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EE. Junaedi Sastradiharja

    EE. Junaedi Sastradiharja

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji data-data empirik terkait pengaruhkompetensi manajerial kepala sekolah dan budaya organisasi sekolah terhadap motivasi kerja gurusecara simultan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji data-data empirik terkait pengaruhkompetensi manajerial kepala sekolah dan budaya organisasi sekolah terhadap motivasi kerja gurusecara simultan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatankorelasional dan regresional terhadap data-data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari objek penelitian yaituguru-guru Sekolah Islam Al-Hamȋd Jakarta Timur. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 80 responden daritotal 100 guru di Sekolah Islam Al-Hamȋd Jakarta Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan denganmenggunakan teknik angket/kuesioner, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Jenis analisis yang digunakanadalah analisa korelasi dan regresi yang dijabarkan secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalahterdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan Kompetensi Manajerial Kepala Sekolah dan BudayaOrganisasi Sekolah Secara simultan terhadap Motivasi Kerja Guru di Sekolah Islam Al-Hamȋd JakartaTimur dengan koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar 0,500 ...
    This study aims to find the influence between the principal academic supervision and paedagogic competence on the performance of private high school teachers Sub Rayon 11 Parung Bogor Regency. In this study the authors have found the... more
    This study aims to find the influence between the principal academic supervision and paedagogic competence on the performance of private high school teachers Sub Rayon 11 Parung Bogor Regency. In this study the authors have found the theories to gain a deeper understanding of the definitions and concepts related to the concept of principal academic supervision, the concept of paedagogic competence and the concept of teacher performance. In this research the researcher use survey method, with correlation technique and simple and multiple regression analysis. Sampling was used by using the sample saturated, with the number of respondents 104 respondents at private SMA Sub Rayon 11 Parung Bogor regency. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, tests, observations, documentation and interviews. Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis model, correlation coefficient, simple and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study show that First; there is a positive a...
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik guru dan kecerdasan spiritual terhadap minat menghafal Al-Qur’an santri, baik secara parsial/sendiri-sendiri maupun secara simultan/bersama-sama. Penelitian ini... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik guru dan kecerdasan spiritual terhadap minat menghafal Al-Qur’an santri, baik secara parsial/sendiri-sendiri maupun secara simultan/bersama-sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan alat pengumpul data menggunakan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk melihat sebaran data penelitian, dan tingkat perkembangan variabel penelitian. Untuk uji prasyarat analisis statistik, yaitu uji linearitas persamaan regresi menggunakan uji F, uji normalitas distribusi galat taksiran menggunakan uji Z dan uji homogenitas varian menggunakan uji heteroskedastisitas. Sedangkan uji hipotesis penelitian ke-1 dan 2 menggunakan uji t (parsial) dan untuk hipotesis ke-3 menggunakan uji F (simultan) dalam analisis regresi linier berganda. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah santri Pondok Pesantren Ar-Raudhah Cilincing Jakarta Utara, sejumlah 77 santri. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh posit...
    This study examines the Islamic education system with the paradigm of liberation and educating. Islam, which is based on the Quran, has a collection of verses relating to education and the spirit of liberation. Apart from explaining its... more
    This study examines the Islamic education system with the paradigm of liberation and educating. Islam, which is based on the Quran, has a collection of verses relating to education and the spirit of liberation. Apart from explaining its universal principles, it also presents historical figures as lessons. In general, Islamic education idealizes the birth of an educational output that frees itself from the lusts that pollute the soul and frees its people from various kinds of social problems, such as injustice, economic inequality, discrimination and oppression. This type of research is library research. The approach used is an educational approach. His analytical theory uses hermeneutics and liberation education. The findings of this study: first, Liberation theology in education must not stop at the level of discourse but must be translated into the realm of practice. Second, the principle of humanity for divinity, third, the implementation of Islamic education with the paradigm of...
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi pembelajaran dan pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), baik secara parsial/sendiri-sendiri maupun... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi pembelajaran dan pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), baik secara parsial/sendiri-sendiri maupun secara simultan/bersama-sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan alat pengumpul data menggunakan angket dan tes. Sedangkan, analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk melihat sebaran sampel, uji prasyarat analisis statistik, dan uji t (parsial) dan uji F (simultan) dalam analisis regresi linier berganda untuk membuktikan hipotesis yang diajukan. Sampel pada penelitian ini siswa SDIT Al Amanah kelas V dengan jumlah sampel 80 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan interaksi pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada matapelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berdasarakan hasil uji T parsial dalam analisis regresi linear berganda, dengan besarnya pengaruh 54.5%, dan persamaa...
    This study aims to find out and test empirical data related to the relationship between organizational culture, discipline and teacher teaching productivity simultaneously or separately. In this study, the authors used a survey method... more
    This study aims to find out and test empirical data related to the relationship between organizational culture, discipline and teacher teaching productivity simultaneously or separately. In this study, the authors used a survey method with a correlational and regression approach to quantitative data obtained from the object of research, namely Private Primary School teachers in Matraman sub-district. The sample of this study was 93 respondents out of a total of 120 private elementary school teacher populations in Matraman District in the odd semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. Data collection is done by using questionnaire / questionnaire, observation, and documentation techniques. The type of analysis used is correlation analysis and descriptive described regression. The results of this study are: First, there is a positive, strong and significant relationship between organizational culture and teacher teaching productivity with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.751 and a coe...
    This research aims to know and test the empirical data related to the influence of the leadership of the principal and the management of personnel against the management of stress teachers separately as well as simultaneously. In this... more
    This research aims to know and test the empirical data related to the influence of the leadership of the principal and the management of personnel against the management of stress teachers separately as well as simultaneously. In this research, the authors use quantitative methods with the corelasional approach towards quantitative data obtained from research object i.e. High school teachers in sub 11 rayon parung bogor Regency. The sample of this research is as much as 104 respondents out of a total population of 140 private high school teacher in sub 11 rayon parung bogor Regency. Data collection is done using an engineering question form/questionnaire. This type of analysis is the analysis of correlation and regression are spelled out in the descriptive. The results of this research are: First, There is a positive and significant influence among the leadership of the principal against stress management teacher the correlation coefficient of 0.660 and coefficient of determination ...
    This research aims to identify and test empirical data related to self-efficacy relationship and professional’s competence with teacher’s performance separately and simultaneously. Results in this research, there is a positive and... more
    This research aims to identify and test empirical data related to self-efficacy relationship and professional’s competence with teacher’s performance separately and simultaneously. Results in this research, there is a positive and significant relationship between self efficacy and professional’s competence together with teacher’s performance in sub rayon 11 parung kabupaten bogor. There is a positive and significant relationship between self efficacy and teacher’s performance with a coefficient of correlation of 0.659 point and coefficient of determination of 0.435 point which gives effect with teacher performance of 43.5%  and the remaining 56.5% is determined by other factors. There is a positive and significant relationship between professional’s competence with teacher’s performance with coefficient of correlation 0.659 point and coefficient of determination of 0.435 point which gives effect with teacher performance of 43.5% and the rest is 56.5% determined by other factors. The...
    Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif, mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi anak usia dini yang introver. Peningkatan kecerdasan emosi anak introver melalui pembelajaran kooperatif di lakukan dengan pendekatan... more
    Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif, mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi anak usia dini yang introver. Peningkatan kecerdasan emosi anak introver melalui pembelajaran kooperatif di lakukan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran yang berpusat kepada siswa (student centre approach), strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif (collaborative strategy), metode diskusi kelompok, teknik bermain peran (role playing), mencairkan suasana (ice breaking), dan dengan taktik ceramah, keteladanan, serta kartu bergambar (flash card). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini sejalan dengan teori kecerdasan emosional (Emotional Intellegence) Daniel Goleman (1946) yang menyatakan bahwa kecerdasan emosional menjadi pondasi bagi kecerdasan-kecerdasan lainnya.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di TK B, TK Islam Al-Azkar, Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta, sejak bulan April 2020 sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2020. Sumber utama tesis ini adalah observasi lapangan dan dokumentasi tertulis berupa kuriku...
    The teacher holds the functions and roles that are very important in achieving the success of the education and learning process. The function and role of the teacher cannot be replaced by technological advances in the form of any... more
    The teacher holds the functions and roles that are very important in achieving the success of the education and learning process. The function and role of the teacher cannot be replaced by technological advances in the form of any sophisticated media. Psychologically-pedagogically the teacher in carrying out his teacher's tasks not only plays a role to transfer knowledge to students, but also shapes character and nature through developing the desired personality and values lovingly. Morally, the teacher as an educator also has a role in inheriting the values and virtues of life to become a guide for students in living their lives in the future. Inheritance and the inculcation of life values are not only taught verbally in the same direction as can be obtained through electronic learning media, but must be well communicated not only through rhetorical lectures and speeches, the most meaningful must be through examples and real life attitudes. Given the strategic function and role...
    This study aims to test and determine whether empirically through valid data, intrinsic motivation and pesantren regulations have an effect on the satisfaction of students both partially and simultaneously. The method used by researchers... more
    This study aims to test and determine whether empirically through valid data, intrinsic motivation and pesantren regulations have an effect on the satisfaction of students both partially and simultaneously. The method used by researchers is a survey method with a correlational approach to the santri of Manahijusadat Islamic Boarding School in Lebak, Banten. This type of research is quantitative, therefore the data analysis technique used is statistical analysis techniques, namely descriptive statistical techniques and inferential statistics. As for the means of collecting data through a questionnaire to 100 respondents from class III MTs Manahijussadat Islamic Boarding School, interviews and documentation. The results of the research hypothesis test showed that there was a positive and significant influence of intrinsic motivation on student satisfaction with a percentage of 17.8%. Second, there is a positive and significant effect of Islamic boarding school regulations on the satis...
    Pendidikan Inklusi di Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Pada Pusat Kajian dan Layanan Mahasiswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian: Program Studi Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Institut Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur’an... more
    Pendidikan Inklusi di Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Pada Pusat Kajian dan Layanan Mahasiswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian: Program Studi Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Institut Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur’an (PTIQ) Jakarta.             Kesimpulan penelitian ini dapat dipahami bahwa setiap orang berhak mendapatkan pendidikan sesuai dengan landasan pendidikan inklusi baik landasan filosofis, yuridis maupun empiris. Prinsip-prinsip pendidikan inklusi juga dapat ditemukan dalam Al-Qur’an dan hadis nabi yang menggambarkan pendidikan inklusi pada masa Nabi Muhammad SAW. Pendidikan inklusi pada masa sahabat dapat kita telusuri melalui ulumul hadis yang menunjukan adanya para perawi hadis penyandang difabel khususnya tunanetra.             Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa jumlah warga negara berkebutuhan khusus (WNBK) dengan ketersediaan dan kesiapan lembaga pendidikan tinggi dalam memfasilitasi WNBK masih terdapat kesenjangan, sehingga WNBK yang dapat mengakses pe...
    This study aims to determine the effect of parents' understanding of education and professionalism of teachers on the reading interest of the Koran of Islamic Al-Kautsar Junior High School Islamic School Pondok Cabe Ilir, South... more
    This study aims to determine the effect of parents' understanding of education and professionalism of teachers on the reading interest of the Koran of Islamic Al-Kautsar Junior High School Islamic School Pondok Cabe Ilir, South Tangerang. This research is a quantitative study, with a population of all VII and VIII grade students (180 students), and a sample of 124 students. The sampling technique uses a questionnaire / questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) There is a positive and significant effect of education on the reading interest of the Koran of Al-Kautsar Islamic Junior High School students at Pondok Cabe Ilir, South Tangerang; 2) There is a positive and significant influence of teacher professionalism on the reading interest of al-Qur'an at Al-Kautsar Islamic Middle School Pondok Cabe Ilir South Tangerang students; 3) There is a positive and significant influence of teacher educatio...
    Penelitian ini tentang kecerdasan interpersonal humanistik dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an mengusung teori humanis. Hal ini berdasarkan deskripsi Al-Qur’an mengenai intraksi manusia yang satu dengan yang lain. Bahwa manusia yang hidup... more
    Penelitian ini tentang kecerdasan interpersonal humanistik dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an mengusung teori humanis. Hal ini berdasarkan deskripsi Al-Qur’an mengenai intraksi manusia yang satu dengan yang lain. Bahwa manusia yang hidup berdampingan harus saling memahami agar terbentuknya ketentraman majemuk bagi lingkungan sekitarnya. menarik yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. Bahwa kecerdasan interpersonal humanistik terbagi menjadi dua. Pertama Internal. Kedua eskternal. Pertama, Internal berisi: a. Repleks Positif terhadap orang yang berkebutuhan khusus, yang diterangkan dalam Surat ‘Abasa/80: 1-4, b. Tidak Menyakiti dengan Tangan, yang termaktub dalam Surat Al-Lahab/111:1-5 dan Surat Al-Humazah/104:1-2, c. Berbagi /Share Nasehat, yang dijelaskan pada Surat Al-‘Ashar/103: 1-3, d. Kepekaan Intelektualitas, yang terdapat Surat Al-‘Alaq/96:1-7, e. Tidak Over Konfident, yang tertulis pada Surat al-Hujarat/49:10-13, f. Pendidikan Dialog Efektif, yang tersurat pada Surat Lukman/31:12-19, g...
    This study aims to determine and test empirical data related to the influence of media and school social environment on students' religious behavior separately or simultaneously. In this study, the authors used a survey method with a... more
    This study aims to determine and test empirical data related to the influence of media and school social environment on students' religious behavior separately or simultaneously. In this study, the authors used a survey method with a correlational and regressive approach to quantitative data obtained from the research object, namely the students of class XI at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 17 Jakarta. The sample of this study were one hundred eight respondents from a total of one hundred forty-four population of class XI students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 17 Jakarta in the odd semester of the 2020/2021 school year. The data was collected using a questionnaire / questionnaire technique, observation, and documentation. The type of analysis used is correlation and regression analysis which is described descriptively. The results of the research are: First, there is a positive and significant influence of social media on students' religious behavior with a correlation coefficient (r) o...