Majored in Geostatistics from Stanford University, pursued industrial career through scientific and business positions up to Executive level in a major Oil and Gas company
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1994
We contrast features of simple varying speed of light (VSL) cosmologies with inflationary univers... more We contrast features of simple varying speed of light (VSL) cosmologies with inflationary universe models. We present new features of VSL cosmologies and show that they face problems explaining the cosmological isotropy problem. We also find that if c falls fast enough to solve the flatness and horizon problems then the quantum wavelengths of massive particle states and the radii of primordial black holes can grow to exceed the scale of the particle horizon. This may provide VSL cosmologies with a self-reproduction property. The constraint of entropy increase is also discussed. The new problems described in the this letter provide a set of bench tests for more sophisticated VSL theories to pass.
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1993
A description of an integrated approach to the quantification of uncertainty in the estimation of... more A description of an integrated approach to the quantification of uncertainty in the estimation of oil-in-place (OIP) is presented. The approach is unusual in two respects: firstly, the uncertainty is quantified by using traditional stochastic methods combined with an analysis of the representativity of wells, secondly, the oil-in-place is calculated within a sedimentological framework, that is, by genetic sedimentary units. The former step is performed by a method known as the "Bootstrap" technique. The geostatistical modelling is constrained by detailed seismic, well and pressure data. The statistical and geostatistical methods are presented, along with a discussion of the broader implications for the quantification of uncertainty. The second part of the paper details the application of the technique to an appraisal stage field. Introduction The appraisal phase is a crucial time in the life of a field, particularly as fields are increasingly being exploited on the margins...
In recent years reservoir characterization through the use of geostatistics has become an almost ... more In recent years reservoir characterization through the use of geostatistics has become an almost routine part of production geology. Many techniques are available within the broad title of geostatistics, having been developed in response to many types of problem. One characteristic feature of almost all techniques (Stochastic Indicator Simulation, Boolean [open quotes]object[close quotes] Modeling, Gaussian [and Truncated Gaussian] methods and
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1990
The paper presents an application of recently developed geostatistical conditional simulation tec... more The paper presents an application of recently developed geostatistical conditional simulation techniques to the modelling of heterogeneity in a complex turbiditic reservoir. Heterogeneity is mainly controlled by the distribution of sandstones embedded in laminated facies. Channels and lobes account for most of the production. Their frequencies and geometries are critical factors that affect reservoir connectivity, hence oil recovery. The combined used of flexible stochastic techniques allows generating realistic 3D models of this complex architecture. The modelling strategy is multi-steps, with first a geologically constrained generation of facies distributions, and second, simulations of permeability variations within the previously permeability variations within the previously generated facies distributions. Introduction W-field, discovered in the early sixties. is located offshore of a large sedimentary basin whose origin is linked to the opening of the Atlantic ocean. After a fe...
Proceedings of SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1992
Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at t... more Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Washington. DC, October 4-7. 1992. This paper was selected for presentation by ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1992
Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at t... more Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Washington. DC, October 4-7. 1992. This paper was selected for presentation by ...
... meability values. AS a measure of comparison, Fig. 10 gives the Z-cor-relogram map, pz(h), of... more ... meability values. AS a measure of comparison, Fig. 10 gives the Z-cor-relogram map, pz(h), of the z-permeability attiibute itself, again calculated from all 1600 data. This Z-correlogram However, the Z-correlogram map of Fig. ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1994
... on the reservoir facies richness ve~ close to the unconformity, because only this surface is ... more ... on the reservoir facies richness ve~ close to the unconformity, because only this surface is considered as ... shapes and connections of reservoir bodies are better represented than with cell-based geostatistical methods. ... Proceedings of the -ith Geostatistics Congress, Troia'92, vol. ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1994
Abstract In mixed carbonate siliciclastic platforms, deposition is strongly constrained by sea-le... more Abstract In mixed carbonate siliciclastic platforms, deposition is strongly constrained by sea-level fluctuations which induces heterogeneities with complex lateral and vertical sequences. In such sequences, a logical scheme of deposition can be identified over ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1994
We contrast features of simple varying speed of light (VSL) cosmologies with inflationary univers... more We contrast features of simple varying speed of light (VSL) cosmologies with inflationary universe models. We present new features of VSL cosmologies and show that they face problems explaining the cosmological isotropy problem. We also find that if c falls fast enough to solve the flatness and horizon problems then the quantum wavelengths of massive particle states and the radii of primordial black holes can grow to exceed the scale of the particle horizon. This may provide VSL cosmologies with a self-reproduction property. The constraint of entropy increase is also discussed. The new problems described in the this letter provide a set of bench tests for more sophisticated VSL theories to pass.
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1993
A description of an integrated approach to the quantification of uncertainty in the estimation of... more A description of an integrated approach to the quantification of uncertainty in the estimation of oil-in-place (OIP) is presented. The approach is unusual in two respects: firstly, the uncertainty is quantified by using traditional stochastic methods combined with an analysis of the representativity of wells, secondly, the oil-in-place is calculated within a sedimentological framework, that is, by genetic sedimentary units. The former step is performed by a method known as the "Bootstrap" technique. The geostatistical modelling is constrained by detailed seismic, well and pressure data. The statistical and geostatistical methods are presented, along with a discussion of the broader implications for the quantification of uncertainty. The second part of the paper details the application of the technique to an appraisal stage field. Introduction The appraisal phase is a crucial time in the life of a field, particularly as fields are increasingly being exploited on the margins...
In recent years reservoir characterization through the use of geostatistics has become an almost ... more In recent years reservoir characterization through the use of geostatistics has become an almost routine part of production geology. Many techniques are available within the broad title of geostatistics, having been developed in response to many types of problem. One characteristic feature of almost all techniques (Stochastic Indicator Simulation, Boolean [open quotes]object[close quotes] Modeling, Gaussian [and Truncated Gaussian] methods and
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1990
The paper presents an application of recently developed geostatistical conditional simulation tec... more The paper presents an application of recently developed geostatistical conditional simulation techniques to the modelling of heterogeneity in a complex turbiditic reservoir. Heterogeneity is mainly controlled by the distribution of sandstones embedded in laminated facies. Channels and lobes account for most of the production. Their frequencies and geometries are critical factors that affect reservoir connectivity, hence oil recovery. The combined used of flexible stochastic techniques allows generating realistic 3D models of this complex architecture. The modelling strategy is multi-steps, with first a geologically constrained generation of facies distributions, and second, simulations of permeability variations within the previously permeability variations within the previously generated facies distributions. Introduction W-field, discovered in the early sixties. is located offshore of a large sedimentary basin whose origin is linked to the opening of the Atlantic ocean. After a fe...
Proceedings of SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1992
Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at t... more Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Washington. DC, October 4-7. 1992. This paper was selected for presentation by ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1992
Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at t... more Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Washington. DC, October 4-7. 1992. This paper was selected for presentation by ...
... meability values. AS a measure of comparison, Fig. 10 gives the Z-cor-relogram map, pz(h), of... more ... meability values. AS a measure of comparison, Fig. 10 gives the Z-cor-relogram map, pz(h), of the z-permeability attiibute itself, again calculated from all 1600 data. This Z-correlogram However, the Z-correlogram map of Fig. ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1994
... on the reservoir facies richness ve~ close to the unconformity, because only this surface is ... more ... on the reservoir facies richness ve~ close to the unconformity, because only this surface is considered as ... shapes and connections of reservoir bodies are better represented than with cell-based geostatistical methods. ... Proceedings of the -ith Geostatistics Congress, Troia'92, vol. ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1994
Abstract In mixed carbonate siliciclastic platforms, deposition is strongly constrained by sea-le... more Abstract In mixed carbonate siliciclastic platforms, deposition is strongly constrained by sea-level fluctuations which induces heterogeneities with complex lateral and vertical sequences. In such sequences, a logical scheme of deposition can be identified over ...
Papers by F. Alabert