Direct-fed microbials (DFM) are added to broiler chicken diets in order to promote the proliferat... more Direct-fed microbials (DFM) are added to broiler chicken diets in order to promote the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacterial populations, which may lead to gains in performance efficiency and, potentially, reduce the level of enteric pathogens in the broiler chickens. The selection and laboratory evaluation of Bacillus subtilis strains as well as the experimental trial results of a novel Bacillus-based commercial DFM product are described. Fifteen wild-type Bacillus subtilis strains were characterized and assayed for their enzyme production capability, spore resistance to pH, salinity, and temperature, and ability to inhibit the growth of E. coli and Salmonella spp. The final DFM formulation was evaluated and compared to an antibiotic growth promoter (AGPs) in two experimental trials. In Experiment 1, broilers were given a defined challenge of Eimeria spp. and Clostridium perfringens to induce intestinal dysbiosis. The optimal dose of the DFM was determined to be 0.3 kg/t...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtillis PB6, chromium propi... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtillis PB6, chromium propionate or a combination of the two on the performance, egg and eggshell quality, nutrient metabolizability and serum biochemistry of layer breeders. White Plymouth Rock and Red Rhodes Island breeder hens at 55 weeks of age were allocated in individual cages using a completely randomized block design with 16 replicates. Hens were fed control, control + probiotic (500 g/ton of Bacillus subtilis PB6), control + CrProp (50 g/ton of chromium propionate) and control + probiotic + CrProp diets from 55 to 70 weeks of age. Productive parameters and eggshell quality as well as cortisol and blood biochemistry were grouped each 28 d as well as for the overall period. The metabolizability of nutrients and energy was determined at 70 weeks of age. In the overall period, hens fed the control + probiotic or control + probiotic + CrProp diets had significantly higher egg production, egg mass, shell percen...
A study was carried out using 23to 26-wk-old LSL White laying hens, measuring ileal phosphorus (P... more A study was carried out using 23to 26-wk-old LSL White laying hens, measuring ileal phosphorus (P) digestibility with the aim of determining the optimal dose rate of phytase based on the law of diminishing marginal utility through the replacement of inorganic P from the ration. The study was a complete randomized block design and comprised of 5 treatments with 6 replicates of 16 laying hens. A negative control wheat/ soy based diet without added inorganic P (AvP 0.12%, Ca 3.65%) was supplemented with 4 doses of Buttiauxella phytase (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 FTU/kg); Cr2O3 (0.1%) was used as inert marker. Treatment diets were fed as crumbled pellets. Digesta samples from the terminal ileum were taken at the end of the experimental period; diets and samples were assayed for Cr and P. Differences between treatment means were determined using ANOVA, and nonlinear regression was carried out using JMP 11.0. Marginal value of phytase inclusion was calculated based on marginal retained P and...
ABSTRACT 1. Gradual feed restriction was applied to broilers in order to reduce growth rate and, ... more ABSTRACT 1. Gradual feed restriction was applied to broilers in order to reduce growth rate and, as a consequence, gradually impacts wooden breast myopathy occurrence. Ultrasound (US) images of breast muscle in live birds were correlated with breast fillets presenting wooden breast characteristics (WB). 2. A total of 1800 Cobb × Cobb 500 slow-feathering male chicks were fed one of the six feed restriction treatments with 12 replicates of 25 birds each, in a completely randomised design. Birds were fed ad libitum or were pair-fed to 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% or 90% of normal ad libitum intakes from 8 to 49 d to provide a gradual reduction in growth rate. Ultrasound images were obtained weekly from all birds and, in parallel, one bird per pen was weekly slaughtered and the major breast muscle was weighed and WB graded as 0 (normal), 1 (mild hardening in the upper), 2 (moderate hardening in the upper and/or lower), 3 (severe hardening) and 4 (severe hardening with haemorrhagic lesions and yellow fluid). Blood was taken for analysis of enzymes related to muscle cell breakdown. 3. Feed restriction applied at 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% of the ad libitum feed intake (FI) resulted in decreased body weight gain (BWG; P ≤ 0.05). 4. From 21 to 49 d, the increasing feed restriction led to linear increases (P ≤ 0.05) in WB scores, fibre density as well as breast depth and breast echogenicity. Creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase concentration decreased linearly when broilers were feed restricted (P ≤ 0.05). 5. Wooden breast was positively correlated with echogenicity at 21 d (r = 0.510), 28 (r = 0.531), 35 (r = 0.470), 42 (r = 0.430) and 49 d (r = 0.548) (P ≤ 0.001). The use of breast echogenicity can be an additional tool to early detect alterations related to wooden breast.
The growing restriction of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) use in farming animals has raised a ... more The growing restriction of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) use in farming animals has raised a concern regarding the viability of the animal production system. In this new context, feed additives with proven positive impact on intestinal health may be used as strategy to avoid losses on performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a protected blend of organic acids and essential oils [P(OA+EO)] on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and intestinal health of broiler chickens. A total of 1,080 Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers were randomly distributed in four treatments with 10 replicates (27 birds/each). Treatments were as follow: non-challenged control; challenged control; AGP (enramycin at 10 g/t); and P(OA+EO) at 300 g/t. All birds on challenged groups were challenged with Eimeria spp. at 1 day and with Clostridium perfringens at 11, 12, and 13 days. Body weight gain (BWG), feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were evaluated until 42 days. At 17 days, one bird per pen was orally gavaged with fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FITC-d) and blood samples were collected for FITC-d detection to assess intestinal permeability. At 21 days, apparent ileal nutrient and energy (IDE) digestibility, intestinal macroscopic and histologic alterations (ISI) and, expression of mucin2 (MUC2), claudin1 (CLDN1), and occludin (OCLN) genes in the jejunum were evaluated. From 1 to 42 days, birds from the non-challenged and P(OA+EO) groups had greater (P < 0.001) BWG compared to challenged control and AGP groups. The challenged control group presented the worst FCR (P < 0.001). IDE was 106 kcal/kg greater when broilers were fed P(OA+EO) compared to the challenged control group. Broilers supplemented with P(OA+EO) had improved intestinal integrity with lower blood FITC-d concentration and ISI scores, and greater expression of MUC2, CLDN1, and OCLN genes compared to the challenged control group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the P(OA+EO) and the AGP led to increased growth performance, nutrient digestibility and intestinal health of challenged broilers. A marked difference occurred in favor of the P(OA+EO), suggesting that this blend may be used to improve intestinal health and broiler growth performance in AGP free programs.
A study was conducted to investigate Fe requirements of broiler breeders. One-hundred-fifty-six C... more A study was conducted to investigate Fe requirements of broiler breeders. One-hundred-fifty-six Cobb 500 broiler breeder hens were individually placed in electrostatically painted cages at 22 weeks. The study was composed of an adaptation phase, in which hens were fed corn-soy-wheat bran diets until 35 weeks. An Fe deficient mash diet (24.6 ppm Fe) was provided from 35 to 46 wk in order to induce a partial body Fe depletion. A production phase followed from 47 to 70 wk when hens were fed 6 diets with increasing Fe sulfate supplementation, which, upon analyses had 24.6, 48.6, 74.3, 99.6, 125.6, and 148.2 ppm Fe. Thirty hatching eggs from each treatment were randomly collected in the last wk of each production period and incubated. Hemoglobin and hematocrit were analyzed from 6 hens as well as all hatched chicks per treatment. Analyses of production and hatching data were conducted using quadratic polynomial (QP), broken-line (BL), and exponential asymptotic (EA) models. Effects of dietary Fe were observed for total eggs and total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe content, and hen and chick hematocrit and hemoglobin (P < 0.05). These responses to added Fe were optimized when dietary Fe was 96.8, 97.1, 130.6, 122.6, 120.0, and 125.0 ppm (QP) and 76.4, 89.3, 135.0, 128.4, 133.8, and 95.0 ppm (BL) for total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe content, and hen and chick hematocrit and hemoglobin, respectively. Optimization with the EA model was obtained for total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe, and hen and chick hemoglobin at 97.9, 111.0, 77.9, and 96.3 ppm Fe for total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe, and hen and chick hemoglobin, respectively. Adequate Fe levels are needed to maintain egg production as well as hatching chicks' indexes. Fe concentration in the yolk and diet are positively influenced. The average of all Fe requirement estimates obtained in the present study was 106 ppm total Fe, whereas averaged values for BL, QP, and EA models were 107, 113, and 97 ppm Fe, respectively.
Three experiments were conducted separately to estimate the digestible Lys (dig. Lys) requirement... more Three experiments were conducted separately to estimate the digestible Lys (dig. Lys) requirements of Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers using different statistical models. For each experiment, 1,200 chicks were housed in 48 floor pens in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 8 replicates. Broilers were fed diets with increasing dig. Lys levels from 1 to 12 d (Exp. 1), from 12 to 28 d (Exp. 2), and 28 to 42 d (Exp. 3). Increasing dig. Lys levels were equally spaced from 0.97 to 1.37% in Exp. 1, 0.77 to 1.17% in Exp. 2, and 0.68 to 1.07% in Exp. 3. The lowest dig. Lys diets were not supplemented with L-Lysine and all other essential AA met or exceeded recommendations. In Exp. 3, six birds per pen were randomly selected from each replication to evaluate carcass and breast yields. Digestible Lys requirements were estimated by quadratic polynomial (QP), linear broken-line (LBL), quadratic broken-line (QBL), and exponential asymptotic (EA) models. Overall, dig. Lys requirements...
Resumo. Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da retirada total ou parcial da crista so... more Resumo. Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da retirada total ou parcial da crista sobre o desempenho reprodutores de corte. Foram utilizados 240 machos reprodutores avícolas, distribuídos em três grupos de 80 aves. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o peso corporal, o crescimento e o comprimento da canela e da quilha, testados em três fases de idade: pré-puberal (1ª a 10ª semana), puberal (11ª a 24ª semana) e adulta (25ª a 44ª semana). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos cada, sendo dois desses, submetidos ao corte total e parcial da crista por sorteio e um grupo foi mantido com a crista inteira. Foi realizado análise de variância multivariada e quando significativo a nível de 5% de probabilidade, aplicou-se o teste de Tukey. Na fase pré-puberal, aves com crista inteira apresentaram menor peso corporal. Nesta mesma fase, machos sem crista possuíram o menor comprimento de canela. Nas aves púberes e adultas, não houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre peso corporal, comprimento de canela e quilha. Quando analisado todo o período experimental, aves com retirada parcial da crista tiveram o menor peso corporal.
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of phytase supplementation on growth performance, p... more A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of phytase supplementation on growth performance, phosphorus availability, and bone mineralization in broilers. Three hundred fifty Cobb × Cobb 500 slow-feathering male broilers were placed in steel battery cages into 7 treatments with 10 replications of 5 chicks each. The treatments were: a positive control (PC) diet [0.42% nonphytate phosphorus (nPP)], 4 diets containing increases in nPP from dicalcium phosphate (0.14, 0.20, 0.26, and 0.32%), and 2 phytase supplemental levels [500 and 1,000 phytase units (FYT)/kg] on the diet having 0.14% nPP. All diets contained 0.8% calcium. Growth performance and bone data were regressed against the 4 diets having increased nPP. The equations generated were replaced by the corresponding performance obtained with 2 phytase levels to estimate their nPP bioequivalence. An overall reduction in performance and bone mineralization was observed associated with a reduction in nPP. Linear fits provided the best adjustments for all responses with the exceptions of BW gain (BWG) and feed intake (FI). Adding phytase to the 0.14% nPP diet improved growth performance and bone mineralization (P < 0.001). Average bioequivalence nPP for each phytase level was dependent on the evaluated response with lowest and highest values at 500 FYT supplementation of 0.077 and 0.145 for toe P and femur Ca, respectively, whereas lowest and highest values at 1,000 FYT of 0.143 and 0.194 for BWG and toe ash. Averaging all values for 500 and 1,000 FYT provided estimations of 0.100 and 0.166 nPP, respectively.
A interação espermatozóide-ovo foi analisada durante a sua vida reprodutiva, em codornas de postu... more A interação espermatozóide-ovo foi analisada durante a sua vida reprodutiva, em codornas de postura acasaladas com machos de diferentes idades (Coturnix coturnix sp.). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 (idade das fêmeas x idade dos machos de codorna, 80,160,240 e 390 dias), com 10 repetições e 6 aves por unidade experimental, na proporção duas fêmeas para um macho. Foram avaliados variáveis de qualidade e produção de ovos, fertilidade, eclodibilidade e mortalidade embrionária na incubação e desempenho e qualidade dos ovos da progênie nas fêmeas oriundas da incubação. A idade dos machos não apresentou efeito significativo para nenhuma das variáveis estudadas. A idade das fêmeas teve efeito significativo para postura das matrizes, efeito quadrático (P<0,05) do número de espermatozóides/mm 2 da camada perivitelínica sobre o disco germinativo, em função da idade das fêmeas, com redução desse número ao longo da idade. A idade das fêmeas não teve efeito no peso do ovo, na espessura da casca, na percentagem de casca e de gema e na unidade Haugh. Já para a porcentagem de postura, houve efeito quadrático. As variáveis de incubação avaliadas de peso do pintainho, fertilidade, eclodibilidade e mortalidade, não apresentaram diferença quando analisados em relação à idade dos machos e fêmeas, assim como a qualidade dos ovos e desempenho da progênie resultante. A morfometria dos órgãos genitais de machos e fêmeas não apresentou diferença em função da idade das aves. Machos e fêmeas de codornas de postura mantêm habilidade reprodutiva até 56 semanas. A idade dos machos não exerceu efeito sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos e a utilização de machos mais jovens com fêmeas mais velhas não resultou em melhoras reprodutivas.
The objective of this study was of evaluate the influence of different drinker types on the egg p... more The objective of this study was of evaluate the influence of different drinker types on the egg production, water intake, mortality, poultry litter relative humidity, egg weight, eggshell percentage, and egg specific gravity of broiler breeders. The experiment was carried out in a commercial farm with 37-to 44-wk-old broiler breeders. A randomized block experimental design, consisting of two treatments (bell or nipple drinkers) with four replicates of 4.000 females each, was applied. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, and means were compared by the test of Student-Newman-Keuls at 5% significance level. Birds submitted to nipple drinkers presented lower water intake (p<0.05). There was no influence (p>0.05) of drinker type on egg production or mortality. Poultry litter relative humidity was lower (p<0.05) under the nipple-drinker system. Birds drinking from bell drinkers produced heavier eggs (p<0.05) between weeks 39 and 40. Hens drinking from bell drinkers laid eggs with higher specific gravity and eggshell percentage. It was concluded that nipple drinkers can be used for broiler breeders during lay.
This study was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the effect of supplementing hens' diets... more This study was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the effect of supplementing hens' diets with trace minerals from inorganic or organic sources on the productive performance, eggshell quality, and eggshell ultrastructure of laying hens. Three hundred sixty Hy-Line W36 laying hens between 47 to 62 wk of age were used and distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with 9 treatments, 5 replicates, and 8 birds for each experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a control diet without supplementation of the trace minerals Mn, Zn, and Cu; 4 supplementation levels of these trace minerals from an inorganic source; and the same levels of supplementation from an organic source (proteinates). The supplementation levels in milligrams per kilogram for Mn, Zn, and Cu, were, respectively, 35-30-05, 65-60-10, 95-90-15, and 125-120-20. There was no effect of supplementation of trace minerals on the rate of posture, feed intake, feed conversion, specific weight, and Haugh unit of eggs. However, there was a quadratic effect (P < 0.05) of the levels of trace mineral supplementation on average egg weight and egg mass; the results did not differ regarding the source used. The increase in the levels of supplementation of Mn, Zn, and Cu provided a linear increase (P < 0.05) in the breaking strength and the percentage of eggshell. There was a linear decrease (P < 0.05) in the egg loss and the number of mammillary buttons in the shell. The best results were obtained using diets supplemented with trace minerals from an organic source because these diets provided lower egg loss, higher thickness, and increased strength of the shell. Structurally, organic Mn, Zn, and Cu provided higher thickness of the palisade layer and lower mammillary density. The trace mineral supplementation improved the structural characteristics and the quality of the eggshells.
A total of 4,800 one day (d) old Cobb 500 male broilers was used in a study with the objective of... more A total of 4,800 one day (d) old Cobb 500 male broilers was used in a study with the objective of evaluating dietary programs formulated with different degrees of restriction in crude protein (CP) and the supplementation of L-valine and L-isoleucine. Four feeding programs (PRG) reflecting different strategies to deliver amino acids (AA) to broilers were used, respectively from d 1 to 7, 8 to 21, 22 to 35 and 36 to 42, as follow: PRG 1, CP restricted to 224, 211, 198 and 184 g/kg with minimum digestible AA to lysine (Lys) ratios only set for total sulfur AA (TSAA) (0.72) and threonine (Thr) (0.65); PRG 2, as PRG 1 without CP restriction with AA ratios to Lys extended to valine (Val) (0.77) and isoleucine (Ile) (0.67); PRG 3, as PRG 2 supplemented with L-Val and PRG 4, as PRG 3 supplemented with L-Ile. Replications of the 4 PRG provided from 1 to 21 d were further divided into the 4 respective PRG given from 22 to 42 d for total of 16 treatments. The study was conducted as a completel...
Since it started as an organized economic activity, poultry production has been undergoing an evo... more Since it started as an organized economic activity, poultry production has been undergoing an evolution toward the optimization of its feed formulation features. Notably, advances in the knowledge of birds' nutrient requirements have allowed recommendations that are increasingly closer to the needs of the birds. Over time, availability of nutrients and energy has been incorporated into those recommendations, especially to compensate for the variability in the digestibility of nutrients originating from variable feed ingredient sources. Instead of using the total energy and nutrient content, current tables of nutrient recommendations provide an estimate of the digestible fractions of the nutrients in ingredients. For instance, nonphytate P is preferred instead of total P to account for the unavailable phytate P, and digestible amino acids to account for the differences in digestibility of amino acids in different ingredients, whereas energy is usually expressed as a proportion th...
Direct-fed microbials (DFM) are added to broiler chicken diets in order to promote the proliferat... more Direct-fed microbials (DFM) are added to broiler chicken diets in order to promote the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacterial populations, which may lead to gains in performance efficiency and, potentially, reduce the level of enteric pathogens in the broiler chickens. The selection and laboratory evaluation of Bacillus subtilis strains as well as the experimental trial results of a novel Bacillus-based commercial DFM product are described. Fifteen wild-type Bacillus subtilis strains were characterized and assayed for their enzyme production capability, spore resistance to pH, salinity, and temperature, and ability to inhibit the growth of E. coli and Salmonella spp. The final DFM formulation was evaluated and compared to an antibiotic growth promoter (AGPs) in two experimental trials. In Experiment 1, broilers were given a defined challenge of Eimeria spp. and Clostridium perfringens to induce intestinal dysbiosis. The optimal dose of the DFM was determined to be 0.3 kg/t...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtillis PB6, chromium propi... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtillis PB6, chromium propionate or a combination of the two on the performance, egg and eggshell quality, nutrient metabolizability and serum biochemistry of layer breeders. White Plymouth Rock and Red Rhodes Island breeder hens at 55 weeks of age were allocated in individual cages using a completely randomized block design with 16 replicates. Hens were fed control, control + probiotic (500 g/ton of Bacillus subtilis PB6), control + CrProp (50 g/ton of chromium propionate) and control + probiotic + CrProp diets from 55 to 70 weeks of age. Productive parameters and eggshell quality as well as cortisol and blood biochemistry were grouped each 28 d as well as for the overall period. The metabolizability of nutrients and energy was determined at 70 weeks of age. In the overall period, hens fed the control + probiotic or control + probiotic + CrProp diets had significantly higher egg production, egg mass, shell percen...
A study was carried out using 23to 26-wk-old LSL White laying hens, measuring ileal phosphorus (P... more A study was carried out using 23to 26-wk-old LSL White laying hens, measuring ileal phosphorus (P) digestibility with the aim of determining the optimal dose rate of phytase based on the law of diminishing marginal utility through the replacement of inorganic P from the ration. The study was a complete randomized block design and comprised of 5 treatments with 6 replicates of 16 laying hens. A negative control wheat/ soy based diet without added inorganic P (AvP 0.12%, Ca 3.65%) was supplemented with 4 doses of Buttiauxella phytase (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 FTU/kg); Cr2O3 (0.1%) was used as inert marker. Treatment diets were fed as crumbled pellets. Digesta samples from the terminal ileum were taken at the end of the experimental period; diets and samples were assayed for Cr and P. Differences between treatment means were determined using ANOVA, and nonlinear regression was carried out using JMP 11.0. Marginal value of phytase inclusion was calculated based on marginal retained P and...
ABSTRACT 1. Gradual feed restriction was applied to broilers in order to reduce growth rate and, ... more ABSTRACT 1. Gradual feed restriction was applied to broilers in order to reduce growth rate and, as a consequence, gradually impacts wooden breast myopathy occurrence. Ultrasound (US) images of breast muscle in live birds were correlated with breast fillets presenting wooden breast characteristics (WB). 2. A total of 1800 Cobb × Cobb 500 slow-feathering male chicks were fed one of the six feed restriction treatments with 12 replicates of 25 birds each, in a completely randomised design. Birds were fed ad libitum or were pair-fed to 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% or 90% of normal ad libitum intakes from 8 to 49 d to provide a gradual reduction in growth rate. Ultrasound images were obtained weekly from all birds and, in parallel, one bird per pen was weekly slaughtered and the major breast muscle was weighed and WB graded as 0 (normal), 1 (mild hardening in the upper), 2 (moderate hardening in the upper and/or lower), 3 (severe hardening) and 4 (severe hardening with haemorrhagic lesions and yellow fluid). Blood was taken for analysis of enzymes related to muscle cell breakdown. 3. Feed restriction applied at 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% of the ad libitum feed intake (FI) resulted in decreased body weight gain (BWG; P ≤ 0.05). 4. From 21 to 49 d, the increasing feed restriction led to linear increases (P ≤ 0.05) in WB scores, fibre density as well as breast depth and breast echogenicity. Creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase concentration decreased linearly when broilers were feed restricted (P ≤ 0.05). 5. Wooden breast was positively correlated with echogenicity at 21 d (r = 0.510), 28 (r = 0.531), 35 (r = 0.470), 42 (r = 0.430) and 49 d (r = 0.548) (P ≤ 0.001). The use of breast echogenicity can be an additional tool to early detect alterations related to wooden breast.
The growing restriction of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) use in farming animals has raised a ... more The growing restriction of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) use in farming animals has raised a concern regarding the viability of the animal production system. In this new context, feed additives with proven positive impact on intestinal health may be used as strategy to avoid losses on performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a protected blend of organic acids and essential oils [P(OA+EO)] on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and intestinal health of broiler chickens. A total of 1,080 Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers were randomly distributed in four treatments with 10 replicates (27 birds/each). Treatments were as follow: non-challenged control; challenged control; AGP (enramycin at 10 g/t); and P(OA+EO) at 300 g/t. All birds on challenged groups were challenged with Eimeria spp. at 1 day and with Clostridium perfringens at 11, 12, and 13 days. Body weight gain (BWG), feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were evaluated until 42 days. At 17 days, one bird per pen was orally gavaged with fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FITC-d) and blood samples were collected for FITC-d detection to assess intestinal permeability. At 21 days, apparent ileal nutrient and energy (IDE) digestibility, intestinal macroscopic and histologic alterations (ISI) and, expression of mucin2 (MUC2), claudin1 (CLDN1), and occludin (OCLN) genes in the jejunum were evaluated. From 1 to 42 days, birds from the non-challenged and P(OA+EO) groups had greater (P < 0.001) BWG compared to challenged control and AGP groups. The challenged control group presented the worst FCR (P < 0.001). IDE was 106 kcal/kg greater when broilers were fed P(OA+EO) compared to the challenged control group. Broilers supplemented with P(OA+EO) had improved intestinal integrity with lower blood FITC-d concentration and ISI scores, and greater expression of MUC2, CLDN1, and OCLN genes compared to the challenged control group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the P(OA+EO) and the AGP led to increased growth performance, nutrient digestibility and intestinal health of challenged broilers. A marked difference occurred in favor of the P(OA+EO), suggesting that this blend may be used to improve intestinal health and broiler growth performance in AGP free programs.
A study was conducted to investigate Fe requirements of broiler breeders. One-hundred-fifty-six C... more A study was conducted to investigate Fe requirements of broiler breeders. One-hundred-fifty-six Cobb 500 broiler breeder hens were individually placed in electrostatically painted cages at 22 weeks. The study was composed of an adaptation phase, in which hens were fed corn-soy-wheat bran diets until 35 weeks. An Fe deficient mash diet (24.6 ppm Fe) was provided from 35 to 46 wk in order to induce a partial body Fe depletion. A production phase followed from 47 to 70 wk when hens were fed 6 diets with increasing Fe sulfate supplementation, which, upon analyses had 24.6, 48.6, 74.3, 99.6, 125.6, and 148.2 ppm Fe. Thirty hatching eggs from each treatment were randomly collected in the last wk of each production period and incubated. Hemoglobin and hematocrit were analyzed from 6 hens as well as all hatched chicks per treatment. Analyses of production and hatching data were conducted using quadratic polynomial (QP), broken-line (BL), and exponential asymptotic (EA) models. Effects of dietary Fe were observed for total eggs and total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe content, and hen and chick hematocrit and hemoglobin (P < 0.05). These responses to added Fe were optimized when dietary Fe was 96.8, 97.1, 130.6, 122.6, 120.0, and 125.0 ppm (QP) and 76.4, 89.3, 135.0, 128.4, 133.8, and 95.0 ppm (BL) for total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe content, and hen and chick hematocrit and hemoglobin, respectively. Optimization with the EA model was obtained for total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe, and hen and chick hemoglobin at 97.9, 111.0, 77.9, and 96.3 ppm Fe for total hatching eggs, egg yolk Fe, and hen and chick hemoglobin, respectively. Adequate Fe levels are needed to maintain egg production as well as hatching chicks' indexes. Fe concentration in the yolk and diet are positively influenced. The average of all Fe requirement estimates obtained in the present study was 106 ppm total Fe, whereas averaged values for BL, QP, and EA models were 107, 113, and 97 ppm Fe, respectively.
Three experiments were conducted separately to estimate the digestible Lys (dig. Lys) requirement... more Three experiments were conducted separately to estimate the digestible Lys (dig. Lys) requirements of Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers using different statistical models. For each experiment, 1,200 chicks were housed in 48 floor pens in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 8 replicates. Broilers were fed diets with increasing dig. Lys levels from 1 to 12 d (Exp. 1), from 12 to 28 d (Exp. 2), and 28 to 42 d (Exp. 3). Increasing dig. Lys levels were equally spaced from 0.97 to 1.37% in Exp. 1, 0.77 to 1.17% in Exp. 2, and 0.68 to 1.07% in Exp. 3. The lowest dig. Lys diets were not supplemented with L-Lysine and all other essential AA met or exceeded recommendations. In Exp. 3, six birds per pen were randomly selected from each replication to evaluate carcass and breast yields. Digestible Lys requirements were estimated by quadratic polynomial (QP), linear broken-line (LBL), quadratic broken-line (QBL), and exponential asymptotic (EA) models. Overall, dig. Lys requirements...
Resumo. Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da retirada total ou parcial da crista so... more Resumo. Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da retirada total ou parcial da crista sobre o desempenho reprodutores de corte. Foram utilizados 240 machos reprodutores avícolas, distribuídos em três grupos de 80 aves. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o peso corporal, o crescimento e o comprimento da canela e da quilha, testados em três fases de idade: pré-puberal (1ª a 10ª semana), puberal (11ª a 24ª semana) e adulta (25ª a 44ª semana). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos cada, sendo dois desses, submetidos ao corte total e parcial da crista por sorteio e um grupo foi mantido com a crista inteira. Foi realizado análise de variância multivariada e quando significativo a nível de 5% de probabilidade, aplicou-se o teste de Tukey. Na fase pré-puberal, aves com crista inteira apresentaram menor peso corporal. Nesta mesma fase, machos sem crista possuíram o menor comprimento de canela. Nas aves púberes e adultas, não houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre peso corporal, comprimento de canela e quilha. Quando analisado todo o período experimental, aves com retirada parcial da crista tiveram o menor peso corporal.
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of phytase supplementation on growth performance, p... more A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of phytase supplementation on growth performance, phosphorus availability, and bone mineralization in broilers. Three hundred fifty Cobb × Cobb 500 slow-feathering male broilers were placed in steel battery cages into 7 treatments with 10 replications of 5 chicks each. The treatments were: a positive control (PC) diet [0.42% nonphytate phosphorus (nPP)], 4 diets containing increases in nPP from dicalcium phosphate (0.14, 0.20, 0.26, and 0.32%), and 2 phytase supplemental levels [500 and 1,000 phytase units (FYT)/kg] on the diet having 0.14% nPP. All diets contained 0.8% calcium. Growth performance and bone data were regressed against the 4 diets having increased nPP. The equations generated were replaced by the corresponding performance obtained with 2 phytase levels to estimate their nPP bioequivalence. An overall reduction in performance and bone mineralization was observed associated with a reduction in nPP. Linear fits provided the best adjustments for all responses with the exceptions of BW gain (BWG) and feed intake (FI). Adding phytase to the 0.14% nPP diet improved growth performance and bone mineralization (P < 0.001). Average bioequivalence nPP for each phytase level was dependent on the evaluated response with lowest and highest values at 500 FYT supplementation of 0.077 and 0.145 for toe P and femur Ca, respectively, whereas lowest and highest values at 1,000 FYT of 0.143 and 0.194 for BWG and toe ash. Averaging all values for 500 and 1,000 FYT provided estimations of 0.100 and 0.166 nPP, respectively.
A interação espermatozóide-ovo foi analisada durante a sua vida reprodutiva, em codornas de postu... more A interação espermatozóide-ovo foi analisada durante a sua vida reprodutiva, em codornas de postura acasaladas com machos de diferentes idades (Coturnix coturnix sp.). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 (idade das fêmeas x idade dos machos de codorna, 80,160,240 e 390 dias), com 10 repetições e 6 aves por unidade experimental, na proporção duas fêmeas para um macho. Foram avaliados variáveis de qualidade e produção de ovos, fertilidade, eclodibilidade e mortalidade embrionária na incubação e desempenho e qualidade dos ovos da progênie nas fêmeas oriundas da incubação. A idade dos machos não apresentou efeito significativo para nenhuma das variáveis estudadas. A idade das fêmeas teve efeito significativo para postura das matrizes, efeito quadrático (P<0,05) do número de espermatozóides/mm 2 da camada perivitelínica sobre o disco germinativo, em função da idade das fêmeas, com redução desse número ao longo da idade. A idade das fêmeas não teve efeito no peso do ovo, na espessura da casca, na percentagem de casca e de gema e na unidade Haugh. Já para a porcentagem de postura, houve efeito quadrático. As variáveis de incubação avaliadas de peso do pintainho, fertilidade, eclodibilidade e mortalidade, não apresentaram diferença quando analisados em relação à idade dos machos e fêmeas, assim como a qualidade dos ovos e desempenho da progênie resultante. A morfometria dos órgãos genitais de machos e fêmeas não apresentou diferença em função da idade das aves. Machos e fêmeas de codornas de postura mantêm habilidade reprodutiva até 56 semanas. A idade dos machos não exerceu efeito sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos e a utilização de machos mais jovens com fêmeas mais velhas não resultou em melhoras reprodutivas.
The objective of this study was of evaluate the influence of different drinker types on the egg p... more The objective of this study was of evaluate the influence of different drinker types on the egg production, water intake, mortality, poultry litter relative humidity, egg weight, eggshell percentage, and egg specific gravity of broiler breeders. The experiment was carried out in a commercial farm with 37-to 44-wk-old broiler breeders. A randomized block experimental design, consisting of two treatments (bell or nipple drinkers) with four replicates of 4.000 females each, was applied. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, and means were compared by the test of Student-Newman-Keuls at 5% significance level. Birds submitted to nipple drinkers presented lower water intake (p<0.05). There was no influence (p>0.05) of drinker type on egg production or mortality. Poultry litter relative humidity was lower (p<0.05) under the nipple-drinker system. Birds drinking from bell drinkers produced heavier eggs (p<0.05) between weeks 39 and 40. Hens drinking from bell drinkers laid eggs with higher specific gravity and eggshell percentage. It was concluded that nipple drinkers can be used for broiler breeders during lay.
This study was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the effect of supplementing hens' diets... more This study was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the effect of supplementing hens' diets with trace minerals from inorganic or organic sources on the productive performance, eggshell quality, and eggshell ultrastructure of laying hens. Three hundred sixty Hy-Line W36 laying hens between 47 to 62 wk of age were used and distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with 9 treatments, 5 replicates, and 8 birds for each experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a control diet without supplementation of the trace minerals Mn, Zn, and Cu; 4 supplementation levels of these trace minerals from an inorganic source; and the same levels of supplementation from an organic source (proteinates). The supplementation levels in milligrams per kilogram for Mn, Zn, and Cu, were, respectively, 35-30-05, 65-60-10, 95-90-15, and 125-120-20. There was no effect of supplementation of trace minerals on the rate of posture, feed intake, feed conversion, specific weight, and Haugh unit of eggs. However, there was a quadratic effect (P < 0.05) of the levels of trace mineral supplementation on average egg weight and egg mass; the results did not differ regarding the source used. The increase in the levels of supplementation of Mn, Zn, and Cu provided a linear increase (P < 0.05) in the breaking strength and the percentage of eggshell. There was a linear decrease (P < 0.05) in the egg loss and the number of mammillary buttons in the shell. The best results were obtained using diets supplemented with trace minerals from an organic source because these diets provided lower egg loss, higher thickness, and increased strength of the shell. Structurally, organic Mn, Zn, and Cu provided higher thickness of the palisade layer and lower mammillary density. The trace mineral supplementation improved the structural characteristics and the quality of the eggshells.
A total of 4,800 one day (d) old Cobb 500 male broilers was used in a study with the objective of... more A total of 4,800 one day (d) old Cobb 500 male broilers was used in a study with the objective of evaluating dietary programs formulated with different degrees of restriction in crude protein (CP) and the supplementation of L-valine and L-isoleucine. Four feeding programs (PRG) reflecting different strategies to deliver amino acids (AA) to broilers were used, respectively from d 1 to 7, 8 to 21, 22 to 35 and 36 to 42, as follow: PRG 1, CP restricted to 224, 211, 198 and 184 g/kg with minimum digestible AA to lysine (Lys) ratios only set for total sulfur AA (TSAA) (0.72) and threonine (Thr) (0.65); PRG 2, as PRG 1 without CP restriction with AA ratios to Lys extended to valine (Val) (0.77) and isoleucine (Ile) (0.67); PRG 3, as PRG 2 supplemented with L-Val and PRG 4, as PRG 3 supplemented with L-Ile. Replications of the 4 PRG provided from 1 to 21 d were further divided into the 4 respective PRG given from 22 to 42 d for total of 16 treatments. The study was conducted as a completel...
Since it started as an organized economic activity, poultry production has been undergoing an evo... more Since it started as an organized economic activity, poultry production has been undergoing an evolution toward the optimization of its feed formulation features. Notably, advances in the knowledge of birds' nutrient requirements have allowed recommendations that are increasingly closer to the needs of the birds. Over time, availability of nutrients and energy has been incorporated into those recommendations, especially to compensate for the variability in the digestibility of nutrients originating from variable feed ingredient sources. Instead of using the total energy and nutrient content, current tables of nutrient recommendations provide an estimate of the digestible fractions of the nutrients in ingredients. For instance, nonphytate P is preferred instead of total P to account for the unavailable phytate P, and digestible amino acids to account for the differences in digestibility of amino acids in different ingredients, whereas energy is usually expressed as a proportion th...
Papers by Catarina Stefanello