Objective: To evaluate the interest of the simulation in the learning of the obstetric examinatio... more Objective: To evaluate the interest of the simulation in the learning of the obstetric examination of parturient by medical students. Materials and methods: It was an analytical cross-sectional study that took place from 1 to 28 February 2020 at the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The study population was made up of medical students at the Doctorate II level. The previous experience of the students in the obstetric examination of the parturient, the contribution of the simulation on their feelings and on their skills towards this examination were studied. The Mc Nemar Chi 2 test was used to compare percentages on paired samples. Results: The level of difficulty in performing the obstetrical examination in the parturient evolved downwards after the practice of the simulation. The stress level to perform the obstetric exam has been significantly reduced. On the other hand, confidence has increased. The students' ability to appreciate each of the elements of the obstetric examination studied had improved after the practice of simulation. Conclusion: The simulation in the skills laboratory was a great contribution and the acquisition of models of better fidelity would help to improve the contribution to the confidence building and the acquisition of skills by learners.
Background: Giant ovarian cyst is very rare in gravid-puerperium period. It is a cause of a mater... more Background: Giant ovarian cyst is very rare in gravid-puerperium period. It is a cause of a maternal-fetal morbidity. We report a case of a giant benign ovarian cyst in gravid-puerperium period which was diagnosed and managed in a hospital of a low-resource country. Case presentation: Data were collected by historical review, clinical examination, laboratory investigations, imaging examination, and by histopathological study of the excised surgical specimen. It is the case of a 25-year-old woman who was third gravida and third para with unknown pathological history. After she had given birth through vagina, a giant ovarian cyst, unknown during pregnancy, was diagnosed. A left oophorectomy carrying the cyst was performed after laparotomy in Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital Center of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The cyst was 42 cm long and weighed 19.7 kg. The histology of the operative specimen revealed serous cystadenoma of the ovary. The postoperative course was uneventful. This case reports that vaginal delivery is possible with a giant ovarian cyst associated with pregnancy. Surgical management of the cyst can be performed in the postpartum with satisfaction.
Context: The use of hormonal contraceptives could lead to a rise in blood pressure with an onset ... more Context: The use of hormonal contraceptives could lead to a rise in blood pressure with an onset of hypertension. The objective of the study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic patterns of hypertension occurring in women on hormonal contraception. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out over a period of 5 years. It involved clients on hormonal contraception who developed hypertension during follow-up at the Family Planning Unit of the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital in Burkina Faso. Results: The global frequency of hypertension in clients on hormonal contraception was 1.8%; it varied depending on the type of methods of contraception used; it was 4.2% for clients on oral combined pills, 1% for implant users and 0.97% for women on injectable. The mean age of patients was 35.6 ± 8.4 years. Sixty-seven patients (84.8%) had mild to moderate hypertension. The mean time to onset of hypertension was * Corresponding author. respectively seventeen (17), thirty six (36) and thirty eight (38) months for patients on OCPs, CIP, and implants. After the discovery of hypertension, the contraception methods have been changed in 75.9% of cases, stopped in 5.2% of cases and the same contraception method was continued in 8.9% of cases. None of the patients who continued the same contraceptive method had obtained a normalization of blood pressure. Blood pressure was normalized in 48.6% of patients who have changed contraceptive methods. The average time of normalization of the blood pressure varied from three to five months, depending on the method that induces the hypertension. Conclusion: Hypertension on hormonal contraception is not uncommon. It is important to assess the risk factors for its occurrence at the initiation of contraception.
Spontaneous bilateral ectopic gestation is very rare. The authors report a case diagnosed and tak... more Spontaneous bilateral ectopic gestation is very rare. The authors report a case diagnosed and taken care of at Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital, Ouagadougou. It was a 30-year-old patient with no known pathological history. She had presented at the obstetric emergencies with a state of hypovolemic shock by haemoperitoneum with digestive disorders, pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, and a mention of delayed menstruation. The ultrasound coupled with the urinary immunological pregnancy test confirmed the diagnosis of ruptured ectopic pregnancy and a bilateral form was suspected. A laparotomy in emergency confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral ectopic gestation with a right ampullary unruptured pregnancy and a left isthmic ruptured gestation. A bilateral salpingectomy was performed and counseling was made for the use of medical help of procreation in case of future need of pregnancy.
Background: Sexuality during pregnancy varies from culture to another. No study on this issue has... more Background: Sexuality during pregnancy varies from culture to another. No study on this issue has been carried yet out in the Mossi plateau in Burkina Faso. To examine the opinions, attitudes and sexual practices among pregnant women in the city of Ouagadougou city. Methods: we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional survey in 10 health centers. The pregnant women attending the obstetric health facilities for a routine prenatal consultation were interviewed. Data was collected prospectively from 1 st July to 31 st August 2014 in 10 health centers selected at random. Results: Among the 412 pregnant women who participated in the survey, 31.3% said that sex was a taboo subject and 94.2% of them averred that it was possible to have sex during pregnancy. There are 121 (29.4%) pregnant women who believed that sexual intercourse has a negative impact on pregnancy. Those who thought that sex does not have negative consequences on pregnancy accounted for 60.4% of cases. The proportion of respondents who reported having had sex during pregnancy was 90%. The average weekly sexual intercourse during pregnancy was 1.1 ± 0.4 as opposed to 2.4 ± 0.5 before pregnancy. Decreased sexual desire was reported by 75.1% of women in the 1 st trimester of pregnancy. This proportion was 3.4% in the 2 nd trimester and 66.7% in the 3 rd trimester. In the 1 st trimester, 76.3% of pregnant women reported a decrease in the frequency of orgasm. This rate was 67.7% in the 3 rd trimester. The fluctuations in sexual interest during pregnancy have been observed. For a better sexual fulfilment during pregnancy, health providers must ensure a good counseling about sexuality during the antenatal cares.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Background: Low birthweight is one of the main causes of neonatal death, after asphyxia and infec... more Background: Low birthweight is one of the main causes of neonatal death, after asphyxia and infections. This study purpose is to determine the epidemiological aspects and prognosis of this condition. Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study. Data were collected prospectively from July 1st to September 30th, 2021 within Bogodogo Teaching Hospital. The study population included the overall newborns and their mothers. Results: The low birthweight frequency was estimated at 17.26% of live births. The average age was 26.06±5.8 years. Housewives accounted for 68.6% of cases against 78.9% for mothers in union. Unschooled mothers accounted for 38.3%. Mothers having medium socio-economic status accounted for 83.1% of cases. The average number of gesture was 2.60±1.62 and average parity was 2.72±1.76. Premature newborns accounted for 51.1% of cases. Females represented 55.6% of cases, giving a sex ratio of 0.80. The average weight was 1970.64±375.21 g with extremes...
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Background The practice of a first caesarean section can condition the future obstetric prognosis... more Background The practice of a first caesarean section can condition the future obstetric prognosis. The aim of this work was to study the indications of the first caesarean sections at the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital in Ouagadougou. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with prospective collection. The data were collected from 1 March to 30 May 2018. The women who benefited from caesarean section for the first time were the study population. The review of the documents, the interview with the patients and the expert opinion were the techniques used. The expert opinion made it possible to determine whether or not the caesarean section was preventable. Results: The first caesarean sections accounted for 62.5% (280/448) of all caesarean sections and 34.6% (280/810) of all childbirths in the period. Caesarean section was urgently performed in 95% of cases. It was mostly an obstetrical indication. Probable fetal asphyxia was the first major indication (27.5%) followed by preec...
Results: Eighty-three intrapartum stillbirths were documented among a total of 4,122 deliveries, ... more Results: Eighty-three intrapartum stillbirths were documented among a total of 4,122 deliveries, a stillbirth rate of 20.1 per 1,000 births. There was a statistically significant association between intrapartum stillbirth and prior caesarean section ( p = 0.045), multiparity ( p = 0.03), the receipt of antenatal care (ANC) by a nurse ( p = 0.005) and the disuse of the partogram ( p = 0.004). We did not find a significant association between the number of ANC consultations performed ( p = 0.3), whether membranes were ruptured at admission ( p = 0.6), the duration of labor ( p = 0.6) and intrapartum fetal death. Multivariate analysis showed that patient referral to another heath facility (OR: 3.33; 95% IC: 1.56, 7.10), no obstetric ultrasound performed (OR: 3.16; 95% IC: 2.11, 4.73), birth weight less than 2,500 g (OR: 7.49; 95% IC: 6.40, 8.76) were significantly associated with intrapartum stillbirth. Conclusion: Specific interventions must be taken to identify these risk factors of intrapartum stillbirth in order to ensure better and appropriate management.
Objective: Conduct a study on cesarean sections in adolescent girls at the mother-child pool of t... more Objective: Conduct a study on cesarean sections in adolescent girls at the mother-child pool of the CHU-T in order to reduce maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality. Patients and Methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study with a retrospective data collection method from January 1 st , 2018 to December 31 st , 2019. Results: The frequency of caesarean sections in our series was estimated at 59.9% in adolescent girls. 68.7% of adolescent girls were married, the average age was estimated at 18.3 ± 1 years, primiparous women were the most represented group with a rate of 88%. Adolescent girls were housewives in 73.5% of cases, with 37.4% of them living in rural areas. The main indications for cesarean section were: pre-rupture syndrome (22.9%), fetal distress (19.3%), pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (18.1%) and bony dystocia (21.6%). The following results derive from the classification of the cesarean section indications into 2 groups according to one or the other member of the "mother-child" couple: maternal indications accounted for 57.8% while fetal adnexal indications were estimated at 36.1%. As for perinatal mortality, it reached 24.1%. Conclusion: Improving the maternal-fetal prognosis of cesarean section in adolescent girls necessarily requires the strengthening of pregnancies follow-ups among this population group where pregnancy is most often unplanned.
Objective: To study maternal mortality in the obstetrics and gynecology department at Yalgado Oue... more Objective: To study maternal mortality in the obstetrics and gynecology department at Yalgado Ouedraogo teaching Hospital Center. Patients and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional retrospective and descriptive study of 181 cases of maternal deaths during study period. The parameters studied were sociodemographic characteristics, the causes of death, the clinical data and the contributing factors. Results: The maternal mortality ratio was 2624 per 100,000 live births. The mean age of death was 26.79 with extremes of 15 years to 40 years. Direct obstetric causes accounted for 58% dominated by hypertension and complications, hemorrhage during pregnancy and postpartum, and obstetric infections. The indirect obstetric causes were 42% dominated by non-obstetric infections and chronic anemias. In addition to the delay in consultation and delay in care, the lack of antenatal care was the contributing factor to maternal deaths. Conclusion: Maternal mortality remains a public health problem in view of its high ratio. The reduction of this scourge will inevitably go through a health insurance that will allow the supply of quality care.
Introduction: La localisation mammaire du lymphome malin non hodgkinien est rare. Elle représente... more Introduction: La localisation mammaire du lymphome malin non hodgkinien est rare. Elle représente 0,4 à 0,52 % des tumeurs malignes mammaires. Cette rareté nous incite à rapporter ce cas qui en plus se trouve être bilatéral en vue d’en décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, histologiques et thérapeutiques. Observation:  Il s’agit d’une patiente de 28 ans reçue aux urgences viscérales du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo pour une tumeur bilatérale des seins ulcéro-bourgeonnante et hémorragique première itérative. L’examen avait noté un mauvais état général stade 3 OMS, un état de choc hypovolémique, une masse mammaire bilatérale mesurant 30 cm sur 20 cm à droite et 20 sur 15 cm à gauche. L’examen de l’appareil pleuro pulmonaire et digestif était normal. Le bilan sanguin avait retrouvé une pancytopénie et le bilan d’extension était normal. L’histologie était évocatrice d’un lymphome non hodgkinien bilatéral desseins nécessitant de l’immunohistochimie pour confirmation diagnostic et typage qui n’a pu être réalisé. Nous avons préconisé une chimiothérapie avec une mastectomie de propreté mais par manque de ressources financières rien n’a pu être réalisé et l’évolution a été marquée par le décès deux jours après son admission. Conclusion:La localisation mammaire du Lymphome malin non hodgkinien est inhabituelle. Son diagnostic souvent tardif dans nos milieux impose un traitement mutilantsi la mort ne survient pas dans des conditions précaires. Mots-clés : Lymphome malin non hodgkinien ; sein ; diagnostic ; traitement ; Ouagadougo
Breastfeeding is a practice that has existed since the beginning of procreation. The rate of earl... more Breastfeeding is a practice that has existed since the beginning of procreation. The rate of early initiation of breastfeeding at birth remains modest. The objective of this study was to assess women's knowledge of breastfeeding and to look for factors influencing the early initiation of breastfeeding. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Yalgado Ouedraogo teaching Hospital using a structured questionnaire to 320 women in the 1st week of postpartum period from June 1st, 2014 to September 15th 2014. Majority of women (83.8%) believe that exclusive breastfeeding is possible. Colostrum is a good food for 45.6% of mothers. Mothers who knew the ideal time of breastfeeding initiation accounted for 33.8%. More than half of the mothers (56.2%) did not know the benefits of breastfeeding. Only 25.7% started breastfeeding within one hour after delivery. Other substances were added very early to breastfeeding in 30% of cases. Educational le...
Background Dengue fever is prevalent in the world; in recent years, several outbreaks occurred in... more Background Dengue fever is prevalent in the world; in recent years, several outbreaks occurred in West Africa. It affects pregnant women. We aimed to assess the consequences of dengue fever on pregnant women and their fetuses during dengue epidemic in Burkina Faso. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study from November 1, 2015 to January 31, 2017 in 15 public and private health facilities in Ouagadougou, using secondary data. Immunochromatographic rapid test Duo detecting specific antibodies, immunoglobin M/G and /or dengue non structural antigen1 virus was used to diagnose dengue cases. Results Out of 399 (48%) women registered during the study period, 25 (6%) were pregnant. The average age of pregnant women was 30 years, with 18 and 45 years as extremes. The main symptoms were fever (92%) and headache (92%). Nine patients (36%) had severe dengue characterized by bleeding (16%), neurological symptoms (16%) and acute respiratory distress (8%). Eight (32%) of the 25 women had ear...
Objective: To determine the frequency of obstetrical vacuum deliveries in the service of obstetri... more Objective: To determine the frequency of obstetrical vacuum deliveries in the service of obstetrics and gynecology of regional teaching hospital of Ouahigouya and then to assess fetal outcomes. Patients and Methods: It was about a cross sectional and descriptive retrospective data collection from 1 st January 2014 to 31 st December 2016 in the service of obstetrics and gynecology of regional teaching hospital of Ouahigouya. Patients who had vacuum delivered in the service with single pregnancy, at least 34 weeks gestation age and summit presentation and had a useful medical folder were included in our study. The data were collected and the analysis used epi-info software version, 2010 Word and excel. The results were presented in percentage for qualitative variables and in means standard deviation for quantitative variables. Results: We have collected 6233 deliveries from 1 st January 2014 to 31 st December 2016, out of which 312 were done by using obstetrical vacuum giving a frequency of 5.0%. The mean age of patients was 23.5 ± 6.4 years. The average parity was 1.3 ± 0.7 women per delivery and 73.1% of our patients were pauciparous. 90.1% of patients were referred. The main indications were maternal weakness (43%), fetal distress (36.5%), prolonged expulsive phase (6.1%), stopping progression (4.8%) and the scar uterus (4.5%). Fetal prognosis was dominated by the caput in 13 cases (4.2%) and excoriations of the scalp in 5 cases (1.7%). Conclusion: Vacuum extractions are very limited in low setting countries. Its popularization is essential to reduce maternal and fetal mortality.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019
Background: The quality of care perceived by the users of health care services is an important in... more Background: The quality of care perceived by the users of health care services is an important indicator of the quality of care. The aim of this study was to assess the satisfaction of patients received in obstetric and gynecological emergencies department of Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital before and after the introduction of free care.Methods: This was a cross-sectional investigation. Data collection was carried out from February to July 2016, covering the last three months before the start of free care and the first three months of implementation of this free policy in Burkina Faso.Results: A total of 620 patients formed the sample. The reception (p=0.0001), the waiting period (p=0.0001), respect for treatment schedules (p=0.0001), respect for intimacy (p=0.0001), communication between providers and patients (p=0.007), the comfort of the delivery room (p=0.003) and the comfort of the ward room (p=0.002) were more favorably appreciated by patients before the free treatment tha...
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019
Background: Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and dis... more Background: Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and disability for women of childbearing age. Objective of this study was to study maternal mortality of direct obstetric origin at the Boulmiougou district hospital from 2010 to 2014.Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study of maternal deaths by direct obstetric cause at the maternity ward of Boulmiougou District Hospital during the period from January 1st 2010 to December 31st, 2014, i.e. 5 years.Results: The maternal mortality rate by direct obstetric cause of 147.68 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The average age of the patients was 27.09 years old. The direct causes of maternal death were hemorrhage (47.06%), hypertensive disorders (20.59%), infections (14.71%) and unsafe abortion (11.76%). Contributing factors to maternal deaths were delay in evacuation (47.06%) and delay in care (38.23%).Conclusions: Maternal mortality remains high in th...
Bulletin de la société de pathologie exotique, 2018
Le contrôle du taux de césariennes est, de nos jours, une préoccupation importante pour le monde ... more Le contrôle du taux de césariennes est, de nos jours, une préoccupation importante pour le monde obstétrical, la priorité étant de tout mettre en oeuvre pour pratiquer une césarienne chez toutes les femmes qui en ont besoin plutôt que d'atteindre un taux spécifique. La présente étude a pour objectif d'appliquer la classification de Robson à l'évaluation de la pratique de la césarienne à la maternité de l'hôpital de district de Bogodogo. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale descriptive sur une période de trois ans, du 1 er janvier 2013 au 31 décembre 2015. La base informatique des dossiers de césarienne, les dossiers d'accouchement, les registres du bloc opératoire, de la salle d'accouchement et les rapports mensuels d'activités étaient les sources d'information utilisées. La fréquence hospitalière globale de césarienne était de 33,3 %. Le taux de césarienne attendu durant la même période selon le C-Model était de 9,7 %. Les patientes des groupes 5 (avec un utérus cicatriciel) et 6 (nullipares avec présentation de siège) de la classification de Robson ont toutes bénéficié d'une césarienne et ont contribué au taux global de césarienne pour respectivement 30 % et 8,6 %. La contribution relative cumulée au taux global de césarienne des groupes 1, 2, 3 et 4 (femmes à bas risque de césarienne) était de 31,3 %. L'amélioration de l'évaluation anténatale du pronostic de l'accouchement, notamment en cas de cicatrice utérine ou de présentation de siège, l'amélioration de la qualité de la surveillance du travail d'accouchement et la lutte contre la prématurité contribueront à maitriser le taux de césarienne à l'hôpital de district de Bogodogo.
International Journal of MCH and AIDS (IJMA), 2019
Background: Maternal mortality is of considerable magnitude. It is particularly relevant to devel... more Background: Maternal mortality is of considerable magnitude. It is particularly relevant to developing countries, including those in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this work was to study the cases of maternal deaths in the Dori Regional Hospital, Burkina Faso in the Sahel region, by analyzing the epidemiological aspects of these deaths in order to guide decision-making. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study which spanned the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016. Cases of maternal death and live births that occurred in the hospital during this period were collected by documentary review. Results: A total of 141 maternal deaths and 2,626 live births were recorded with a maternal mortality ratio of 5,369 for 100,000 live births. In 99 (72.20%) cases, death occurred in the postpartum. A home delivery had been reported in 33.70% of cases. Direct obstetric causes were found in 72.10% of cases. They were mainly represented by infections (32.40%) and hemorrhages ...
Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is a public health issue in developing countries because of its ... more Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is a public health issue in developing countries because of its high prevalence and its maternal and perinatal bad outcomes. It affects 24.8% of the world population and 67.6% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa. In Burkina Faso, anaemia prevalence is estimated at 68.3%. In Burkina, preventive measures for anaemia in pregnancy have been implemented by the ministry of health to reduce its burden. This study aimed to assess the epidemiological, clinical and the outcomes of anaemia in pregnant women at OUAHIGOUYA REGIONAL HOSPITAL. Findings will be used to strengthen the preventives measures for anaemia in pregnancy. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study was conducted during a four-month period from October, 28 th , 2014 to February, 28 th , 2015. pregnant women with haemoglobin level below 11 g/dL was considered anaemic according to WHO criteria, and who are willing to participate and who were admitted at the obstetrics and Gynecology department of the REGIONAL HOSPITAL of OUAHIGOUYA. Results: Four hundred eighty three pregnant women were anaemic out of eight hundred eighty three women hospitalized. The prevalence of maternal anaemia was 54.7% with significant monthly variations. The mean age was 24.7 ± 6.6 years. The women without non-salary occupation (housewives and pupils) represented 90.1%. A past medical history of haemoglobin defects (6.6%), twin pregnancies (6.0%), malaria (23.6%) bleeding during pregnancy (20.3%) were the most frequent. Monitoring the pregnancy was effective in 91.1% of women. The mean haemoglobin level was 8.8 ± 2.1 g/dL. The outcome was marked with 1.7% and 18.9% maternal and perinatal death respectively. The most common contributory factors were: Occupational status, number of prenatal visits, length of treatment with iron and folic acid, history of malaria, history of haemorrhage and brachial perimeter low (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Maternal
Objective: To evaluate the interest of the simulation in the learning of the obstetric examinatio... more Objective: To evaluate the interest of the simulation in the learning of the obstetric examination of parturient by medical students. Materials and methods: It was an analytical cross-sectional study that took place from 1 to 28 February 2020 at the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The study population was made up of medical students at the Doctorate II level. The previous experience of the students in the obstetric examination of the parturient, the contribution of the simulation on their feelings and on their skills towards this examination were studied. The Mc Nemar Chi 2 test was used to compare percentages on paired samples. Results: The level of difficulty in performing the obstetrical examination in the parturient evolved downwards after the practice of the simulation. The stress level to perform the obstetric exam has been significantly reduced. On the other hand, confidence has increased. The students' ability to appreciate each of the elements of the obstetric examination studied had improved after the practice of simulation. Conclusion: The simulation in the skills laboratory was a great contribution and the acquisition of models of better fidelity would help to improve the contribution to the confidence building and the acquisition of skills by learners.
Background: Giant ovarian cyst is very rare in gravid-puerperium period. It is a cause of a mater... more Background: Giant ovarian cyst is very rare in gravid-puerperium period. It is a cause of a maternal-fetal morbidity. We report a case of a giant benign ovarian cyst in gravid-puerperium period which was diagnosed and managed in a hospital of a low-resource country. Case presentation: Data were collected by historical review, clinical examination, laboratory investigations, imaging examination, and by histopathological study of the excised surgical specimen. It is the case of a 25-year-old woman who was third gravida and third para with unknown pathological history. After she had given birth through vagina, a giant ovarian cyst, unknown during pregnancy, was diagnosed. A left oophorectomy carrying the cyst was performed after laparotomy in Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital Center of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The cyst was 42 cm long and weighed 19.7 kg. The histology of the operative specimen revealed serous cystadenoma of the ovary. The postoperative course was uneventful. This case reports that vaginal delivery is possible with a giant ovarian cyst associated with pregnancy. Surgical management of the cyst can be performed in the postpartum with satisfaction.
Context: The use of hormonal contraceptives could lead to a rise in blood pressure with an onset ... more Context: The use of hormonal contraceptives could lead to a rise in blood pressure with an onset of hypertension. The objective of the study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic patterns of hypertension occurring in women on hormonal contraception. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out over a period of 5 years. It involved clients on hormonal contraception who developed hypertension during follow-up at the Family Planning Unit of the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital in Burkina Faso. Results: The global frequency of hypertension in clients on hormonal contraception was 1.8%; it varied depending on the type of methods of contraception used; it was 4.2% for clients on oral combined pills, 1% for implant users and 0.97% for women on injectable. The mean age of patients was 35.6 ± 8.4 years. Sixty-seven patients (84.8%) had mild to moderate hypertension. The mean time to onset of hypertension was * Corresponding author. respectively seventeen (17), thirty six (36) and thirty eight (38) months for patients on OCPs, CIP, and implants. After the discovery of hypertension, the contraception methods have been changed in 75.9% of cases, stopped in 5.2% of cases and the same contraception method was continued in 8.9% of cases. None of the patients who continued the same contraceptive method had obtained a normalization of blood pressure. Blood pressure was normalized in 48.6% of patients who have changed contraceptive methods. The average time of normalization of the blood pressure varied from three to five months, depending on the method that induces the hypertension. Conclusion: Hypertension on hormonal contraception is not uncommon. It is important to assess the risk factors for its occurrence at the initiation of contraception.
Spontaneous bilateral ectopic gestation is very rare. The authors report a case diagnosed and tak... more Spontaneous bilateral ectopic gestation is very rare. The authors report a case diagnosed and taken care of at Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital, Ouagadougou. It was a 30-year-old patient with no known pathological history. She had presented at the obstetric emergencies with a state of hypovolemic shock by haemoperitoneum with digestive disorders, pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, and a mention of delayed menstruation. The ultrasound coupled with the urinary immunological pregnancy test confirmed the diagnosis of ruptured ectopic pregnancy and a bilateral form was suspected. A laparotomy in emergency confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral ectopic gestation with a right ampullary unruptured pregnancy and a left isthmic ruptured gestation. A bilateral salpingectomy was performed and counseling was made for the use of medical help of procreation in case of future need of pregnancy.
Background: Sexuality during pregnancy varies from culture to another. No study on this issue has... more Background: Sexuality during pregnancy varies from culture to another. No study on this issue has been carried yet out in the Mossi plateau in Burkina Faso. To examine the opinions, attitudes and sexual practices among pregnant women in the city of Ouagadougou city. Methods: we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional survey in 10 health centers. The pregnant women attending the obstetric health facilities for a routine prenatal consultation were interviewed. Data was collected prospectively from 1 st July to 31 st August 2014 in 10 health centers selected at random. Results: Among the 412 pregnant women who participated in the survey, 31.3% said that sex was a taboo subject and 94.2% of them averred that it was possible to have sex during pregnancy. There are 121 (29.4%) pregnant women who believed that sexual intercourse has a negative impact on pregnancy. Those who thought that sex does not have negative consequences on pregnancy accounted for 60.4% of cases. The proportion of respondents who reported having had sex during pregnancy was 90%. The average weekly sexual intercourse during pregnancy was 1.1 ± 0.4 as opposed to 2.4 ± 0.5 before pregnancy. Decreased sexual desire was reported by 75.1% of women in the 1 st trimester of pregnancy. This proportion was 3.4% in the 2 nd trimester and 66.7% in the 3 rd trimester. In the 1 st trimester, 76.3% of pregnant women reported a decrease in the frequency of orgasm. This rate was 67.7% in the 3 rd trimester. The fluctuations in sexual interest during pregnancy have been observed. For a better sexual fulfilment during pregnancy, health providers must ensure a good counseling about sexuality during the antenatal cares.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Background: Low birthweight is one of the main causes of neonatal death, after asphyxia and infec... more Background: Low birthweight is one of the main causes of neonatal death, after asphyxia and infections. This study purpose is to determine the epidemiological aspects and prognosis of this condition. Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study. Data were collected prospectively from July 1st to September 30th, 2021 within Bogodogo Teaching Hospital. The study population included the overall newborns and their mothers. Results: The low birthweight frequency was estimated at 17.26% of live births. The average age was 26.06±5.8 years. Housewives accounted for 68.6% of cases against 78.9% for mothers in union. Unschooled mothers accounted for 38.3%. Mothers having medium socio-economic status accounted for 83.1% of cases. The average number of gesture was 2.60±1.62 and average parity was 2.72±1.76. Premature newborns accounted for 51.1% of cases. Females represented 55.6% of cases, giving a sex ratio of 0.80. The average weight was 1970.64±375.21 g with extremes...
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Background The practice of a first caesarean section can condition the future obstetric prognosis... more Background The practice of a first caesarean section can condition the future obstetric prognosis. The aim of this work was to study the indications of the first caesarean sections at the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital in Ouagadougou. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with prospective collection. The data were collected from 1 March to 30 May 2018. The women who benefited from caesarean section for the first time were the study population. The review of the documents, the interview with the patients and the expert opinion were the techniques used. The expert opinion made it possible to determine whether or not the caesarean section was preventable. Results: The first caesarean sections accounted for 62.5% (280/448) of all caesarean sections and 34.6% (280/810) of all childbirths in the period. Caesarean section was urgently performed in 95% of cases. It was mostly an obstetrical indication. Probable fetal asphyxia was the first major indication (27.5%) followed by preec...
Results: Eighty-three intrapartum stillbirths were documented among a total of 4,122 deliveries, ... more Results: Eighty-three intrapartum stillbirths were documented among a total of 4,122 deliveries, a stillbirth rate of 20.1 per 1,000 births. There was a statistically significant association between intrapartum stillbirth and prior caesarean section ( p = 0.045), multiparity ( p = 0.03), the receipt of antenatal care (ANC) by a nurse ( p = 0.005) and the disuse of the partogram ( p = 0.004). We did not find a significant association between the number of ANC consultations performed ( p = 0.3), whether membranes were ruptured at admission ( p = 0.6), the duration of labor ( p = 0.6) and intrapartum fetal death. Multivariate analysis showed that patient referral to another heath facility (OR: 3.33; 95% IC: 1.56, 7.10), no obstetric ultrasound performed (OR: 3.16; 95% IC: 2.11, 4.73), birth weight less than 2,500 g (OR: 7.49; 95% IC: 6.40, 8.76) were significantly associated with intrapartum stillbirth. Conclusion: Specific interventions must be taken to identify these risk factors of intrapartum stillbirth in order to ensure better and appropriate management.
Objective: Conduct a study on cesarean sections in adolescent girls at the mother-child pool of t... more Objective: Conduct a study on cesarean sections in adolescent girls at the mother-child pool of the CHU-T in order to reduce maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality. Patients and Methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study with a retrospective data collection method from January 1 st , 2018 to December 31 st , 2019. Results: The frequency of caesarean sections in our series was estimated at 59.9% in adolescent girls. 68.7% of adolescent girls were married, the average age was estimated at 18.3 ± 1 years, primiparous women were the most represented group with a rate of 88%. Adolescent girls were housewives in 73.5% of cases, with 37.4% of them living in rural areas. The main indications for cesarean section were: pre-rupture syndrome (22.9%), fetal distress (19.3%), pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (18.1%) and bony dystocia (21.6%). The following results derive from the classification of the cesarean section indications into 2 groups according to one or the other member of the "mother-child" couple: maternal indications accounted for 57.8% while fetal adnexal indications were estimated at 36.1%. As for perinatal mortality, it reached 24.1%. Conclusion: Improving the maternal-fetal prognosis of cesarean section in adolescent girls necessarily requires the strengthening of pregnancies follow-ups among this population group where pregnancy is most often unplanned.
Objective: To study maternal mortality in the obstetrics and gynecology department at Yalgado Oue... more Objective: To study maternal mortality in the obstetrics and gynecology department at Yalgado Ouedraogo teaching Hospital Center. Patients and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional retrospective and descriptive study of 181 cases of maternal deaths during study period. The parameters studied were sociodemographic characteristics, the causes of death, the clinical data and the contributing factors. Results: The maternal mortality ratio was 2624 per 100,000 live births. The mean age of death was 26.79 with extremes of 15 years to 40 years. Direct obstetric causes accounted for 58% dominated by hypertension and complications, hemorrhage during pregnancy and postpartum, and obstetric infections. The indirect obstetric causes were 42% dominated by non-obstetric infections and chronic anemias. In addition to the delay in consultation and delay in care, the lack of antenatal care was the contributing factor to maternal deaths. Conclusion: Maternal mortality remains a public health problem in view of its high ratio. The reduction of this scourge will inevitably go through a health insurance that will allow the supply of quality care.
Introduction: La localisation mammaire du lymphome malin non hodgkinien est rare. Elle représente... more Introduction: La localisation mammaire du lymphome malin non hodgkinien est rare. Elle représente 0,4 à 0,52 % des tumeurs malignes mammaires. Cette rareté nous incite à rapporter ce cas qui en plus se trouve être bilatéral en vue d’en décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, histologiques et thérapeutiques. Observation:&nbsp; Il s’agit d’une patiente de 28 ans reçue aux urgences viscérales du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo pour une tumeur bilatérale des seins ulcéro-bourgeonnante et hémorragique première itérative. L’examen avait noté un mauvais état général stade 3 OMS, un état de choc hypovolémique, une masse mammaire bilatérale mesurant 30 cm sur 20 cm à droite et 20 sur 15 cm à gauche. L’examen de l’appareil pleuro pulmonaire et digestif était normal. Le bilan sanguin avait retrouvé une pancytopénie et le bilan d’extension était normal. L’histologie était évocatrice d’un lymphome non hodgkinien bilatéral desseins nécessitant de l’immunohistochimie pour confirmation diagnostic et typage qui n’a pu être réalisé. Nous avons préconisé une chimiothérapie avec une mastectomie de propreté mais par manque de ressources financières rien n’a pu être réalisé et l’évolution a été marquée par le décès deux jours après son admission. Conclusion:La localisation mammaire du Lymphome malin non hodgkinien est inhabituelle. Son diagnostic souvent tardif dans nos milieux impose un traitement mutilantsi la mort ne survient pas dans des conditions précaires. Mots-clés : Lymphome malin non hodgkinien ; sein ; diagnostic ; traitement ; Ouagadougo
Breastfeeding is a practice that has existed since the beginning of procreation. The rate of earl... more Breastfeeding is a practice that has existed since the beginning of procreation. The rate of early initiation of breastfeeding at birth remains modest. The objective of this study was to assess women's knowledge of breastfeeding and to look for factors influencing the early initiation of breastfeeding. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Yalgado Ouedraogo teaching Hospital using a structured questionnaire to 320 women in the 1st week of postpartum period from June 1st, 2014 to September 15th 2014. Majority of women (83.8%) believe that exclusive breastfeeding is possible. Colostrum is a good food for 45.6% of mothers. Mothers who knew the ideal time of breastfeeding initiation accounted for 33.8%. More than half of the mothers (56.2%) did not know the benefits of breastfeeding. Only 25.7% started breastfeeding within one hour after delivery. Other substances were added very early to breastfeeding in 30% of cases. Educational le...
Background Dengue fever is prevalent in the world; in recent years, several outbreaks occurred in... more Background Dengue fever is prevalent in the world; in recent years, several outbreaks occurred in West Africa. It affects pregnant women. We aimed to assess the consequences of dengue fever on pregnant women and their fetuses during dengue epidemic in Burkina Faso. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study from November 1, 2015 to January 31, 2017 in 15 public and private health facilities in Ouagadougou, using secondary data. Immunochromatographic rapid test Duo detecting specific antibodies, immunoglobin M/G and /or dengue non structural antigen1 virus was used to diagnose dengue cases. Results Out of 399 (48%) women registered during the study period, 25 (6%) were pregnant. The average age of pregnant women was 30 years, with 18 and 45 years as extremes. The main symptoms were fever (92%) and headache (92%). Nine patients (36%) had severe dengue characterized by bleeding (16%), neurological symptoms (16%) and acute respiratory distress (8%). Eight (32%) of the 25 women had ear...
Objective: To determine the frequency of obstetrical vacuum deliveries in the service of obstetri... more Objective: To determine the frequency of obstetrical vacuum deliveries in the service of obstetrics and gynecology of regional teaching hospital of Ouahigouya and then to assess fetal outcomes. Patients and Methods: It was about a cross sectional and descriptive retrospective data collection from 1 st January 2014 to 31 st December 2016 in the service of obstetrics and gynecology of regional teaching hospital of Ouahigouya. Patients who had vacuum delivered in the service with single pregnancy, at least 34 weeks gestation age and summit presentation and had a useful medical folder were included in our study. The data were collected and the analysis used epi-info software version, 2010 Word and excel. The results were presented in percentage for qualitative variables and in means standard deviation for quantitative variables. Results: We have collected 6233 deliveries from 1 st January 2014 to 31 st December 2016, out of which 312 were done by using obstetrical vacuum giving a frequency of 5.0%. The mean age of patients was 23.5 ± 6.4 years. The average parity was 1.3 ± 0.7 women per delivery and 73.1% of our patients were pauciparous. 90.1% of patients were referred. The main indications were maternal weakness (43%), fetal distress (36.5%), prolonged expulsive phase (6.1%), stopping progression (4.8%) and the scar uterus (4.5%). Fetal prognosis was dominated by the caput in 13 cases (4.2%) and excoriations of the scalp in 5 cases (1.7%). Conclusion: Vacuum extractions are very limited in low setting countries. Its popularization is essential to reduce maternal and fetal mortality.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019
Background: The quality of care perceived by the users of health care services is an important in... more Background: The quality of care perceived by the users of health care services is an important indicator of the quality of care. The aim of this study was to assess the satisfaction of patients received in obstetric and gynecological emergencies department of Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital before and after the introduction of free care.Methods: This was a cross-sectional investigation. Data collection was carried out from February to July 2016, covering the last three months before the start of free care and the first three months of implementation of this free policy in Burkina Faso.Results: A total of 620 patients formed the sample. The reception (p=0.0001), the waiting period (p=0.0001), respect for treatment schedules (p=0.0001), respect for intimacy (p=0.0001), communication between providers and patients (p=0.007), the comfort of the delivery room (p=0.003) and the comfort of the ward room (p=0.002) were more favorably appreciated by patients before the free treatment tha...
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019
Background: Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and dis... more Background: Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and disability for women of childbearing age. Objective of this study was to study maternal mortality of direct obstetric origin at the Boulmiougou district hospital from 2010 to 2014.Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study of maternal deaths by direct obstetric cause at the maternity ward of Boulmiougou District Hospital during the period from January 1st 2010 to December 31st, 2014, i.e. 5 years.Results: The maternal mortality rate by direct obstetric cause of 147.68 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The average age of the patients was 27.09 years old. The direct causes of maternal death were hemorrhage (47.06%), hypertensive disorders (20.59%), infections (14.71%) and unsafe abortion (11.76%). Contributing factors to maternal deaths were delay in evacuation (47.06%) and delay in care (38.23%).Conclusions: Maternal mortality remains high in th...
Bulletin de la société de pathologie exotique, 2018
Le contrôle du taux de césariennes est, de nos jours, une préoccupation importante pour le monde ... more Le contrôle du taux de césariennes est, de nos jours, une préoccupation importante pour le monde obstétrical, la priorité étant de tout mettre en oeuvre pour pratiquer une césarienne chez toutes les femmes qui en ont besoin plutôt que d'atteindre un taux spécifique. La présente étude a pour objectif d'appliquer la classification de Robson à l'évaluation de la pratique de la césarienne à la maternité de l'hôpital de district de Bogodogo. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale descriptive sur une période de trois ans, du 1 er janvier 2013 au 31 décembre 2015. La base informatique des dossiers de césarienne, les dossiers d'accouchement, les registres du bloc opératoire, de la salle d'accouchement et les rapports mensuels d'activités étaient les sources d'information utilisées. La fréquence hospitalière globale de césarienne était de 33,3 %. Le taux de césarienne attendu durant la même période selon le C-Model était de 9,7 %. Les patientes des groupes 5 (avec un utérus cicatriciel) et 6 (nullipares avec présentation de siège) de la classification de Robson ont toutes bénéficié d'une césarienne et ont contribué au taux global de césarienne pour respectivement 30 % et 8,6 %. La contribution relative cumulée au taux global de césarienne des groupes 1, 2, 3 et 4 (femmes à bas risque de césarienne) était de 31,3 %. L'amélioration de l'évaluation anténatale du pronostic de l'accouchement, notamment en cas de cicatrice utérine ou de présentation de siège, l'amélioration de la qualité de la surveillance du travail d'accouchement et la lutte contre la prématurité contribueront à maitriser le taux de césarienne à l'hôpital de district de Bogodogo.
International Journal of MCH and AIDS (IJMA), 2019
Background: Maternal mortality is of considerable magnitude. It is particularly relevant to devel... more Background: Maternal mortality is of considerable magnitude. It is particularly relevant to developing countries, including those in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this work was to study the cases of maternal deaths in the Dori Regional Hospital, Burkina Faso in the Sahel region, by analyzing the epidemiological aspects of these deaths in order to guide decision-making. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study which spanned the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016. Cases of maternal death and live births that occurred in the hospital during this period were collected by documentary review. Results: A total of 141 maternal deaths and 2,626 live births were recorded with a maternal mortality ratio of 5,369 for 100,000 live births. In 99 (72.20%) cases, death occurred in the postpartum. A home delivery had been reported in 33.70% of cases. Direct obstetric causes were found in 72.10% of cases. They were mainly represented by infections (32.40%) and hemorrhages ...
Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is a public health issue in developing countries because of its ... more Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is a public health issue in developing countries because of its high prevalence and its maternal and perinatal bad outcomes. It affects 24.8% of the world population and 67.6% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa. In Burkina Faso, anaemia prevalence is estimated at 68.3%. In Burkina, preventive measures for anaemia in pregnancy have been implemented by the ministry of health to reduce its burden. This study aimed to assess the epidemiological, clinical and the outcomes of anaemia in pregnant women at OUAHIGOUYA REGIONAL HOSPITAL. Findings will be used to strengthen the preventives measures for anaemia in pregnancy. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study was conducted during a four-month period from October, 28 th , 2014 to February, 28 th , 2015. pregnant women with haemoglobin level below 11 g/dL was considered anaemic according to WHO criteria, and who are willing to participate and who were admitted at the obstetrics and Gynecology department of the REGIONAL HOSPITAL of OUAHIGOUYA. Results: Four hundred eighty three pregnant women were anaemic out of eight hundred eighty three women hospitalized. The prevalence of maternal anaemia was 54.7% with significant monthly variations. The mean age was 24.7 ± 6.6 years. The women without non-salary occupation (housewives and pupils) represented 90.1%. A past medical history of haemoglobin defects (6.6%), twin pregnancies (6.0%), malaria (23.6%) bleeding during pregnancy (20.3%) were the most frequent. Monitoring the pregnancy was effective in 91.1% of women. The mean haemoglobin level was 8.8 ± 2.1 g/dL. The outcome was marked with 1.7% and 18.9% maternal and perinatal death respectively. The most common contributory factors were: Occupational status, number of prenatal visits, length of treatment with iron and folic acid, history of malaria, history of haemorrhage and brachial perimeter low (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Maternal
Papers by Hyacinthe ZAMANE