International journal of engineering. Transactions A: basics, 2022
Recently, the bio-mediated soil improvement techniques have gained an increasing attention. In th... more Recently, the bio-mediated soil improvement techniques have gained an increasing attention. In this method, the bacteria was cultivated aerobically in the laboratory and added to the soil with reactant solutions such as urea and calcium chloride. Most of the existing studies are on sandy soils and a few researches have done on silty sandy soils. However, most soils in nature are compounds of fine-grained and coarse-grained soils. In fine-grained soils, silt does not have very good resistance due to the lack of adhesion between its particles. Hence, in this study Sporosarcina pasteurii bacterium was aerobically cultivated for stabilizing the sand with different percentages of silt to determine the optimum bacteria suspension volume. After some bacterial tests such as measuring bacterial growth, standard plate count, gram staining, pH determination, growth without urea, and urease test, geo-technical tests like soil sieve, compaction, and Atterberg limits were also done. Standard plate count was estimated 2.5*10 8 through serial dilution plating and culture media pH was determined 8.64 from different samples. Moreover, to achieve the best results, different sampling methods were compared. As the calcium carbonate creates a network of calcified bridges of calcite between sand grains, an electron microscope was used for scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons. Results of triaxial tests showed that by adding optimum bacteria suspension volume, the maximum strength for samples
In this research, we present an efficient implementation of machine learning (ML) models that for... more In this research, we present an efficient implementation of machine learning (ML) models that forecast the mechanical properties of basalt fiber-reinforced high-performance concrete (BFHPC). The objective of the present study was to predict compressive, flexural, and tensile strengths of BFHPC through ML techniques and propose some correlations between these properties. Moreover, the modulus of elasticity (ME) values and compressive stress–strain curves were simulated using ML techniques. In this regard, three predictive algorithms, including linear regression (LR), support vector regression (SVR), and polynomial regression (PR), were considered. LR, SVR, and PR were utilized to forecast the compressive, flexural, and tensile strengths of BFHPC, and the PR technique was employed to simulate the compressive stress–strain curves. The performance of the models was also determined by the coefficient of determination (R2), mean absolute errors (MAE), and root mean square errors (RMSE). A...
In recent years, helical anchors are widely employed. The investigation of helical anchors can be... more In recent years, helical anchors are widely employed. The investigation of helical anchors can be classified into material provision, manufacturing, anchor design and execution. The design of anchors has been of great interest to researchers. Despite several techniques for the study of helical anchors, numerical modeling is an important aspect of geotechnical research. However, numerical modeling remains yet to be developed. A number of numerical modeling methods have been proposed, the most important of which are Total Lagrangian (TL), Remeshing and Interpolation Technique with Small Strain (RITSS), and coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) methods. The present study simulates Wang's centrifugal pull-out tests of helical anchors using CEL in ABAQUS. The CEL results were compared to TL and RITSS in terms of (1) the maximum interaction force, (2) load-displacement behavior in the displacement range of 10% of the average helix diameter, and (3) complete helical anchor pull-out simulation. It was concluded that the TL simulation of anchor behavior had proper performance only in the prediction of the interaction force and loaddisplacement behavior in the displacement range of 10% of the average helix diameter. However, CEL could predict all three variables, including helical anchor pull-out behavior. CEL is recommended for the modeling of helical anchors as it requires no programming and has a simpler and more accurate process than RITSS.
is one of the most applicable reliability-based methods. Its advantage is consideration of the un... more is one of the most applicable reliability-based methods. Its advantage is consideration of the uncertainties in strengths and loads separately. In this article, design philosophies and safety factors in di erent codes are rst explained. By comparison of load factors of the LRFD in 8 di erent codes, it can be concluded that oshore and bridge codes have wider ranges for load factors than building codes. Then, the axial design of piles, in accordance with the API code, Eurocode 7, and Canadian codes, is discussed. API proposes both LRFD and working stress design (WSD) methods for the design of o shore structures. A numerical example for the design of axially loaded pile following API is conducted to compare LRFD (reliability-based) and WSD (determin-istic) methods of API. Results show that the required penetration depth computed in the LRFD method is a little higher, however; this conclusion is not generalized to other situations. The Eurocode suggests three approaches for the design of piles. The di erence between these approaches is related to the way they use load and resistance factors. A numerical example for design of axially loaded pile, according to three approaches of the Eurocode, indicates that these three approaches give approximately similar answers; however, the third approach is rather more conservative.
Added stresses due to adjacent structure should be considered in foundation design and stress con... more Added stresses due to adjacent structure should be considered in foundation design and stress control in soil under the structure. This case is considered less than other cases in design and calculation whereas stresses in implementation are greater than analytical stress. Structure load are transmitted to earth by foundation and role of foundation is propagation of load on the continuous and half extreme soil. This act cause that, present stresses lessen to allowable strength of soil. Some researchers such as Boussinesq and westergaurd by using of some assumption studied on this issue, theorically. Target of this paper is study and evaluation of added stresses under structure due to adjacent structure. For this purpose, by using of assumption, theoric relation and numeral methods, effects of adjacent structure with 4 to 10 storeys on the main structure with 4 storeys are studied and effect of parameters and sensitivity of them are evaluated.
In many cases, natural soil does not have the required strength and needs to be improved. One of ... more In many cases, natural soil does not have the required strength and needs to be improved. One of these methods is soil improvement with the use of additives. In this method the engineering properties of soil are improved by being mixed with one or more other materials. Nano-silica which is a very active pozzolan can also be considered as a stabilizer to perform cementation reactions. In this study, the effect of cement and nanosilica mixture on Babolsar sandy soil shear strength within 7 and 28 days has been studied. Direct shear tests are performed on specimens containing 4, 6 and 8 percent of dry weight of sand, cement and 10, 30 and 50% of the weight of cement nano-silica with the density of 98%. The results showed that the addition of nano-silica to cement up to a certain percentage increases the shear strength and shear strength decreases with additional amounts. In this study 30 percent increase in nano-silica is followed by the optimized shear strength improvement Review Hist...
Drilled shafts are a common type of pile foundations which are often used as foundations for buil... more Drilled shafts are a common type of pile foundations which are often used as foundations for buildings, bridges and other structures. The end bearing capacity of drilled shafts, which plays an important role in their design particularly in sandy soils, has traditionally been estimated using empirical or semi-empirical methods. With advances in computing power, it is now possible to conduct more realistic analyses. In this paper, at first, the end bearing capacity of drilled shafts in sandy soils is analyzed numerically and validated with the results of pile load test. Then, the numerical results are compared with the results of Standard Penetration Test (SPT)-based methods. The comparison indicated that there is a satisfactory agreement between the results of numerical method proposed in this paper and the results achieved by SPT-based methods.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2021
This research investigates the impact of zeolite on the compaction properties and California Bear... more This research investigates the impact of zeolite on the compaction properties and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of cemented sand. For this purpose, firstly, sand, cement (2, 4, 6, and 8% by the sand dry weight), and zeolite (0%, 30%, 60%, and 90% of cement content, as a replacement material) are mixed. Then, various cylindrical samples with sizes of 101×116 mm and 119×152 mm are prepared for compaction and CBR tests, respectively. After curing for 28 days, the samples are tested according to the standards of compaction and CBR tests. The results depict that the use of zeolite reduces Maximum Dry Density (MDD) while it increases Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) of cemented sand. Furthermore, the inclusion of zeolite up to 30% of cement content contributes to the highest CBR values due to the pozzolanic and chemical reactions. Finally, some correlations with high correlation coefficients are proposed between the CBR and MDD of zeolite-cemented sand.
The main objective of this research was to study the impact of zeolite on mineralogical changes l... more The main objective of this research was to study the impact of zeolite on mineralogical changes led to the development of compressive strength of cemented-sand mixtures. The mixtures consisted of Portland cement type II, natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite) and Babolsar sand. The cement content was chosen to be 8% based on the dry weight of the sand. The experimental program consists of a cement substitute with 0, 35, 60 and 90 percent zeolite along with the amount of the optimal water content obtained from the standard compaction test. The samples were made by an under-compaction process and cured at room temperature for various periods of time (7, 28, 90 days). The microstructural properties were analyzed using X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) tests and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) tests equipped with an Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDX). In addition, an unconfined compression test was carried out for various zeolite percentages in the same curing time. Strong adhesion in ...
Determination of axial capacity of piles has been a challenging problem since the beginning of th... more Determination of axial capacity of piles has been a challenging problem since the beginning of the geotechnical engineering profession. The axial capacity of a single pile can be estimated by summing the skin friction capacity and the bearing capacity of the pile toe. In this paper, an attempt is made to numerically analyze the end bearing capacity of drilled shafts in sand. The numerical results obtained were compared with the results of pile load test. The comparison between numerical and experimental base load-settlement curves showed that the proposed numerical analysis produces satisfactory predictions. Then, variations of the end bearing capacity of drilled shafts versus embedment depth and pile diameter were studied. Numerical results showed that with the increase in embedment depth and pile diameter, the end bearing capacity increases, but with a decreasing rate. Moreover, the range of failure zone surrounding the pile tip is discussed.
Piles are relatively long structural foundation members that are used to transmit loads from soil... more Piles are relatively long structural foundation members that are used to transmit loads from soil layers with low bearing capacity (or high settlement) to deep soil layers with high bearing capacity. In foundation design, determination of pile bearing capacity is considered as a complex issue. In this paper, the bearing capacity of steel pipe piles in sandy soil is studied using the results of static compressive load test. Piles were installed in soil using the jacking method. In this method, at first, a hydraulic jack was applied for installing piles and then, it was used for applying the compressive load required in the static load test. After recording data, the values of bearing capacity of the piles were compared with the values calculated from analytical methods. Then, the values of the friction capacity of piles were evaluated using the results of the tension test. The results showed that due to the effects of soil plug on the bearing capacity of piles and installing piles us...
It is well known that in geotechnical engineering, soil stabilization using cement is one of the ... more It is well known that in geotechnical engineering, soil stabilization using cement is one of the appropriate approaches for enhancing soil characteristics. With respect to zeolite, its impact on the characteristics of cemented soil has not been fully evaluated. Thus, in the current research, a set of laboratory tests including standard Proctor compaction and direct shear tests (DSTs) considering four cement contents (2, 4, 6, and 8% of sand dry weight) and four zeolite contents (0%, 30%, 60%, and 90% of cement percentage as a replacement material) was carried out. The results indicated that the zeolite reduced Maximum Dry Density (MDD) while it increased value of Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) of cemented sand. Through the DSTs, it has been found that the replacement of cement by zeolite up to 30%, leads to the highest values of shear strength parameters due to the occurrence of pozzolanic and chemical reactions, particularly the production of higher amounts of calcium aluminate and...
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the most effective tests for quick and inexpensive eval... more Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the most effective tests for quick and inexpensive evaluation of the mechanical properties of soil layers. Numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate correlations between SPT blow counts (NSPT) and the soil properties such as friction angle (). In this paper, the relation between and in situ parameters of soil including NSPT, effective stress and fine content is investigated for granular soils. In order to demonstrate the relevancy of and corrected SPT blow count (N60), a new polynomial model based on Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) type neural networks (NN) was used based on a 195 data sets including three soil parameters. That has been recorded after two major earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan in 1999. This study addresses the question of whether GMDH-type NN is capable to estimate based on specified variables. Results confirm that GMDH-type NN Provide an effective way to recognize data pattern and predict performance over granul...
Generally, prediction and calculation of the settlement of piles are complicated due to soil chan... more Generally, prediction and calculation of the settlement of piles are complicated due to soil change during pile construction and many uncertainties inherent in the load distribution along the shaft and base of the pile. Therefore, most of the suggested relations about the settlement of piles are empirical. The results of some load tests in sand are available in reports. The empirical and semi-empirical relations have been used for the calculation of pile settlement previously by researchers. However, nowadays, calculation of pile settlement is carried out by load-transfer, elasticity theory and numerical (such as finite element) methods. Pile load test is one of the accurate methods for evaluation of pile settlement that is generally applied for important projects. In this study, settlements of piles were measured by performing compression load tests on 12 small scale cast-in-situ concrete piles in sandy soils and the obtained results were compared with the results of some other set...
International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2021
During earthquakes, ground failure is commonly caused by liquefaction. Thus, assessment of soil l... more During earthquakes, ground failure is commonly caused by liquefaction. Thus, assessment of soil liquefaction potential in earthquake-prone regions is a crucial step towards reducing earthquake hazard. Since Babol city in Iran country is located in a high seismic area, estimation of soil liquefaction potential is of great importance in this city. For this purpose, in the present research, using field-based methods and geotechnical data (such as unit weight of soil, relative density, SPT number, shear wave velocity and cone tip resistance) of 60 available boreholes in Babol, three liquefaction maps were provided. Finally, one comprehensive liquefaction map was presented for soil of Babol city. The obtained results in this paper are well in line with the previous investigations. Based on the results, the factor of safety in 45% of the study area is less than one (liquefaction occurrence). In addition, the results indicate that since each field-based method requires particular data, app...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Reinforced soil is a composite material in which elements with tensile strength were utilized for... more Reinforced soil is a composite material in which elements with tensile strength were utilized for reinforcement. Geotextile is the most common material in group of geosynthetics for soil reinforcement. This paper presents the effect of a non-woven geotextile which have a higher failure strain on bearing capacity of rigid footing constructed on sand. A research has been done to investigate the bearing capacity of granular soil with plates which have standard width according to ASTM D 1194. In this study, a total number of 62 model tests were carried out in a laboratory using two square rigid steel plate with the sides of 270 mm and 350 mm. A broad series of conditions was tested by varying parameters such as the location of upper layer of geotextile, number of geotextile layers, width of reinforcement and vertical spacing between layers. In second step a series of tests were additionally carried out by varying of spaces between layers and width of geotextile layers in proportion to i...
This study considers the motion of an end bearing single pile with lumped mass embedded in sandy ... more This study considers the motion of an end bearing single pile with lumped mass embedded in sandy soil deposit subjected to seismic liquefaction. An efficient finite difference model, whose accuracy was validated through experimental results, has been constructed to study the dynamic responses of piles under liquefaction. Effects of parameters such as soil and pile properties, and predominant frequency on dynamic response of pile are examined. Results reveal that earthquake predominant frequency, pile stiffness, soil relative density and soil-pile relative stiffness, can significantly affect the pile's dynamic response, while pile material densities have negligible effects. Final results demonstrate that with increasing in pile stiffness, soil relative density and soil-pile relative stiffness, maximum moments in piles are increased while with increasing the earthquake predominant frequency, maximum moments in piles and depth of the liquefaction are reduced. Also, the depth in which the maximum value of moment, M max , occurs, depends only on the pile stiffness.
International journal of engineering. Transactions A: basics, 2022
Recently, the bio-mediated soil improvement techniques have gained an increasing attention. In th... more Recently, the bio-mediated soil improvement techniques have gained an increasing attention. In this method, the bacteria was cultivated aerobically in the laboratory and added to the soil with reactant solutions such as urea and calcium chloride. Most of the existing studies are on sandy soils and a few researches have done on silty sandy soils. However, most soils in nature are compounds of fine-grained and coarse-grained soils. In fine-grained soils, silt does not have very good resistance due to the lack of adhesion between its particles. Hence, in this study Sporosarcina pasteurii bacterium was aerobically cultivated for stabilizing the sand with different percentages of silt to determine the optimum bacteria suspension volume. After some bacterial tests such as measuring bacterial growth, standard plate count, gram staining, pH determination, growth without urea, and urease test, geo-technical tests like soil sieve, compaction, and Atterberg limits were also done. Standard plate count was estimated 2.5*10 8 through serial dilution plating and culture media pH was determined 8.64 from different samples. Moreover, to achieve the best results, different sampling methods were compared. As the calcium carbonate creates a network of calcified bridges of calcite between sand grains, an electron microscope was used for scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons. Results of triaxial tests showed that by adding optimum bacteria suspension volume, the maximum strength for samples
In this research, we present an efficient implementation of machine learning (ML) models that for... more In this research, we present an efficient implementation of machine learning (ML) models that forecast the mechanical properties of basalt fiber-reinforced high-performance concrete (BFHPC). The objective of the present study was to predict compressive, flexural, and tensile strengths of BFHPC through ML techniques and propose some correlations between these properties. Moreover, the modulus of elasticity (ME) values and compressive stress–strain curves were simulated using ML techniques. In this regard, three predictive algorithms, including linear regression (LR), support vector regression (SVR), and polynomial regression (PR), were considered. LR, SVR, and PR were utilized to forecast the compressive, flexural, and tensile strengths of BFHPC, and the PR technique was employed to simulate the compressive stress–strain curves. The performance of the models was also determined by the coefficient of determination (R2), mean absolute errors (MAE), and root mean square errors (RMSE). A...
In recent years, helical anchors are widely employed. The investigation of helical anchors can be... more In recent years, helical anchors are widely employed. The investigation of helical anchors can be classified into material provision, manufacturing, anchor design and execution. The design of anchors has been of great interest to researchers. Despite several techniques for the study of helical anchors, numerical modeling is an important aspect of geotechnical research. However, numerical modeling remains yet to be developed. A number of numerical modeling methods have been proposed, the most important of which are Total Lagrangian (TL), Remeshing and Interpolation Technique with Small Strain (RITSS), and coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) methods. The present study simulates Wang's centrifugal pull-out tests of helical anchors using CEL in ABAQUS. The CEL results were compared to TL and RITSS in terms of (1) the maximum interaction force, (2) load-displacement behavior in the displacement range of 10% of the average helix diameter, and (3) complete helical anchor pull-out simulation. It was concluded that the TL simulation of anchor behavior had proper performance only in the prediction of the interaction force and loaddisplacement behavior in the displacement range of 10% of the average helix diameter. However, CEL could predict all three variables, including helical anchor pull-out behavior. CEL is recommended for the modeling of helical anchors as it requires no programming and has a simpler and more accurate process than RITSS.
is one of the most applicable reliability-based methods. Its advantage is consideration of the un... more is one of the most applicable reliability-based methods. Its advantage is consideration of the uncertainties in strengths and loads separately. In this article, design philosophies and safety factors in di erent codes are rst explained. By comparison of load factors of the LRFD in 8 di erent codes, it can be concluded that oshore and bridge codes have wider ranges for load factors than building codes. Then, the axial design of piles, in accordance with the API code, Eurocode 7, and Canadian codes, is discussed. API proposes both LRFD and working stress design (WSD) methods for the design of o shore structures. A numerical example for the design of axially loaded pile following API is conducted to compare LRFD (reliability-based) and WSD (determin-istic) methods of API. Results show that the required penetration depth computed in the LRFD method is a little higher, however; this conclusion is not generalized to other situations. The Eurocode suggests three approaches for the design of piles. The di erence between these approaches is related to the way they use load and resistance factors. A numerical example for design of axially loaded pile, according to three approaches of the Eurocode, indicates that these three approaches give approximately similar answers; however, the third approach is rather more conservative.
Added stresses due to adjacent structure should be considered in foundation design and stress con... more Added stresses due to adjacent structure should be considered in foundation design and stress control in soil under the structure. This case is considered less than other cases in design and calculation whereas stresses in implementation are greater than analytical stress. Structure load are transmitted to earth by foundation and role of foundation is propagation of load on the continuous and half extreme soil. This act cause that, present stresses lessen to allowable strength of soil. Some researchers such as Boussinesq and westergaurd by using of some assumption studied on this issue, theorically. Target of this paper is study and evaluation of added stresses under structure due to adjacent structure. For this purpose, by using of assumption, theoric relation and numeral methods, effects of adjacent structure with 4 to 10 storeys on the main structure with 4 storeys are studied and effect of parameters and sensitivity of them are evaluated.
In many cases, natural soil does not have the required strength and needs to be improved. One of ... more In many cases, natural soil does not have the required strength and needs to be improved. One of these methods is soil improvement with the use of additives. In this method the engineering properties of soil are improved by being mixed with one or more other materials. Nano-silica which is a very active pozzolan can also be considered as a stabilizer to perform cementation reactions. In this study, the effect of cement and nanosilica mixture on Babolsar sandy soil shear strength within 7 and 28 days has been studied. Direct shear tests are performed on specimens containing 4, 6 and 8 percent of dry weight of sand, cement and 10, 30 and 50% of the weight of cement nano-silica with the density of 98%. The results showed that the addition of nano-silica to cement up to a certain percentage increases the shear strength and shear strength decreases with additional amounts. In this study 30 percent increase in nano-silica is followed by the optimized shear strength improvement Review Hist...
Drilled shafts are a common type of pile foundations which are often used as foundations for buil... more Drilled shafts are a common type of pile foundations which are often used as foundations for buildings, bridges and other structures. The end bearing capacity of drilled shafts, which plays an important role in their design particularly in sandy soils, has traditionally been estimated using empirical or semi-empirical methods. With advances in computing power, it is now possible to conduct more realistic analyses. In this paper, at first, the end bearing capacity of drilled shafts in sandy soils is analyzed numerically and validated with the results of pile load test. Then, the numerical results are compared with the results of Standard Penetration Test (SPT)-based methods. The comparison indicated that there is a satisfactory agreement between the results of numerical method proposed in this paper and the results achieved by SPT-based methods.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2021
This research investigates the impact of zeolite on the compaction properties and California Bear... more This research investigates the impact of zeolite on the compaction properties and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of cemented sand. For this purpose, firstly, sand, cement (2, 4, 6, and 8% by the sand dry weight), and zeolite (0%, 30%, 60%, and 90% of cement content, as a replacement material) are mixed. Then, various cylindrical samples with sizes of 101×116 mm and 119×152 mm are prepared for compaction and CBR tests, respectively. After curing for 28 days, the samples are tested according to the standards of compaction and CBR tests. The results depict that the use of zeolite reduces Maximum Dry Density (MDD) while it increases Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) of cemented sand. Furthermore, the inclusion of zeolite up to 30% of cement content contributes to the highest CBR values due to the pozzolanic and chemical reactions. Finally, some correlations with high correlation coefficients are proposed between the CBR and MDD of zeolite-cemented sand.
The main objective of this research was to study the impact of zeolite on mineralogical changes l... more The main objective of this research was to study the impact of zeolite on mineralogical changes led to the development of compressive strength of cemented-sand mixtures. The mixtures consisted of Portland cement type II, natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite) and Babolsar sand. The cement content was chosen to be 8% based on the dry weight of the sand. The experimental program consists of a cement substitute with 0, 35, 60 and 90 percent zeolite along with the amount of the optimal water content obtained from the standard compaction test. The samples were made by an under-compaction process and cured at room temperature for various periods of time (7, 28, 90 days). The microstructural properties were analyzed using X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) tests and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) tests equipped with an Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDX). In addition, an unconfined compression test was carried out for various zeolite percentages in the same curing time. Strong adhesion in ...
Determination of axial capacity of piles has been a challenging problem since the beginning of th... more Determination of axial capacity of piles has been a challenging problem since the beginning of the geotechnical engineering profession. The axial capacity of a single pile can be estimated by summing the skin friction capacity and the bearing capacity of the pile toe. In this paper, an attempt is made to numerically analyze the end bearing capacity of drilled shafts in sand. The numerical results obtained were compared with the results of pile load test. The comparison between numerical and experimental base load-settlement curves showed that the proposed numerical analysis produces satisfactory predictions. Then, variations of the end bearing capacity of drilled shafts versus embedment depth and pile diameter were studied. Numerical results showed that with the increase in embedment depth and pile diameter, the end bearing capacity increases, but with a decreasing rate. Moreover, the range of failure zone surrounding the pile tip is discussed.
Piles are relatively long structural foundation members that are used to transmit loads from soil... more Piles are relatively long structural foundation members that are used to transmit loads from soil layers with low bearing capacity (or high settlement) to deep soil layers with high bearing capacity. In foundation design, determination of pile bearing capacity is considered as a complex issue. In this paper, the bearing capacity of steel pipe piles in sandy soil is studied using the results of static compressive load test. Piles were installed in soil using the jacking method. In this method, at first, a hydraulic jack was applied for installing piles and then, it was used for applying the compressive load required in the static load test. After recording data, the values of bearing capacity of the piles were compared with the values calculated from analytical methods. Then, the values of the friction capacity of piles were evaluated using the results of the tension test. The results showed that due to the effects of soil plug on the bearing capacity of piles and installing piles us...
It is well known that in geotechnical engineering, soil stabilization using cement is one of the ... more It is well known that in geotechnical engineering, soil stabilization using cement is one of the appropriate approaches for enhancing soil characteristics. With respect to zeolite, its impact on the characteristics of cemented soil has not been fully evaluated. Thus, in the current research, a set of laboratory tests including standard Proctor compaction and direct shear tests (DSTs) considering four cement contents (2, 4, 6, and 8% of sand dry weight) and four zeolite contents (0%, 30%, 60%, and 90% of cement percentage as a replacement material) was carried out. The results indicated that the zeolite reduced Maximum Dry Density (MDD) while it increased value of Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) of cemented sand. Through the DSTs, it has been found that the replacement of cement by zeolite up to 30%, leads to the highest values of shear strength parameters due to the occurrence of pozzolanic and chemical reactions, particularly the production of higher amounts of calcium aluminate and...
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the most effective tests for quick and inexpensive eval... more Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the most effective tests for quick and inexpensive evaluation of the mechanical properties of soil layers. Numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate correlations between SPT blow counts (NSPT) and the soil properties such as friction angle (). In this paper, the relation between and in situ parameters of soil including NSPT, effective stress and fine content is investigated for granular soils. In order to demonstrate the relevancy of and corrected SPT blow count (N60), a new polynomial model based on Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) type neural networks (NN) was used based on a 195 data sets including three soil parameters. That has been recorded after two major earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan in 1999. This study addresses the question of whether GMDH-type NN is capable to estimate based on specified variables. Results confirm that GMDH-type NN Provide an effective way to recognize data pattern and predict performance over granul...
Generally, prediction and calculation of the settlement of piles are complicated due to soil chan... more Generally, prediction and calculation of the settlement of piles are complicated due to soil change during pile construction and many uncertainties inherent in the load distribution along the shaft and base of the pile. Therefore, most of the suggested relations about the settlement of piles are empirical. The results of some load tests in sand are available in reports. The empirical and semi-empirical relations have been used for the calculation of pile settlement previously by researchers. However, nowadays, calculation of pile settlement is carried out by load-transfer, elasticity theory and numerical (such as finite element) methods. Pile load test is one of the accurate methods for evaluation of pile settlement that is generally applied for important projects. In this study, settlements of piles were measured by performing compression load tests on 12 small scale cast-in-situ concrete piles in sandy soils and the obtained results were compared with the results of some other set...
International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2021
During earthquakes, ground failure is commonly caused by liquefaction. Thus, assessment of soil l... more During earthquakes, ground failure is commonly caused by liquefaction. Thus, assessment of soil liquefaction potential in earthquake-prone regions is a crucial step towards reducing earthquake hazard. Since Babol city in Iran country is located in a high seismic area, estimation of soil liquefaction potential is of great importance in this city. For this purpose, in the present research, using field-based methods and geotechnical data (such as unit weight of soil, relative density, SPT number, shear wave velocity and cone tip resistance) of 60 available boreholes in Babol, three liquefaction maps were provided. Finally, one comprehensive liquefaction map was presented for soil of Babol city. The obtained results in this paper are well in line with the previous investigations. Based on the results, the factor of safety in 45% of the study area is less than one (liquefaction occurrence). In addition, the results indicate that since each field-based method requires particular data, app...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Reinforced soil is a composite material in which elements with tensile strength were utilized for... more Reinforced soil is a composite material in which elements with tensile strength were utilized for reinforcement. Geotextile is the most common material in group of geosynthetics for soil reinforcement. This paper presents the effect of a non-woven geotextile which have a higher failure strain on bearing capacity of rigid footing constructed on sand. A research has been done to investigate the bearing capacity of granular soil with plates which have standard width according to ASTM D 1194. In this study, a total number of 62 model tests were carried out in a laboratory using two square rigid steel plate with the sides of 270 mm and 350 mm. A broad series of conditions was tested by varying parameters such as the location of upper layer of geotextile, number of geotextile layers, width of reinforcement and vertical spacing between layers. In second step a series of tests were additionally carried out by varying of spaces between layers and width of geotextile layers in proportion to i...
This study considers the motion of an end bearing single pile with lumped mass embedded in sandy ... more This study considers the motion of an end bearing single pile with lumped mass embedded in sandy soil deposit subjected to seismic liquefaction. An efficient finite difference model, whose accuracy was validated through experimental results, has been constructed to study the dynamic responses of piles under liquefaction. Effects of parameters such as soil and pile properties, and predominant frequency on dynamic response of pile are examined. Results reveal that earthquake predominant frequency, pile stiffness, soil relative density and soil-pile relative stiffness, can significantly affect the pile's dynamic response, while pile material densities have negligible effects. Final results demonstrate that with increasing in pile stiffness, soil relative density and soil-pile relative stiffness, maximum moments in piles are increased while with increasing the earthquake predominant frequency, maximum moments in piles and depth of the liquefaction are reduced. Also, the depth in which the maximum value of moment, M max , occurs, depends only on the pile stiffness.
Papers by Issa Shooshpasha