The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power ro... more The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power roles and government functions, leads the West (17th century) to theorize and assume a materialistic, reductionist and mechanistic model of thought, based on a privileged, tendentially exclusive, relationship with Science (Galilean scientific method), technique and technology. This paper takes into account the historical, sociological, and anthropological elements (such as the unlimited perfectibility of humanity advocated by the French Enlightenment and the mechanization of the production cycle envisaged by English pro-to-liberalism) of this paradigmatic revolution, which more than others help us understanding the causal process that led to contemporary techno-centrism 4.0. It is highlighted that thanks to the interweaving between the ideals of the French Enlightenment, with its two souls (Naturophilus and Technophilus), and the Anglo-Saxon entrepreneurial foresight (proved successful wit...
Italian: Con uno sguardo rivolto alle premesse cosmologiche e geologiche che fanno da sfondo all&... more Italian: Con uno sguardo rivolto alle premesse cosmologiche e geologiche che fanno da sfondo all'origine del fenomeno biologico, vengono ripercorse le fasi storiche essenziali che dal Paleolitico Superiore attraverso l'Età dei Metalli e l'Età dei Lumi hanno traghettato l'Occidente verso la forma mentis della scienza contemporanea. La dimensione tensoriale (Tensione-dynamis) viene indicata come il territorio a cui appartiene il fenomeno mentale e come la dimensione fisica fondamentale e irriducibile che precede, produce e coesiste con la dimensione energetica. La transizione dalla dimensione tensoriale alla dimensione energetica viene spiegata in termini di rottura di simmetria di riflessione (mirror symmetry breaking). Allo spin-internal motion viene riconosciuto un ruolo centrale nella genesi della trama energetica e della geometria spaziotemporale. L'energia viene definita come la capacità di generare interferenza e il quanto d'azione fondamentale h come la...
In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavir... more In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), whose lytic/virulent lifestyle involves the infection, replication and lysis of the host cell, must be able to penetrate its membrane for the release of viral progeny. For this purpose, its action takes place both on a biophysical and biochemical level. Viral action begins with the alteration of physiological interactions held by the target cell with extracellular aqueous electrolytic solutions (membrane-ions interactions), followed by the disruption of the membrane structural properties. In the present paper the earliest virus-host biophysical events are addressed, in particular the electrostatic (short-range) and electrodynamic (long-range) interactions. In section one a biophysical profile of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity is outlined. The prominent electrostatic events that characterize the earliest stages of virus-host interactions are taken into account. The host cell oxidative stress reaction is discussed. In section two, biological water as biphasic liquid and structured interfacial water’s fourth phase are introduced by resorting to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Electrodynamic (QED). Structured interfacial water as a semiconductor and the proton-based self-driven liquid-flow system are also discussed. In section three it is assumed that in its approach to the target host cell SARS-CoV-2 triggers the cellular phase-matching feature (which operates as a very selective filter discriminating among perturbations and stimuli that are out of phase with the oscillatory motions allowed by the cell’s inner dynamics) by emitting a stressful ultra low frequency-electromagnetic field (ULF-EMF), which generates an alert response within the cell by influencing ionic fluxes throughout cellular membrane. Therefore, it is suggested that the earliest virus-host interaction would rest on electromagnetic long-range events, before electrostatic and chemical interactions occur, which are influencing the redox potential of the target host-cell’s membrane chemical species, affecting its acid-base equilibria, therefore inducing a cellular stress response (e.g. via plasma-membrane-localized redox signalling) with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) production. Accordingly, redox-responsive intracellular signaling and anti-inflammatory scavenging systems would be remotely (pre) activated by non-ionizing interference phenomena, before virus-cell come together, followed by electrostatic and chemical events that provoke a branching, cascade-like, chain of reactions. A better understanding of the earliest of biophysical events will enable a more rational approach to dealing with both the binding of the SARS-CoV-2 highly glycosylated Spike’s S1 subunit receptor binding domain (RBD) to the host cell’s angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the direct interaction with the lipid bilayer on the cell surface.
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 2016
Based on my previous model and supported by a biophysical interpretation of nervous cell, nervous... more Based on my previous model and supported by a biophysical interpretation of nervous cell, nervous system, memory, mind and phylogenesis, I further propose a tensorial-relational model , aimed at providing a paleoanthropological and physicalist’s explanations of the genesis of consciousness , culture and oral language among human communities. Part I of this four-part article series includes: Preamble; 1. General Premises; 1.1 Towards bridging the Darwinist model of evolution; 1.2 The Tensorial-Relational Model; and 1.3 Quantum descriptions of signal transduction in biological systems.
In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavir... more In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), whose lytic/virulent lifestyle involves the infection, replication and lysis of the host cell, must be able to penetrate its membrane for the release of viral progeny. For this purpose, its action takes place both on a biophysical and biochemical level. Viral action begins with the alteration of physiological interactions held by the target cell with extracellular aqueous electrolytic solutions (membrane-ions interactions), followed by the disruption of the membrane structural properties. In the present paper the earliest virus-host biophysical events are addressed, in particular the electrostatic (short-range) and electrodynamic (long-range) interactions. In section one a biophysical profile of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity is outlined. The prominent electrostatic events that characterize the earliest stages of virus-host interactions are taken into account. The host cell oxidative stress reaction is discussed. In section two, biological water as biphasic liquid and structured interfacial water’s fourth phase are introduced by resorting to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Electrodynamic (QED). Structured interfacial water as a semiconductor and the proton-based self-driven liquid-flow system are also discussed. In section three it is assumed that in its approach to the target host cell SARS-CoV-2 triggers the cellular phase-matching feature (which operates as a very selective filter discriminating among perturbations and stimuli that are out of phase with the oscillatory motions allowed by the cell’s inner dynamics) by emitting a stressful ultra low frequency-electromagnetic field (ULF-EMF), which generates an alert response within the cell by influencing ionic fluxes throughout cellular membrane. Therefore, it is suggested that the earliest virus-host interaction would rest on electromagnetic long-range events, before electrostatic and chemical interactions occur, which are influencing the redox potential of the target host-cell’s membrane chemical species, affecting its acid-base equilibria, therefore inducing a cellular stress response (e.g. via plasma-membrane-localized redox signalling) with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) production. Accordingly, redox-responsive intracellular signaling and anti-inflammatory scavenging systems would be remotely (pre) activated by non-ionizing interference phenomena, before virus-cell come together, followed by electrostatic and chemical events that provoke a branching, cascade-like, chain of reactions. A better understanding of the earliest of biophysical events will enable a more rational approach to dealing with both the binding of the SARS-CoV-2 highly glycosylated Spike’s S1 subunit receptor binding domain (RBD) to the host cell’s angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the direct interaction with the lipid bilayer on the cell surface.
All the current computational mind-brain models are based on the mechanistic (mechanical philosop... more All the current computational mind-brain models are based on the mechanistic (mechanical philosophy) and deterministic vision of the world, conceived in the sign of Cartesian dualism and Newtonian physics, which operate in every sector of knowledge and know-how by reason of a universal mechanistic order. At present the Western theories about the position of human mind in Nature can be reduced to five: Materialism, Metaphysical idealism, Dualism, Holism, Quantum. Based on the identification of two distinct and imbricated physical planes of reality, namely the plane or domain of tension and the plane or domain of energy, a relationship-based alternative explanation of the mind-brain-body system non-linear dynamics is advanced. The paleoanthropological and psychologic roots of the anthropopoietic process are discussed. As advanced in previous works, a cosmogonic hypothesis is summarized on the possible derivation (and subsequent coexistence) of the physical dimension defined by the Pla...
ABSTRACT Lo spazio e il tempo sono concetti della mente umana. Concetti formulati molto tardivame... more ABSTRACT Lo spazio e il tempo sono concetti della mente umana. Concetti formulati molto tardivamente nella storia dell’umanità , più esattamente da quando gli esseri umani, con Homo sapiens, iniziarono a pensare e a sentire in termini di soggetto e oggetto, distinguendo se stessi dalla natura e cessando di sentirsi e di essere un tutt’uno con essa. La dicotomia soggetto-oggetto è la fonte primigenia delle antinomie, ovvero delle coppie di contrari, che rimandano ad una relazione polare tra una tesi e una antitesi, dalla cui differenza di potenziale è generato il mondo . La coscienza umana, o funzione del reale, consiste appunto nella acquisizione della capacità di differenziare la realtà in termini di soggetto e oggetto. Storicamente e psicologicamente, la coscienza nasce, cioè viene data alla luce, quando il dualismo soggetto-oggetto si costituisce come complesso psico-relazionale autonomo. Recando in sè i germi della differenziazione, l’esercizio della coscienza feconda il mondo dando vita a nuovi mondi, e feconda l’individuo dando vita a nuovi individui. Infatti, porsi di fronte alla natura riconoscendosi come distinti da essa corrisponde a nascere una seconda volta, cioè a rinascere. Il motivo della rinascita permea di sè tutte le culture umane rette dall’esercizio della funzione del reale. Con l’esercizio della coscienza il mondo cessa di essere vissuto, per essere interpretato. L’interpretazione dell’alternanza della vita e della morte, del giorno e della notte, genera un mondo retto da relazioni. L’antinomia relazionale posta a fondamento del tutto, consiste di due modalità relazionali: l’una è data da una relazione di continuità , dove le parti sono indifferenziate, assorbite le une alle altre senza soluzione di continuità ; l’altra è data da una relazione di contiguità , dove le parti sono differenziate, poste le une a fianco delle altre. La dicotomia maschio-femmina costituisce anch’essa una antinomia. La valenza psicologica assunta da questa antinomia è bene espressa dal complesso edipico. Il complesso edipico, cioè l’aspirazione ad una relazione incestuosa del figlio con la madre e della figlia con il padre, esprime la reinterpretazione psicologica dell’inconscia aspirazione all’autogenerazione. Storicamente e psicologicamente si costituisce come complesso psichico autonomo solo quando l’individualità umana, riconoscendosi come tale, cioè differenziandosi, cessa di identificarsi con il proprio inconscio , interpretandolo. Quanto questo tentativo di interpretazione sia difficile e pieno di insidie, lo prova il fatto che pur condannando e disprezzando l’usanza ancestrale, poi divenuta rituale, di bere il sangue-latte materno dei propri simili, come atto di autorigenerazione e di autogenerazione, l’essere umano civile non fa che compiere lo stesso atto, amplificato, ricorrendo all’istituzione della guerra, la legittimazione cosciente dell’autogenerazione mediante spargimento di sangue. L’acquisizione della capacità di differenziare la realtà in termini di soggetto-oggetto non fa che introdurre un motivo critico di discontinuità nella naturale relazione di continuità della madre con il figlio/a, della Terra con l’uomo/donna. Nella scissione trovano allora spazio una nuova relazione filiale, ma anche un nuovo ruolo della sessualità . Quando l’interpretazione della naturale aspirazione umana all’autogenerazione sfocia in una incalzante volontà di potenza, la storia dell’umanità diviene una storia al maschile. Infatti, per la donna-madre non sussiste alcun imperativo psicologico veramente capace di muoverla verso una volontà di potenza. Essendo protagonista naturale della gestazione della vita, la potenza è già in lei. La donna da alla luce la vita senza alcun bisogno di ricorrere alla funzione del reale. Per più di due milioni di anni, la modalità comunicativa naturalmente privilegiata dagli esseri umani, nella loro relazione col mondo e con i propri simili, fu la telepatia. La telepatia comunica sensazioni. Senza il filtro della coscienza, le sensazioni sono totopotenti, cioè letteralmente capaci di apparire come vere e proprie entità dotate di carne e di ossa . Tramite le sensazioni, gli esseri umani erano un’estensione della natura e la natura di loro, come la corteccia al legno, senza soluzione di continuità , come in un perenne e indissolubile sodalizio psichico e carnale. La differenza tra essere il mondo e interpretare il mondo, è simile alla differenza tra la notte e il giorno. Nella notte regnano le sagome e le ombre ma, soprattutto, i rumori e gli odori. Ciò che regnò per oltre due milioni di anni, era un silenzio rotto solo dai rumori e dai suoni della natura, di cui l’essere umano era parte integrante. L’emergere della coscienza coincide con l’assestamento di nuove e più efficaci forme di produzione alimentare, prima con la coltivazione cerealitica e poi con l’allevamento di bestiame. Impossessandosi della produzione alimentare, l’essere umano libera parte dell’energia psichica impiegata per…
Deep into the Water: Exploring the Hydro-Electromagnetic and Quantum-Electrodynamic Properties of Interfacial Water in Living Systems, 2019
Normal water structures are maintained largely by interactions with bioma-cromolecular surfaces a... more Normal water structures are maintained largely by interactions with bioma-cromolecular surfaces and weak electromagnetic fields, which enable extended networks for electron and proton conductivity. All standard chemistry is totally reliant on electrostatics and avoids all mention of electrodynamics and the consequent radiation field, which is supporting the notion of water as a primary mediator of biological effects induced via electromagnetic means into living systems. Quantum Electrodynamic (QED) field theory have produced a vision of water in a liquid state as a medium, which for a peculiarity of its molecular electronic spectrum reveals itself as an essential tool for long-range communications, being able to change its supra-molecular organization in function of the interaction with the environment. This paper draws attention to the fact that interfacial water (nanoscale confined water) has been shown, independently by Emilio Del Giudice et al. and by Gerald Pollack et al., to contain respectively Coherence Domains (CDs) and Exclusion Zones (EZs), which may be regarded as long-range ensembles of CDs, dynamic aqueous structures, which uses the special properties of water, such as its electron/proton dynamics and organized response to electromagnetic fields, to receive electromagnetically encoded signals endowed with coherence (ne-gentropy) at a low frequency, and sum the resultant excitations, so as to foster the redistribution of that coherence at frequencies which may affect biological systems. The phase transition of water from the ordinary coherence of its liquid state (bulk water) to the semi-crystalline or glassy and super-coherent state of interfacial water and its role in living organisms is discussed. The link between interfacial and intracellular water of the living and 1) the thermody-namic correlation between electron and proton transfer responsible for the redox potential of chemical species, 2) the Grotthuss mechanism and the H + eightfold path, 3) superconductivity and superfluidity (dissipationless quantum states), 4) the proton motive force and protons role in biological liquid flow systems, and 5) two possible explanations to as many non-ordinary phenomena, one related to the mind-body severely stressful condition due to a Near Death State (NDS) or to a Near Death Like State (NDLS), namely the Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) or Electromagnetic After-Effect (EAE), the other related to the harmful consequences avoided during the so-called fire walking (ceremony), are discussed.
It is presented an updated version of my previous paleoanthropological interpretation of the avai... more It is presented an updated version of my previous paleoanthropological interpretation of the available utilitarian and non-utilitarian Paleolithic finds (Messori 2016), aimed at establishing the earliest human developmental stages of consciousness, culture and oral language. The environmental transformations to which Earth has gone to meet from its formation to the Archean period of the Precambrian Era, during which the terrestrial proto-biological phenomenon develops, are briefly discussed. By following the quantum electrodynamic explanation of biological water it is assumed that the transition from organic to biological it would have happened during late Hadean with the formation of colloid lyophilized bubbles, dissipative systems embedded by anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, composed by perturbed prebiotic water maintained in a regime of oscillatory super-coherence by an endogenous electromagnetic field of suitable intensity and frequency, bounded by a selective electronic pump consisting of a semi-crystalline film of reducing water, and containing macromolecules such as proteins and amino acids, synthesized on a enantioselective basis. A brief recapitulation of the geological phases and biological events that characterized the ca. 1.5 billion years that stand between eukaryotic cells stabilization and genus Homo appearance is provided. By adopting a non-Darwinian approach, the biological phenomenon is described as an eco-systemic non-linear dissipative system embedded by super-complex anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, ruled by thermodynamics of non-equilibrium laws. By comparing utilitarian and non-utilitarian finds dating from Lower Paleolithic (ca. 2.7-2.4 mya to ca. 300-120 tya) with finds dating from Middle Paleolithic (ca. 300-120 to ca. 45-30 tya), it is assumed that the inner life (insight) of our distant ancestors underwent a slow process of psycho-relational and psycho-biological individuation (incubation and settling of a distinct and relatively autonomous neuro-psychological identity), that only recently (second half of Lower Paleolithic) led to the formation of the relatively autonomous and independent psychic complex called epigenetic function of the real, or consciousness, the essential requirement for there to be a fully established cultural production. The slow process that went from a musically established sound emission (second half of Lower Paleolithic), to a fully syntactical and semantics codification of a suitably emitted and articulated range of sounds, that through time became speech communication, namely oral language (first half of Middle Paleolithic), is discussed. The slow process to which oral language has gone from acquiring the power to re-create the world by naming it - semantic baptism - as an act of legitimation of reality (Upper Paleolithic), to becoming an instrument of power in the hands of the male gender (Neolithic), which thanks to it tames Nature and subjugates the generatrix power of women's uterus (where the pneuma is transmuted into offspring by which the progeny is re-created) to the generatrix power of oro-larynx (where the pneuma is transmuted into speech by which the World is re-created), is also discussed.
The Super-Coherent State of Biological Water, 2019
Exceptional solvent, water is the life-giving molecule on Earth: it covers about 70% of the Earth... more Exceptional solvent, water is the life-giving molecule on Earth: it covers about 70% of the Earth's surface, accounts for 65% of a human and 90% of macromolecules present in biological systems. If the water did not exist, no chemical reactions, no transport of nutrients and waste, etc. would exist. In a word, without water, there would be no life. Within the range of environmental temperature and pressure, water is found in three conventional physical aggregation states plus one: solid (ice), liquid (liquid water), gaseous (water vapor) and semi-crystalline (biological water). Most of the models proposed to explain the peculiar properties of water start from the study of an isolated water molecule, then extend its characteristics and behaviors to the water molecules bound to it. Each model aims to predict the behavior of water in its three conventional aggregation states and subsequently verify its compatibility with experimental chemical-physical properties. Problems arise when, through intermolecular electrostatic attraction forces (short-range forces), a lot of water molecules are assembled to form the liquid phase together. None of the water models proposed to date, based on short-range forces, is able to describe satisfactorily the "abnormal" chemical-physical behavior of water. In the present work, it is presented the Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) approach to water, introduced and developed, with the contribution of other physicists and researchers, by Giuliano Preparata and Emilio del Giudice, two Italian theoretical physicists and researchers of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), over the last thirty years. According to QED, an essential prerequisite is that H2O molecules possess continually fluctuating dipole moments and that fluctuating dipole moments radiate electromagnetic fields (EMF). In a two-body interaction between atoms or molecules mediated by electromagnetic field, only static fields are important. But in the general case of N-body interactions, the time-dependent radiative part of the EMF is no longer negligible and, as a result, the small individual fluctuations of many individual components may superpose coherently (in phase). A brief overview of enantioselectivity, homochirality and autopoiesis of biological systems, which seams to be related to the phase transition of water from the ordinary coherence of its liquid state (bulk water) to the semi-crystalline or glassy and super-coherent state of biological water, is given. The role of interfacial and intracellular water in living organisms is discussed. The link between the overall dynamics of the living and the oscillatory rhythm of water and the related energetic events is discussed. In conclusion, the Oxhydroelectric Effect, i.e. electricity extraction from water by twin electrodes mediated by oxygen molecules, is introduced.
The huge progress made in recent decades in the medical-health field, together with the large-sca... more The huge progress made in recent decades in the medical-health field, together with the large-scale introduction of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other emergency techniques and procedures, has made it possible to save a growing number of human lives. Also because of this, the testimonies classified as Near Death Experiences (NDEs) have increased exponentially , mostly in Western countries. The present work aims at first to identify six basic inclusion-exclusion clinical criteria to be adopted for the definition of a Near Death State (NDS), distinguishing between an objective NDS and a subjective Near Death Like State (NDLS). This classification leads to having NDEs split into two distinct groups: Near Death Experiences associated to NDS and Near Death Like Experiences (NDLEs) associated to NDLS. A general frame of reference, namely Tenso-Relational Model, within which consciousness and the mind-body system (MBS) can be located, is discussed. In conclusion it is introduced a bio-physical frame of reference to be adopted for a possible explanation 1) of the so called Out of Body Experience (OBE), which can occur while experiencing an NDS or an NDLS, 2) of the so-called Electromagnetic After-Effects (EAEs), namely electro-sensitivity, which can be caused both by an NDS or by an NDLS, and 3) of other NDS-NDLS afte-reffects such as the so-called Energy Healing Abilities (EHA) and the psi abilities , i.e. psychokinesis, telekinesis and psychic-teleportation, and Extra-Sensory Perceptions (ESPs) such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psy-chometry.
The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power ro... more The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power roles and government functions, leads the West (17 th century) to theorize and assume a materialistic, reductionist and mechanistic model of thought, based on a privileged, tendentially exclusive, relationship with Science (Galilean scientific method), technique and technology. This paper takes into account the historical, sociological, and anthropological elements (such as the unlimited perfectibility of humanity advocated by the French Enlightenment and the mechanization of the production cycle envisaged by English proto-liberalism) of this paradigmatic revolution, which more than others help us understanding the causal process that led to contemporary techno-centrism 4.0. It is highlighted that thanks to the interweav-ing between the ideals of the French Enlightenment, with its two souls (Natu-rophilus and Technophilus), and the Anglo-Saxon entrepreneurial foresight (proved successful with the Industrial Revolution 1.0), takes shape the Posi-tivist paradigm, and with it the Positivist secular religion, whose affirmation and diffusion generate a stream of widely shared thought throughout the West, i.e. Eugenics, which radicalizes the most ambivalent (pseudo-scientific) and reactionary (philocolonialist) instances of Enlightenment and Positivism, leading to a series of crimes against the person and against humanity, which will result in the mass eliminations conducted, in particular but not only, by Nazi-fascism and Stalinism (two totalitarian regimes that share the same Posi-tivist roots and the same passion for Eugenics thought). It is highlighted that the heart of the industrialization process begins to throb in factories, where the introduction of mechanical systems into the production cycle triggers the man-machine integration process, which soon becomes the fulcrum, the economic , social and cultural driving factor of the western civilization. It will be thanks to the evolution of the mechanical systems employed in the production chains and to the establishment of the Liberalist economic model, that between the second and third Industrial Revolution consolidates the alliance between academic, industrial and military (the academic/industrial/military iron triangle). An alliance destined to play a decisive role in the two World
The sociological dimension of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and automation, is placed in the path... more The sociological dimension of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and automation, is placed in the path traced by the man-machine integration process, started in the eighteenth century by the Industrial Revolution that assumes its current connotation after World War II. The use of the term intelligence, which appears in the expression Artificial Intelligence, is shown to be improper and misleading, and the expression itself should be replaced, eventually, by Artificial Simulation of the Savant Syndrome. By adopting a theoretical perspective, namely Endo-Dynamo-Tensive Model [Messori 2012B], it is traced the mapping of human's neurological (neuro-dynamics) and psychological (psycho-dynamics) dimension, and is provided the coordinates to be followed in the phenomenological qualification and definition of the psychic-mental-cognitive function intelligence. The neuro-dynamics of the Nervous System (NS), is taken into account by adopting the theoretical, interpretative and investigative perspective indicated by the particular line of research developed in the context of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and QED (Quantum Electrodynamic Field Theory), that describes the water of which all living systems are composed, i.e. biological water , as water in a coherent oscillatory phase or state other than that of common water , named super-coherent oscillatory state. By introducing the possible functional role exerted within brain activity by glial cells, cerebrospinal fluid, intra-and extra-cellular fluid is outlined the overcoming of the classical neuroscience paradigm, based on the vision of brain activity as ruled by networks of neurons interconnected by synapses. The body-mind hard problem is taken into account and a solution is advanced. The psycho-dynamics of the humans mind territory is taken into account according to the four poles of mental functions introduced by C.G. Jung in his Psychological Types (1921), where he introduces a hierarchy of mental functions in two mental bipolar dimensions (dichotomies). These are sensing (attentiveness by means of the sense organs) coupled to intuition (awareness in unconscious way or being aware of unconscious contents) and thinking (function of intellectual cognition; the forming of logical conclusions) coupled to feeling (function of subjective estimation).
The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power ro... more The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power roles and government functions, leads the West (17th century) to theorize and assume a materialistic, reductionist and mechanistic model of thought, based on a privileged, tendentially exclusive, relationship with Science (Galilean scientific method), technique and technology. This paper takes into account the historical, sociological, and anthropological elements (such as the unlimited perfectibility of humanity advocated by the French Enlightenment and the mechanization of the production cycle envisaged by English pro-to-liberalism) of this paradigmatic revolution, which more than others help us understanding the causal process that led to contemporary techno-centrism 4.0. It is highlighted that thanks to the interweaving between the ideals of the French Enlightenment, with its two souls (Naturophilus and Technophilus), and the Anglo-Saxon entrepreneurial foresight (proved successful wit...
Italian: Con uno sguardo rivolto alle premesse cosmologiche e geologiche che fanno da sfondo all&... more Italian: Con uno sguardo rivolto alle premesse cosmologiche e geologiche che fanno da sfondo all'origine del fenomeno biologico, vengono ripercorse le fasi storiche essenziali che dal Paleolitico Superiore attraverso l'Età dei Metalli e l'Età dei Lumi hanno traghettato l'Occidente verso la forma mentis della scienza contemporanea. La dimensione tensoriale (Tensione-dynamis) viene indicata come il territorio a cui appartiene il fenomeno mentale e come la dimensione fisica fondamentale e irriducibile che precede, produce e coesiste con la dimensione energetica. La transizione dalla dimensione tensoriale alla dimensione energetica viene spiegata in termini di rottura di simmetria di riflessione (mirror symmetry breaking). Allo spin-internal motion viene riconosciuto un ruolo centrale nella genesi della trama energetica e della geometria spaziotemporale. L'energia viene definita come la capacità di generare interferenza e il quanto d'azione fondamentale h come la...
In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavir... more In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), whose lytic/virulent lifestyle involves the infection, replication and lysis of the host cell, must be able to penetrate its membrane for the release of viral progeny. For this purpose, its action takes place both on a biophysical and biochemical level. Viral action begins with the alteration of physiological interactions held by the target cell with extracellular aqueous electrolytic solutions (membrane-ions interactions), followed by the disruption of the membrane structural properties. In the present paper the earliest virus-host biophysical events are addressed, in particular the electrostatic (short-range) and electrodynamic (long-range) interactions. In section one a biophysical profile of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity is outlined. The prominent electrostatic events that characterize the earliest stages of virus-host interactions are taken into account. The host cell oxidative stress reaction is discussed. In section two, biological water as biphasic liquid and structured interfacial water’s fourth phase are introduced by resorting to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Electrodynamic (QED). Structured interfacial water as a semiconductor and the proton-based self-driven liquid-flow system are also discussed. In section three it is assumed that in its approach to the target host cell SARS-CoV-2 triggers the cellular phase-matching feature (which operates as a very selective filter discriminating among perturbations and stimuli that are out of phase with the oscillatory motions allowed by the cell’s inner dynamics) by emitting a stressful ultra low frequency-electromagnetic field (ULF-EMF), which generates an alert response within the cell by influencing ionic fluxes throughout cellular membrane. Therefore, it is suggested that the earliest virus-host interaction would rest on electromagnetic long-range events, before electrostatic and chemical interactions occur, which are influencing the redox potential of the target host-cell’s membrane chemical species, affecting its acid-base equilibria, therefore inducing a cellular stress response (e.g. via plasma-membrane-localized redox signalling) with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) production. Accordingly, redox-responsive intracellular signaling and anti-inflammatory scavenging systems would be remotely (pre) activated by non-ionizing interference phenomena, before virus-cell come together, followed by electrostatic and chemical events that provoke a branching, cascade-like, chain of reactions. A better understanding of the earliest of biophysical events will enable a more rational approach to dealing with both the binding of the SARS-CoV-2 highly glycosylated Spike’s S1 subunit receptor binding domain (RBD) to the host cell’s angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the direct interaction with the lipid bilayer on the cell surface.
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 2016
Based on my previous model and supported by a biophysical interpretation of nervous cell, nervous... more Based on my previous model and supported by a biophysical interpretation of nervous cell, nervous system, memory, mind and phylogenesis, I further propose a tensorial-relational model , aimed at providing a paleoanthropological and physicalist’s explanations of the genesis of consciousness , culture and oral language among human communities. Part I of this four-part article series includes: Preamble; 1. General Premises; 1.1 Towards bridging the Darwinist model of evolution; 1.2 The Tensorial-Relational Model; and 1.3 Quantum descriptions of signal transduction in biological systems.
In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavir... more In order to infect the target host cell, a virus like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), whose lytic/virulent lifestyle involves the infection, replication and lysis of the host cell, must be able to penetrate its membrane for the release of viral progeny. For this purpose, its action takes place both on a biophysical and biochemical level. Viral action begins with the alteration of physiological interactions held by the target cell with extracellular aqueous electrolytic solutions (membrane-ions interactions), followed by the disruption of the membrane structural properties. In the present paper the earliest virus-host biophysical events are addressed, in particular the electrostatic (short-range) and electrodynamic (long-range) interactions. In section one a biophysical profile of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity is outlined. The prominent electrostatic events that characterize the earliest stages of virus-host interactions are taken into account. The host cell oxidative stress reaction is discussed. In section two, biological water as biphasic liquid and structured interfacial water’s fourth phase are introduced by resorting to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Electrodynamic (QED). Structured interfacial water as a semiconductor and the proton-based self-driven liquid-flow system are also discussed. In section three it is assumed that in its approach to the target host cell SARS-CoV-2 triggers the cellular phase-matching feature (which operates as a very selective filter discriminating among perturbations and stimuli that are out of phase with the oscillatory motions allowed by the cell’s inner dynamics) by emitting a stressful ultra low frequency-electromagnetic field (ULF-EMF), which generates an alert response within the cell by influencing ionic fluxes throughout cellular membrane. Therefore, it is suggested that the earliest virus-host interaction would rest on electromagnetic long-range events, before electrostatic and chemical interactions occur, which are influencing the redox potential of the target host-cell’s membrane chemical species, affecting its acid-base equilibria, therefore inducing a cellular stress response (e.g. via plasma-membrane-localized redox signalling) with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) production. Accordingly, redox-responsive intracellular signaling and anti-inflammatory scavenging systems would be remotely (pre) activated by non-ionizing interference phenomena, before virus-cell come together, followed by electrostatic and chemical events that provoke a branching, cascade-like, chain of reactions. A better understanding of the earliest of biophysical events will enable a more rational approach to dealing with both the binding of the SARS-CoV-2 highly glycosylated Spike’s S1 subunit receptor binding domain (RBD) to the host cell’s angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the direct interaction with the lipid bilayer on the cell surface.
All the current computational mind-brain models are based on the mechanistic (mechanical philosop... more All the current computational mind-brain models are based on the mechanistic (mechanical philosophy) and deterministic vision of the world, conceived in the sign of Cartesian dualism and Newtonian physics, which operate in every sector of knowledge and know-how by reason of a universal mechanistic order. At present the Western theories about the position of human mind in Nature can be reduced to five: Materialism, Metaphysical idealism, Dualism, Holism, Quantum. Based on the identification of two distinct and imbricated physical planes of reality, namely the plane or domain of tension and the plane or domain of energy, a relationship-based alternative explanation of the mind-brain-body system non-linear dynamics is advanced. The paleoanthropological and psychologic roots of the anthropopoietic process are discussed. As advanced in previous works, a cosmogonic hypothesis is summarized on the possible derivation (and subsequent coexistence) of the physical dimension defined by the Pla...
ABSTRACT Lo spazio e il tempo sono concetti della mente umana. Concetti formulati molto tardivame... more ABSTRACT Lo spazio e il tempo sono concetti della mente umana. Concetti formulati molto tardivamente nella storia dell’umanità , più esattamente da quando gli esseri umani, con Homo sapiens, iniziarono a pensare e a sentire in termini di soggetto e oggetto, distinguendo se stessi dalla natura e cessando di sentirsi e di essere un tutt’uno con essa. La dicotomia soggetto-oggetto è la fonte primigenia delle antinomie, ovvero delle coppie di contrari, che rimandano ad una relazione polare tra una tesi e una antitesi, dalla cui differenza di potenziale è generato il mondo . La coscienza umana, o funzione del reale, consiste appunto nella acquisizione della capacità di differenziare la realtà in termini di soggetto e oggetto. Storicamente e psicologicamente, la coscienza nasce, cioè viene data alla luce, quando il dualismo soggetto-oggetto si costituisce come complesso psico-relazionale autonomo. Recando in sè i germi della differenziazione, l’esercizio della coscienza feconda il mondo dando vita a nuovi mondi, e feconda l’individuo dando vita a nuovi individui. Infatti, porsi di fronte alla natura riconoscendosi come distinti da essa corrisponde a nascere una seconda volta, cioè a rinascere. Il motivo della rinascita permea di sè tutte le culture umane rette dall’esercizio della funzione del reale. Con l’esercizio della coscienza il mondo cessa di essere vissuto, per essere interpretato. L’interpretazione dell’alternanza della vita e della morte, del giorno e della notte, genera un mondo retto da relazioni. L’antinomia relazionale posta a fondamento del tutto, consiste di due modalità relazionali: l’una è data da una relazione di continuità , dove le parti sono indifferenziate, assorbite le une alle altre senza soluzione di continuità ; l’altra è data da una relazione di contiguità , dove le parti sono differenziate, poste le une a fianco delle altre. La dicotomia maschio-femmina costituisce anch’essa una antinomia. La valenza psicologica assunta da questa antinomia è bene espressa dal complesso edipico. Il complesso edipico, cioè l’aspirazione ad una relazione incestuosa del figlio con la madre e della figlia con il padre, esprime la reinterpretazione psicologica dell’inconscia aspirazione all’autogenerazione. Storicamente e psicologicamente si costituisce come complesso psichico autonomo solo quando l’individualità umana, riconoscendosi come tale, cioè differenziandosi, cessa di identificarsi con il proprio inconscio , interpretandolo. Quanto questo tentativo di interpretazione sia difficile e pieno di insidie, lo prova il fatto che pur condannando e disprezzando l’usanza ancestrale, poi divenuta rituale, di bere il sangue-latte materno dei propri simili, come atto di autorigenerazione e di autogenerazione, l’essere umano civile non fa che compiere lo stesso atto, amplificato, ricorrendo all’istituzione della guerra, la legittimazione cosciente dell’autogenerazione mediante spargimento di sangue. L’acquisizione della capacità di differenziare la realtà in termini di soggetto-oggetto non fa che introdurre un motivo critico di discontinuità nella naturale relazione di continuità della madre con il figlio/a, della Terra con l’uomo/donna. Nella scissione trovano allora spazio una nuova relazione filiale, ma anche un nuovo ruolo della sessualità . Quando l’interpretazione della naturale aspirazione umana all’autogenerazione sfocia in una incalzante volontà di potenza, la storia dell’umanità diviene una storia al maschile. Infatti, per la donna-madre non sussiste alcun imperativo psicologico veramente capace di muoverla verso una volontà di potenza. Essendo protagonista naturale della gestazione della vita, la potenza è già in lei. La donna da alla luce la vita senza alcun bisogno di ricorrere alla funzione del reale. Per più di due milioni di anni, la modalità comunicativa naturalmente privilegiata dagli esseri umani, nella loro relazione col mondo e con i propri simili, fu la telepatia. La telepatia comunica sensazioni. Senza il filtro della coscienza, le sensazioni sono totopotenti, cioè letteralmente capaci di apparire come vere e proprie entità dotate di carne e di ossa . Tramite le sensazioni, gli esseri umani erano un’estensione della natura e la natura di loro, come la corteccia al legno, senza soluzione di continuità , come in un perenne e indissolubile sodalizio psichico e carnale. La differenza tra essere il mondo e interpretare il mondo, è simile alla differenza tra la notte e il giorno. Nella notte regnano le sagome e le ombre ma, soprattutto, i rumori e gli odori. Ciò che regnò per oltre due milioni di anni, era un silenzio rotto solo dai rumori e dai suoni della natura, di cui l’essere umano era parte integrante. L’emergere della coscienza coincide con l’assestamento di nuove e più efficaci forme di produzione alimentare, prima con la coltivazione cerealitica e poi con l’allevamento di bestiame. Impossessandosi della produzione alimentare, l’essere umano libera parte dell’energia psichica impiegata per…
Deep into the Water: Exploring the Hydro-Electromagnetic and Quantum-Electrodynamic Properties of Interfacial Water in Living Systems, 2019
Normal water structures are maintained largely by interactions with bioma-cromolecular surfaces a... more Normal water structures are maintained largely by interactions with bioma-cromolecular surfaces and weak electromagnetic fields, which enable extended networks for electron and proton conductivity. All standard chemistry is totally reliant on electrostatics and avoids all mention of electrodynamics and the consequent radiation field, which is supporting the notion of water as a primary mediator of biological effects induced via electromagnetic means into living systems. Quantum Electrodynamic (QED) field theory have produced a vision of water in a liquid state as a medium, which for a peculiarity of its molecular electronic spectrum reveals itself as an essential tool for long-range communications, being able to change its supra-molecular organization in function of the interaction with the environment. This paper draws attention to the fact that interfacial water (nanoscale confined water) has been shown, independently by Emilio Del Giudice et al. and by Gerald Pollack et al., to contain respectively Coherence Domains (CDs) and Exclusion Zones (EZs), which may be regarded as long-range ensembles of CDs, dynamic aqueous structures, which uses the special properties of water, such as its electron/proton dynamics and organized response to electromagnetic fields, to receive electromagnetically encoded signals endowed with coherence (ne-gentropy) at a low frequency, and sum the resultant excitations, so as to foster the redistribution of that coherence at frequencies which may affect biological systems. The phase transition of water from the ordinary coherence of its liquid state (bulk water) to the semi-crystalline or glassy and super-coherent state of interfacial water and its role in living organisms is discussed. The link between interfacial and intracellular water of the living and 1) the thermody-namic correlation between electron and proton transfer responsible for the redox potential of chemical species, 2) the Grotthuss mechanism and the H + eightfold path, 3) superconductivity and superfluidity (dissipationless quantum states), 4) the proton motive force and protons role in biological liquid flow systems, and 5) two possible explanations to as many non-ordinary phenomena, one related to the mind-body severely stressful condition due to a Near Death State (NDS) or to a Near Death Like State (NDLS), namely the Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) or Electromagnetic After-Effect (EAE), the other related to the harmful consequences avoided during the so-called fire walking (ceremony), are discussed.
It is presented an updated version of my previous paleoanthropological interpretation of the avai... more It is presented an updated version of my previous paleoanthropological interpretation of the available utilitarian and non-utilitarian Paleolithic finds (Messori 2016), aimed at establishing the earliest human developmental stages of consciousness, culture and oral language. The environmental transformations to which Earth has gone to meet from its formation to the Archean period of the Precambrian Era, during which the terrestrial proto-biological phenomenon develops, are briefly discussed. By following the quantum electrodynamic explanation of biological water it is assumed that the transition from organic to biological it would have happened during late Hadean with the formation of colloid lyophilized bubbles, dissipative systems embedded by anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, composed by perturbed prebiotic water maintained in a regime of oscillatory super-coherence by an endogenous electromagnetic field of suitable intensity and frequency, bounded by a selective electronic pump consisting of a semi-crystalline film of reducing water, and containing macromolecules such as proteins and amino acids, synthesized on a enantioselective basis. A brief recapitulation of the geological phases and biological events that characterized the ca. 1.5 billion years that stand between eukaryotic cells stabilization and genus Homo appearance is provided. By adopting a non-Darwinian approach, the biological phenomenon is described as an eco-systemic non-linear dissipative system embedded by super-complex anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, ruled by thermodynamics of non-equilibrium laws. By comparing utilitarian and non-utilitarian finds dating from Lower Paleolithic (ca. 2.7-2.4 mya to ca. 300-120 tya) with finds dating from Middle Paleolithic (ca. 300-120 to ca. 45-30 tya), it is assumed that the inner life (insight) of our distant ancestors underwent a slow process of psycho-relational and psycho-biological individuation (incubation and settling of a distinct and relatively autonomous neuro-psychological identity), that only recently (second half of Lower Paleolithic) led to the formation of the relatively autonomous and independent psychic complex called epigenetic function of the real, or consciousness, the essential requirement for there to be a fully established cultural production. The slow process that went from a musically established sound emission (second half of Lower Paleolithic), to a fully syntactical and semantics codification of a suitably emitted and articulated range of sounds, that through time became speech communication, namely oral language (first half of Middle Paleolithic), is discussed. The slow process to which oral language has gone from acquiring the power to re-create the world by naming it - semantic baptism - as an act of legitimation of reality (Upper Paleolithic), to becoming an instrument of power in the hands of the male gender (Neolithic), which thanks to it tames Nature and subjugates the generatrix power of women's uterus (where the pneuma is transmuted into offspring by which the progeny is re-created) to the generatrix power of oro-larynx (where the pneuma is transmuted into speech by which the World is re-created), is also discussed.
The Super-Coherent State of Biological Water, 2019
Exceptional solvent, water is the life-giving molecule on Earth: it covers about 70% of the Earth... more Exceptional solvent, water is the life-giving molecule on Earth: it covers about 70% of the Earth's surface, accounts for 65% of a human and 90% of macromolecules present in biological systems. If the water did not exist, no chemical reactions, no transport of nutrients and waste, etc. would exist. In a word, without water, there would be no life. Within the range of environmental temperature and pressure, water is found in three conventional physical aggregation states plus one: solid (ice), liquid (liquid water), gaseous (water vapor) and semi-crystalline (biological water). Most of the models proposed to explain the peculiar properties of water start from the study of an isolated water molecule, then extend its characteristics and behaviors to the water molecules bound to it. Each model aims to predict the behavior of water in its three conventional aggregation states and subsequently verify its compatibility with experimental chemical-physical properties. Problems arise when, through intermolecular electrostatic attraction forces (short-range forces), a lot of water molecules are assembled to form the liquid phase together. None of the water models proposed to date, based on short-range forces, is able to describe satisfactorily the "abnormal" chemical-physical behavior of water. In the present work, it is presented the Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) approach to water, introduced and developed, with the contribution of other physicists and researchers, by Giuliano Preparata and Emilio del Giudice, two Italian theoretical physicists and researchers of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), over the last thirty years. According to QED, an essential prerequisite is that H2O molecules possess continually fluctuating dipole moments and that fluctuating dipole moments radiate electromagnetic fields (EMF). In a two-body interaction between atoms or molecules mediated by electromagnetic field, only static fields are important. But in the general case of N-body interactions, the time-dependent radiative part of the EMF is no longer negligible and, as a result, the small individual fluctuations of many individual components may superpose coherently (in phase). A brief overview of enantioselectivity, homochirality and autopoiesis of biological systems, which seams to be related to the phase transition of water from the ordinary coherence of its liquid state (bulk water) to the semi-crystalline or glassy and super-coherent state of biological water, is given. The role of interfacial and intracellular water in living organisms is discussed. The link between the overall dynamics of the living and the oscillatory rhythm of water and the related energetic events is discussed. In conclusion, the Oxhydroelectric Effect, i.e. electricity extraction from water by twin electrodes mediated by oxygen molecules, is introduced.
The huge progress made in recent decades in the medical-health field, together with the large-sca... more The huge progress made in recent decades in the medical-health field, together with the large-scale introduction of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other emergency techniques and procedures, has made it possible to save a growing number of human lives. Also because of this, the testimonies classified as Near Death Experiences (NDEs) have increased exponentially , mostly in Western countries. The present work aims at first to identify six basic inclusion-exclusion clinical criteria to be adopted for the definition of a Near Death State (NDS), distinguishing between an objective NDS and a subjective Near Death Like State (NDLS). This classification leads to having NDEs split into two distinct groups: Near Death Experiences associated to NDS and Near Death Like Experiences (NDLEs) associated to NDLS. A general frame of reference, namely Tenso-Relational Model, within which consciousness and the mind-body system (MBS) can be located, is discussed. In conclusion it is introduced a bio-physical frame of reference to be adopted for a possible explanation 1) of the so called Out of Body Experience (OBE), which can occur while experiencing an NDS or an NDLS, 2) of the so-called Electromagnetic After-Effects (EAEs), namely electro-sensitivity, which can be caused both by an NDS or by an NDLS, and 3) of other NDS-NDLS afte-reffects such as the so-called Energy Healing Abilities (EHA) and the psi abilities , i.e. psychokinesis, telekinesis and psychic-teleportation, and Extra-Sensory Perceptions (ESPs) such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psy-chometry.
The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power ro... more The decline of the feudal system and the progressive rise of the medieval bourgeoisie to power roles and government functions, leads the West (17 th century) to theorize and assume a materialistic, reductionist and mechanistic model of thought, based on a privileged, tendentially exclusive, relationship with Science (Galilean scientific method), technique and technology. This paper takes into account the historical, sociological, and anthropological elements (such as the unlimited perfectibility of humanity advocated by the French Enlightenment and the mechanization of the production cycle envisaged by English proto-liberalism) of this paradigmatic revolution, which more than others help us understanding the causal process that led to contemporary techno-centrism 4.0. It is highlighted that thanks to the interweav-ing between the ideals of the French Enlightenment, with its two souls (Natu-rophilus and Technophilus), and the Anglo-Saxon entrepreneurial foresight (proved successful with the Industrial Revolution 1.0), takes shape the Posi-tivist paradigm, and with it the Positivist secular religion, whose affirmation and diffusion generate a stream of widely shared thought throughout the West, i.e. Eugenics, which radicalizes the most ambivalent (pseudo-scientific) and reactionary (philocolonialist) instances of Enlightenment and Positivism, leading to a series of crimes against the person and against humanity, which will result in the mass eliminations conducted, in particular but not only, by Nazi-fascism and Stalinism (two totalitarian regimes that share the same Posi-tivist roots and the same passion for Eugenics thought). It is highlighted that the heart of the industrialization process begins to throb in factories, where the introduction of mechanical systems into the production cycle triggers the man-machine integration process, which soon becomes the fulcrum, the economic , social and cultural driving factor of the western civilization. It will be thanks to the evolution of the mechanical systems employed in the production chains and to the establishment of the Liberalist economic model, that between the second and third Industrial Revolution consolidates the alliance between academic, industrial and military (the academic/industrial/military iron triangle). An alliance destined to play a decisive role in the two World
The sociological dimension of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and automation, is placed in the path... more The sociological dimension of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and automation, is placed in the path traced by the man-machine integration process, started in the eighteenth century by the Industrial Revolution that assumes its current connotation after World War II. The use of the term intelligence, which appears in the expression Artificial Intelligence, is shown to be improper and misleading, and the expression itself should be replaced, eventually, by Artificial Simulation of the Savant Syndrome. By adopting a theoretical perspective, namely Endo-Dynamo-Tensive Model [Messori 2012B], it is traced the mapping of human's neurological (neuro-dynamics) and psychological (psycho-dynamics) dimension, and is provided the coordinates to be followed in the phenomenological qualification and definition of the psychic-mental-cognitive function intelligence. The neuro-dynamics of the Nervous System (NS), is taken into account by adopting the theoretical, interpretative and investigative perspective indicated by the particular line of research developed in the context of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and QED (Quantum Electrodynamic Field Theory), that describes the water of which all living systems are composed, i.e. biological water , as water in a coherent oscillatory phase or state other than that of common water , named super-coherent oscillatory state. By introducing the possible functional role exerted within brain activity by glial cells, cerebrospinal fluid, intra-and extra-cellular fluid is outlined the overcoming of the classical neuroscience paradigm, based on the vision of brain activity as ruled by networks of neurons interconnected by synapses. The body-mind hard problem is taken into account and a solution is advanced. The psycho-dynamics of the humans mind territory is taken into account according to the four poles of mental functions introduced by C.G. Jung in his Psychological Types (1921), where he introduces a hierarchy of mental functions in two mental bipolar dimensions (dichotomies). These are sensing (attentiveness by means of the sense organs) coupled to intuition (awareness in unconscious way or being aware of unconscious contents) and thinking (function of intellectual cognition; the forming of logical conclusions) coupled to feeling (function of subjective estimation).
Papers by Claudio Messori
The environmental transformations to which Earth has gone to meet from its formation to the Archean period of the Precambrian Era, during which the terrestrial proto-biological phenomenon develops, are briefly discussed.
By following the quantum electrodynamic explanation of biological water it is assumed that the transition from organic to biological it would have happened during late Hadean with the formation of colloid lyophilized bubbles, dissipative systems embedded by anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, composed by perturbed prebiotic water maintained in a regime of oscillatory super-coherence by an endogenous electromagnetic field of suitable intensity and frequency, bounded by a selective electronic pump consisting of a semi-crystalline film of reducing water, and containing macromolecules such as proteins and amino acids, synthesized on a enantioselective basis.
A brief recapitulation of the geological phases and biological events that characterized the ca. 1.5 billion years that stand between eukaryotic cells stabilization and genus Homo appearance is provided.
By adopting a non-Darwinian approach, the biological phenomenon is described as an eco-systemic non-linear dissipative system embedded by super-complex anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, ruled by thermodynamics of non-equilibrium laws.
By comparing utilitarian and non-utilitarian finds dating from Lower Paleolithic (ca. 2.7-2.4 mya to ca. 300-120 tya) with finds dating from Middle Paleolithic (ca. 300-120 to ca. 45-30 tya), it is assumed that the inner life (insight) of our distant ancestors underwent a slow process of psycho-relational and psycho-biological individuation (incubation and settling of a distinct and relatively autonomous neuro-psychological identity), that only recently (second half of Lower Paleolithic) led to the formation of the relatively autonomous and independent psychic complex called epigenetic function of the real, or consciousness, the essential requirement for there to be a fully established cultural production.
The slow process that went from a musically established sound emission (second half of Lower Paleolithic), to a fully syntactical and semantics codification of a suitably emitted and articulated range of sounds, that through time became speech communication, namely oral language (first half of Middle Paleolithic), is discussed.
The slow process to which oral language has gone from acquiring the power to re-create the world by naming it - semantic baptism - as an act of legitimation of reality (Upper Paleolithic), to becoming an instrument of power in the hands of the male gender (Neolithic), which thanks to it tames Nature and subjugates the generatrix power of women's uterus (where the pneuma is transmuted into offspring by which the progeny is re-created) to the generatrix power of oro-larynx (where the pneuma is transmuted into speech by which the World is re-created), is also discussed.
In the present work, it is presented the Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) approach to water, introduced and developed, with the contribution of other physicists and researchers, by Giuliano Preparata and Emilio del Giudice, two Italian theoretical physicists and researchers of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), over the last thirty years.
According to QED, an essential prerequisite is that H2O molecules possess continually fluctuating dipole moments and that fluctuating dipole moments radiate electromagnetic fields (EMF). In a two-body interaction between atoms or molecules mediated by electromagnetic field, only static fields are important. But in the general case of N-body interactions, the time-dependent radiative part of the EMF is no longer negligible and, as a result, the small individual fluctuations of many individual components may superpose coherently (in phase).
A brief overview of enantioselectivity, homochirality and autopoiesis of biological systems, which seams to be related to the phase transition of water from the ordinary coherence of its liquid state (bulk water) to the semi-crystalline or glassy and super-coherent state of biological water, is given.
The role of interfacial and intracellular water in living organisms is discussed.
The link between the overall dynamics of the living and the oscillatory rhythm of water and the related energetic events is discussed.
In conclusion, the Oxhydroelectric Effect, i.e. electricity extraction from water by twin electrodes mediated by oxygen molecules, is introduced.
The environmental transformations to which Earth has gone to meet from its formation to the Archean period of the Precambrian Era, during which the terrestrial proto-biological phenomenon develops, are briefly discussed.
By following the quantum electrodynamic explanation of biological water it is assumed that the transition from organic to biological it would have happened during late Hadean with the formation of colloid lyophilized bubbles, dissipative systems embedded by anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, composed by perturbed prebiotic water maintained in a regime of oscillatory super-coherence by an endogenous electromagnetic field of suitable intensity and frequency, bounded by a selective electronic pump consisting of a semi-crystalline film of reducing water, and containing macromolecules such as proteins and amino acids, synthesized on a enantioselective basis.
A brief recapitulation of the geological phases and biological events that characterized the ca. 1.5 billion years that stand between eukaryotic cells stabilization and genus Homo appearance is provided.
By adopting a non-Darwinian approach, the biological phenomenon is described as an eco-systemic non-linear dissipative system embedded by super-complex anticipatory systems, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes, ruled by thermodynamics of non-equilibrium laws.
By comparing utilitarian and non-utilitarian finds dating from Lower Paleolithic (ca. 2.7-2.4 mya to ca. 300-120 tya) with finds dating from Middle Paleolithic (ca. 300-120 to ca. 45-30 tya), it is assumed that the inner life (insight) of our distant ancestors underwent a slow process of psycho-relational and psycho-biological individuation (incubation and settling of a distinct and relatively autonomous neuro-psychological identity), that only recently (second half of Lower Paleolithic) led to the formation of the relatively autonomous and independent psychic complex called epigenetic function of the real, or consciousness, the essential requirement for there to be a fully established cultural production.
The slow process that went from a musically established sound emission (second half of Lower Paleolithic), to a fully syntactical and semantics codification of a suitably emitted and articulated range of sounds, that through time became speech communication, namely oral language (first half of Middle Paleolithic), is discussed.
The slow process to which oral language has gone from acquiring the power to re-create the world by naming it - semantic baptism - as an act of legitimation of reality (Upper Paleolithic), to becoming an instrument of power in the hands of the male gender (Neolithic), which thanks to it tames Nature and subjugates the generatrix power of women's uterus (where the pneuma is transmuted into offspring by which the progeny is re-created) to the generatrix power of oro-larynx (where the pneuma is transmuted into speech by which the World is re-created), is also discussed.
In the present work, it is presented the Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) approach to water, introduced and developed, with the contribution of other physicists and researchers, by Giuliano Preparata and Emilio del Giudice, two Italian theoretical physicists and researchers of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), over the last thirty years.
According to QED, an essential prerequisite is that H2O molecules possess continually fluctuating dipole moments and that fluctuating dipole moments radiate electromagnetic fields (EMF). In a two-body interaction between atoms or molecules mediated by electromagnetic field, only static fields are important. But in the general case of N-body interactions, the time-dependent radiative part of the EMF is no longer negligible and, as a result, the small individual fluctuations of many individual components may superpose coherently (in phase).
A brief overview of enantioselectivity, homochirality and autopoiesis of biological systems, which seams to be related to the phase transition of water from the ordinary coherence of its liquid state (bulk water) to the semi-crystalline or glassy and super-coherent state of biological water, is given.
The role of interfacial and intracellular water in living organisms is discussed.
The link between the overall dynamics of the living and the oscillatory rhythm of water and the related energetic events is discussed.
In conclusion, the Oxhydroelectric Effect, i.e. electricity extraction from water by twin electrodes mediated by oxygen molecules, is introduced.