Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due t... more Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due to its geographical location, it has been of strategic importance due to factors such as being at the crossroads of transportation roads since ancient times. After the Urartians, who are known as the founders of the city, Ahlat has been used as a permanent settlement by many states and tribes. Undoubtedly, Ahlat's geographical location, fertile lands and abundant water resources are among the important reasons for this. The city has a very important place in our history as it is the entrance gate of the Turks to Anatolia. Ahlat, which was the capital of the Sokmanids (Ahlathsahs) principality in the XII. century, was the most prosperous in terms of politics and trade. During the rule of this principality for more than a century, it is extremely remarkable that the political borders of Ahlat expanded to the level of a country. The eastern branch of Ayyubids put an end to the Sokmanids ...
Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due t... more Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due to its geographical location, it has been of strategic importance due to factors such as being at the crossroads of transportation roads since ancient times. After the Urartians, who are known as the founders of the city, Ahlat has been used as a permanent settlement by many states and tribes. Undoubtedly, Ahlat's geographical location, fertile lands and abundant water resources are among the important reasons for this. The city has a very important place in our history as it is the entrance gate of the Turks to Anatolia. Ahlat, which was the capital of the Sokmanids (Ahlathsahs) principality in the 12 th century, was the most prosperous in terms of politics and trade. During the rule of this principality for more than a century, it is extremely remarkable that the political borders of Ahlat expanded to the level of a country. The eastern branch of Ayyubids put an end to the Sokmanids dynasty, which could not be managed by long-lasting throne fights and experienced statesmen. Ayyubids also extended the political borders of the city to a very wide area. In this study, by drawing attention to the strategic importance of the geographical position of Ahlat in the Medieval, its political borders will be shown on the map. In addition, other settlements such as cities, towns and castles connected to Ahlat in the 7 th and 8 th centuries will be indicated on the map in the direction indicated by the Medieval sources.
Öz-Günümüzde Bitlis ilinin mütevazı bir ilçesi olan Ahlat, geçmişi antik zamanlara dayanan ve ort... more Öz-Günümüzde Bitlis ilinin mütevazı bir ilçesi olan Ahlat, geçmişi antik zamanlara dayanan ve orta çağda büyük bir merkeze dönüşen önemli bir kenttir. Ahlat'ı orta çağda ticaret, kültür ve medeniyet merkezi haline getiren Ahlatşahların sona ermesinden sonra şehir Eyyûbîlerin hâkimiyetine geçti. Şehirde yarım asra yakın hâkimiyet kuran Eyyûbîlerin doğu kolu, Meyyafârîkîn'deki merkezlerini Ahlat'a taşımaları buraya verdikleri önemin bir göstergesidir. Bu çalışmada birçok Müslüman hanedana ev sahipliği yapan Ahlat şehrinin ticari hayatında kullanılan Eyyûbî sikkeleri ele alınacaktır. Eyyûbî meliklerinin burada kestirdikleri sikkelerde "Ebu'l-Feth" ve "Ermen Şah" lakaplarını kullanması dikkat çekicidir. Orta çağ İslâm dönemi sikkeleri ticari hayatın ve ekonomik yapının yanında hükümdarlık sembollerini göstermesi bakımından tarihi kayıtlardır. Bu minvalde Eyyûbî sikkelerinde kullanılan motif ve figürler devrin kültür, sanat ve el işçiliği gibi farklı yönlerinin anlaşılması açısından da önemlidir. Çalışmada Eyyûbîlerin doğu kolunun Ahlat'a hâkim olduktan sonra burada kestirdikleri sikkelerde kullanmış oldukları hâkimiyet sembolleri ve motifleri ele alınacaktır. Melik el-Evhad dönemine ait iki adet sikkenin tanıtımı yapılacaktır. Melik el-Eşref'in Ahlat'ta bulunduğu sırada iki adet sikke ve yerine tayin ettiği kardeşi Şerafeddin Gazi'nin de onun adına kestirdiği dört adet sikkenin tanıtım ve analizi yapılacaktır.
Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due t... more Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due to its geographical location, it has been of strategic importance due to factors such as being at the crossroads of transportation roads since ancient times. After the Urartians, who are known as the founders of the city, Ahlat has been used as a permanent settlement by many states and tribes. Undoubtedly, Ahlat's geographical location, fertile lands and abundant water resources are among the important reasons for this. The city has a very important place in our history as it is the entrance gate of the Turks to Anatolia. Ahlat, which was the capital of the Sokmanids (Ahlathsahs) principality in the XII. century, was the most prosperous in terms of politics and trade. During the rule of this principality for more than a century, it is extremely remarkable that the political borders of Ahlat expanded to the level of a country. The eastern branch of Ayyubids put an end to the Sokmanids ...
Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due t... more Although Ahlat, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, has a mountainous and harsh climate due to its geographical location, it has been of strategic importance due to factors such as being at the crossroads of transportation roads since ancient times. After the Urartians, who are known as the founders of the city, Ahlat has been used as a permanent settlement by many states and tribes. Undoubtedly, Ahlat's geographical location, fertile lands and abundant water resources are among the important reasons for this. The city has a very important place in our history as it is the entrance gate of the Turks to Anatolia. Ahlat, which was the capital of the Sokmanids (Ahlathsahs) principality in the 12 th century, was the most prosperous in terms of politics and trade. During the rule of this principality for more than a century, it is extremely remarkable that the political borders of Ahlat expanded to the level of a country. The eastern branch of Ayyubids put an end to the Sokmanids dynasty, which could not be managed by long-lasting throne fights and experienced statesmen. Ayyubids also extended the political borders of the city to a very wide area. In this study, by drawing attention to the strategic importance of the geographical position of Ahlat in the Medieval, its political borders will be shown on the map. In addition, other settlements such as cities, towns and castles connected to Ahlat in the 7 th and 8 th centuries will be indicated on the map in the direction indicated by the Medieval sources.
Öz-Günümüzde Bitlis ilinin mütevazı bir ilçesi olan Ahlat, geçmişi antik zamanlara dayanan ve ort... more Öz-Günümüzde Bitlis ilinin mütevazı bir ilçesi olan Ahlat, geçmişi antik zamanlara dayanan ve orta çağda büyük bir merkeze dönüşen önemli bir kenttir. Ahlat'ı orta çağda ticaret, kültür ve medeniyet merkezi haline getiren Ahlatşahların sona ermesinden sonra şehir Eyyûbîlerin hâkimiyetine geçti. Şehirde yarım asra yakın hâkimiyet kuran Eyyûbîlerin doğu kolu, Meyyafârîkîn'deki merkezlerini Ahlat'a taşımaları buraya verdikleri önemin bir göstergesidir. Bu çalışmada birçok Müslüman hanedana ev sahipliği yapan Ahlat şehrinin ticari hayatında kullanılan Eyyûbî sikkeleri ele alınacaktır. Eyyûbî meliklerinin burada kestirdikleri sikkelerde "Ebu'l-Feth" ve "Ermen Şah" lakaplarını kullanması dikkat çekicidir. Orta çağ İslâm dönemi sikkeleri ticari hayatın ve ekonomik yapının yanında hükümdarlık sembollerini göstermesi bakımından tarihi kayıtlardır. Bu minvalde Eyyûbî sikkelerinde kullanılan motif ve figürler devrin kültür, sanat ve el işçiliği gibi farklı yönlerinin anlaşılması açısından da önemlidir. Çalışmada Eyyûbîlerin doğu kolunun Ahlat'a hâkim olduktan sonra burada kestirdikleri sikkelerde kullanmış oldukları hâkimiyet sembolleri ve motifleri ele alınacaktır. Melik el-Evhad dönemine ait iki adet sikkenin tanıtımı yapılacaktır. Melik el-Eşref'in Ahlat'ta bulunduğu sırada iki adet sikke ve yerine tayin ettiği kardeşi Şerafeddin Gazi'nin de onun adına kestirdiği dört adet sikkenin tanıtım ve analizi yapılacaktır.
Papers by Emin Dalmis