridors, it is important for ports to determine their own KPI indicators that would be used to assess port performance indicators. As ports are responsible for the quality assurance of port services, even if they do not provide such services, monitoring and assessing of the KPI must be part of the quality assurance process. The objective of this study is to define the port perform...
Auto road sector in national economy, is a sector development of which, with appropriate funding,... more Auto road sector in national economy, is a sector development of which, with appropriate funding, creates basis for other sector development and facilitates competitiveness of country in international market. The goal of auto road sector is auto road network maintenance and development, in order to contribute to the development of the whole country, increase of standards of living of inhabitants, as well as facilitate compliance of Latvian auto roads with the European Union requirements for auto road network. Effective resource utilization and investment attraction to auto road sector is determinant for favorable conditions to overcome economic crisis, structural changes in national economy, regional development and technical progress implementation, which, subsequently, are basis for stable growth of economy. Development and construction of international and national roads is strategically important for further country's economic development, as well as for the European Union regulation and standard fulfillment. In order to achieve positive progress in Latvian auto road development, it is important to assign existing funds, as well as try to find opportunity to increase financing for roads in Latvia. It is necessary to elaborate effective method in order to be able to assign funds appropriately for prioritized projects for them to create reflective return in the development of national economy of Latvia. Solution for this problem is scientifically grounded, well considered auto road construction resource appraisal and assigning method elaboration. Traffic intensity on Latvian roads has considerably increased during the past few years-motor road traffic has increased at least two times. Roads are very overloaded. Demand on use of the transport infrastructure is still increasing. This growth is due to both increasing of number of registered vehicles and the fact that there increases the number of inhabitants of Latvia which live outside Riga but work in Riga. During the past ten years quality of the Latvian auto roads has considerably deteriorated. Due to shortage of financing and increase of the traffic intensity auto roads in Latvia are worn out, coverings has become uneven and there have developed grooves and holes. Shortage of money has forced the owner of roads to set a decreased maintenance standard. Driving by bad roads increases possibilities of accidents on roads and the costs of users and speeds up the wear of vehicles and results in more frequent repairs. Taking into account bad technical condition of Latvian roads, which is deteriorating from year to year due to lack of funding is necessary to significantly improve the situation, which could be achieved by increasing funding for road management, maintenance and restoration. Now Latvian road network condition is critical. As several years for state road maintenance and restoration are not allocated sufficient resources, road pavement condition in many country roads is not satisfactory, and even in some parts is needed emergency reconstruction. Road funding model over the past 15 years has changed several times. Over the last couple of years, it was succeeded to improve the financing model, which along with beginning of economic crisis was destroyed, now the road funding level has fallen back for 5 years.
Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education ‘2017, 2017
Liquefaction of natural gas provides great opportunities for its trade and transportation, making... more Liquefaction of natural gas provides great opportunities for its trade and transportation, making it cost-effective and accessible to places where installing pipelines is impossible or economically unjustified. Liquefied natural gas also opens opportunities for market diversification, if the region is tied to one supplier, as it is in Latvia, with potential positive effects on both the market price and the region's energy security. In view of the growing LNG trade and transport industry, the article studies the possibility to import natural gas in liquefied form. Neither Latvia or Estonia has largescale facilities to import natural gas in liquefied form. The only natural gas sources are natural gas imported from Russia through piping. Latvia and Estonia can import and store liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which is the drained by-product of natural gas extraction and liquefaction process, ethane and butane. Lithuania has the only LNG import terminal in the Baltic countries. The ai...
Coastal countries must take measures to reduce harmful air emissions from ships and strengthen jo... more Coastal countries must take measures to reduce harmful air emissions from ships and strengthen joint coordinated efforts to make the Baltic Sea a model for clean navigation in order to improve its endangered and sensitive environment. Coastal states and ports are directly responsible for monitoring and controlling the ships' compliance with national and international laws. Compliance monitoring and control is carried out by ship inspections and fuel sampling, especially for ships that do not use air emission abatement technologies. Although progress has been made towards reducing sulfur emissions in the Baltic Sea, a work has still to be done to achieve effective and consistent monitoring and enforcement. This issue will become even more important when further nitrogen oxide emission limit values in the region are introduced. Emissions of nitrogen oxides strongly affect air pollution, and together with carbon dioxide emissions they facilitate acidification of seawater. Nitrogen emissions from ships are the result of nitrogen deposition, which contributes to eutrophication -one of the major problems in the Baltic Sea. The aim of the study is to research the shipgenerated air emissions and their impact on environment, to analyse the situation in the Baltic Sea region, and to develop proposals for reducing ship-generated emissions. The potential for reduction of ship-generated emissions in the Baltic Sea is based on compliance with international and regional requirements as well as integration of strategic solutions. Scientific literature, international conventions and European legislation, international studies and methodological materials as well as Internet resources will be used during development of this research.
Latvian ports play an important role in the national economy. Latvia has established itself as a ... more Latvian ports play an important role in the national economy. Latvia has established itself as a transit country (mainly for the Russian, Central Asia and Belarus cargoes). Transit cargoes account for approximately 85% of the total volume of cargoes in the Latvian ports. The Latvian ports handle on average 60 million tons per year. The transportation and storage account for approximately 13% of the Latvian GDP, and the total revenues from transit cargoes account for approximately 4.4% of the GDP and are equal to 27.7% of the total volume of the export of services. Traditional competitors of the Latvian ports include Klaipeda, Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Primorsk ports. Also Ust-luga has joined the above list as it is developed rapidly by Russia. Thus, there is a threat that Russia might direct its cargoes to the ports of its own region by providing the sufficient capacity of its own ports. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the requalification of cargoes on the Latvian ports into the cargoes with high value added. The topicality of the issue of this research is determined by the current increased attention to the operation of the Latvian large ports, the efficiency of their operations and the competitiveness in comparison to other ports of the Baltic sea region, as well as the initiative of the European Commission regarding the review of the ports policy and their further operation on the European Union level. The article will be focused on Latvian large ports freight volume proportion in comparison to the Baltic Sea ports: Tallinn, Klaipeda, Ust-Luga. Calculations will be made using HHI index (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index), which describes "market power" division between all the subjects in the current market. Particular attention will be focused on cargo structure analysis of Baltic ports and restructuring of cargo circulation in the Baltic Sea region.
Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
There is little attention in the Baltics dedicated to the research of ports as economic subjects ... more There is little attention in the Baltics dedicated to the research of ports as economic subjects and their impact on environment. It is vital to strengthen the links between the ports and the Blue Growth while raising awareness of the Blue Growth and making it a cross-cutting issue of the sea-oriented priority areas by creating a special mechanism to support Blue Growth which so far has had insignificant links to port operations. The aim of the article is to analyze the trends and summarize the measures already taken for promotion and integration of the Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea region, and to develop guidelines for ports based on the general and the Baltic Sea Blue Growth strategy, to draw conclusions and to submit proposals for improvement and increase of the Blue Growth. Latvia needs to develop an action plan in order, without unnecessary errors, to quickly implement sustainable port infrastructure and reduce pollution of the sea. The task is to identify the best practices fo...
Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global co... more Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global concern which can cause considerable negative environmental and socioeconomic consequences. Due to use of slowly degrading plastic materials in fishing gear construction, ALDFG can remain in marine environment for decades. Enclosed marine environments are particularly vulnerable for all types of pollution and anthropogenic effects, including pollution resulting from ALDFG. However, the extent of this problem is often not estimated. We estimated the level of ALDFG accumulated in a semi-enclosed coastal marine environment in the Gulf of Riga and along coastal areas of the Baltic Sea which are particularly susceptible to different types of marine pollution, including ALDFG. We based our results on a pragmatic approach of using existing ALDFG estimates. The results showed a potentially considerable amount of derelict fishing gear accumulated over the last decade, specifically gillnets and entangling nets and trap gear (2762 netting sheets (CI: 969-4976) and 1379 lost traps (CI: 473-2337)). Therefore, this study highlights the need for the fisheries management to implement adequate ALDFG monitoring mechanisms and subsequent clean-up operations to limit continuous pollution and ghost fishing.
Annals of DAAAM for ... & proceedings of the ... International DAAAM Symposium .., Dec 31, 2022
Current study provides evaluation of the processes for assessing the efficiency in the transport ... more Current study provides evaluation of the processes for assessing the efficiency in the transport cargo structure process based on real-time research using the same technologies and methods as well as offering new methods for assessing cargo diversification. The aim of this study was to confirm the importance of timely estimation of possibilities to diversify the cargo structure in order to take respective measures before the specified risks occur in the multimodal transport system by developing a methodological proposal for monitoring and assessment of the efficiency of the cargo structure as well as for measures and comparative assessments. Methods and materials: The principal materials used for the studies are as follows: various sources of literature, e.g. scholars' articles, research papers and the reports of institutions. The following suitable qualitative research methods have been used: monographic; analysis and synthesis; grouping, logical and abstractive constructional etc.
Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal e... more Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal energy, biomass and biofuels) are alternatives to fossil fuel that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, diversify energy supplies and reduce dependency on markets of unsustainable and volatile fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas. Wind energy is one of the renewable energy sources and is considered to be self-renewable as it is the result of the Sun’s activity. Using wind energy is a rapidly developing industry today, and more and more wind turbines are installed worldwide every year, land-based wind turbines being more widespread than offshore ones. In Latvia, spread of land-based wind parks is hampered by unsettled land ownership rights, while the deployment of wind parks in the sea is a new field for all Baltic States. The neighbouring countries Estonia and Lithuania have developed their own projects for offshore wind parks, therefore the topicality of the development of wind far...
Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global co... more Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a problem of global concern which can cause considerable negative environmental and socioeconomic consequences. Due to use of slowly degrading plastic materials in fishing gear construction, ALDFG can remain in marine environment for decades. Enclosed marine environments are particularly vulnerable for all types of pollution and anthropogenic effects, including pollution resulting from ALDFG. However, the extent of this problem is often not estimated. We estimated the level of ALDFG accumulated in a semi-enclosed coastal marine environment in the Gulf of Riga and along coastal areas of the Baltic Sea which are particularly susceptible to different types of marine pollution, including ALDFG. We based our results on a pragmatic approach of using existing ALDFG estimates. The results showed a potentially considerable amount of derelict fishing gear accumulated over the last decade, specifically gillnets and entangling nets and trap gear (2762 netting sheets (CI: 969-4976) and 1379 lost traps (CI: 473-2337)). Therefore, this study highlights the need for the fisheries management to implement adequate ALDFG monitoring mechanisms and subsequent clean-up operations to limit continuous pollution and ghost fishing.
Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal e... more Renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectricity, ocean energy, geothermal energy, biomass and biofuels) are alternatives to fossil fuel that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, diversify energy supplies and reduce dependency on markets of unsustainable and volatile fossil fuels, particularly oil and gas. Wind energy is one of the renewable energy sources and is considered to be self-renewable as it is the result of the Sun's activity. Using wind energy is a rapidly developing industry today, and more and more wind turbines are installed worldwide every year, land-based wind turbines being more widespread than offshore ones. In Latvia, spread of land-based wind parks is hampered by unsettled land ownership rights, while the deployment of wind parks in the sea is a new field for all Baltic States. The neighbouring countries Estonia and Lithuania have developed their own projects for offshore wind parks, therefore the topicality of the development of wind farms in the territorial waters of Latvia has also increased. Experts have proposed best options and their locations. When assessing possibilities for development of wind parks and their capacity, the following economic factors were evaluated: construction and connection costs, potential operational costs and energy prices. The aim of this study is to develop the methodology for calculating the area of a potential wind park by considering the safety distance to shipping routes and height of the wind turbines, as well as for calculating the potential capacity of a wind park.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2021
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and corrosion behaviour of physical vapour depos... more The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and corrosion behaviour of physical vapour deposited (PVD) TiAlN and TiCN coatings of 50 µm mesh shaped AISI 316 stainless steel were estimated under simulated marine conditions (3.5 wt. % NaCl solution). The coatings were prepared by creating adhesive Cr-CrN interlayer with the thickness of about 0.3 µm. The obtained thicknesses of produced coatings were measured to be in a range between 2 and 3.5 µm. The presence of protective coatings leads to corrosion potential (Ecorr ) shifting to more positive values as compared to the bare stainless steel. This effect indicates higher protection efficiency of coated steel under marine conditions. The protective behaviour of produced coating leads to the decreased corrosion current density (jcorr ) by indicating up to 40-fold higher polarization resistance as compared to resistance of the naturally formed oxide layer over the stainless steel. The Nyquist and Bode plots were obtained with the he...
The article analyses ports competitiveness. Due to increased demand, competition, the internal co... more The article analyses ports competitiveness. Due to increased demand, competition, the internal complexity of the process and requirements for high performance in the service market, ports must be able to effectively organize their business activities by offering nowadays appropriate range of services. With the aim of promoting the port position in the market they need to identify their own performance indicators and to develop strategic objectives and solutions to improve their competitiveness. There is a need for regular evaluation of the effectiveness of port operations in order to facilitate future growth.
Ports in the transport economy have an important role to play in the competitiveness of ports. Th... more Ports in the transport economy have an important role to play in the competitiveness of ports. There is an increasing climate of competition, which causes ports to invest in development and to improve their transport corridors, governance principles and pricing policies in order to strengthen international competitiveness of ports and to ensure that their management practices are in line with the positive international experience. In order to increase the efficiency of transport, to promote the use of environmentally friendly technologies and to improve the international competitiveness of port transport corridors, it is important for ports to determine their own KPI indicators that would be used to assess port performance indicators. As ports are responsible for the quality assurance of port services, even if they do not provide such services, monitoring and assessing of the KPI must be part of the quality assurance process. The objective of this study is to define the port perform...
Auto road sector in national economy, is a sector development of which, with appropriate funding,... more Auto road sector in national economy, is a sector development of which, with appropriate funding, creates basis for other sector development and facilitates competitiveness of country in international market. The goal of auto road sector is auto road network maintenance and development, in order to contribute to the development of the whole country, increase of standards of living of inhabitants, as well as facilitate compliance of Latvian auto roads with the European Union requirements for auto road network. Effective resource utilization and investment attraction to auto road sector is determinant for favorable conditions to overcome economic crisis, structural changes in national economy, regional development and technical progress implementation, which, subsequently, are basis for stable growth of economy. Development and construction of international and national roads is strategically important for further country's economic development, as well as for the European Union regulation and standard fulfillment. In order to achieve positive progress in Latvian auto road development, it is important to assign existing funds, as well as try to find opportunity to increase financing for roads in Latvia. It is necessary to elaborate effective method in order to be able to assign funds appropriately for prioritized projects for them to create reflective return in the development of national economy of Latvia. Solution for this problem is scientifically grounded, well considered auto road construction resource appraisal and assigning method elaboration. Traffic intensity on Latvian roads has considerably increased during the past few years-motor road traffic has increased at least two times. Roads are very overloaded. Demand on use of the transport infrastructure is still increasing. This growth is due to both increasing of number of registered vehicles and the fact that there increases the number of inhabitants of Latvia which live outside Riga but work in Riga. During the past ten years quality of the Latvian auto roads has considerably deteriorated. Due to shortage of financing and increase of the traffic intensity auto roads in Latvia are worn out, coverings has become uneven and there have developed grooves and holes. Shortage of money has forced the owner of roads to set a decreased maintenance standard. Driving by bad roads increases possibilities of accidents on roads and the costs of users and speeds up the wear of vehicles and results in more frequent repairs. Taking into account bad technical condition of Latvian roads, which is deteriorating from year to year due to lack of funding is necessary to significantly improve the situation, which could be achieved by increasing funding for road management, maintenance and restoration. Now Latvian road network condition is critical. As several years for state road maintenance and restoration are not allocated sufficient resources, road pavement condition in many country roads is not satisfactory, and even in some parts is needed emergency reconstruction. Road funding model over the past 15 years has changed several times. Over the last couple of years, it was succeeded to improve the financing model, which along with beginning of economic crisis was destroyed, now the road funding level has fallen back for 5 years.
Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education ‘2017, 2017
Liquefaction of natural gas provides great opportunities for its trade and transportation, making... more Liquefaction of natural gas provides great opportunities for its trade and transportation, making it cost-effective and accessible to places where installing pipelines is impossible or economically unjustified. Liquefied natural gas also opens opportunities for market diversification, if the region is tied to one supplier, as it is in Latvia, with potential positive effects on both the market price and the region's energy security. In view of the growing LNG trade and transport industry, the article studies the possibility to import natural gas in liquefied form. Neither Latvia or Estonia has largescale facilities to import natural gas in liquefied form. The only natural gas sources are natural gas imported from Russia through piping. Latvia and Estonia can import and store liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which is the drained by-product of natural gas extraction and liquefaction process, ethane and butane. Lithuania has the only LNG import terminal in the Baltic countries. The ai...
Coastal countries must take measures to reduce harmful air emissions from ships and strengthen jo... more Coastal countries must take measures to reduce harmful air emissions from ships and strengthen joint coordinated efforts to make the Baltic Sea a model for clean navigation in order to improve its endangered and sensitive environment. Coastal states and ports are directly responsible for monitoring and controlling the ships' compliance with national and international laws. Compliance monitoring and control is carried out by ship inspections and fuel sampling, especially for ships that do not use air emission abatement technologies. Although progress has been made towards reducing sulfur emissions in the Baltic Sea, a work has still to be done to achieve effective and consistent monitoring and enforcement. This issue will become even more important when further nitrogen oxide emission limit values in the region are introduced. Emissions of nitrogen oxides strongly affect air pollution, and together with carbon dioxide emissions they facilitate acidification of seawater. Nitrogen emissions from ships are the result of nitrogen deposition, which contributes to eutrophication -one of the major problems in the Baltic Sea. The aim of the study is to research the shipgenerated air emissions and their impact on environment, to analyse the situation in the Baltic Sea region, and to develop proposals for reducing ship-generated emissions. The potential for reduction of ship-generated emissions in the Baltic Sea is based on compliance with international and regional requirements as well as integration of strategic solutions. Scientific literature, international conventions and European legislation, international studies and methodological materials as well as Internet resources will be used during development of this research.
Latvian ports play an important role in the national economy. Latvia has established itself as a ... more Latvian ports play an important role in the national economy. Latvia has established itself as a transit country (mainly for the Russian, Central Asia and Belarus cargoes). Transit cargoes account for approximately 85% of the total volume of cargoes in the Latvian ports. The Latvian ports handle on average 60 million tons per year. The transportation and storage account for approximately 13% of the Latvian GDP, and the total revenues from transit cargoes account for approximately 4.4% of the GDP and are equal to 27.7% of the total volume of the export of services. Traditional competitors of the Latvian ports include Klaipeda, Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Primorsk ports. Also Ust-luga has joined the above list as it is developed rapidly by Russia. Thus, there is a threat that Russia might direct its cargoes to the ports of its own region by providing the sufficient capacity of its own ports. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the requalification of cargoes on the Latvian ports into the cargoes with high value added. The topicality of the issue of this research is determined by the current increased attention to the operation of the Latvian large ports, the efficiency of their operations and the competitiveness in comparison to other ports of the Baltic sea region, as well as the initiative of the European Commission regarding the review of the ports policy and their further operation on the European Union level. The article will be focused on Latvian large ports freight volume proportion in comparison to the Baltic Sea ports: Tallinn, Klaipeda, Ust-Luga. Calculations will be made using HHI index (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index), which describes "market power" division between all the subjects in the current market. Particular attention will be focused on cargo structure analysis of Baltic ports and restructuring of cargo circulation in the Baltic Sea region.
Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
There is little attention in the Baltics dedicated to the research of ports as economic subjects ... more There is little attention in the Baltics dedicated to the research of ports as economic subjects and their impact on environment. It is vital to strengthen the links between the ports and the Blue Growth while raising awareness of the Blue Growth and making it a cross-cutting issue of the sea-oriented priority areas by creating a special mechanism to support Blue Growth which so far has had insignificant links to port operations. The aim of the article is to analyze the trends and summarize the measures already taken for promotion and integration of the Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea region, and to develop guidelines for ports based on the general and the Baltic Sea Blue Growth strategy, to draw conclusions and to submit proposals for improvement and increase of the Blue Growth. Latvia needs to develop an action plan in order, without unnecessary errors, to quickly implement sustainable port infrastructure and reduce pollution of the sea. The task is to identify the best practices fo...
Papers by Astrida Rijkure