A historical mortality cohort study was conducted in Genoa, Italy among public transport workers ... more A historical mortality cohort study was conducted in Genoa, Italy among public transport workers ever employed between 1949 and 1980, to estimate overall and cause-specific mortality from January 1970 to December 2005 and to examine associations between exposure to urban air pollutants and overall and cause-specific mortality. Causes of death for 9267 males (6510 bus drivers, 2073 maintenance workers and 601 white collar workers) were coded according to ICD-9. Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) and 95% CIs were computed by applying Italian and regional male death rates to person-years of observation for the entire cohort and following stratification by longest held job title and length of and time since first employment using the Poisson regression model. There were 2916 deaths and 230,009 person-years of observation; 17 subjects were lost to follow-up. SMRs for all causes, diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems, and for accidents were lower ...
Since 1997, in order for a new drug to obtain its price and reimbursement in Italy, the negotiati... more Since 1997, in order for a new drug to obtain its price and reimbursement in Italy, the negotiation between authorities and the pharmaceutical industry must include an economic evaluation. The economic evaluation study leads to price and reimbursement negotiations together with such other requirements as the price of the new drug in other countries, the impact on the domestic market
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 1997
Cigarette smoke is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking related polycyclic aro... more Cigarette smoke is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking related polycyclic aromat ic hydrocarbons (PAH) have shown to be potent carcinogens. PAH are oxidized (GYP) to reactive compounds, which may bind to DNA and/or be detoxified by glutathione S-transferases (GST). Bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAM) have an important effect in the first line cell defense of inhaled compounds and may playa role in pulmonary carcinogenesis. DNA adduct format ion was investigated in BAM of smokers and non-smokers and compared with GSTM3 and GSTPI expression and GSTMI and GSTPI genotypes . PAH-DNA adduets were analyzed by nuclease PI-enhanced 32P-postlabehng assay. genotypes by PeR-based method, and GST protein levels were determined from Western blot. Dose-response relat ionship was observed between the total DNA adduct levels of smokers and cigarettes smoked per day (r =0.523, P < 0.01, n = 31). Adduct levels in smokers were significantly higher (1.57/108; n = 31) than in non-smokers Frequendes of hprt mutant lymphocytes In marI-Juana smoken and multl-drug aselS Urinary levels l -hydroxypyrene, micronuclei and SCE levels In while blood cells of trarnc police wardens and referent subjects Ip XVI A.16] DNA adducts, expression of cytocbrome P450
The use of biomarkers of early genetic effects, predictive for cancer, such as micronuclei (MN) i... more The use of biomarkers of early genetic effects, predictive for cancer, such as micronuclei (MN) in lymphocytes, may help to investigate the association between diet and cancer. We hypothesised that the presence of mutagens in the diet may increase MN formation. A 'pooled' standardised analysis was performed by applying the same experimental protocol for the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay in 625 young healthy women after delivery from five European study populations (Greece, Denmark, UK, Spain and Norway). We assessed MN frequencies in mono- and binucleated T-lymphocytes (MNMONO and MNBN) and the cytokinesis blocked proliferation index using a semi-automated image analysis system. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were used to estimate intake of fatty acids and a broad range of immunotoxic and genotoxic/carcinogenic compounds through the diet. Pooled difference based on delivery type revealed higher MNMONO frequencies in caesarean than in vaginal delivery (P = 0.002)...
European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology, 1991
The pharmacokinetics and toxicity of cisplatin were investigated in 3 patients affected by malign... more The pharmacokinetics and toxicity of cisplatin were investigated in 3 patients affected by malignant mesothelioma who received 90 mg/m2 of the drug intrapleurally. The mean area under the pleural Pt concentration versus time curve (AUC) [12.83 (S.D. 4.06) mg.min/ml] was about 50 times greater than that detected in plasma [0.27 (0.03) mg.min/ml], indicating a clear pharmacological advantage for this route of administration. The mean plasma total Pt concentration was 1.1 micrograms/ml and the apparent total body clearance was 268 (101) ml/min. Platinum plasma pharmacokinetic data measured following intrapleural cisplatin administration (4 patients) were compared with those observed in 7 patients treated intravenously with the same dose of cisplatin (90 mg/m2) under the same modalities of hydration. Intrapleural administration of cisplatin resulted in significantly lower plasma total partial AUC (P less than 0.05) and prolonged plasma levels of filterable Pt compared with intravenous administration. No difference between the two routes of cisplatin administration in the renal clearance (S.D.) of filterable Pt [132 (64) ml/min and 122 (39) ml/min for intravenous and intrapleural cisplatin, respectively] were observed. None of the mesothelioma patients developed clinical symptoms or signs of pleural inflammation. The intrapleural treatment did not produce haemotoxicity and the emetic toxicity was lower compared with that observed in patients receiving cisplatin intravenously.
The class I antiarrhythmic drug procainamide (Pd) was tested on BDF1 mice for its chemoprotective... more The class I antiarrhythmic drug procainamide (Pd) was tested on BDF1 mice for its chemoprotective activity against cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (DDP) toxicity. Pd at the dose of 50 mg/kg protected mice against otherwise lethal doses of DDP (survivors at Day 14 after 25 mg/kg DDP or 25 mg/kg DDP-Pd treatment: 0% vs 100%) and greatly reduced the weight loss induced by DDP. Moreover, the increased plasma urea nitrogen levels caused by a single ip administration of DDP in water (8 or 16 mg/kg) as well as the tubular degenerative changes detected by light microscopy were prevented by Pd. Pd had no effect on the sensitivity of P388 leukemic cells to DDP in vitro, but the administration of DDP (16 mg/kg) and Pd (50 mg/kg) to BDF1 mice bearing P388 leukemic cells produced a significant increase in survivals compared to mice receiving ip DDP alone diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution. The increased efficacy of this combination therapy in P388 leukemic mice compared to a single DDP treatment at the same dose was observed both when the drugs were administered ip simultaneously (p = 0.042) and when DDP and Pd were given ip and iv, respectively (p = 0.018). Since procaine, which differs from Pd merely in the replacement of the amide by the ester linkage, has also been reported to significantly enhance DDP efficacy (M. Esposito et al., 1990, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 82, 677-684.), a comparison of their effects in tumored mice exposed to DDP has been made. Although both drug combinations were superior to that of DDP alone, in terms of both survival time and numbers of cures, Pd treatment seems to offer better protection against DDP-induced lethality than did procaine.
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 2003
Cytogenetic monitoring has been traditionally used for the surveillance of populations exposed to... more Cytogenetic monitoring has been traditionally used for the surveillance of populations exposed to genotoxic agents. In recent years sensitivity problems emerged in surveys of populations exposed to low levels of mutagens, and therefore alternative approaches have been explored. Biomonitoring studies in children are a promising field, since because of evident differences in the uptake, metabolism, distribution and excretion of mutagens this population seems to be more susceptible than adults. Further, the effect of major confounders such as cigarettes smoking, occupation, life-style, and dietary factors plays a minor role. Among cytogenetic assays, the micronucleus assay (MN) has several advantages and is increasingly used. A review was then carried out to synthesize the published data on the occurrence of MN in children and adolescents (age range 0-18 years), and to assess the impact of genotoxic exposure on MN frequency. Overall, 20 papers from international literature and 8 Russian papers were included. An effect of age was found within this age range, while the influence of gender on MN frequency was irrelevant. These results were confirmed by the re-analysis of data for 448 children selected from the HUMN database. An effect of chronic and infectious diseases on MN levels has been reported by various authors. Most studies describing the effect of exposure to genotoxic agents (ionizing radiation, chemicals, drugs, environmental tobacco smoke) found an increase of MN in exposed children. The limited number of published papers indicates that the conduct of properly designed studies on the effect of environmental pollutants in children may be difficult. This review confirmed the usefulness of MN assay in biomonitoring studies conducted in children, revealing that in many circumstances investigating children increases the sensitivity of the study, even with low dose exposures.
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 1997
Traffic police workers, as a population exposed to urban atmosphere, were compared with a control... more Traffic police workers, as a population exposed to urban atmosphere, were compared with a control population exposed to indoor air pollution levels. Sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) as a biomarker of effect were measured in peripheral blood lymphocytes of 54 exposed subjects and 35 controls, and environmental concentration of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) tracer compounds was detected by personal air samplers. The mean exposure level to benzo[a]pyrene in our group of traffic policemen (3.4 mg/m3) was in the range that has been estimated in urban areas in Europe during the last 10 years. No difference in SCE levels was found between exposed workers (7.36, SD 1.35) and controls (7.47, SD 1.28). No correlation was observed between SCE/cell and airborne PAH concentration in the traffic worker population. A positive regression of SCE on exposure estimate was found only in the non-smoking group of police workers. Our findings suggest that exposure to urban air pollution does not induce relevant cytogenetic effects.
A coordinated study was carried out on the development, evaluation and application of biomonitori... more A coordinated study was carried out on the development, evaluation and application of biomonitoring procedures for populations exposed to environmental genotoxic pollutants. The procedures used involved both direct measurement of DNA or protein damage (adducts) and assessment of secondary biological effects (mutation and cytogenetic damage). Adduct detection at the level of DNA or protein (haemoglobin) was carried out by 32 P-postlabelling, immunochemical, HPLC or mass spectrometric methods. Urinary excretion products resulting from DNA damage were also estimated (immunochemical assay, mass spectrometry). The measurement of adducts was focused on those from genotoxicants that result from petrochemical combustion or processing, e.g. low-molecular-weight alkylating agents, PAHs and compounds that cause oxidative DNA damage. Cytogenetic analysis of lymphocytes was undertaken (micronuclei, chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges) and mutation frequency was estimated at a number of loci including the hprt gene and genes involved in cancer development. Blood and urine samples from individuals exposed to urban pollution were collected. Populations exposed through occupational or medical sources to larger amounts of some of the genotoxic compounds present in the environmental samples were used as positive controls for the environmentally exposed population. Samples from rural areas were used as negative controls. The project has led to new, more sensitive and more selective approaches for detecting carcinogen-induced damage to DNA and proteins, and subsequent biological effects. These methods were validated with the occupational exposures, which showed evidence of DNA and/or protein and/or chromosome damage in workers in a coke oven plant, garage workers exposed to diesel exhaust and workers exposed to ethylene oxide in a sterilization plant Dose response and adduct repair were studied for methylated adducts in patients treated with methylating cytostatic drugs. The biomonitoring methods have also demonstrated their potential for detecting environmental exposure to genotoxic compounds in nine groups of non-smoking individuals, 32 P-postlabelling of DNA adducts being shown to have the greatest sensitivity.
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1990
The local anesthetic procaine hydrochloride (P.HCl) had little effect on the sensitivity of P388 ... more The local anesthetic procaine hydrochloride (P.HCl) had little effect on the sensitivity of P388 leukemic cells to cisplatin (DDP) in vitro, but the simultaneous administration of DDP and P.HCl (40 mg/kg) to BDF1 mice produced 50% lethal dose (LD50) and 90% lethal dose (LD90) values approximately two times higher than those observed with DDP alone. DDP-P.HCl diluted in water and administered intraperitoneally (IP) on day 1 and on days 1 and 5 to BDF1 mice bearing P388 leukemic cells produced 33% and 50% cure rates, respectively, at the maximum tolerated dose (16 mg/kg for the single administration and 10 mg/kg given on days 1 and 5). In contrast, under the same conditions, the cure rates obtained with DDP alone (10 mg/kg for the single administration and 8 mg/kg given on days 1 and 5) were 17% and 9%, respectively. Protection from DDP nephrotoxicity seems to be the explanation for the higher doses of DDP that mice can tolerate when DDP is given simultaneously with P.HCl. In fact, the increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels observed 4-7 days following a single IP administration of DDP (8 or 16 mg/kg), as well as the tubular degenerative changes detected by light microscopy, were not observed when the same doses of DDP were given simultaneously with P.HCl. Since DDP nephrotoxicity is known to be reduced when the drug is diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution, we compared the combinations DDP-P.HCl in water, and DDP and DDP-P.HCl in 0.9% NaCl solution. The antitumor activity of DDP diluted in water and administered with P.HCl was similar to that observed in mice treated with DDP alone diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution. However, further improvement of the therapeutic index was achieved after the administration of DDP-P.HCl diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution; this regimen produced a cure rate of 67% (12 of 18 animals). The clinical relevance of these findings is strengthened by the observation that similar results were obtained when P.HCl was given by the intravenous route.
Abstract: Stage IIIb non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has a poor prognosis. The median survival... more Abstract: Stage IIIb non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has a poor prognosis. The median survival is approximately 6 months, and only 30% of patients are alive 1 year after diagnosis. The need for effective treatment is evident. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether ...
The relationship between survival and flow cytometric DNA-ploidy and other prognostic factors suc... more The relationship between survival and flow cytometric DNA-ploidy and other prognostic factors such as histological subtype, anatomical tumor site, patient sex and age was investigated in 153 patients with intracranial neuroepithelial tumors who underwent surgical treatment. We found a trend toward poorer survival from anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas with respect to low-grade (I and II) astrocytomas (which did not differ significantly); accordingly, patients were grouped into these 3 histologic subgroups. Thirty-seven of the 153 tumors (24.2%) were aneuploid with a median DNA-index (DI) of 1.3 (range: 1.2-2.0). DNA-ploidy correlated with histology, since anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas were significantly (p = 0.041) more frequently aneuploid (around 30%) than low-grade astrocytomas (around 10%). Patients with DNA-aneuploid tumors (i.e., with DI not equal to 1.00) survived for a shorter time (31.4 weeks) than patients with DNA diploid tumors (75.1 weeks) (p less than 0.001). This difference was confirmed by Cox&amp;amp;#39;s multivariate analysis. Aneuploid tumors were associated with a poorer survival (p = .0002) when compared with diploid tumors, resulting in a relative risk point estimate (RR) of 2.41, 95% confidence interval (Cl) = 1.55-3.74. Histological subtype was also significantly associated with survival (p less than 0.0001), with RRs of 2.09, 95% Cl = 1.13-3.86 and 3.59, 95% Cl = 1.96-6.59 for anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas, respectively, compared to low-grade astrocytomas. We therefore suggest that the flow cytometric measurement of DNA-ploidy has relevant significance in predicting survival in patients treated for intracranial neuroepithelial tumors.
The relationship between tumour proliferative activity, evaluated by thymidine labelling index (T... more The relationship between tumour proliferative activity, evaluated by thymidine labelling index (TLI), clinicopathological variables and clinical outcome, was analysed in a series of 64 chemotherapy-resistant, ovarian cancer patients. The median TLI of 4.6% (range 0.01-45.7) was used as the cut-off to discriminate rapidly from slowly proliferating tumours. Univariate analyses showed a significant advantage in survival for patients with TLI less than or equal to 4.6 (P = 0.0004), ECOG performance status less than or equal to 1 (P = 0.0001) and residual disease after primary surgery less than or equal to 2 cm (P = 0.019). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that performance status was the only independent prognostic variable, although TLI was the last covariate removed from the Cox&amp;amp;#39;s regression model.
The administration of combinations of platinum compounds is considered as a useful alternative th... more The administration of combinations of platinum compounds is considered as a useful alternative therapeutic strategy to avoid the complications of toxic events during cancer chemotherapy in order to obtain a therapeutic advantage. On the basis of previous in vitro and in vivo findings, suggesting an antitumour activity of the new cisplatin-derived compound cis-diamminechloro-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl 4-amino-benzoate, N4]-chlorideplatinum(II) monohydrochloride monohydrate (DPR), we investigated the effectiveness of the combination of cisplatin (DDP) and DPR in vitro on murine leukaemic cells, which were either sensitive (P388) or resistant (L1210/DDP) to DDP, and on the murine M5076 reticulum cell sarcoma, and in vivo in BDF1 female mice transplanted with P388 leukaemic cells or cisplatin-resistant L1210/DDP leukaemic cells. The contemporaneous exposure in vitro to both platinum compounds gave a significantly higher cell growth inhibition than that expected on the basis of dose-response curves for single agents in all tumour models tested. In vivo, the combinations of DDP plus DPR elicited significant enhancement over the activity of the drugs alone both in the ascitic and solid P388 models. The combined treatment of 10 mg/kg DDP and 14 mg/kg DPR yielded 62.5% tumour-free mice compared with 6.2% with 10 mg/kg DDP alone, the best single agent. It is noteworthy that the combined application of DDP and DPR was also very effective in the solid cisplatin-resistant L1210/DDP model, inducing a significant reduction in the volume of tumour. A therapeutic advantage was achieved with combination treatments that had no effect on platinum-mediated body weight loss and were generally well tolerated by the mice. At equitoxic concentrations of DPR and carboplatin, the treatment with DDP plus DPR proved to have a higher efficacy against this tumour model compared to that observed after the combined treatment with DDP and carboplatin. In summary, the combination of DDP and DPR showed a therapeutic advantage over single drug treatment and has demonstrated promise at the preclinical level in its ability to circumvent acquired resistance to DDP both in vitro and in vivo.
The analysis of thymidine labelling index (TLI) in relation to clinico-pathological variables and... more The analysis of thymidine labelling index (TLI) in relation to clinico-pathological variables and survival was carried out in 111 ovarian cancer patients. The significance of TLI in predicting response to aggressive first line chemotherapy regimens was examined. The overall median TLI value of 1.8% was used as a cut-off to discriminate slowly from highly proliferating cancers. 94 patients entered into two consecutive randomised trials, and were treated with six courses of cisplatin-based chemotherapy with or without doxorubicin. A significantly higher objective response of 60% was reported in the subset of patients with TLI > 1.8% as compared to 35% in patients with TLI d 1.8% (P = 0.03). In addition, patients achieving complete response had tumours with median TLI of 3.8% as compared to 2.4% for partial responders, 1.5% for patients with stable disease and 1.7% for those with progressive disease. A sign&ant increase in tumour kinetics was observed in advanced cancers (P = O.OOl), more undifferentiated tumours (P = 0.02) and postsurgical residual disease greater than 2 cm (P = 0.04). In univariate analysis, TLI failed to influence signilicantly clinical outcome: 26 versus 32 months median survival time for patients with high and low tumour TLI, respectively. In the Cox's regression model, the only independent prognostic variables were performance status and amount of residual disease after primary surgery (P = 0.000).
We conducted a retrospective cohort study among 1,022 refractory brick workers exposed to crystal... more We conducted a retrospective cohort study among 1,022 refractory brick workers exposed to crystalline silica. Mortality from lung cancer (SMR = 1.77) and respiratory diseases (SMR = 3.15) was elevated in workers first employed less than or equal to 1957 who are likely to have shared the highest exposure to crystalline silica. Workers with at least 19 years of cumulative employment in the plant experienced particularly increased risks for lung cancer (SMR = 2.01) and respiratory diseases (SMR = 3.89). Relative mortality from these specific causes increased with years since first employment (that is, first exposure) and decreased with age at first employment. Indirect adjustment for smoking habits and the lack of excess mortality from cardiovascular diseases and emphysema indicated little effect of smoking on the increased risks for lung cancer and respiratory diseases.
Pesticides are used to control pests and improve agricultural production. Despite their selectivi... more Pesticides are used to control pests and improve agricultural production. Despite their selectivity of action, a number of agrochemicals have been reported to be genotoxic using the (32)P-DNA postlabeling assay. Greenhouse floriculturists are suspected of being heavily exposed to agrochemicals during loading, mixing, and application of pesticides, as well as during manual activities by continuous contact with flowers and ornamental plants. We analyzed the DNA adduct formations in the white blood cells (WBCs) of 57 nonsmoker greenhouse floriculturists and 33 nonsmoker age-matched referents residing in the Western Liguria Region, Italy-the most important Italian greenhouse floriculture area. The averages of DNA adducts, expressed as relative adduct labeling (RAL), were 8.50 x 10(9) +/- 1.98 (SE) in floriculturists and 2.17 x 10(9) +/- 1.05 (SE) in referents. DNA adducts were significantly higher in floriculturists than in controls after adjustment for age and gender (P = 0.007). A specific adduct pattern, with up to six different spots, was observed in 60% of floriculturists, while no adducts were generally detected in controls. Our study represents an important contribution to the correct evaluation of the potential health risk associated with floriculture activity and supports the adoption of measures ensuring pesticide exposure reduction in greenhouses.
Atmospheric pollution represents a relevant environmental hazard which has been associated with c... more Atmospheric pollution represents a relevant environmental hazard which has been associated with considerable excess mortality, morbidity, and increased rates of respiratory diseases in humans. To date, more than 3,000 environmental chemical compounds have been identified in the ambient atmosphere, including a variety of mutagenic and/or carcinogenic agents, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aromatic amines, and heterocyclic compounds. Positive associations between cytogenetic markers and airborne levels of PAHs have been reported by experimental and human studies. Traffic has been implicated as the major determinant for the concentration of PAHs and, therefore, for the genotoxic activity of urban air. A biomonitoring study has been conducted in 82 italian traffic police workers exposed to air pollutants and 34 control subjects (matched by age, gender, and smoking habits) not exposed to traffic pollutants. The aim of this study was to assess the cytogenetic effects, such as micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes, and to estimate the association with individual exposure to PAH. Statistical analysis of the frequency of micronuclei in binucleated cells showed higher mean levels in referent subjects (4.03%) than in traffic police officers (3.73%). Smoking showed no effect on the frequency of micronuclei. The study failed to detect any association between micronucleus frequency and individual level of benzo(a)pyrene, considered a marker of exposure to PAHs. These findings indicate that exposure to urban air pollutants does not result in increased levels of micronuclei in peripheral white blood cells.
S-Phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA), is a urinary metabolite of benzene, thought to be derived from ... more S-Phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA), is a urinary metabolite of benzene, thought to be derived from the condensation product of benzene oxide with glutathione.
Concurrent administration of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) reduced the toxicity of cis-diamminedi... more Concurrent administration of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) reduced the toxicity of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (DDP) in a dose-related manner in rats. When administered i.p. simultaneously with 7.5 mg/kg DDP, PABA (100 mg/kg) significantly reduced plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and plasma creatinine levels as well as DDP-induced weight loss. Increasing doses of PABA (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) correlated with progressively better parameters of renal activity and body wt and with lower levels of platinum in plasma and tissues in rats killed 5 days after drug administration. The formation of cisplatin-DNA adducts, the total platinum levels in kidney and testes and the DDP-induced tumor response were investigated in the presence and absence of PABA exposure in mice bearing P388 leukemic cells. Renal and testicular DNA-adducts in mice treated i.p. with 16 mg/kg DDP in normal saline were higher than those observed in mice receiving the same protocol and added PABA. Analysis of tissue platinum content demonstrated significantly lower platinum levels both in kidneys (P &lt; 0.05) and testes (P &lt; 0.01) of mice receiving DDP and PABA in normal saline compared to those receiving only DDP in normal saline. PABA did not affect the in vivo and in vitro antitumor activity of DDP against P388 leukemia, and there was no significant PABA-induced modification in the concentration of platinum both in the tumor cells and in DNA samples isolated from P388 leukemic cells of DDP-treated mice. We conclude that PABA may be a promising compound for reducing DDP-toxic side effects, including nephrotoxicity, without compromising its antitumor activity.
A historical mortality cohort study was conducted in Genoa, Italy among public transport workers ... more A historical mortality cohort study was conducted in Genoa, Italy among public transport workers ever employed between 1949 and 1980, to estimate overall and cause-specific mortality from January 1970 to December 2005 and to examine associations between exposure to urban air pollutants and overall and cause-specific mortality. Causes of death for 9267 males (6510 bus drivers, 2073 maintenance workers and 601 white collar workers) were coded according to ICD-9. Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) and 95% CIs were computed by applying Italian and regional male death rates to person-years of observation for the entire cohort and following stratification by longest held job title and length of and time since first employment using the Poisson regression model. There were 2916 deaths and 230,009 person-years of observation; 17 subjects were lost to follow-up. SMRs for all causes, diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems, and for accidents were lower ...
Since 1997, in order for a new drug to obtain its price and reimbursement in Italy, the negotiati... more Since 1997, in order for a new drug to obtain its price and reimbursement in Italy, the negotiation between authorities and the pharmaceutical industry must include an economic evaluation. The economic evaluation study leads to price and reimbursement negotiations together with such other requirements as the price of the new drug in other countries, the impact on the domestic market
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 1997
Cigarette smoke is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking related polycyclic aro... more Cigarette smoke is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking related polycyclic aromat ic hydrocarbons (PAH) have shown to be potent carcinogens. PAH are oxidized (GYP) to reactive compounds, which may bind to DNA and/or be detoxified by glutathione S-transferases (GST). Bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAM) have an important effect in the first line cell defense of inhaled compounds and may playa role in pulmonary carcinogenesis. DNA adduct format ion was investigated in BAM of smokers and non-smokers and compared with GSTM3 and GSTPI expression and GSTMI and GSTPI genotypes . PAH-DNA adduets were analyzed by nuclease PI-enhanced 32P-postlabehng assay. genotypes by PeR-based method, and GST protein levels were determined from Western blot. Dose-response relat ionship was observed between the total DNA adduct levels of smokers and cigarettes smoked per day (r =0.523, P < 0.01, n = 31). Adduct levels in smokers were significantly higher (1.57/108; n = 31) than in non-smokers Frequendes of hprt mutant lymphocytes In marI-Juana smoken and multl-drug aselS Urinary levels l -hydroxypyrene, micronuclei and SCE levels In while blood cells of trarnc police wardens and referent subjects Ip XVI A.16] DNA adducts, expression of cytocbrome P450
The use of biomarkers of early genetic effects, predictive for cancer, such as micronuclei (MN) i... more The use of biomarkers of early genetic effects, predictive for cancer, such as micronuclei (MN) in lymphocytes, may help to investigate the association between diet and cancer. We hypothesised that the presence of mutagens in the diet may increase MN formation. A 'pooled' standardised analysis was performed by applying the same experimental protocol for the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay in 625 young healthy women after delivery from five European study populations (Greece, Denmark, UK, Spain and Norway). We assessed MN frequencies in mono- and binucleated T-lymphocytes (MNMONO and MNBN) and the cytokinesis blocked proliferation index using a semi-automated image analysis system. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were used to estimate intake of fatty acids and a broad range of immunotoxic and genotoxic/carcinogenic compounds through the diet. Pooled difference based on delivery type revealed higher MNMONO frequencies in caesarean than in vaginal delivery (P = 0.002)...
European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology, 1991
The pharmacokinetics and toxicity of cisplatin were investigated in 3 patients affected by malign... more The pharmacokinetics and toxicity of cisplatin were investigated in 3 patients affected by malignant mesothelioma who received 90 mg/m2 of the drug intrapleurally. The mean area under the pleural Pt concentration versus time curve (AUC) [12.83 (S.D. 4.06) mg.min/ml] was about 50 times greater than that detected in plasma [0.27 (0.03) mg.min/ml], indicating a clear pharmacological advantage for this route of administration. The mean plasma total Pt concentration was 1.1 micrograms/ml and the apparent total body clearance was 268 (101) ml/min. Platinum plasma pharmacokinetic data measured following intrapleural cisplatin administration (4 patients) were compared with those observed in 7 patients treated intravenously with the same dose of cisplatin (90 mg/m2) under the same modalities of hydration. Intrapleural administration of cisplatin resulted in significantly lower plasma total partial AUC (P less than 0.05) and prolonged plasma levels of filterable Pt compared with intravenous administration. No difference between the two routes of cisplatin administration in the renal clearance (S.D.) of filterable Pt [132 (64) ml/min and 122 (39) ml/min for intravenous and intrapleural cisplatin, respectively] were observed. None of the mesothelioma patients developed clinical symptoms or signs of pleural inflammation. The intrapleural treatment did not produce haemotoxicity and the emetic toxicity was lower compared with that observed in patients receiving cisplatin intravenously.
The class I antiarrhythmic drug procainamide (Pd) was tested on BDF1 mice for its chemoprotective... more The class I antiarrhythmic drug procainamide (Pd) was tested on BDF1 mice for its chemoprotective activity against cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (DDP) toxicity. Pd at the dose of 50 mg/kg protected mice against otherwise lethal doses of DDP (survivors at Day 14 after 25 mg/kg DDP or 25 mg/kg DDP-Pd treatment: 0% vs 100%) and greatly reduced the weight loss induced by DDP. Moreover, the increased plasma urea nitrogen levels caused by a single ip administration of DDP in water (8 or 16 mg/kg) as well as the tubular degenerative changes detected by light microscopy were prevented by Pd. Pd had no effect on the sensitivity of P388 leukemic cells to DDP in vitro, but the administration of DDP (16 mg/kg) and Pd (50 mg/kg) to BDF1 mice bearing P388 leukemic cells produced a significant increase in survivals compared to mice receiving ip DDP alone diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution. The increased efficacy of this combination therapy in P388 leukemic mice compared to a single DDP treatment at the same dose was observed both when the drugs were administered ip simultaneously (p = 0.042) and when DDP and Pd were given ip and iv, respectively (p = 0.018). Since procaine, which differs from Pd merely in the replacement of the amide by the ester linkage, has also been reported to significantly enhance DDP efficacy (M. Esposito et al., 1990, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 82, 677-684.), a comparison of their effects in tumored mice exposed to DDP has been made. Although both drug combinations were superior to that of DDP alone, in terms of both survival time and numbers of cures, Pd treatment seems to offer better protection against DDP-induced lethality than did procaine.
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 2003
Cytogenetic monitoring has been traditionally used for the surveillance of populations exposed to... more Cytogenetic monitoring has been traditionally used for the surveillance of populations exposed to genotoxic agents. In recent years sensitivity problems emerged in surveys of populations exposed to low levels of mutagens, and therefore alternative approaches have been explored. Biomonitoring studies in children are a promising field, since because of evident differences in the uptake, metabolism, distribution and excretion of mutagens this population seems to be more susceptible than adults. Further, the effect of major confounders such as cigarettes smoking, occupation, life-style, and dietary factors plays a minor role. Among cytogenetic assays, the micronucleus assay (MN) has several advantages and is increasingly used. A review was then carried out to synthesize the published data on the occurrence of MN in children and adolescents (age range 0-18 years), and to assess the impact of genotoxic exposure on MN frequency. Overall, 20 papers from international literature and 8 Russian papers were included. An effect of age was found within this age range, while the influence of gender on MN frequency was irrelevant. These results were confirmed by the re-analysis of data for 448 children selected from the HUMN database. An effect of chronic and infectious diseases on MN levels has been reported by various authors. Most studies describing the effect of exposure to genotoxic agents (ionizing radiation, chemicals, drugs, environmental tobacco smoke) found an increase of MN in exposed children. The limited number of published papers indicates that the conduct of properly designed studies on the effect of environmental pollutants in children may be difficult. This review confirmed the usefulness of MN assay in biomonitoring studies conducted in children, revealing that in many circumstances investigating children increases the sensitivity of the study, even with low dose exposures.
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 1997
Traffic police workers, as a population exposed to urban atmosphere, were compared with a control... more Traffic police workers, as a population exposed to urban atmosphere, were compared with a control population exposed to indoor air pollution levels. Sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) as a biomarker of effect were measured in peripheral blood lymphocytes of 54 exposed subjects and 35 controls, and environmental concentration of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) tracer compounds was detected by personal air samplers. The mean exposure level to benzo[a]pyrene in our group of traffic policemen (3.4 mg/m3) was in the range that has been estimated in urban areas in Europe during the last 10 years. No difference in SCE levels was found between exposed workers (7.36, SD 1.35) and controls (7.47, SD 1.28). No correlation was observed between SCE/cell and airborne PAH concentration in the traffic worker population. A positive regression of SCE on exposure estimate was found only in the non-smoking group of police workers. Our findings suggest that exposure to urban air pollution does not induce relevant cytogenetic effects.
A coordinated study was carried out on the development, evaluation and application of biomonitori... more A coordinated study was carried out on the development, evaluation and application of biomonitoring procedures for populations exposed to environmental genotoxic pollutants. The procedures used involved both direct measurement of DNA or protein damage (adducts) and assessment of secondary biological effects (mutation and cytogenetic damage). Adduct detection at the level of DNA or protein (haemoglobin) was carried out by 32 P-postlabelling, immunochemical, HPLC or mass spectrometric methods. Urinary excretion products resulting from DNA damage were also estimated (immunochemical assay, mass spectrometry). The measurement of adducts was focused on those from genotoxicants that result from petrochemical combustion or processing, e.g. low-molecular-weight alkylating agents, PAHs and compounds that cause oxidative DNA damage. Cytogenetic analysis of lymphocytes was undertaken (micronuclei, chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges) and mutation frequency was estimated at a number of loci including the hprt gene and genes involved in cancer development. Blood and urine samples from individuals exposed to urban pollution were collected. Populations exposed through occupational or medical sources to larger amounts of some of the genotoxic compounds present in the environmental samples were used as positive controls for the environmentally exposed population. Samples from rural areas were used as negative controls. The project has led to new, more sensitive and more selective approaches for detecting carcinogen-induced damage to DNA and proteins, and subsequent biological effects. These methods were validated with the occupational exposures, which showed evidence of DNA and/or protein and/or chromosome damage in workers in a coke oven plant, garage workers exposed to diesel exhaust and workers exposed to ethylene oxide in a sterilization plant Dose response and adduct repair were studied for methylated adducts in patients treated with methylating cytostatic drugs. The biomonitoring methods have also demonstrated their potential for detecting environmental exposure to genotoxic compounds in nine groups of non-smoking individuals, 32 P-postlabelling of DNA adducts being shown to have the greatest sensitivity.
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1990
The local anesthetic procaine hydrochloride (P.HCl) had little effect on the sensitivity of P388 ... more The local anesthetic procaine hydrochloride (P.HCl) had little effect on the sensitivity of P388 leukemic cells to cisplatin (DDP) in vitro, but the simultaneous administration of DDP and P.HCl (40 mg/kg) to BDF1 mice produced 50% lethal dose (LD50) and 90% lethal dose (LD90) values approximately two times higher than those observed with DDP alone. DDP-P.HCl diluted in water and administered intraperitoneally (IP) on day 1 and on days 1 and 5 to BDF1 mice bearing P388 leukemic cells produced 33% and 50% cure rates, respectively, at the maximum tolerated dose (16 mg/kg for the single administration and 10 mg/kg given on days 1 and 5). In contrast, under the same conditions, the cure rates obtained with DDP alone (10 mg/kg for the single administration and 8 mg/kg given on days 1 and 5) were 17% and 9%, respectively. Protection from DDP nephrotoxicity seems to be the explanation for the higher doses of DDP that mice can tolerate when DDP is given simultaneously with P.HCl. In fact, the increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels observed 4-7 days following a single IP administration of DDP (8 or 16 mg/kg), as well as the tubular degenerative changes detected by light microscopy, were not observed when the same doses of DDP were given simultaneously with P.HCl. Since DDP nephrotoxicity is known to be reduced when the drug is diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution, we compared the combinations DDP-P.HCl in water, and DDP and DDP-P.HCl in 0.9% NaCl solution. The antitumor activity of DDP diluted in water and administered with P.HCl was similar to that observed in mice treated with DDP alone diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution. However, further improvement of the therapeutic index was achieved after the administration of DDP-P.HCl diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution; this regimen produced a cure rate of 67% (12 of 18 animals). The clinical relevance of these findings is strengthened by the observation that similar results were obtained when P.HCl was given by the intravenous route.
Abstract: Stage IIIb non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has a poor prognosis. The median survival... more Abstract: Stage IIIb non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has a poor prognosis. The median survival is approximately 6 months, and only 30% of patients are alive 1 year after diagnosis. The need for effective treatment is evident. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether ...
The relationship between survival and flow cytometric DNA-ploidy and other prognostic factors suc... more The relationship between survival and flow cytometric DNA-ploidy and other prognostic factors such as histological subtype, anatomical tumor site, patient sex and age was investigated in 153 patients with intracranial neuroepithelial tumors who underwent surgical treatment. We found a trend toward poorer survival from anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas with respect to low-grade (I and II) astrocytomas (which did not differ significantly); accordingly, patients were grouped into these 3 histologic subgroups. Thirty-seven of the 153 tumors (24.2%) were aneuploid with a median DNA-index (DI) of 1.3 (range: 1.2-2.0). DNA-ploidy correlated with histology, since anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas were significantly (p = 0.041) more frequently aneuploid (around 30%) than low-grade astrocytomas (around 10%). Patients with DNA-aneuploid tumors (i.e., with DI not equal to 1.00) survived for a shorter time (31.4 weeks) than patients with DNA diploid tumors (75.1 weeks) (p less than 0.001). This difference was confirmed by Cox&amp;amp;#39;s multivariate analysis. Aneuploid tumors were associated with a poorer survival (p = .0002) when compared with diploid tumors, resulting in a relative risk point estimate (RR) of 2.41, 95% confidence interval (Cl) = 1.55-3.74. Histological subtype was also significantly associated with survival (p less than 0.0001), with RRs of 2.09, 95% Cl = 1.13-3.86 and 3.59, 95% Cl = 1.96-6.59 for anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas, respectively, compared to low-grade astrocytomas. We therefore suggest that the flow cytometric measurement of DNA-ploidy has relevant significance in predicting survival in patients treated for intracranial neuroepithelial tumors.
The relationship between tumour proliferative activity, evaluated by thymidine labelling index (T... more The relationship between tumour proliferative activity, evaluated by thymidine labelling index (TLI), clinicopathological variables and clinical outcome, was analysed in a series of 64 chemotherapy-resistant, ovarian cancer patients. The median TLI of 4.6% (range 0.01-45.7) was used as the cut-off to discriminate rapidly from slowly proliferating tumours. Univariate analyses showed a significant advantage in survival for patients with TLI less than or equal to 4.6 (P = 0.0004), ECOG performance status less than or equal to 1 (P = 0.0001) and residual disease after primary surgery less than or equal to 2 cm (P = 0.019). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that performance status was the only independent prognostic variable, although TLI was the last covariate removed from the Cox&amp;amp;#39;s regression model.
The administration of combinations of platinum compounds is considered as a useful alternative th... more The administration of combinations of platinum compounds is considered as a useful alternative therapeutic strategy to avoid the complications of toxic events during cancer chemotherapy in order to obtain a therapeutic advantage. On the basis of previous in vitro and in vivo findings, suggesting an antitumour activity of the new cisplatin-derived compound cis-diamminechloro-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl 4-amino-benzoate, N4]-chlorideplatinum(II) monohydrochloride monohydrate (DPR), we investigated the effectiveness of the combination of cisplatin (DDP) and DPR in vitro on murine leukaemic cells, which were either sensitive (P388) or resistant (L1210/DDP) to DDP, and on the murine M5076 reticulum cell sarcoma, and in vivo in BDF1 female mice transplanted with P388 leukaemic cells or cisplatin-resistant L1210/DDP leukaemic cells. The contemporaneous exposure in vitro to both platinum compounds gave a significantly higher cell growth inhibition than that expected on the basis of dose-response curves for single agents in all tumour models tested. In vivo, the combinations of DDP plus DPR elicited significant enhancement over the activity of the drugs alone both in the ascitic and solid P388 models. The combined treatment of 10 mg/kg DDP and 14 mg/kg DPR yielded 62.5% tumour-free mice compared with 6.2% with 10 mg/kg DDP alone, the best single agent. It is noteworthy that the combined application of DDP and DPR was also very effective in the solid cisplatin-resistant L1210/DDP model, inducing a significant reduction in the volume of tumour. A therapeutic advantage was achieved with combination treatments that had no effect on platinum-mediated body weight loss and were generally well tolerated by the mice. At equitoxic concentrations of DPR and carboplatin, the treatment with DDP plus DPR proved to have a higher efficacy against this tumour model compared to that observed after the combined treatment with DDP and carboplatin. In summary, the combination of DDP and DPR showed a therapeutic advantage over single drug treatment and has demonstrated promise at the preclinical level in its ability to circumvent acquired resistance to DDP both in vitro and in vivo.
The analysis of thymidine labelling index (TLI) in relation to clinico-pathological variables and... more The analysis of thymidine labelling index (TLI) in relation to clinico-pathological variables and survival was carried out in 111 ovarian cancer patients. The significance of TLI in predicting response to aggressive first line chemotherapy regimens was examined. The overall median TLI value of 1.8% was used as a cut-off to discriminate slowly from highly proliferating cancers. 94 patients entered into two consecutive randomised trials, and were treated with six courses of cisplatin-based chemotherapy with or without doxorubicin. A significantly higher objective response of 60% was reported in the subset of patients with TLI > 1.8% as compared to 35% in patients with TLI d 1.8% (P = 0.03). In addition, patients achieving complete response had tumours with median TLI of 3.8% as compared to 2.4% for partial responders, 1.5% for patients with stable disease and 1.7% for those with progressive disease. A sign&ant increase in tumour kinetics was observed in advanced cancers (P = O.OOl), more undifferentiated tumours (P = 0.02) and postsurgical residual disease greater than 2 cm (P = 0.04). In univariate analysis, TLI failed to influence signilicantly clinical outcome: 26 versus 32 months median survival time for patients with high and low tumour TLI, respectively. In the Cox's regression model, the only independent prognostic variables were performance status and amount of residual disease after primary surgery (P = 0.000).
We conducted a retrospective cohort study among 1,022 refractory brick workers exposed to crystal... more We conducted a retrospective cohort study among 1,022 refractory brick workers exposed to crystalline silica. Mortality from lung cancer (SMR = 1.77) and respiratory diseases (SMR = 3.15) was elevated in workers first employed less than or equal to 1957 who are likely to have shared the highest exposure to crystalline silica. Workers with at least 19 years of cumulative employment in the plant experienced particularly increased risks for lung cancer (SMR = 2.01) and respiratory diseases (SMR = 3.89). Relative mortality from these specific causes increased with years since first employment (that is, first exposure) and decreased with age at first employment. Indirect adjustment for smoking habits and the lack of excess mortality from cardiovascular diseases and emphysema indicated little effect of smoking on the increased risks for lung cancer and respiratory diseases.
Pesticides are used to control pests and improve agricultural production. Despite their selectivi... more Pesticides are used to control pests and improve agricultural production. Despite their selectivity of action, a number of agrochemicals have been reported to be genotoxic using the (32)P-DNA postlabeling assay. Greenhouse floriculturists are suspected of being heavily exposed to agrochemicals during loading, mixing, and application of pesticides, as well as during manual activities by continuous contact with flowers and ornamental plants. We analyzed the DNA adduct formations in the white blood cells (WBCs) of 57 nonsmoker greenhouse floriculturists and 33 nonsmoker age-matched referents residing in the Western Liguria Region, Italy-the most important Italian greenhouse floriculture area. The averages of DNA adducts, expressed as relative adduct labeling (RAL), were 8.50 x 10(9) +/- 1.98 (SE) in floriculturists and 2.17 x 10(9) +/- 1.05 (SE) in referents. DNA adducts were significantly higher in floriculturists than in controls after adjustment for age and gender (P = 0.007). A specific adduct pattern, with up to six different spots, was observed in 60% of floriculturists, while no adducts were generally detected in controls. Our study represents an important contribution to the correct evaluation of the potential health risk associated with floriculture activity and supports the adoption of measures ensuring pesticide exposure reduction in greenhouses.
Atmospheric pollution represents a relevant environmental hazard which has been associated with c... more Atmospheric pollution represents a relevant environmental hazard which has been associated with considerable excess mortality, morbidity, and increased rates of respiratory diseases in humans. To date, more than 3,000 environmental chemical compounds have been identified in the ambient atmosphere, including a variety of mutagenic and/or carcinogenic agents, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aromatic amines, and heterocyclic compounds. Positive associations between cytogenetic markers and airborne levels of PAHs have been reported by experimental and human studies. Traffic has been implicated as the major determinant for the concentration of PAHs and, therefore, for the genotoxic activity of urban air. A biomonitoring study has been conducted in 82 italian traffic police workers exposed to air pollutants and 34 control subjects (matched by age, gender, and smoking habits) not exposed to traffic pollutants. The aim of this study was to assess the cytogenetic effects, such as micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes, and to estimate the association with individual exposure to PAH. Statistical analysis of the frequency of micronuclei in binucleated cells showed higher mean levels in referent subjects (4.03%) than in traffic police officers (3.73%). Smoking showed no effect on the frequency of micronuclei. The study failed to detect any association between micronucleus frequency and individual level of benzo(a)pyrene, considered a marker of exposure to PAHs. These findings indicate that exposure to urban air pollutants does not result in increased levels of micronuclei in peripheral white blood cells.
S-Phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA), is a urinary metabolite of benzene, thought to be derived from ... more S-Phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA), is a urinary metabolite of benzene, thought to be derived from the condensation product of benzene oxide with glutathione.
Concurrent administration of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) reduced the toxicity of cis-diamminedi... more Concurrent administration of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) reduced the toxicity of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (DDP) in a dose-related manner in rats. When administered i.p. simultaneously with 7.5 mg/kg DDP, PABA (100 mg/kg) significantly reduced plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and plasma creatinine levels as well as DDP-induced weight loss. Increasing doses of PABA (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) correlated with progressively better parameters of renal activity and body wt and with lower levels of platinum in plasma and tissues in rats killed 5 days after drug administration. The formation of cisplatin-DNA adducts, the total platinum levels in kidney and testes and the DDP-induced tumor response were investigated in the presence and absence of PABA exposure in mice bearing P388 leukemic cells. Renal and testicular DNA-adducts in mice treated i.p. with 16 mg/kg DDP in normal saline were higher than those observed in mice receiving the same protocol and added PABA. Analysis of tissue platinum content demonstrated significantly lower platinum levels both in kidneys (P &lt; 0.05) and testes (P &lt; 0.01) of mice receiving DDP and PABA in normal saline compared to those receiving only DDP in normal saline. PABA did not affect the in vivo and in vitro antitumor activity of DDP against P388 leukemia, and there was no significant PABA-induced modification in the concentration of platinum both in the tumor cells and in DNA samples isolated from P388 leukemic cells of DDP-treated mice. We conclude that PABA may be a promising compound for reducing DDP-toxic side effects, including nephrotoxicity, without compromising its antitumor activity.
Papers by Domenico Franco Merlo