Drafts by Massimiliano Botti
La Maison TATAMI est un pavillon, mis à disposition par la/les Mairie/s, ouvert à tout/e citoyen/... more La Maison TATAMI est un pavillon, mis à disposition par la/les Mairie/s, ouvert à tout/e citoyen/ne pour qu’on puisse partager et pratiquer ses passions: la musique, la peinture, la sculpture, la poésie, le théâtre, la photographie etc. La Maison est un système modulable de montage d’éléments à sec, facilement démontable et donc “mobile” dans la ville. Une version prototype est proposée pour la réalisation. Le projet vise à densifier, développer et diversifier l’usage des espaces publics dans Paris par les citoyen/ne/s en diffusant en même temps la pratique du recyclage et de la sauvegarde environnementale.
Books by Massimiliano Botti
Between January and March 2014, at the invitation of the Biennial Barbara Cappochin, some of thos... more Between January and March 2014, at the invitation of the Biennial Barbara Cappochin, some of those involved in exemplary interventions of urban regeneration from Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France and Italy came to Padua.
With them, representatives from the Institutions and exponents of innovative research developed in Italy, for the redevelopment of buildings and the contexts in which they are to be found.
The study days dedicated to Eco Districts (Bo01, Ørestad, Eco-Viikki, Vauban, Plan d'Ou, Le Albere) and to urban and architectonic multi-disciplinary and multi-participant "remodelage", confirmed that it is possible to create parts of the city according to criteria that change from time to time (because they are born as precise and imaginative answers to real problems which might be economic, social, etc.) but related to the fundamental idea of considering the urban fabric as a trigger for development.
The book, the start of a process of complex research which will continue in the future, proposes - starting from Renzo Piano's introduction - to adopt a new way of behaving when dealing with the redesign of the contemporary Italian city, and offers a critical collection of strategies and techniques which have already produced urban projects in many part of Europe, from which to learn, from which to select innovative instruments and methods.
Without ignoring the difficulty of operating in the contemporary economic situation, a difficulty that often represents an obstacle, sometimes an alibi, because the Eco Districts can be - and has been in most cases, in different countries - the instrument with which to design a different society.
La tesi di Dottorato analizza la chiesa unitariana di Rochester di Louis I. Kahn come risultato d... more La tesi di Dottorato analizza la chiesa unitariana di Rochester di Louis I. Kahn come risultato dell'applicazione della strategia dell'Hollowcore (il vuoto al centro del progetto, celato dietro una ridondante cortina edificata cui è affidata la rappresentazione di un'idea).
Il libro racconta il progetto di riqualificazione a fini ricettivi dell'area Moceniga a Rosolina,... more Il libro racconta il progetto di riqualificazione a fini ricettivi dell'area Moceniga a Rosolina, in provincia di Rovigo. Il disegno di architettura e modellazione del paesaggio è il risultato di una convenzione conto terzi tra l'Università degli Studi di Brescia e l'Azienda Agricola F.lli Ferro di Rosolina. Una grande bacino d'acqua di 11 ettari, una nuova valle per l'itticoltura, è contornato da un argine complesso che dispone e regola gli edifici di progetto: un museo e centro studi, un albergo (compatto e diffuso), un agricampeggio, ristorante e piscine.
Il numero monografico illustra i metodi compositivi e gli esiti didattici della convenzione conto... more Il numero monografico illustra i metodi compositivi e gli esiti didattici della convenzione conto terzi tra l'Università degli Studi di Brescia e l'Azienda Agricola F.lli Ferro s.s. di Rosolina (RO).
Il volume propone riflessioni critiche sulla didattica del progetto e una selezione di lavori svo... more Il volume propone riflessioni critiche sulla didattica del progetto e una selezione di lavori svolti dagli studenti del corso e laboratorio di Caratteri morfologici, tipologici e distributivi dell'architettura della Facoltà di Ingegneria di Brescia. Il tema utilizza come pre-testo il bando del concorso "Casa per tutti" promosso dalla Triennale di Milano: la progettazione di un alloggio di 18 mq assemblato a secco, utile in caso di calamità o emergenze umanitarie.
Il volume racconta il restauro dell'ex Pretura di Sacile (PN), un edificio antico di sette secoli... more Il volume racconta il restauro dell'ex Pretura di Sacile (PN), un edificio antico di sette secoli nei pressi del fiume Livenza, e la sua trasformazione in Museo civico. E' l'ultimo progetto di Pietro Mainardis.
Papers by Massimiliano Botti
"Eu-topia Urban Scape, the redevelopment of Prealpino Village (Brescia, Italy)", was an... more "Eu-topia Urban Scape, the redevelopment of Prealpino Village (Brescia, Italy)", was an international workshop of architectural design focused on the enhancement and upgrading of the settlement called PrealpinoVillage, located at the northern terminal of the Metro Brescia. "Eu-topia Urban Scape" offered tostudents and young architects an opportunity to experiment and develop design considerations relating to issues of urban regeneration within Brescia city. "Eu-topia Urban Scape" was a moment of reflection open to the public and intended to spark a lively debate among the population, the experts/specialists and the research community on issues related to the regeneration of strategic areas in the city of Brescia. This is also in light of the radical transformation that the new Metro Brescia induced in perception - and in the real estate value - of the areas affected by its path. "Eu-topia Urban Scape" was characterized by Design Workshops, Con...
Learning from Rea project, 2018
I nodi nella rete sociale che l’umanità ha lentamente costruito nel corso della sua storia hanno ... more I nodi nella rete sociale che l’umanità ha lentamente costruito nel corso della sua storia hanno rappresentato il primo germe di agglomerato civico: crocicchio, mercato, paese e poi, se le condizioni erano favorevoli
(e la strada è, evidentemente, solo una di queste), città.
E così all’interno delle città, i nodi erano ancora – e in parte sono, consegnati a noi dalla storia e dall’uso e spesso disattesi o mal compresi dal progetto contemporaneo – gli incroci, le piazze. E tra i nodi le strade che li connettono erano, e in questo caso – si cercherà di argomentare in questo testo – il verbo al passato è necessario, gli elementi-cardine della rete sociale.
Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to... more Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to cities with more than 10.000 inhabitants that have promoted smart territorial planning policies. As an initiative of the French Ministère du logement, de l'égalité des territoires et de la ruralité, the "EcoCité, ville de demain" program promotes the cooperation between local administrations in order to address environmental and ecological issues. From December 2015 through September 2016, some of the leading cities in urban transformation that have won the title of European Green Capital, or have declared EcoCité, contributed to the study days of the seventh edition of the "Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Biennale". The book "European Green Capitals. Esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sostenibile/Experiences of Sustainable Urban Regeneration" edited by G. Cappochin, M. Botti, G. Furlan and S. Lironi (LetteraVentidue, Siracusa) illustrates the strategies and good practices that have led several European urban regions to become beacons of innovation.
Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to... more Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to cities with more than 10.000 inhabitants that have promoted smart territorial planning policies. As an initiative of the French Ministère du logement, de l'égalité des territoires et de la ruralité, the "EcoCité, ville de demain" program promotes the cooperation between local administrations in order to address environmental and ecological issues. From December 2015 through September 2016, some of the leading cities in urban transformation that have won the title of European Green Capital, or have declared EcoCité, contributed to the study days of the seventh edition of the "Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Biennale". The book "European Green Capitals. Esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sostenibile/Experiences of Sustainable Urban Regeneration" edited by G. Cappochin, M. Botti, G. Furlan and S. Lironi (LetteraVentidue, Siracusa) illustrates the strategies and good practices that have led several European urban regions to become beacons of innovation.
Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to... more Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to cities with more than 10.000 inhabitants that have promoted smart territorial planning policies. As an initiative of the French Ministère du logement, de l'égalité des territoires et de la ruralité, the "EcoCité, ville de demain" program promotes the cooperation between local administrations in order to address environmental and ecological issues. From December 2015 through September 2016, some of the leading cities in urban transformation that have won the title of European Green Capital, or have declared EcoCité, contributed to the study days of the seventh edition of the "Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Biennale". The book "European Green Capitals. Esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sostenibile/Experiences of Sustainable Urban Regeneration" edited by G. Cappochin, M. Botti, G. Furlan and S. Lironi (LetteraVentidue, Siracusa) illustrates the strategies and good practices that have led several European urban regions to become beacons of innovation.
Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to... more Since its creation, the European Commission's "European Green Capitals Award" has been awarded to cities with more than 10.000 inhabitants that have promoted smart territorial planning policies. As an initiative of the French Ministère du logement, de l'égalité des territoires et de la ruralité, the "EcoCité, ville de demain" program promotes the cooperation between local administrations in order to address environmental and ecological issues.
From December 2015 through September 2016, some of the leading cities in urban transformation that have won the title of European Green Capital, or have declared EcoCité, contributed to the study days of the seventh edition of the "Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Biennale".
The book "European Green Capitals. Esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sostenibile/Experiences of Sustainable Urban Regeneration" edited by G. Cappochin, M. Botti, G. Furlan and S. Lironi (LetteraVentidue, Siracusa) illustrates the strategies and good practices that have led several European urban regions to become beacons of innovation.
Herman Hertzberger e Ralph Erskine rappresentano due casi di maestri "raggiungibili". Non inarriv... more Herman Hertzberger e Ralph Erskine rappresentano due casi di maestri "raggiungibili". Non inarrivabili leggende dell'architettura, ma riferimenti utili per mettere mano al proprio progetto, e il cui insegnamento – sottile, arguto e permeato di umanità – è pronto all'uso, come un pratico utensile che non tradisce. Sono anche due maestri non troppo noti, la cui lezione sottotraccia emerge con chiarezza in alcuni autori nostri contemporanei ma che, non essendo legata alla codifica di un linguaggio evidente, è nel tempo risultata di difficile trasmissione. Il che sarebbe abbastanza sorprendente, se si pensa alla vocazione didattica dei Nostri, ma lo è meno se si ammette che è più facile prendere a prestito modelli che apprendere, soppesandoli, dei principi.
Che un edificio sia fatto di parti è cosa ovvia. Che le parti possano caso per caso venire classi... more Che un edificio sia fatto di parti è cosa ovvia. Che le parti possano caso per caso venire classificate come “classi di unità tecnologiche” o come “elementi costitutivi della forma”, e a loro volta possano essere distinte in base ai materiali prevalenti che le compongono, anche.
Consapevoli di questo, non parleremo qui di composizione di figure semplici sul piano o di volumi, ma ragioneremo sui modi con i quali è possibile assemblare, o lavorare, gli “elementi costitutivi”. Non daremo quindi forma a un elenco di manufatti che hanno in comune un materiale, o un elemento specifico ridondante, ma i modi con i quali alcuni di quegli elementi vengono fatti stare insieme, e i sistemi di relazione che ne scaturiscono.
Occorrerebbe costruire una tassonomia complessa, cosa che va evidentemente ben al di là delle ambizioni di questo testo. A titolo di esempio, per ciò che riguarda gli elementi del progetto sottoposti ad azioni topologiche, si potrebbero identificare: il (grande) muro, il (grande) tetto e la supercopertura, l’involucro, ecc., a loro volta generatori di strategie miste (archiscape, organico vs cartesiano, ecc.) non in grado di descrivere, per forza di cose, l’intera complessità dei risultati progettuali e per le quali sarebbe quindi possibile verificare promettenti ibridazioni .
Il caso della Vela Laterizi induce tuttavia a serrare le maglie del setaccio per individuare due elementi soltanto, che hanno a che fare in prima istanza con l’insieme di manufatti del comparto produttivo dismesso della Franciacorta e con le loro caratteristiche tipologiche, in secondo luogo con le potenzialità che gli edifici, abbandonati a se stessi, hanno nel momento in cui avviene il contatto tra ciò che esiste e ciò che nell’esistente può essere immesso.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape, the redevelopment of Prealpino
Village (Brescia, Italy)", was an internat... more "Eu-topia Urban Scape, the redevelopment of Prealpino
Village (Brescia, Italy)", was an international workshop of architectural design focused on the enhancement and upgrading of the settlement called PrealpinoVillage, located at the northern terminal of the Metro Brescia.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" offered tostudents and young architects an opportunity to experiment and develop design considerations relating to issues of urban regeneration within Brescia city.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was a moment of reflection open to the public
and intended to spark a lively debate among the population, the experts/specialists and the research community on issues related to the regeneration of strategic areas in the city of Brescia. This is also in light of the radical transformation that the new Metro Brescia induced in perception - and in the real estate value - of the areas affected by its path.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was characterized by Design Workshops, Conferences which was attended by international speakers (Aldo Cibic, Miguel Ángel de la Cova Morillo-Velarde, Pierre-Alain Croset, João Ferreira Nunes, Lorenzo Noè, Amadeos Ramos Caranza, Juan Manuel Salazar Palerm, Esau Acosta - Estudio SIC), that also were held at the Headquarters of the Ordine Architetti della Provincia di Brescia, a jury and a final exhibition of the projects developed during the Workshop.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was sponsored by the Università degli Studi di Brescia under the sponsorship of the Foundation Cariplo, Ordine Architetti PPC della Provincia di Brescia, the Comune di Brescia/Urban Center, SEB/Scuola Edile Bresciana, and the involvement of students belonging to the Degree programme of Building Engineering and Architecture (UNIBS, Italy), the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla (Spain), the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and young architects members of the Ordine APPC of Brescia.
"Prealpino is almost right" is the final result of the Cluster Five Design Group, an Urban Regeneration Project which acts on a part of the Prealpino Village but is proposed as a "method" to intervene on obsolete portions of urban fabric.
The project's objective is to seek what already is good and improve it by introducing small variations of open spaces, changing the character of places and introducing new features.
Les bâtiments ne sont pas des monades, les bâtiments ne sont pas permanents.
Les exigences qui ... more Les bâtiments ne sont pas des monades, les bâtiments ne sont pas permanents.
Les exigences qui les ont rendues nécessaire changent, leur réponse au changement est souvent lente. La stratification (même) de ces changements est la ville telle qu’elle apparaît; la courte durée de notre vie fait – parfois – oublier que la scène urbaine n’est pas du tout fixe. Les bâtiments se font vieux, souvent d’une façon mauvaise, et leur vieillissement avec peu de dignité est un des signes perceptibles du changement. Nous pouvons intervenir dans ce processus, sans camouflage ou solutions traumatiques (démolition-et-remplacement), qui font partie par ailleurs des moyens du changement du tissu urbain. On propose de rendre les bâtiments capables de réagir à l’évolution constante dans laquelle ils sont plongés. Pour ce faire, on peut superposer à eux un layer d’impermanence, une exosquelette structurale adaptable à absorber les changements, qui intervient sur le type, la morphologie, les relations entre le bâtiment et l’espace qui l’entoure.
Drafts by Massimiliano Botti
Books by Massimiliano Botti
With them, representatives from the Institutions and exponents of innovative research developed in Italy, for the redevelopment of buildings and the contexts in which they are to be found.
The study days dedicated to Eco Districts (Bo01, Ørestad, Eco-Viikki, Vauban, Plan d'Ou, Le Albere) and to urban and architectonic multi-disciplinary and multi-participant "remodelage", confirmed that it is possible to create parts of the city according to criteria that change from time to time (because they are born as precise and imaginative answers to real problems which might be economic, social, etc.) but related to the fundamental idea of considering the urban fabric as a trigger for development.
The book, the start of a process of complex research which will continue in the future, proposes - starting from Renzo Piano's introduction - to adopt a new way of behaving when dealing with the redesign of the contemporary Italian city, and offers a critical collection of strategies and techniques which have already produced urban projects in many part of Europe, from which to learn, from which to select innovative instruments and methods.
Without ignoring the difficulty of operating in the contemporary economic situation, a difficulty that often represents an obstacle, sometimes an alibi, because the Eco Districts can be - and has been in most cases, in different countries - the instrument with which to design a different society.
Papers by Massimiliano Botti
(e la strada è, evidentemente, solo una di queste), città.
E così all’interno delle città, i nodi erano ancora – e in parte sono, consegnati a noi dalla storia e dall’uso e spesso disattesi o mal compresi dal progetto contemporaneo – gli incroci, le piazze. E tra i nodi le strade che li connettono erano, e in questo caso – si cercherà di argomentare in questo testo – il verbo al passato è necessario, gli elementi-cardine della rete sociale.
From December 2015 through September 2016, some of the leading cities in urban transformation that have won the title of European Green Capital, or have declared EcoCité, contributed to the study days of the seventh edition of the "Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Biennale".
The book "European Green Capitals. Esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sostenibile/Experiences of Sustainable Urban Regeneration" edited by G. Cappochin, M. Botti, G. Furlan and S. Lironi (LetteraVentidue, Siracusa) illustrates the strategies and good practices that have led several European urban regions to become beacons of innovation.
Consapevoli di questo, non parleremo qui di composizione di figure semplici sul piano o di volumi, ma ragioneremo sui modi con i quali è possibile assemblare, o lavorare, gli “elementi costitutivi”. Non daremo quindi forma a un elenco di manufatti che hanno in comune un materiale, o un elemento specifico ridondante, ma i modi con i quali alcuni di quegli elementi vengono fatti stare insieme, e i sistemi di relazione che ne scaturiscono.
Occorrerebbe costruire una tassonomia complessa, cosa che va evidentemente ben al di là delle ambizioni di questo testo. A titolo di esempio, per ciò che riguarda gli elementi del progetto sottoposti ad azioni topologiche, si potrebbero identificare: il (grande) muro, il (grande) tetto e la supercopertura, l’involucro, ecc., a loro volta generatori di strategie miste (archiscape, organico vs cartesiano, ecc.) non in grado di descrivere, per forza di cose, l’intera complessità dei risultati progettuali e per le quali sarebbe quindi possibile verificare promettenti ibridazioni .
Il caso della Vela Laterizi induce tuttavia a serrare le maglie del setaccio per individuare due elementi soltanto, che hanno a che fare in prima istanza con l’insieme di manufatti del comparto produttivo dismesso della Franciacorta e con le loro caratteristiche tipologiche, in secondo luogo con le potenzialità che gli edifici, abbandonati a se stessi, hanno nel momento in cui avviene il contatto tra ciò che esiste e ciò che nell’esistente può essere immesso.
Village (Brescia, Italy)", was an international workshop of architectural design focused on the enhancement and upgrading of the settlement called PrealpinoVillage, located at the northern terminal of the Metro Brescia.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" offered tostudents and young architects an opportunity to experiment and develop design considerations relating to issues of urban regeneration within Brescia city.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was a moment of reflection open to the public
and intended to spark a lively debate among the population, the experts/specialists and the research community on issues related to the regeneration of strategic areas in the city of Brescia. This is also in light of the radical transformation that the new Metro Brescia induced in perception - and in the real estate value - of the areas affected by its path.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was characterized by Design Workshops, Conferences which was attended by international speakers (Aldo Cibic, Miguel Ángel de la Cova Morillo-Velarde, Pierre-Alain Croset, João Ferreira Nunes, Lorenzo Noè, Amadeos Ramos Caranza, Juan Manuel Salazar Palerm, Esau Acosta - Estudio SIC), that also were held at the Headquarters of the Ordine Architetti della Provincia di Brescia, a jury and a final exhibition of the projects developed during the Workshop.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was sponsored by the Università degli Studi di Brescia under the sponsorship of the Foundation Cariplo, Ordine Architetti PPC della Provincia di Brescia, the Comune di Brescia/Urban Center, SEB/Scuola Edile Bresciana, and the involvement of students belonging to the Degree programme of Building Engineering and Architecture (UNIBS, Italy), the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla (Spain), the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and young architects members of the Ordine APPC of Brescia.
"Prealpino is almost right" is the final result of the Cluster Five Design Group, an Urban Regeneration Project which acts on a part of the Prealpino Village but is proposed as a "method" to intervene on obsolete portions of urban fabric.
The project's objective is to seek what already is good and improve it by introducing small variations of open spaces, changing the character of places and introducing new features.
Les exigences qui les ont rendues nécessaire changent, leur réponse au changement est souvent lente. La stratification (même) de ces changements est la ville telle qu’elle apparaît; la courte durée de notre vie fait – parfois – oublier que la scène urbaine n’est pas du tout fixe. Les bâtiments se font vieux, souvent d’une façon mauvaise, et leur vieillissement avec peu de dignité est un des signes perceptibles du changement. Nous pouvons intervenir dans ce processus, sans camouflage ou solutions traumatiques (démolition-et-remplacement), qui font partie par ailleurs des moyens du changement du tissu urbain. On propose de rendre les bâtiments capables de réagir à l’évolution constante dans laquelle ils sont plongés. Pour ce faire, on peut superposer à eux un layer d’impermanence, une exosquelette structurale adaptable à absorber les changements, qui intervient sur le type, la morphologie, les relations entre le bâtiment et l’espace qui l’entoure.
With them, representatives from the Institutions and exponents of innovative research developed in Italy, for the redevelopment of buildings and the contexts in which they are to be found.
The study days dedicated to Eco Districts (Bo01, Ørestad, Eco-Viikki, Vauban, Plan d'Ou, Le Albere) and to urban and architectonic multi-disciplinary and multi-participant "remodelage", confirmed that it is possible to create parts of the city according to criteria that change from time to time (because they are born as precise and imaginative answers to real problems which might be economic, social, etc.) but related to the fundamental idea of considering the urban fabric as a trigger for development.
The book, the start of a process of complex research which will continue in the future, proposes - starting from Renzo Piano's introduction - to adopt a new way of behaving when dealing with the redesign of the contemporary Italian city, and offers a critical collection of strategies and techniques which have already produced urban projects in many part of Europe, from which to learn, from which to select innovative instruments and methods.
Without ignoring the difficulty of operating in the contemporary economic situation, a difficulty that often represents an obstacle, sometimes an alibi, because the Eco Districts can be - and has been in most cases, in different countries - the instrument with which to design a different society.
(e la strada è, evidentemente, solo una di queste), città.
E così all’interno delle città, i nodi erano ancora – e in parte sono, consegnati a noi dalla storia e dall’uso e spesso disattesi o mal compresi dal progetto contemporaneo – gli incroci, le piazze. E tra i nodi le strade che li connettono erano, e in questo caso – si cercherà di argomentare in questo testo – il verbo al passato è necessario, gli elementi-cardine della rete sociale.
From December 2015 through September 2016, some of the leading cities in urban transformation that have won the title of European Green Capital, or have declared EcoCité, contributed to the study days of the seventh edition of the "Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Biennale".
The book "European Green Capitals. Esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sostenibile/Experiences of Sustainable Urban Regeneration" edited by G. Cappochin, M. Botti, G. Furlan and S. Lironi (LetteraVentidue, Siracusa) illustrates the strategies and good practices that have led several European urban regions to become beacons of innovation.
Consapevoli di questo, non parleremo qui di composizione di figure semplici sul piano o di volumi, ma ragioneremo sui modi con i quali è possibile assemblare, o lavorare, gli “elementi costitutivi”. Non daremo quindi forma a un elenco di manufatti che hanno in comune un materiale, o un elemento specifico ridondante, ma i modi con i quali alcuni di quegli elementi vengono fatti stare insieme, e i sistemi di relazione che ne scaturiscono.
Occorrerebbe costruire una tassonomia complessa, cosa che va evidentemente ben al di là delle ambizioni di questo testo. A titolo di esempio, per ciò che riguarda gli elementi del progetto sottoposti ad azioni topologiche, si potrebbero identificare: il (grande) muro, il (grande) tetto e la supercopertura, l’involucro, ecc., a loro volta generatori di strategie miste (archiscape, organico vs cartesiano, ecc.) non in grado di descrivere, per forza di cose, l’intera complessità dei risultati progettuali e per le quali sarebbe quindi possibile verificare promettenti ibridazioni .
Il caso della Vela Laterizi induce tuttavia a serrare le maglie del setaccio per individuare due elementi soltanto, che hanno a che fare in prima istanza con l’insieme di manufatti del comparto produttivo dismesso della Franciacorta e con le loro caratteristiche tipologiche, in secondo luogo con le potenzialità che gli edifici, abbandonati a se stessi, hanno nel momento in cui avviene il contatto tra ciò che esiste e ciò che nell’esistente può essere immesso.
Village (Brescia, Italy)", was an international workshop of architectural design focused on the enhancement and upgrading of the settlement called PrealpinoVillage, located at the northern terminal of the Metro Brescia.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" offered tostudents and young architects an opportunity to experiment and develop design considerations relating to issues of urban regeneration within Brescia city.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was a moment of reflection open to the public
and intended to spark a lively debate among the population, the experts/specialists and the research community on issues related to the regeneration of strategic areas in the city of Brescia. This is also in light of the radical transformation that the new Metro Brescia induced in perception - and in the real estate value - of the areas affected by its path.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was characterized by Design Workshops, Conferences which was attended by international speakers (Aldo Cibic, Miguel Ángel de la Cova Morillo-Velarde, Pierre-Alain Croset, João Ferreira Nunes, Lorenzo Noè, Amadeos Ramos Caranza, Juan Manuel Salazar Palerm, Esau Acosta - Estudio SIC), that also were held at the Headquarters of the Ordine Architetti della Provincia di Brescia, a jury and a final exhibition of the projects developed during the Workshop.
"Eu-topia Urban Scape" was sponsored by the Università degli Studi di Brescia under the sponsorship of the Foundation Cariplo, Ordine Architetti PPC della Provincia di Brescia, the Comune di Brescia/Urban Center, SEB/Scuola Edile Bresciana, and the involvement of students belonging to the Degree programme of Building Engineering and Architecture (UNIBS, Italy), the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla (Spain), the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and young architects members of the Ordine APPC of Brescia.
"Prealpino is almost right" is the final result of the Cluster Five Design Group, an Urban Regeneration Project which acts on a part of the Prealpino Village but is proposed as a "method" to intervene on obsolete portions of urban fabric.
The project's objective is to seek what already is good and improve it by introducing small variations of open spaces, changing the character of places and introducing new features.
Les exigences qui les ont rendues nécessaire changent, leur réponse au changement est souvent lente. La stratification (même) de ces changements est la ville telle qu’elle apparaît; la courte durée de notre vie fait – parfois – oublier que la scène urbaine n’est pas du tout fixe. Les bâtiments se font vieux, souvent d’une façon mauvaise, et leur vieillissement avec peu de dignité est un des signes perceptibles du changement. Nous pouvons intervenir dans ce processus, sans camouflage ou solutions traumatiques (démolition-et-remplacement), qui font partie par ailleurs des moyens du changement du tissu urbain. On propose de rendre les bâtiments capables de réagir à l’évolution constante dans laquelle ils sont plongés. Pour ce faire, on peut superposer à eux un layer d’impermanence, une exosquelette structurale adaptable à absorber les changements, qui intervient sur le type, la morphologie, les relations entre le bâtiment et l’espace qui l’entoure.
The place of urban regeneration, despite its optative character, has instead quantifiable dimensions and a definite place in the world. 37% of residential buildings in Italy originated between 1946 and 1971; of which about 800,000 units are obsolescent in terms of energy performance, of response to the earthquake, etc. If we assign to each of them 100 sqm gross we get 300 mc which, multiplied by the estimated number, lead us to 240,000,000 cubic meters: a prism as big as a football field 24,000 meters tall, of which a part not secondary is made up of social building. This is the place, you need to defragment in order to grasp its real proportions. Why does not reveal itself only in the peripheral metropolitan intensives but consists of a fine dust of semi detached houses, IACP buildings, 167 etc. ... What makes it a unique place-object is the appeal of characteristics and patologies that the artifacts, despite in its typological and technological diversity, present. All these building quantities cannot be demolished or because it is too expensive to do so, one
would not know where to put the remains and – according to recent studies – a demolition and reconstruction operation to be profitable should see doubled its initial volume ratio. What you can do, because the intrinsic value and the meaning of this housing stock (including the public one) are renewed, is changing the utopia in "eutopia" (eu-topos), transforming the non-place in a multitude of good places, to re-establish and care for.
Trying different paths, from the replacement of windows to total redesign with targeted expansions and typological disruptions, working on what is already there. Operating on the basis of examples that come to us from other nations (Lacaton & Vassal, Castro, Kroll ...) to formulate new guidelines and organic techniques (and sustainable, also economically)
of remodelage, congruent with the standard and reckless enough to be effective and valid over time, to retrain the buildings and the surrounding space. It will need to "listen" to what already exists, not to crystallize, but to suggest a revolutionary development, one of the few practicable in a building landscape that, full of empty rooms and after consuming thousands hectares of land, you may find that many good places are already (almost) ready.
Both the artifacts and the contexts in which they are collocated often have outdated solutions to meet the needs of contemporary living, even if at times they have maintained a quality potential that can be brought to light with efforts to enhance not only the size of accommodation, performance energy in relation to the geography of places, exposure, to plant equipment, but also designed to test the application of urban "remodelage" principles verifying the potential of the morphological project as a tool capable to change the quality of "living space" in the contemporary city.
Evaluate the degree integration of these settlements in the urban context, documenting the conservation level of the typological, morphological and technological quality, analyze the variations of image related to the conditions of use, allows you to define the levels of critical issues and to draw a map of their current conditions.
The analysis of pathologies allows to deduce internal responses within the field of architectural / urban, structural, technological project and of the building site organization, responses economical and sustainable in the broadest sense of the term.
The enhancement of services and use conditions, the provision of different internal distributions, the use of sustainable materials and appropriate technologies especially "light" and "reversible" allow to encourage the quality of spaces and to optimize energy performance. These goals are reached by contained economical and social costs, and provide additional savings on energy costs connected with demolition operations. We would therefore, also referring to experiments established by the international scene, to reach the formation of operational guidelines, possibly similar to the regulations of the "Piano Casa 2011", Italian Legislative Decree no. 115/2008, and Italian Law Decree 40/2010 art. 5 refers to cutting red tape for extraordinary maintenance work.
The program involves an initial phase of theoretical deepening, a second of analytical processing applied and a third of experimental design.
The study focuses on three main sides:
1. critical analysis of a social housing neighborhoods considered emblematic for "suffering" conditions.
2. preparing pilot projects to describe possible architectural solutions of "remodelage".
3. making guidelines derived from the pilot projects.
At the time when any product is irreparable, as the market desperately needs a replacement that passes for new production and not maintenance and replacement of components no efficient anymore, we have acquired consciousness that a constant disposal provoke costs, and material and social waste. We propose rational maintenance of social housing, within the limits that the state of things has put, working with the “warlike modesty” which, if supported by a spark of anarchy, is sometimes identified with the liberating rigor by the rule book.
In some cases, a sort of operative evaluation of what I was experiencing as part of University Research.