Environmental sustainability has become the most critical global agenda of the 21st century. The ... more Environmental sustainability has become the most critical global agenda of the 21st century. The Paris Agreement goals to keep the global temperature rise below 2 compared to the pre‐industrial period. BRICS, which use intensive natural resources, hold regular meetings, and announce policies to comply with the Paris Agreement. This article aims to help BRICS achieve their sustainable development goals. In order to achieve this aim, the relationship between renewable energy consumption, natural resources, and CO2 emissions is explored in depth using the non‐linear panel autoregressive distributed lag method controlling for economic growth and foreign direct investments. Robust results are obtained by allowing for heterogeneity and cross‐section dependence in econometric analysis. Contrary to the previous literature, it has been shown in the empirical analysis that the impact of natural resources on CO2 emissions is not the same in both the long and short‐run. In the long‐run, negative and positive changes in natural resources increase environmental degradation, while foreign direct investments improve environmental quality. In addition, it seems that renewable energy sources have not reached the level to enhance environmental quality. The empirical results indicated that natural resource and renewable energy consumption findings are novel and bring a different perspective to the existing literature. BRICS should take measures to ensure sustainable use of natural resources in order to minimize dependence on fossil fuels. China, Russia, India, and South Africa should increase the share of RSE in the total energy mix and support renewable energy infrastructure investments for moving towards sustainable environmental development.
Aggressive global dissemination of the coronavirus indicated the urgency of the development of va... more Aggressive global dissemination of the coronavirus indicated the urgency of the development of vaccines at an unprecedented rate and scale. The limited production and short supply of vaccines which were reserved mostly for the advanced economies were the greatest problems of 2021. For emerging economies, this timeline will stretch to late 2022 or early 2023. As a part of systematic immunization programs, the development, licensing, and implementation of the vaccines against the Covid-19 virus started to address health service inequalities among countries. While on one hand vaccination is regarded to be one of the most cost-effective interventions in public health during the pandemic, on the other hand, the introduction and sustainable supply of vaccines needed to be supported and ensured by decision-makers and governments. Due to the weak economic conditions of developing countries, they could not provide enough financial and health support to their citizens during this period. Howe...
Eurasian Econometrics Statistics & Emprical Economics Journal
Purpose: Nowadays, the changes in the level of economic activities in the housing market are acce... more Purpose: Nowadays, the changes in the level of economic activities in the housing market are accepted as the most important signal of macroeconomic performance. This situation brings about the need to give importance to the investigation of policy implementations that affect economic activity in the housing market. So, this study aims to find out the effects of changes in the monetary policy on housing prices in Turkey as a sample of developing country. Design/methodology/approach: This study employed Augmented Vector Autoregression (VAR) analysis. For housing prices; the Housing Unit price series, calculated by the Central Bank, spanning 2010M1-2016M3 are used. Housing unit price is calculated by Housing price per square meter. To represent production volume, the index of total industrial production has been used. To represent inflation series, CPU (Consumer Price Index) series have been used. The data has been taken from CBRT (the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey) and TUIK (...
Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek deri... more Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek derinlesen bir sorun olan yolsuzluk olgusu, gelismis ve gelismekte olan ulkeleri bircok farkli yonden tehdit etmektedir. Bilhassa ulkelerin makroekonomik yapilari, gelir dagilimi, kaynak tahsisi ve kamu harcamalari uzerinde tahrip edici ve adaleti yok edici etkileri dolayisiyla yolsuzluk, bir yandan ekonomileri zora sokarken diger yandan da toplumlarda var olan yoksulluk olgusunu giderek daha derinlestirmektedir. Ote yandan, ulkelerin gelismeleri onundeki en onemli engellerden biri olmasinin yaninda, icinde yolsuzluk potansiyeli barindiran kamu yonetimi surecinde, yolsuzluk girisimlerini tamamen yok etmenin mumkun olmadigi da bir gercektir. Bu nedenle, yolsuzlukla mucadele konusunda gunumuzde gelismis ve gelismekte olan tum ulkelerde verilmekte olan her turlu ugrasi, yolsuzluklari belli bir seviyenin altinda tutabilme ve toplumlarda tahrip edici etkilerini asgariye indirme cabasina yoneliktir. Abstract: Parallel to the globalization process, especially in the last 25 years, as a deepening problem, corruption has been threatening both developed and developing countries in different aspects. Since corruption has destructive effects on macro economical structure, income allocation, resource allocation and public expenditures, it not only affects the societies negatively, but also worsens the poverties. In other words, corruption is one of the main barriers in front of development of countries. Furthermore, beside all of these threatening situations, since public administration process contains potential of corruption, it is a fact that it is impossible to eliminate corruption initiatives totally. That is why, both the developed and the developing countries which try to fight with corruption, target to decrease it to an acceptable level and minimize its harmful effects on the economies and the societies.
Yunanistan borc krizi, sadece Yunanistan’i degil, Avrupa Birligi icerisindeki diger ulkeleri de o... more Yunanistan borc krizi, sadece Yunanistan’i degil, Avrupa Birligi icerisindeki diger ulkeleri de olumsuz etkilemistir. Gittikce bozulan makroekonomik yapi, artan ticari acik, zayiflayan rekabet gucu ve hatali finansal yonetimle Yunanistan, ekonomi yonetiminde yeterince basarili olamadigini ortaya koymustur. Ote yandan, bir yandan AB uyesi diger ulkelerin, diger yandan da yerel yoneticilerin tum cabalarina ragmen kamu borclarini odeme konusunda piyasa beklentilerinin giderek zayiflamasi, Yunanistan borc krizinin derinlesmesine neden olusturmustur. Bu kriz, Yunanistan ekonomisindeki derin problemleri gun yuzune cikarmasi yaninda, Avrupa Birligi bunyesinde uygulanan ortak para politikasi ve ayrik maliye politikalarinin da sorgulanmasina yol acmistir. Ustelik birlik icindeki finansal bagimliligin yuksek olmasi nedeniyle, para birligi icinde olan diger ulkelere de krizin bulasma ihtimali soz konusu olmustur. Bu bilgiler isiginda, bu calismada Yunanistan borc krizinin endojen ve egzojen ne...
Abstract. The asset prices channel, as one of the transmission channels of monetary policy, refer... more Abstract. The asset prices channel, as one of the transmission channels of monetary policy, refers to the process of changing aggregate demand level by affecting the asset prices of a change in the central bank's monetary policy decisions. There are 3 basic components of the asset price channels: stock price channel, housing price channel and exchange rate channel. In this study, the operation of the housing price channel is investigated by applying Panel VAR analysis. For this purpose, the data between 2009Q1-2017Q4 period for BRICT countries are analyzed and tested. The findings show that the housing price channel is operating in these countries. The study consists of three parts. In the first part, the operation of the housing price channel is explained. In the second part, the literature research and in the third section, the empirical analysis are emphasized. Keywords. Monetary transmission mechanism, Asset price channel, Stock price channel, Housing price channel. JEL. O18...
Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability
Nowadays, sustainable growth and development are main economic policies for the countries all ove... more Nowadays, sustainable growth and development are main economic policies for the countries all over the world. Decreasing natural resources, deepening environmental pollution and global warming problems are red alert of our planet. Every single country on the earth has the responsibility to protect our planet. So, increasing environmental awareness caused new tendencies in consumer behaviors. Countries aim not to pollute or harm the environment while improving their economic performance and life quality by green economy. Besides, by sustainable consumption, it is aimed to support personal sustainable development. In this context, sustainable consumption trends and the reflections of green economy applications in the world will be discussed in this chapter. In addition, developed countries and developing countries will be compared with each other through results of global ecological footprint.
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of international tourism on economic growth and ca... more The aim of this study is to examine the impact of international tourism on economic growth and carbon emissions by using the Panel VAR model in selected OECD countries. By using yearly data for the periods of 1995 and 2020, we examine the dynamic rela- tionship between international tourism, economic growth, and carbon emissions using the Granger causality test and impulse responses analysis. Although we could not determine the pres- ence of a causal link between the variables using the Granger causality test, impulse responses analysis confirmed that responses of carbon emissions and economic growth to an unex- pected international tourism shock are positive and significant. On the other hand, impulse responses analysis results show that responses of carbon emissions and economic growth to unex- pected international tourism are positive and significant. The empirical findings also indicated that the responses of carbon emissions to an unexpected international tourism shock are higher than the responses of economic growth to an unexpected international tourism shock and these findings indicate that the negative impact of international tourism on environmental quality is greater than its positive impact on economic growth. Policymakers should take actions and measures to reduce the impact of international tourism on environmental deterioration. Improvements and dissemination of eco-friendly technologies in all tourism activities may help to reduce the negative impact of international tourism on carbon emissions.
ENDONEZYA’DA ISLAMI FINANS VE ISLAMI BANKACILIK UYGULAMALARI Doc. Dr. Ayfer Gedikli Istanbul Mede... more ENDONEZYA’DA ISLAMI FINANS VE ISLAMI BANKACILIK UYGULAMALARI Doc. Dr. Ayfer Gedikli Istanbul Medeniyet Universitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi, Iktisat Bolumu, ayfergedikli@yahoo.com Prof. Dr. Seyfettin Erdogan Istanbul Medeniyet Universitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi, Iktisat Bolumu, erserdagm@hotmail.com OZET Guney Dogu Asya’nin sahiline yakin mesafede bulunan Endonezya, dunyanin en buyuk ada ulkesidir. Endonezya, hizla gelisen dinamik ekonomik yapisina ve dunyanin en kalabalik musluman nufusu barindiran ulkesi olmasina karsin, kuresel Islami finans ve katilim bankaciligi sistemi icinde oldukca kucuk bir paya sahiptir. Yuksek musluman nufusa sahip diger ulkelerden Malezya ve Suudi Arabistan ile mukayese edildiginde Islami finans konusunda cok gerilerde oldugunu soylemek yanlis olmayacaktir. Bunun nedeni sadece Islami finans ve katilim bankaciliginda yeterli etkinlige sahip olmamasi degil, ayni zamanda konvansiyonel bankacilik sistemleri ve diger finansal araclar konusunda da ye...
Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek deri... more Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek derinlesen bir sorun olan yolsuzluk olgusu, gelismis ve gelismekte olan ulkeleri bircok farkli yonden tehdit etmektedir. Bilhassa ulkelerin makroekonomik yapilari, gelir dagilimi, kaynak tahsisi ve kamu harcamalari uzerinde tahrip edici ve adaleti yok edici etkileri dolayisiyla yolsuzluk, bir yandan ekonomileri zora sokarken diger yandan da toplumlarda var olan yoksulluk olgusunu giderek daha derinlestirmektedir. Ote yandan, ulkelerin gelismeleri onundeki en onemli engellerden biri olmasinin yaninda, icinde yolsuzluk potansiyeli barindiran kamu yonetimi surecinde, yolsuzluk girisimlerini tamamen yok etmenin mumkun olmadigi da bir gercektir. Bu nedenle, yolsuzlukla mucadele konusunda gunumuzde gelismis ve gelismekte olan tum ulkelerde verilmekte olan her turlu ugrasi, yolsuzluklari belli bir seviyenin altinda tutabilme ve toplumlarda tahrip edici etkilerini asgariye indirme cabasina yonelikti...
1970’lerle birlikte ozellikle muhafazakar muslumanlarin faizin haram olmasi ilkesinden hareketle ... more 1970’lerle birlikte ozellikle muhafazakar muslumanlarin faizin haram olmasi ilkesinden hareketle alternatif bir finansman modeli konusunda artan taleplerini karsilamak uzere Islam ekonomisi ilgi gormeye baslamistir. Ote yandan, somuge sonrasi donemde, bagimsizligini ilan eden Musluman ulkeler ve kalkinma cabasi icine giren diger Musluman topluluklar, yuksek duzeyde artan fon ihtiyaclarini karsilamak uzere kaynak arayisi icine girmislerdir. Petrolun kuresel ekonomide onemli bir hammadde olmasi ve hizla artan fiyatlari ile birlikte, 1970’lerden itibaren Suudi Arabistan, BAE, Katar, Bahreyn, Kuveyt ve Umman’dan olusan Korfez Isbirligi Ulkeleri (GCC) ekonomik kalkinmalarini yer alti zenginliklerinin cikartilmasi ve ihracina dayali olarak gerceklestirmislerdir. Ancak bu ulkeler, 2000’li yillarla birlikte yerel ve dis kaynakli ekonomik ve siyasi soklarla sarsilmislardir. Gelirleri neredeyse tamamen dogal gaz ihracatina bagli olan bu ulkelerin dis kaynakli soklara karsi ekonomilerini koruy...
Koronavirus pandemisinin farkli sektorler uzerinde yarattigi korkunc etkiler goz onune alindigind... more Koronavirus pandemisinin farkli sektorler uzerinde yarattigi korkunc etkiler goz onune alindiginda, salginin kuresel bir saglik sorunu olmanin cok otesinde girift ve cok katmanli sorunlar dogurdugunu ifade etmek yanlis olmayacaktir. Oncelikle gelismis ulkelerde baslayan pandemi, alinan tum kuresel tedbirlere ragmen hizla gelismekte olan ulkelerde de yayilmaya baslamistir. Olumsuz etkileri uzun yillara yayilacagi belli olan bu salginla mucadele konusunda gelismekte olan ulkeler gerek saglik hizmetleri arzi ve saglik altyapisindaki yetersizlikler, gerekse yerel ekonomilerin makroekonomik kosullarindaki kirilganliklar nedeniyle gelismis ulkelere gore oldukca dezavantajli durumdadirlar. Bu ulkeler, kaynak yetersizligi nedeniyle, saglik harcamalarindaki artisi karsilayacak ekstra fonlara da sahip degildir. Gelismekte olan ulkelerdeki bu agir durum yaninda, gelismis ulkeler de pandemi surecinde darbe almis ve pes pese aciklanan negatif buyume oranlari ile vahim tablo daha da netlesmistir....
Environmental sustainability has become the most critical global agenda of the 21st century. The ... more Environmental sustainability has become the most critical global agenda of the 21st century. The Paris Agreement goals to keep the global temperature rise below 2 compared to the pre‐industrial period. BRICS, which use intensive natural resources, hold regular meetings, and announce policies to comply with the Paris Agreement. This article aims to help BRICS achieve their sustainable development goals. In order to achieve this aim, the relationship between renewable energy consumption, natural resources, and CO2 emissions is explored in depth using the non‐linear panel autoregressive distributed lag method controlling for economic growth and foreign direct investments. Robust results are obtained by allowing for heterogeneity and cross‐section dependence in econometric analysis. Contrary to the previous literature, it has been shown in the empirical analysis that the impact of natural resources on CO2 emissions is not the same in both the long and short‐run. In the long‐run, negative and positive changes in natural resources increase environmental degradation, while foreign direct investments improve environmental quality. In addition, it seems that renewable energy sources have not reached the level to enhance environmental quality. The empirical results indicated that natural resource and renewable energy consumption findings are novel and bring a different perspective to the existing literature. BRICS should take measures to ensure sustainable use of natural resources in order to minimize dependence on fossil fuels. China, Russia, India, and South Africa should increase the share of RSE in the total energy mix and support renewable energy infrastructure investments for moving towards sustainable environmental development.
Aggressive global dissemination of the coronavirus indicated the urgency of the development of va... more Aggressive global dissemination of the coronavirus indicated the urgency of the development of vaccines at an unprecedented rate and scale. The limited production and short supply of vaccines which were reserved mostly for the advanced economies were the greatest problems of 2021. For emerging economies, this timeline will stretch to late 2022 or early 2023. As a part of systematic immunization programs, the development, licensing, and implementation of the vaccines against the Covid-19 virus started to address health service inequalities among countries. While on one hand vaccination is regarded to be one of the most cost-effective interventions in public health during the pandemic, on the other hand, the introduction and sustainable supply of vaccines needed to be supported and ensured by decision-makers and governments. Due to the weak economic conditions of developing countries, they could not provide enough financial and health support to their citizens during this period. Howe...
Eurasian Econometrics Statistics & Emprical Economics Journal
Purpose: Nowadays, the changes in the level of economic activities in the housing market are acce... more Purpose: Nowadays, the changes in the level of economic activities in the housing market are accepted as the most important signal of macroeconomic performance. This situation brings about the need to give importance to the investigation of policy implementations that affect economic activity in the housing market. So, this study aims to find out the effects of changes in the monetary policy on housing prices in Turkey as a sample of developing country. Design/methodology/approach: This study employed Augmented Vector Autoregression (VAR) analysis. For housing prices; the Housing Unit price series, calculated by the Central Bank, spanning 2010M1-2016M3 are used. Housing unit price is calculated by Housing price per square meter. To represent production volume, the index of total industrial production has been used. To represent inflation series, CPU (Consumer Price Index) series have been used. The data has been taken from CBRT (the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey) and TUIK (...
Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek deri... more Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek derinlesen bir sorun olan yolsuzluk olgusu, gelismis ve gelismekte olan ulkeleri bircok farkli yonden tehdit etmektedir. Bilhassa ulkelerin makroekonomik yapilari, gelir dagilimi, kaynak tahsisi ve kamu harcamalari uzerinde tahrip edici ve adaleti yok edici etkileri dolayisiyla yolsuzluk, bir yandan ekonomileri zora sokarken diger yandan da toplumlarda var olan yoksulluk olgusunu giderek daha derinlestirmektedir. Ote yandan, ulkelerin gelismeleri onundeki en onemli engellerden biri olmasinin yaninda, icinde yolsuzluk potansiyeli barindiran kamu yonetimi surecinde, yolsuzluk girisimlerini tamamen yok etmenin mumkun olmadigi da bir gercektir. Bu nedenle, yolsuzlukla mucadele konusunda gunumuzde gelismis ve gelismekte olan tum ulkelerde verilmekte olan her turlu ugrasi, yolsuzluklari belli bir seviyenin altinda tutabilme ve toplumlarda tahrip edici etkilerini asgariye indirme cabasina yoneliktir. Abstract: Parallel to the globalization process, especially in the last 25 years, as a deepening problem, corruption has been threatening both developed and developing countries in different aspects. Since corruption has destructive effects on macro economical structure, income allocation, resource allocation and public expenditures, it not only affects the societies negatively, but also worsens the poverties. In other words, corruption is one of the main barriers in front of development of countries. Furthermore, beside all of these threatening situations, since public administration process contains potential of corruption, it is a fact that it is impossible to eliminate corruption initiatives totally. That is why, both the developed and the developing countries which try to fight with corruption, target to decrease it to an acceptable level and minimize its harmful effects on the economies and the societies.
Yunanistan borc krizi, sadece Yunanistan’i degil, Avrupa Birligi icerisindeki diger ulkeleri de o... more Yunanistan borc krizi, sadece Yunanistan’i degil, Avrupa Birligi icerisindeki diger ulkeleri de olumsuz etkilemistir. Gittikce bozulan makroekonomik yapi, artan ticari acik, zayiflayan rekabet gucu ve hatali finansal yonetimle Yunanistan, ekonomi yonetiminde yeterince basarili olamadigini ortaya koymustur. Ote yandan, bir yandan AB uyesi diger ulkelerin, diger yandan da yerel yoneticilerin tum cabalarina ragmen kamu borclarini odeme konusunda piyasa beklentilerinin giderek zayiflamasi, Yunanistan borc krizinin derinlesmesine neden olusturmustur. Bu kriz, Yunanistan ekonomisindeki derin problemleri gun yuzune cikarmasi yaninda, Avrupa Birligi bunyesinde uygulanan ortak para politikasi ve ayrik maliye politikalarinin da sorgulanmasina yol acmistir. Ustelik birlik icindeki finansal bagimliligin yuksek olmasi nedeniyle, para birligi icinde olan diger ulkelere de krizin bulasma ihtimali soz konusu olmustur. Bu bilgiler isiginda, bu calismada Yunanistan borc krizinin endojen ve egzojen ne...
Abstract. The asset prices channel, as one of the transmission channels of monetary policy, refer... more Abstract. The asset prices channel, as one of the transmission channels of monetary policy, refers to the process of changing aggregate demand level by affecting the asset prices of a change in the central bank's monetary policy decisions. There are 3 basic components of the asset price channels: stock price channel, housing price channel and exchange rate channel. In this study, the operation of the housing price channel is investigated by applying Panel VAR analysis. For this purpose, the data between 2009Q1-2017Q4 period for BRICT countries are analyzed and tested. The findings show that the housing price channel is operating in these countries. The study consists of three parts. In the first part, the operation of the housing price channel is explained. In the second part, the literature research and in the third section, the empirical analysis are emphasized. Keywords. Monetary transmission mechanism, Asset price channel, Stock price channel, Housing price channel. JEL. O18...
Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability
Nowadays, sustainable growth and development are main economic policies for the countries all ove... more Nowadays, sustainable growth and development are main economic policies for the countries all over the world. Decreasing natural resources, deepening environmental pollution and global warming problems are red alert of our planet. Every single country on the earth has the responsibility to protect our planet. So, increasing environmental awareness caused new tendencies in consumer behaviors. Countries aim not to pollute or harm the environment while improving their economic performance and life quality by green economy. Besides, by sustainable consumption, it is aimed to support personal sustainable development. In this context, sustainable consumption trends and the reflections of green economy applications in the world will be discussed in this chapter. In addition, developed countries and developing countries will be compared with each other through results of global ecological footprint.
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of international tourism on economic growth and ca... more The aim of this study is to examine the impact of international tourism on economic growth and carbon emissions by using the Panel VAR model in selected OECD countries. By using yearly data for the periods of 1995 and 2020, we examine the dynamic rela- tionship between international tourism, economic growth, and carbon emissions using the Granger causality test and impulse responses analysis. Although we could not determine the pres- ence of a causal link between the variables using the Granger causality test, impulse responses analysis confirmed that responses of carbon emissions and economic growth to an unex- pected international tourism shock are positive and significant. On the other hand, impulse responses analysis results show that responses of carbon emissions and economic growth to unex- pected international tourism are positive and significant. The empirical findings also indicated that the responses of carbon emissions to an unexpected international tourism shock are higher than the responses of economic growth to an unexpected international tourism shock and these findings indicate that the negative impact of international tourism on environmental quality is greater than its positive impact on economic growth. Policymakers should take actions and measures to reduce the impact of international tourism on environmental deterioration. Improvements and dissemination of eco-friendly technologies in all tourism activities may help to reduce the negative impact of international tourism on carbon emissions.
ENDONEZYA’DA ISLAMI FINANS VE ISLAMI BANKACILIK UYGULAMALARI Doc. Dr. Ayfer Gedikli Istanbul Mede... more ENDONEZYA’DA ISLAMI FINANS VE ISLAMI BANKACILIK UYGULAMALARI Doc. Dr. Ayfer Gedikli Istanbul Medeniyet Universitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi, Iktisat Bolumu, ayfergedikli@yahoo.com Prof. Dr. Seyfettin Erdogan Istanbul Medeniyet Universitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi, Iktisat Bolumu, erserdagm@hotmail.com OZET Guney Dogu Asya’nin sahiline yakin mesafede bulunan Endonezya, dunyanin en buyuk ada ulkesidir. Endonezya, hizla gelisen dinamik ekonomik yapisina ve dunyanin en kalabalik musluman nufusu barindiran ulkesi olmasina karsin, kuresel Islami finans ve katilim bankaciligi sistemi icinde oldukca kucuk bir paya sahiptir. Yuksek musluman nufusa sahip diger ulkelerden Malezya ve Suudi Arabistan ile mukayese edildiginde Islami finans konusunda cok gerilerde oldugunu soylemek yanlis olmayacaktir. Bunun nedeni sadece Islami finans ve katilim bankaciliginda yeterli etkinlige sahip olmamasi degil, ayni zamanda konvansiyonel bankacilik sistemleri ve diger finansal araclar konusunda da ye...
Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek deri... more Ozet: Kuresellesme surecine paralel olarak ozellikle son ceyrek yuzyilda tum dunyada giderek derinlesen bir sorun olan yolsuzluk olgusu, gelismis ve gelismekte olan ulkeleri bircok farkli yonden tehdit etmektedir. Bilhassa ulkelerin makroekonomik yapilari, gelir dagilimi, kaynak tahsisi ve kamu harcamalari uzerinde tahrip edici ve adaleti yok edici etkileri dolayisiyla yolsuzluk, bir yandan ekonomileri zora sokarken diger yandan da toplumlarda var olan yoksulluk olgusunu giderek daha derinlestirmektedir. Ote yandan, ulkelerin gelismeleri onundeki en onemli engellerden biri olmasinin yaninda, icinde yolsuzluk potansiyeli barindiran kamu yonetimi surecinde, yolsuzluk girisimlerini tamamen yok etmenin mumkun olmadigi da bir gercektir. Bu nedenle, yolsuzlukla mucadele konusunda gunumuzde gelismis ve gelismekte olan tum ulkelerde verilmekte olan her turlu ugrasi, yolsuzluklari belli bir seviyenin altinda tutabilme ve toplumlarda tahrip edici etkilerini asgariye indirme cabasina yonelikti...
1970’lerle birlikte ozellikle muhafazakar muslumanlarin faizin haram olmasi ilkesinden hareketle ... more 1970’lerle birlikte ozellikle muhafazakar muslumanlarin faizin haram olmasi ilkesinden hareketle alternatif bir finansman modeli konusunda artan taleplerini karsilamak uzere Islam ekonomisi ilgi gormeye baslamistir. Ote yandan, somuge sonrasi donemde, bagimsizligini ilan eden Musluman ulkeler ve kalkinma cabasi icine giren diger Musluman topluluklar, yuksek duzeyde artan fon ihtiyaclarini karsilamak uzere kaynak arayisi icine girmislerdir. Petrolun kuresel ekonomide onemli bir hammadde olmasi ve hizla artan fiyatlari ile birlikte, 1970’lerden itibaren Suudi Arabistan, BAE, Katar, Bahreyn, Kuveyt ve Umman’dan olusan Korfez Isbirligi Ulkeleri (GCC) ekonomik kalkinmalarini yer alti zenginliklerinin cikartilmasi ve ihracina dayali olarak gerceklestirmislerdir. Ancak bu ulkeler, 2000’li yillarla birlikte yerel ve dis kaynakli ekonomik ve siyasi soklarla sarsilmislardir. Gelirleri neredeyse tamamen dogal gaz ihracatina bagli olan bu ulkelerin dis kaynakli soklara karsi ekonomilerini koruy...
Koronavirus pandemisinin farkli sektorler uzerinde yarattigi korkunc etkiler goz onune alindigind... more Koronavirus pandemisinin farkli sektorler uzerinde yarattigi korkunc etkiler goz onune alindiginda, salginin kuresel bir saglik sorunu olmanin cok otesinde girift ve cok katmanli sorunlar dogurdugunu ifade etmek yanlis olmayacaktir. Oncelikle gelismis ulkelerde baslayan pandemi, alinan tum kuresel tedbirlere ragmen hizla gelismekte olan ulkelerde de yayilmaya baslamistir. Olumsuz etkileri uzun yillara yayilacagi belli olan bu salginla mucadele konusunda gelismekte olan ulkeler gerek saglik hizmetleri arzi ve saglik altyapisindaki yetersizlikler, gerekse yerel ekonomilerin makroekonomik kosullarindaki kirilganliklar nedeniyle gelismis ulkelere gore oldukca dezavantajli durumdadirlar. Bu ulkeler, kaynak yetersizligi nedeniyle, saglik harcamalarindaki artisi karsilayacak ekstra fonlara da sahip degildir. Gelismekte olan ulkelerdeki bu agir durum yaninda, gelismis ulkeler de pandemi surecinde darbe almis ve pes pese aciklanan negatif buyume oranlari ile vahim tablo daha da netlesmistir....
Papers by Ayfer Gedikli