Kerpic’22 Re-Thinking Earthen Architecture for Sustainable Development, e-ISBN 978-605-4797-51-6, 2022
Historical buildings serve as historical documents that reflect the urban and architectu... more ABSTRACT Historical buildings serve as historical documents that reflect the urban and architectural style of their own period, built upon the social, cultural, and economic accumulations of the society, to which they belong. Today, the method of choice in the preservation of historical buildings, which as a cultural and historical heritage represent the societies' bond with both the past and the future, is to furnish such buildings with a new function. The rammed-earth construction technique is one of the systems of construction that found effective use throughout the human history. Today, the rammed-earth technique has come to the fore in the midst of increased concerns about the environment as an alternative construction technique due to the fact that it is easy-to-apply, relies on abundant natural resources, and meets both structural comfort and sustainability and aesthetic concerns. The extant examples from different regions of the world and different time periods are indicative of the fact that the rammed-earth construction technique can adapt to different geographies and conditions, and furthermore, the structures built upon the said construction technique also provide a great potential for the re-functionalization practices. The present study aimed to draw attention to the reuse potentials of the rammed-earth construction technique and rammed-earth buildings and to increase awareness thereof. In this context, first, the rammed-earth construction technique was discussed based on a review of relevant printed and digital literature. Subsequently, the process of re-functioning of the Floating Cloud Township Villa, i.e., the subject of the present study, and the interventions carried out in the context thereof were examined based on visual sources. A general assessment of the present study and the inferences were included in the conclusion section. Keywords: Rammed-earth technique, preservation, reuse, historical buildings, China
KERPİÇ2019 Earthen Heritage New Technology, Management 7th International Conference, 2019
The concept of sustainability, which has been used various fields since 1980s, is a participatory... more The concept of sustainability, which has been used various fields since 1980s, is a participatory process which provides the moderate use of cultural, scientific, natural and human resources and promotes a social stance on the basis of respect for these issues. The main themes of sustainability as a widely used concept are about the future of humankind and the protection of related resources. In this context, the sustainability in the design appears as not a merely stylistic approach, but also as a tool for systematic thinking, which comprehends the all environmental factors in the making of the built environment. However, when we shed light upon the rapid environment changes, despite their increasing importance the sustainable design solutions may not hold the potential to be efficient or convenient in the future. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the sustainable design from a hypothetical perspective by examining the selected science-fiction movies with the analysis of the space and the other design elements within the related framework. Since the emphasis of narrative in science fiction is profoundly on the advanced technologies and the progress of humanity, while integrating the fundamentals of science; this genre can hint the glimpse of the future sustainability scenarios also can expand the horizons in terms of design outcomes. This interdisciplinary study, aims to make a contribution in raising awareness about the different sustainable design approaches while developing a new perspective upon them. Keywords: Sustainability, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Architecture, Science-Fiction Movies, Star Wars movies.
The Roskilde Music Festival held in the Danish city of Roskilde since 1971 has grown into one of ... more The Roskilde Music Festival held in the Danish city of Roskilde since 1971 has grown into one of the world’s major music and art festivals over the past 45 years, attracting more than 160,000 visitors. In 2011 the organisers of this nonprofit-making event announced a competition for an architectural project to be situated close to the festival ground that would contribute to the development of music and culture. The competition was for the conversion of the former UNICON Concrete Works, which was already being used informally by musicians and artists, into the Rockmagneten-Denmark Rock Music Museum and Roskilde Festival Folk School. Both in terms of its social-public objective and function conversion, the competition attracted world wide interest. The MVRDV and COBE architectural firms won the competition and their design project is now under construction. This article takes a critical look at the buildings involved, their conversion and new use focusing on the arts. The architectural design project can be viewed as a product of the Roskilde Festival’s contribution to art, music and humanism; and displays a different approach open to debate on the subjects of function/public discourse, and conservation/conversion to new uses. The democratic character of the festival, which is a non-profit-making event, was one of the foremost starting points for the project competition, since the revenues are spent on activities relating to music, art, education and culture, as indicated by the views of participants. Although the choice of site and the public discourse and functional aims (education and culture) of MVRDV and COBE’s design comply fully with the festival’s objectives, from another point of view it can be seen as an architectural reflection of culture, art and music as transformed into a major tool of capitalism.The design preserves the existing buildings, but with the addition of new buildings creates a very different whole. The use of materials and thematic approaches in the museum focus not so much on art as on its commercialisation.
19. yüzyılda Avrupa ülkelerine tanınan ticari imtiyazlar ve sonrasında yayınlanan Tanzimat ve Isl... more 19. yüzyılda Avrupa ülkelerine tanınan ticari imtiyazlar ve sonrasında yayınlanan Tanzimat ve Islahat fermanları nedeniyle Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda hız kazanan “Batılılaşma” ekonomik, toplumsal ve siyasi hayatta etkili olmuştur. Bu dönemde yeni mimari üsluplar ve Avrupai yaşam tarzının beraberinde getirdiği gereksinmeler nedeniyle mevcut yapılarda meydana gelen dönüşümler ve inşa edilen batı kökenli yeni bina türleri özellikle başkent İstanbul’un fiziki yapısında değişikliklere yol açmıştır. Günümüzde mevcudiyetlerini sürdüren ve Batılılaşma Dönemi İstanbul’unda batı kökenli bir bina türü olarak değerlendirebileceğimiz pasajlar, işlevlerinde meydana gelen farklılaşmalara rağmen; sahip oldukları mimari özellikleri ve korumaya devam ettikleri izleriyle Osmanlı toplumundaki batılılaşma hareketlerini 21. yüzyıl İstanbul’unda dahi hatırlamamızı sağlayan bellek mekânları olarak karşımıza çıkarlar. Bu çalışmada öncelikle basılı ve dijital literatür taraması yapılarak bellek, toplumsal bellek ve bellek mekânı kavramları üzerinde durulacak ve bu kavramların batılılaşma dönemi İstanbul’unda inşa edilen pasajlarla ilişkileri Beyoğlu’ndaki Hacopulo Pasajı örneği üzerinden irdelenecektir Anahtar Kelimeler: Bellek Mekânı, İstanbul, Batılılaşma, Pasaj, Hacopulo Pasajı
The environmental concerns appeared in 1960s and 1970s, price increase in fuel and building mater... more The environmental concerns appeared in 1960s and 1970s, price increase in fuel and building materials have brought adaptive reuse forward and the adaptive reuse has become a suitable alternative for urban renewal attempts also in a short time especially because the problems related to the cost prevents building construction. Since the appearance of urban planning and regeneration implementations in Europe in the 19th Century, the spatial understanding of planning strategies has expanded and the boundaries have become more permeable, resulting in new relationships, competitions and collaborations between countries. The European regions have been re-planned, and the European cities have become closer to each other due to the new relations established. Within this period, the assessment of industrial areas on the European continent has become an important topic due to the size of industrial areas. Large scale regeneration projects have been carried out in which multi-centered conurbations re-functionalized especially as a result of the change in spatial understanding. Within the scope of the article, firstly the concept of reuse, its relation between the urban regeneration and the new settlement types appeared as a result of expansion of spatial understanding of the planning strategies are examined. Within the scope of the aforesaid examinations, the urban extent of the adaptive reuse is approached through the Ruhr and Lille examples which are considered as successful in terms of re-functionalization of multi-centered industrial conurbations, and especially in terms of the factors requiring the regeneration and urban regeneration strategies. In the conclusion, the inferences that can be used in large scale urban regeneration practices to be carried out in the future by determining the similar and different aspects of the examined examples. Key Words: Reuse, Adaptive Reuse, Renewal, Urban Transformation, Polycentric Industrial Urban Regions.
4th International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior DesignAt: St. Petersburg, Russia Authors:, 2018
New economic and industrial developments in the post-Industrial era have caused the construction ... more New economic and industrial developments in the post-Industrial era have caused the construction and mechanical infrastructure of the Industrial Revolution to lose functionality, a trend especially apparent in industrial facilities in major European industrial centers after the 1950s. Industrial remains, which include conventional structures and spaces that characterize cities, towns and regions as well as buildings, landscapes, industrial zones and precincts, occupy an important section of our built environment and landscape – as apparent from their wide scope. All these industrial legacies which have lost their original purpose and remain inert in cities carry great potential for adaptive reuse. The purpose of this study is to draw attention to adaptive reuse as part of architectural design and to evaluate modern repurposing applications of industrial constructs in regards to heritage value, the reasons and benefits of transformation and alteration methods in light of the information gathered via literature research with the aim of obtaining data for use in repurposing applications of industrial constructs – an area that is relatively dormant in our country. Key Words: Adaptive Reuse; Industrial Structures; Industrial Buildings; Architectural Design; Spatial Design
Ulusal Tasarım Günleri Ulusal Mekan Tasarımı Sempozyumu, 2017
Dünyanın birçok yerini etkileyen küresel ısınma, deniz seviyesinde yol açtığı artış nedeniyle, he... more Dünyanın birçok yerini etkileyen küresel ısınma, deniz seviyesinde yol açtığı artış nedeniyle, her geçen gün birçok toprak parçasının sular altında kalmasına neden olmaktadır. Dünya çapında öngörülen iklim değişikliklerine ve kentsel gelişim alanlarının yetersizliğine bağlı olarak, Hollanda’da özellikle de Amsterdam’da; mevcut suyun bir bölümünün inşa arazisi olarak kullanılması kentlerin gelişimlerini arttıracak alternatif bir yöntem olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada basılı ve dijital literatür taraması yapılarak öncelikle yüzen evin tanımı ve yüzen ev ile ilişkilendirilen kavramlar irdelenmiş ardından da Amsterdam’ın doğusunda, IJburg’da yer alan ve yüzen evlerden oluşan ilk büyük ölçekli kompleks olan Waterbuurt, gelecekte sayıca artması öngörülen büyük ölçekli tasarımlara kaynak teşkil etmesi açısından incelenmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde ise incelenen örnek doğrultusunda gelecekte yapılacak yüzen ev tasarımlarında dikkat edilmesi gereken kriterlere yer verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Küresel Isınma, Yüzen Ev, Amsterdam, IJburg, Waterbuurt.
3rd International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design, 2017
Street art as a type of contemporary art that is thriving in the city is an anonymous provocation... more Street art as a type of contemporary art that is thriving in the city is an anonymous provocation which can be applied by rich application techniques and an exclusive form of expression of society which enables people to reflect their cultural backgrounds and their qualities to the areas they interact. The aim of this study is to show street arts’ artistic value (city, building and interior scale) and its effects of reflecting subcultures’ and people’s identity to the areas where they live in and spend their time. Within scope of the article, explications are made as to how street art emerged, types of street art and their contribution to public spaces based on the concepts they are related to as well as the new spatial context they create. The influences of street arts on urban identity and social identity based on street art practices, which find range of application of different scales, constitute the subject matter of the said explication. Street arts’ communication and interactions (user, observer, implementer)between space and users are focused on as part of the explications. Key Words: Street art; public art; public space; urban identity; interaction space-users
1971 yılından beri Danimarka’nın Roskilde kentinde düzenlenen Roskilde Müzik Festivali aradan geç... more 1971 yılından beri Danimarka’nın Roskilde kentinde düzenlenen Roskilde Müzik Festivali aradan geçen 40 yılı aşkın süre içinde 160.000 katılımcı ile dünyanın en büyük müzik-sanat festivallerinden birine dönüşmüştür. Kâr amacı gütmeyen festival organizasyonu; 2011 yılında festival alanına yakın bir bölgede müzik ve kültürün gelişmesine katkı sağlayacağını düşündüğü bir mimari projeyi yarışmaya açmıştır. Yarışma kapsamında müzisyen ve sanatçıların informal olarak kullandığı Eski Unicon Beton Fabrikası alanının “Rockmagneten-Danimarka Rock Müzik Müzesi ve Roskilde Festivali Folk Okulu”na dönüştürülmesi hedeflenmiştir. Yarışma gerek sosyal-kamusal içeriği gerekse de kullanım dönüşümü anlamında ilginç ve dünyada ses getiren projelerden biri olmuştur. MVRDV ve COBE Mimarlık bürolarının kazandığı yarışma uygulama aşamasında olup bir kısmı 2016 yılı içerisinde tamamlanmıştır. Makale içinde sözkonusu proje, binalarda kullanım dönüşümü ve sanat odaklı kullanım dönüşümü kapsamında eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla irdelenmektedir.
Kerpic’22 Re-Thinking Earthen Architecture for Sustainable Development, e-ISBN 978-605-4797-51-6, 2022
Historical buildings serve as historical documents that reflect the urban and architectu... more ABSTRACT Historical buildings serve as historical documents that reflect the urban and architectural style of their own period, built upon the social, cultural, and economic accumulations of the society, to which they belong. Today, the method of choice in the preservation of historical buildings, which as a cultural and historical heritage represent the societies' bond with both the past and the future, is to furnish such buildings with a new function. The rammed-earth construction technique is one of the systems of construction that found effective use throughout the human history. Today, the rammed-earth technique has come to the fore in the midst of increased concerns about the environment as an alternative construction technique due to the fact that it is easy-to-apply, relies on abundant natural resources, and meets both structural comfort and sustainability and aesthetic concerns. The extant examples from different regions of the world and different time periods are indicative of the fact that the rammed-earth construction technique can adapt to different geographies and conditions, and furthermore, the structures built upon the said construction technique also provide a great potential for the re-functionalization practices. The present study aimed to draw attention to the reuse potentials of the rammed-earth construction technique and rammed-earth buildings and to increase awareness thereof. In this context, first, the rammed-earth construction technique was discussed based on a review of relevant printed and digital literature. Subsequently, the process of re-functioning of the Floating Cloud Township Villa, i.e., the subject of the present study, and the interventions carried out in the context thereof were examined based on visual sources. A general assessment of the present study and the inferences were included in the conclusion section. Keywords: Rammed-earth technique, preservation, reuse, historical buildings, China
KERPİÇ2019 Earthen Heritage New Technology, Management 7th International Conference, 2019
The concept of sustainability, which has been used various fields since 1980s, is a participatory... more The concept of sustainability, which has been used various fields since 1980s, is a participatory process which provides the moderate use of cultural, scientific, natural and human resources and promotes a social stance on the basis of respect for these issues. The main themes of sustainability as a widely used concept are about the future of humankind and the protection of related resources. In this context, the sustainability in the design appears as not a merely stylistic approach, but also as a tool for systematic thinking, which comprehends the all environmental factors in the making of the built environment. However, when we shed light upon the rapid environment changes, despite their increasing importance the sustainable design solutions may not hold the potential to be efficient or convenient in the future. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the sustainable design from a hypothetical perspective by examining the selected science-fiction movies with the analysis of the space and the other design elements within the related framework. Since the emphasis of narrative in science fiction is profoundly on the advanced technologies and the progress of humanity, while integrating the fundamentals of science; this genre can hint the glimpse of the future sustainability scenarios also can expand the horizons in terms of design outcomes. This interdisciplinary study, aims to make a contribution in raising awareness about the different sustainable design approaches while developing a new perspective upon them. Keywords: Sustainability, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Architecture, Science-Fiction Movies, Star Wars movies.
The Roskilde Music Festival held in the Danish city of Roskilde since 1971 has grown into one of ... more The Roskilde Music Festival held in the Danish city of Roskilde since 1971 has grown into one of the world’s major music and art festivals over the past 45 years, attracting more than 160,000 visitors. In 2011 the organisers of this nonprofit-making event announced a competition for an architectural project to be situated close to the festival ground that would contribute to the development of music and culture. The competition was for the conversion of the former UNICON Concrete Works, which was already being used informally by musicians and artists, into the Rockmagneten-Denmark Rock Music Museum and Roskilde Festival Folk School. Both in terms of its social-public objective and function conversion, the competition attracted world wide interest. The MVRDV and COBE architectural firms won the competition and their design project is now under construction. This article takes a critical look at the buildings involved, their conversion and new use focusing on the arts. The architectural design project can be viewed as a product of the Roskilde Festival’s contribution to art, music and humanism; and displays a different approach open to debate on the subjects of function/public discourse, and conservation/conversion to new uses. The democratic character of the festival, which is a non-profit-making event, was one of the foremost starting points for the project competition, since the revenues are spent on activities relating to music, art, education and culture, as indicated by the views of participants. Although the choice of site and the public discourse and functional aims (education and culture) of MVRDV and COBE’s design comply fully with the festival’s objectives, from another point of view it can be seen as an architectural reflection of culture, art and music as transformed into a major tool of capitalism.The design preserves the existing buildings, but with the addition of new buildings creates a very different whole. The use of materials and thematic approaches in the museum focus not so much on art as on its commercialisation.
19. yüzyılda Avrupa ülkelerine tanınan ticari imtiyazlar ve sonrasında yayınlanan Tanzimat ve Isl... more 19. yüzyılda Avrupa ülkelerine tanınan ticari imtiyazlar ve sonrasında yayınlanan Tanzimat ve Islahat fermanları nedeniyle Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda hız kazanan “Batılılaşma” ekonomik, toplumsal ve siyasi hayatta etkili olmuştur. Bu dönemde yeni mimari üsluplar ve Avrupai yaşam tarzının beraberinde getirdiği gereksinmeler nedeniyle mevcut yapılarda meydana gelen dönüşümler ve inşa edilen batı kökenli yeni bina türleri özellikle başkent İstanbul’un fiziki yapısında değişikliklere yol açmıştır. Günümüzde mevcudiyetlerini sürdüren ve Batılılaşma Dönemi İstanbul’unda batı kökenli bir bina türü olarak değerlendirebileceğimiz pasajlar, işlevlerinde meydana gelen farklılaşmalara rağmen; sahip oldukları mimari özellikleri ve korumaya devam ettikleri izleriyle Osmanlı toplumundaki batılılaşma hareketlerini 21. yüzyıl İstanbul’unda dahi hatırlamamızı sağlayan bellek mekânları olarak karşımıza çıkarlar. Bu çalışmada öncelikle basılı ve dijital literatür taraması yapılarak bellek, toplumsal bellek ve bellek mekânı kavramları üzerinde durulacak ve bu kavramların batılılaşma dönemi İstanbul’unda inşa edilen pasajlarla ilişkileri Beyoğlu’ndaki Hacopulo Pasajı örneği üzerinden irdelenecektir Anahtar Kelimeler: Bellek Mekânı, İstanbul, Batılılaşma, Pasaj, Hacopulo Pasajı
The environmental concerns appeared in 1960s and 1970s, price increase in fuel and building mater... more The environmental concerns appeared in 1960s and 1970s, price increase in fuel and building materials have brought adaptive reuse forward and the adaptive reuse has become a suitable alternative for urban renewal attempts also in a short time especially because the problems related to the cost prevents building construction. Since the appearance of urban planning and regeneration implementations in Europe in the 19th Century, the spatial understanding of planning strategies has expanded and the boundaries have become more permeable, resulting in new relationships, competitions and collaborations between countries. The European regions have been re-planned, and the European cities have become closer to each other due to the new relations established. Within this period, the assessment of industrial areas on the European continent has become an important topic due to the size of industrial areas. Large scale regeneration projects have been carried out in which multi-centered conurbations re-functionalized especially as a result of the change in spatial understanding. Within the scope of the article, firstly the concept of reuse, its relation between the urban regeneration and the new settlement types appeared as a result of expansion of spatial understanding of the planning strategies are examined. Within the scope of the aforesaid examinations, the urban extent of the adaptive reuse is approached through the Ruhr and Lille examples which are considered as successful in terms of re-functionalization of multi-centered industrial conurbations, and especially in terms of the factors requiring the regeneration and urban regeneration strategies. In the conclusion, the inferences that can be used in large scale urban regeneration practices to be carried out in the future by determining the similar and different aspects of the examined examples. Key Words: Reuse, Adaptive Reuse, Renewal, Urban Transformation, Polycentric Industrial Urban Regions.
4th International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior DesignAt: St. Petersburg, Russia Authors:, 2018
New economic and industrial developments in the post-Industrial era have caused the construction ... more New economic and industrial developments in the post-Industrial era have caused the construction and mechanical infrastructure of the Industrial Revolution to lose functionality, a trend especially apparent in industrial facilities in major European industrial centers after the 1950s. Industrial remains, which include conventional structures and spaces that characterize cities, towns and regions as well as buildings, landscapes, industrial zones and precincts, occupy an important section of our built environment and landscape – as apparent from their wide scope. All these industrial legacies which have lost their original purpose and remain inert in cities carry great potential for adaptive reuse. The purpose of this study is to draw attention to adaptive reuse as part of architectural design and to evaluate modern repurposing applications of industrial constructs in regards to heritage value, the reasons and benefits of transformation and alteration methods in light of the information gathered via literature research with the aim of obtaining data for use in repurposing applications of industrial constructs – an area that is relatively dormant in our country. Key Words: Adaptive Reuse; Industrial Structures; Industrial Buildings; Architectural Design; Spatial Design
Ulusal Tasarım Günleri Ulusal Mekan Tasarımı Sempozyumu, 2017
Dünyanın birçok yerini etkileyen küresel ısınma, deniz seviyesinde yol açtığı artış nedeniyle, he... more Dünyanın birçok yerini etkileyen küresel ısınma, deniz seviyesinde yol açtığı artış nedeniyle, her geçen gün birçok toprak parçasının sular altında kalmasına neden olmaktadır. Dünya çapında öngörülen iklim değişikliklerine ve kentsel gelişim alanlarının yetersizliğine bağlı olarak, Hollanda’da özellikle de Amsterdam’da; mevcut suyun bir bölümünün inşa arazisi olarak kullanılması kentlerin gelişimlerini arttıracak alternatif bir yöntem olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada basılı ve dijital literatür taraması yapılarak öncelikle yüzen evin tanımı ve yüzen ev ile ilişkilendirilen kavramlar irdelenmiş ardından da Amsterdam’ın doğusunda, IJburg’da yer alan ve yüzen evlerden oluşan ilk büyük ölçekli kompleks olan Waterbuurt, gelecekte sayıca artması öngörülen büyük ölçekli tasarımlara kaynak teşkil etmesi açısından incelenmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde ise incelenen örnek doğrultusunda gelecekte yapılacak yüzen ev tasarımlarında dikkat edilmesi gereken kriterlere yer verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Küresel Isınma, Yüzen Ev, Amsterdam, IJburg, Waterbuurt.
3rd International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design, 2017
Street art as a type of contemporary art that is thriving in the city is an anonymous provocation... more Street art as a type of contemporary art that is thriving in the city is an anonymous provocation which can be applied by rich application techniques and an exclusive form of expression of society which enables people to reflect their cultural backgrounds and their qualities to the areas they interact. The aim of this study is to show street arts’ artistic value (city, building and interior scale) and its effects of reflecting subcultures’ and people’s identity to the areas where they live in and spend their time. Within scope of the article, explications are made as to how street art emerged, types of street art and their contribution to public spaces based on the concepts they are related to as well as the new spatial context they create. The influences of street arts on urban identity and social identity based on street art practices, which find range of application of different scales, constitute the subject matter of the said explication. Street arts’ communication and interactions (user, observer, implementer)between space and users are focused on as part of the explications. Key Words: Street art; public art; public space; urban identity; interaction space-users
1971 yılından beri Danimarka’nın Roskilde kentinde düzenlenen Roskilde Müzik Festivali aradan geç... more 1971 yılından beri Danimarka’nın Roskilde kentinde düzenlenen Roskilde Müzik Festivali aradan geçen 40 yılı aşkın süre içinde 160.000 katılımcı ile dünyanın en büyük müzik-sanat festivallerinden birine dönüşmüştür. Kâr amacı gütmeyen festival organizasyonu; 2011 yılında festival alanına yakın bir bölgede müzik ve kültürün gelişmesine katkı sağlayacağını düşündüğü bir mimari projeyi yarışmaya açmıştır. Yarışma kapsamında müzisyen ve sanatçıların informal olarak kullandığı Eski Unicon Beton Fabrikası alanının “Rockmagneten-Danimarka Rock Müzik Müzesi ve Roskilde Festivali Folk Okulu”na dönüştürülmesi hedeflenmiştir. Yarışma gerek sosyal-kamusal içeriği gerekse de kullanım dönüşümü anlamında ilginç ve dünyada ses getiren projelerden biri olmuştur. MVRDV ve COBE Mimarlık bürolarının kazandığı yarışma uygulama aşamasında olup bir kısmı 2016 yılı içerisinde tamamlanmıştır. Makale içinde sözkonusu proje, binalarda kullanım dönüşümü ve sanat odaklı kullanım dönüşümü kapsamında eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla irdelenmektedir.
Conference Presentations by Didem Telli
Historical buildings serve as historical documents that reflect the urban and architectural style of
their own period, built upon the social, cultural, and economic accumulations of the society, to
which they belong. Today, the method of choice in the preservation of historical buildings, which
as a cultural and historical heritage represent the societies' bond with both the past and the future,
is to furnish such buildings with a new function.
The rammed-earth construction technique is one of the systems of construction that found effective
use throughout the human history. Today, the rammed-earth technique has come to the fore in the
midst of increased concerns about the environment as an alternative construction technique due to
the fact that it is easy-to-apply, relies on abundant natural resources, and meets both structural
comfort and sustainability and aesthetic concerns. The extant examples from different regions of
the world and different time periods are indicative of the fact that the rammed-earth construction
technique can adapt to different geographies and conditions, and furthermore, the structures built
upon the said construction technique also provide a great potential for the re-functionalization
The present study aimed to draw attention to the reuse potentials of the rammed-earth construction
technique and rammed-earth buildings and to increase awareness thereof. In this context, first, the
rammed-earth construction technique was discussed based on a review of relevant printed and
digital literature. Subsequently, the process of re-functioning of the Floating Cloud Township
Villa, i.e., the subject of the present study, and the interventions carried out in the context thereof
were examined based on visual sources. A general assessment of the present study and the
inferences were included in the conclusion section.
Keywords: Rammed-earth technique, preservation, reuse, historical buildings, China
In this context, the sustainability in the design appears as not a merely stylistic approach, but also as a tool for systematic thinking, which comprehends the all environmental factors in the making of the built environment.
However, when we shed light upon the rapid environment changes, despite their increasing
importance the sustainable design solutions may not hold the potential to be efficient or convenient
in the future. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the sustainable design from a hypothetical
perspective by examining the selected science-fiction movies with the analysis of the space and the
other design elements within the related framework. Since the emphasis of narrative in science fiction
is profoundly on the advanced technologies and the progress of humanity, while integrating the fundamentals of science; this genre can hint the glimpse of the future sustainability scenarios also can expand the horizons in terms of design outcomes. This interdisciplinary study, aims to make a contribution in raising awareness about the different sustainable design approaches while developing a new perspective upon them.
Keywords: Sustainability, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Architecture, Science-Fiction Movies, Star Wars movies.
Papers by Didem Telli
Historical buildings serve as historical documents that reflect the urban and architectural style of
their own period, built upon the social, cultural, and economic accumulations of the society, to
which they belong. Today, the method of choice in the preservation of historical buildings, which
as a cultural and historical heritage represent the societies' bond with both the past and the future,
is to furnish such buildings with a new function.
The rammed-earth construction technique is one of the systems of construction that found effective
use throughout the human history. Today, the rammed-earth technique has come to the fore in the
midst of increased concerns about the environment as an alternative construction technique due to
the fact that it is easy-to-apply, relies on abundant natural resources, and meets both structural
comfort and sustainability and aesthetic concerns. The extant examples from different regions of
the world and different time periods are indicative of the fact that the rammed-earth construction
technique can adapt to different geographies and conditions, and furthermore, the structures built
upon the said construction technique also provide a great potential for the re-functionalization
The present study aimed to draw attention to the reuse potentials of the rammed-earth construction
technique and rammed-earth buildings and to increase awareness thereof. In this context, first, the
rammed-earth construction technique was discussed based on a review of relevant printed and
digital literature. Subsequently, the process of re-functioning of the Floating Cloud Township
Villa, i.e., the subject of the present study, and the interventions carried out in the context thereof
were examined based on visual sources. A general assessment of the present study and the
inferences were included in the conclusion section.
Keywords: Rammed-earth technique, preservation, reuse, historical buildings, China
In this context, the sustainability in the design appears as not a merely stylistic approach, but also as a tool for systematic thinking, which comprehends the all environmental factors in the making of the built environment.
However, when we shed light upon the rapid environment changes, despite their increasing
importance the sustainable design solutions may not hold the potential to be efficient or convenient
in the future. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the sustainable design from a hypothetical
perspective by examining the selected science-fiction movies with the analysis of the space and the
other design elements within the related framework. Since the emphasis of narrative in science fiction
is profoundly on the advanced technologies and the progress of humanity, while integrating the fundamentals of science; this genre can hint the glimpse of the future sustainability scenarios also can expand the horizons in terms of design outcomes. This interdisciplinary study, aims to make a contribution in raising awareness about the different sustainable design approaches while developing a new perspective upon them.
Keywords: Sustainability, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Architecture, Science-Fiction Movies, Star Wars movies.