The aim of this preliminary study was to explore the potential and feasibility of long-term visio... more The aim of this preliminary study was to explore the potential and feasibility of long-term visioning of the transport system, especially focusing on transport safety. A method was developed for constructing visions of the transport system over the next 50 years. The method was then put into practice, and an experimental vision for the year 2100 was created. As a foundation for this preliminary study, a literature survey was carried out to scan both the relevant future analysis methods and the publications of longterm futures studies, particularly those dealing with transportation. The main future analysis methods and tools that were selected and integrated into the vision building method, and further used while bringing the pilot vision to life, were transition management, PESTE analysis and a futures table. The three-step vision building method consists of the following phases: 1) environmental scanning, 2) building up the futures table and the visions, and 3) description of the v...
Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka koko petrokemiallisen prosessin kattavaa energiatasett... more Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka koko petrokemiallisen prosessin kattavaa energiatasetta voidaan hyödyntää energia- ja CO2-tehokkuuden määrittelemisessä. Tulosten perusteella pyritään esittämään ehdotus energiataseen muodostamisesta prosessiteollisuudessa ja tarvittavista laitostason mittauksista. Työn alussa esitellään energia- ja CO2-tehokkuuden määritelmiä ja mittareita prosessiteollisuudessa, käsitellen myös liittymäkohtia prosessi-integraatioon sekä päästökauppaan. Kirjallisuusosa jatkuu johdatuksella energiataseen muodostamisen termodynamiikkaan ja alalla vallitseviin käytäntöihin. Työtä havainnollistetaan petrokemian tapaustutkimuksella, jossa olefiinien tuotannossa käytettävälle höyrykrakkausprosessille muodostetaan sekä kaikki prosessin energia- että materiaalivirrat kattava energiatase. Valittu menetelmä täydentää yleisesti käytettyä energiataseen laskentatapaa, joka huomioi vain energiavirrat. Tapaustutkimuskohteessa raaka-aine- ja tuotevirtojen, polttokaasujen,...
This report, D5.1 'The Capability of the Future Automotive Industrial Development of e‐Mobili... more This report, D5.1 'The Capability of the Future Automotive Industrial Development of e‐Mobility', presents the activities of Work Package 5 (WP5) 'Analysis of the supply side of the future e-mobility market' of the eMAP project. The analysis aims at characterising the capabilities/ abilities to executes’ of industries in technology, viability and services to supply the necessary vehicle and infrastructure technologies for electromobility. Market trends and developments in the automotive industry in general, including corporate strategies, investment plans, co-operations and research projects/research networks are analysed as far as possible. Techno-economic data on vehicle technologies will be provided by meta-analysis for review by experts.
The insights of the assessment of current EV recharging infrastructure and future development pla... more The insights of the assessment of current EV recharging infrastructure and future development plans clearly show that the charging infrastructure deployments throughout the eMAP partner countries Finland, Germany and Poland currently are in the early stages. Regarding the scale of deployment, plug-in charging is the most important charging technology in contrast to wireless charging and battery swapping as further recharging solutions. Compared to the today's number of public charging points in Finland 5.6 %, in Germany 3.2 %, and in Poland 0.07 % of the minimum charging infrastructure requirements are reached. However, according to the approved directive “on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure” enacted in the end of 2014, minimum requires public accessible recharging points depending on the number of electric vehicles estimated to be registered by the end of 2020. Minimum required number of recharging points should be equivalent to one recharging point per ten ca...
The European Commission has set as a target a reduction of 60% in transport greenhouse gas emissi... more The European Commission has set as a target a reduction of 60% in transport greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (EC, 2011). This includes freight transport emissions, which present a particular challenge due to the forecast increase in goods transport linked to future economic growth, the current trend of lengthening supply chains and the global nature of these supply chains. A wide range of methodologies and tools is available for calculation of the carbon footprint of freight transport, based on varying emissions data, routing and allocation assumptions and conflicts between actual and assumed vehicle loading performance. In spite of recent developments such as the publication of a European standard EN 16258 “Methodology for calculation and declaration of energy consumption and GHG emissions of transport services (freight and passengers)” there is a clear demand from industry, for harmonisation of calculation methods applicable along the supply chain, across various modes, and at a global level. The COFRET project is working to support this process using real life case study supply chains.
The aim of this preliminary study was to explore the potential and feasibility of long-term visio... more The aim of this preliminary study was to explore the potential and feasibility of long-term visioning of the transport system, especially focusing on transport safety. A method was developed for constructing visions of the transport system over the next 50 years. The method was then put into practice, and an experimental vision for the year 2100 was created. As a foundation for this preliminary study, a literature survey was carried out to scan both the relevant future analysis methods and the publications of longterm futures studies, particularly those dealing with transportation. The main future analysis methods and tools that were selected and integrated into the vision building method, and further used while bringing the pilot vision to life, were transition management, PESTE analysis and a futures table. The three-step vision building method consists of the following phases: 1) environmental scanning, 2) building up the futures table and the visions, and 3) description of the v...
Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka koko petrokemiallisen prosessin kattavaa energiatasett... more Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka koko petrokemiallisen prosessin kattavaa energiatasetta voidaan hyödyntää energia- ja CO2-tehokkuuden määrittelemisessä. Tulosten perusteella pyritään esittämään ehdotus energiataseen muodostamisesta prosessiteollisuudessa ja tarvittavista laitostason mittauksista. Työn alussa esitellään energia- ja CO2-tehokkuuden määritelmiä ja mittareita prosessiteollisuudessa, käsitellen myös liittymäkohtia prosessi-integraatioon sekä päästökauppaan. Kirjallisuusosa jatkuu johdatuksella energiataseen muodostamisen termodynamiikkaan ja alalla vallitseviin käytäntöihin. Työtä havainnollistetaan petrokemian tapaustutkimuksella, jossa olefiinien tuotannossa käytettävälle höyrykrakkausprosessille muodostetaan sekä kaikki prosessin energia- että materiaalivirrat kattava energiatase. Valittu menetelmä täydentää yleisesti käytettyä energiataseen laskentatapaa, joka huomioi vain energiavirrat. Tapaustutkimuskohteessa raaka-aine- ja tuotevirtojen, polttokaasujen,...
This report, D5.1 'The Capability of the Future Automotive Industrial Development of e‐Mobili... more This report, D5.1 'The Capability of the Future Automotive Industrial Development of e‐Mobility', presents the activities of Work Package 5 (WP5) 'Analysis of the supply side of the future e-mobility market' of the eMAP project. The analysis aims at characterising the capabilities/ abilities to executes’ of industries in technology, viability and services to supply the necessary vehicle and infrastructure technologies for electromobility. Market trends and developments in the automotive industry in general, including corporate strategies, investment plans, co-operations and research projects/research networks are analysed as far as possible. Techno-economic data on vehicle technologies will be provided by meta-analysis for review by experts.
The insights of the assessment of current EV recharging infrastructure and future development pla... more The insights of the assessment of current EV recharging infrastructure and future development plans clearly show that the charging infrastructure deployments throughout the eMAP partner countries Finland, Germany and Poland currently are in the early stages. Regarding the scale of deployment, plug-in charging is the most important charging technology in contrast to wireless charging and battery swapping as further recharging solutions. Compared to the today's number of public charging points in Finland 5.6 %, in Germany 3.2 %, and in Poland 0.07 % of the minimum charging infrastructure requirements are reached. However, according to the approved directive “on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure” enacted in the end of 2014, minimum requires public accessible recharging points depending on the number of electric vehicles estimated to be registered by the end of 2020. Minimum required number of recharging points should be equivalent to one recharging point per ten ca...
The European Commission has set as a target a reduction of 60% in transport greenhouse gas emissi... more The European Commission has set as a target a reduction of 60% in transport greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (EC, 2011). This includes freight transport emissions, which present a particular challenge due to the forecast increase in goods transport linked to future economic growth, the current trend of lengthening supply chains and the global nature of these supply chains. A wide range of methodologies and tools is available for calculation of the carbon footprint of freight transport, based on varying emissions data, routing and allocation assumptions and conflicts between actual and assumed vehicle loading performance. In spite of recent developments such as the publication of a European standard EN 16258 “Methodology for calculation and declaration of energy consumption and GHG emissions of transport services (freight and passengers)” there is a clear demand from industry, for harmonisation of calculation methods applicable along the supply chain, across various modes, and at a global level. The COFRET project is working to support this process using real life case study supply chains.
Papers by Heidi Auvinen