Uluslararası Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi 2020 (ICHES-IDU 2020), 2020
ÖZET Tıbbi laboratuvarlarda yapılan çalışmalar, sağlık ve güvenlik açısından tehlikeli ve riskli ... more ÖZET Tıbbi laboratuvarlarda yapılan çalışmalar, sağlık ve güvenlik açısından tehlikeli ve riskli olabilmektedir. Laboratuvar çalışmaları insan sağlığının korunabilmesi, hastalıkların kaynağının öğrenilebilmesi, çevre kirliliği ve ayrıca laboratuvar çalışanlarının eğitimi açısından önemlidir. Ülkemizde, laboratuvarların güvenliği ulusal ve uluslararası hazırlanan yasal düzenlemelerle sağlanmaktadır. Ancak laboratuvar çalışma ortamlarındaki risk faktörleri değişken olabilmektedir. Laboratuvarlarda fiziksel, biyolojik, ergonomik, kimyasal risk etmenleri ile iş ekipmanları, cam malzemeler, elektrikli araçlardan kaynaklanan tehlikelerin ve insan kaynaklı faktörlerin iyi analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada tıbbi laboratuvarlarda çalışanların maruz kaldığı tehlike ve risklerin belirlenmesi ve çalışma öncesinde kontrol listelerinin oluşturulması ile iş kazası ve meslek hastalıklarının önlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. ABSTRACT Studies in medical laboratories can be dangerous and risky in terms of health and safety. Laboratory studies are important in terms of protecting human health, learning about the source of diseases, environmental pollution and also training of laboratory workers. In our country, the safety of laboratories is ensured by national and international legal regulations. However, risk factors in laboratory work environments can be variable. In laboratories, physical, biological, ergonomic, chemical risk factors, hazards arising from work equipment, glass materials, electric vehicles and human factors should be analyzed well. In this study, it is aimed to identify the dangers and risks that employees in medical laboratories are exposed to, and to create checklists before the study, and to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
Arcobacter, which are Gram-negative, zoonotic and aero-tolerant bacteria belonging to the family ... more Arcobacter, which are Gram-negative, zoonotic and aero-tolerant bacteria belonging to the family Campylobacteraceae, differentiate from Campylobacter, as it is able to grow at 15 oC and optimally at 30 oC in aerobic conditions, but not at 42 oC and it contains 27-30% moles of G+C but not menaquinone-6 which is one of the major isoprenoid quinones. Arcobacter have some species like A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii, A. cibarius, A. sulfidicus. It is known that Arcobacter recently caused food poisoning outbreaks in some countries like Italy, Canada and Brazil. It is reported that Arcobacter causes infections in humans through contaminated water, poultry, meat carcasses, meat products and raw milk. Researches on pathways of spread to humans and toxin mechanisms are very limited and insufficient. It is known that these bacteria are resistant to some of the antibiotics to some extent. In this review, potential pathogenity of Arcobacter spp. in animals and humans, pathways of spread, problems caused by these bacteria and possible control measures were discussed.
Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus L.) oil has been known as having therapeutic and antibacterial p... more Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus L.) oil has been known as having therapeutic and antibacterial properties, and its antifungal activity is currently the subject of renewed interest. This study aimed to verify the effectivenesses of C. citratus essential oil to inhibit the growth/survival of some fungi (Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, and Penicillium roquefortii) and yeasts (Candida albicans, Candida oleophila, Hansenula anomala, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces uvarum, and Metschnikowia fructicola). C. citratus essential oil showed effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of all fungi by disc diffusion and broth dilution bioassay. Minimum inhibitory and minimum fungicidal concentrations between 0.062 and 20 microL/mL were determined. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute agar-based method was also applied for A. niger and C. albicans. Data show the strong antifungal properties of lemon grass oil (C. citratus) in vitro.
Su ve sodyum klorur (NaCl) kullanilarak elde edilen elektrolize su son yillarda yeni bir dezenfek... more Su ve sodyum klorur (NaCl) kullanilarak elde edilen elektrolize su son yillarda yeni bir dezenfektan olarak tanimlanmaktadir. Kolay uygulanmasi, ucuz olusu ve cevreye zararsiz olmasi diger dezenfektan maddelere kiyasla elektrolize suyun avantajli oldugu noktalardir. Mevcut calismada su urunleri isleyen bir firmada secilen yuzeyler, personel eli ve somon baligi sebeke suyu ve elektrolize su kullanilarak yikanmis ve ardindan ornekleme yapilarak iki yontemin hijyenik duruma etkisi istatistiksel olarak karsilastirilmistir. Tum orneklerde toplam canli, koliform bakteri, Staphylococcus spp . ve Escherichia coli duzeyleri tespit edilerek elektrolize su kullaniminin etkinligi arastirilmistir. Orneklerin tamaminda elektrolize su ile yikamanin etkinligi sebeke suyu ile karsilastirildiginda mikroorganizma yukunde dusus saptanmis ve bu durum istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak su urunleri isleyen isletmelerde elektrolize suyun etkili bir temizlik saglayabilecegi ortaya konmustur.
Journal Of Consumer Protection And Food Safety, Jan 8, 2010
Abstract The microbiological quality, safety and shelf-life of cheeses depend on manufacture and ... more Abstract The microbiological quality, safety and shelf-life of cheeses depend on manufacture and handling in an environment that meets basic stan-dards for hygiene and the management of hygiene in the process. In this research contamination sources of ''Dil'' cheese during ...
Uluslararası Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi 2020 (ICHES-IDU 2020), 2020
ÖZET Tıbbi laboratuvarlarda yapılan çalışmalar, sağlık ve güvenlik açısından tehlikeli ve riskli ... more ÖZET Tıbbi laboratuvarlarda yapılan çalışmalar, sağlık ve güvenlik açısından tehlikeli ve riskli olabilmektedir. Laboratuvar çalışmaları insan sağlığının korunabilmesi, hastalıkların kaynağının öğrenilebilmesi, çevre kirliliği ve ayrıca laboratuvar çalışanlarının eğitimi açısından önemlidir. Ülkemizde, laboratuvarların güvenliği ulusal ve uluslararası hazırlanan yasal düzenlemelerle sağlanmaktadır. Ancak laboratuvar çalışma ortamlarındaki risk faktörleri değişken olabilmektedir. Laboratuvarlarda fiziksel, biyolojik, ergonomik, kimyasal risk etmenleri ile iş ekipmanları, cam malzemeler, elektrikli araçlardan kaynaklanan tehlikelerin ve insan kaynaklı faktörlerin iyi analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada tıbbi laboratuvarlarda çalışanların maruz kaldığı tehlike ve risklerin belirlenmesi ve çalışma öncesinde kontrol listelerinin oluşturulması ile iş kazası ve meslek hastalıklarının önlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. ABSTRACT Studies in medical laboratories can be dangerous and risky in terms of health and safety. Laboratory studies are important in terms of protecting human health, learning about the source of diseases, environmental pollution and also training of laboratory workers. In our country, the safety of laboratories is ensured by national and international legal regulations. However, risk factors in laboratory work environments can be variable. In laboratories, physical, biological, ergonomic, chemical risk factors, hazards arising from work equipment, glass materials, electric vehicles and human factors should be analyzed well. In this study, it is aimed to identify the dangers and risks that employees in medical laboratories are exposed to, and to create checklists before the study, and to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
Arcobacter, which are Gram-negative, zoonotic and aero-tolerant bacteria belonging to the family ... more Arcobacter, which are Gram-negative, zoonotic and aero-tolerant bacteria belonging to the family Campylobacteraceae, differentiate from Campylobacter, as it is able to grow at 15 oC and optimally at 30 oC in aerobic conditions, but not at 42 oC and it contains 27-30% moles of G+C but not menaquinone-6 which is one of the major isoprenoid quinones. Arcobacter have some species like A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii, A. cibarius, A. sulfidicus. It is known that Arcobacter recently caused food poisoning outbreaks in some countries like Italy, Canada and Brazil. It is reported that Arcobacter causes infections in humans through contaminated water, poultry, meat carcasses, meat products and raw milk. Researches on pathways of spread to humans and toxin mechanisms are very limited and insufficient. It is known that these bacteria are resistant to some of the antibiotics to some extent. In this review, potential pathogenity of Arcobacter spp. in animals and humans, pathways of spread, problems caused by these bacteria and possible control measures were discussed.
Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus L.) oil has been known as having therapeutic and antibacterial p... more Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus L.) oil has been known as having therapeutic and antibacterial properties, and its antifungal activity is currently the subject of renewed interest. This study aimed to verify the effectivenesses of C. citratus essential oil to inhibit the growth/survival of some fungi (Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, and Penicillium roquefortii) and yeasts (Candida albicans, Candida oleophila, Hansenula anomala, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces uvarum, and Metschnikowia fructicola). C. citratus essential oil showed effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of all fungi by disc diffusion and broth dilution bioassay. Minimum inhibitory and minimum fungicidal concentrations between 0.062 and 20 microL/mL were determined. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute agar-based method was also applied for A. niger and C. albicans. Data show the strong antifungal properties of lemon grass oil (C. citratus) in vitro.
Su ve sodyum klorur (NaCl) kullanilarak elde edilen elektrolize su son yillarda yeni bir dezenfek... more Su ve sodyum klorur (NaCl) kullanilarak elde edilen elektrolize su son yillarda yeni bir dezenfektan olarak tanimlanmaktadir. Kolay uygulanmasi, ucuz olusu ve cevreye zararsiz olmasi diger dezenfektan maddelere kiyasla elektrolize suyun avantajli oldugu noktalardir. Mevcut calismada su urunleri isleyen bir firmada secilen yuzeyler, personel eli ve somon baligi sebeke suyu ve elektrolize su kullanilarak yikanmis ve ardindan ornekleme yapilarak iki yontemin hijyenik duruma etkisi istatistiksel olarak karsilastirilmistir. Tum orneklerde toplam canli, koliform bakteri, Staphylococcus spp . ve Escherichia coli duzeyleri tespit edilerek elektrolize su kullaniminin etkinligi arastirilmistir. Orneklerin tamaminda elektrolize su ile yikamanin etkinligi sebeke suyu ile karsilastirildiginda mikroorganizma yukunde dusus saptanmis ve bu durum istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak su urunleri isleyen isletmelerde elektrolize suyun etkili bir temizlik saglayabilecegi ortaya konmustur.
Journal Of Consumer Protection And Food Safety, Jan 8, 2010
Abstract The microbiological quality, safety and shelf-life of cheeses depend on manufacture and ... more Abstract The microbiological quality, safety and shelf-life of cheeses depend on manufacture and handling in an environment that meets basic stan-dards for hygiene and the management of hygiene in the process. In this research contamination sources of ''Dil'' cheese during ...
Conference Presentations by Reyhan İrkin
Papers by Reyhan İrkin